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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga City

Division of City Schools
Landang Gua National High School
Daily Lesson Plan
SY. 2023-2024 in General
School LANDANG GUA NATIONAL NHS Grade Level & Section 11-QUALITY

Teacher NELYN GRACE V. LEBITA Quarter 1

Learning Gen. Math Teaching Dates & Duration 60 MIN



Content Standards

Performance Standards The learner's demonstrate an understanding of the key concepts of functions

Learning Competencies/Code

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:
Analyze mathematical relations as machines with an input and an output, and
● Knowledge
that the input is related to the output by some rule.

● Skills Apply some examples of Functions as a representations of real-life situations

● Attitude Associate function equation to mathematical problems



A. References

Teaching Guide for Senior High School General Mathematics pp.1-11

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages NONE

3. Textbook pages NONE

Quarter 3 Module 2: fact and opinion

4. Additional Materials from Learning Writers: Rushdi Kho Tan

Resource (LR) portal
Editor: Jessie Lou L. Ecleo

Reviewers: Judelyn N. Bicoy and Florife S. Gentles

B. Other Learning Resources



Teacher’s Activity Students

A. Review/ Good morning/ afternoon class! How is your day so far? Good morning/ afternoon
Introductory Ma’am. We are fine
That’s good to hear! So, can I expect a full blast of energy and active
participation from you?

Yes Ma’am
Before we begin the lesson this afternoon, let us ask the guidance of
almighty God and let us enlighten our mind to completely understand
the lesson this morning. Would you please lead the prayer?

(student will lead the


I would like to request everyone to arrange your chair properly and

Classroom (Students will arrange their
make sure there are no trashes around you.
Management chairs and will pick up the

I will present to you some classroom rules implemented throughout

the activities. This will serve as a guide while you are behaving in the
class so if each group is not attentively following the rules there are
consequences shall be applied after this that could affect your gain
points or rewards. I hope everyone understood.
Noted with this Ma’am


Checking of
Yes, Ma’am!
I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that everyone understands the
reasons of coming to school regularly.

How about your assignment are you done answering?

(Students pass the
assignment forward in silent
Great job! mode)

I will be collecting your assignment, pass it forward so I can collect it by

column. Please avoid a noise when passing it.

B. Development of the 1. Motivation The whole class started to

Lesson Have students come up to the front of the class. Choose males and construct their group and
females to pair up. Have one male choose to be with two females and
will participate to
watch the reaction of the class.
By using students, you are modeling ordered pairs. To find out complete the given
if the ordered pairs are a function, you must link a male to a activity.
female. If the male is "cheating" on his woman...this situation is
not functioning properly in this relationship. Hence the pair
cannot function. Not a function.

Who can recall the definition of function and Relation?


An ordered pair is represented as


The relation shows the

relationship between INPUT and
OUTPUT. Whereas, a function is
a relation which derives one
OUTPUT for each given INPUT.

C. Analysis/Presenting
examples of the
Yes, in this activity you have to perform the following activities about All students are gathered in
new lesson where function and relation that encompass to real life situation. their respective group.
the concepts are
clarified Let’s Now divide the class into 5 groups. Group A, B, C, D, E

Activity1. This activity will represent mathematical relations as

machines with an input and an output, and that the output is related
to the output by some rule.
Act. 2. This activity will present Functions and relations as a table of
values and let the students identify which of the following sets are
functions and relations.
Act. 3. This activity the Functions as a graph in the Cartesian plane
a. Present some graphs and let the students identify if it is a graph
of a function using vertical line test
Act. 4. This activity will give some examples of Functions as a
representations of real-life situations
Q1. Is this lesson useful to us?
Q2. How can you apply this lesson as a representation of a real-life
Act.5. Give some worded problems Then let the Students present it
using a piecewise functions.
Problem Example:
A matchbox speed will be changed when it roll off in a ramp while its
height is changing.
1. What do you think the relationship between height of a ramp and
time of every speed when it reach the lower ground?
2. What is the independent and dependent variable of a such
3. What is the domain and range of your data?
4. Is this relation a function?

D. Abstraction Discussion:

Well done students! Give a “Pak, Bet Clap”, Now, I want everybody to
speak up your learnings based on the activities you’d done. This is an
open discussion where you can share your realizations about function.

Take note that, your participation is highly encouraging for you and
with others to show that you’re learned much from the activities.

To begin with, I will ask some questions and every group must share
their thoughts, anyway every idea you’d shared is equivalent to points.

When does a relation become a function?

When does a relation become a nonfunction?

Ok, you’re right,

Function= a relationship where each x- value is associated with ONLY  A relation become
ONE y-vale. function when an
ordered pairs
having one input
X-value CANNOT REPEAT!!! and one output;
inputs are
appeared more
than one to
 We can determine
How can you determine if the relation is a function? if the relation is a
function or
through the use of
vertical line test.

E. Valuing: Finding
Applications of I have here an example of functions or how do we see functions?
Concepts and Skills
We have the following:
in Daily Living
1. ordered pairs
2. Mapping
3. Tables
4. Graphs

F. Generalization
Directions: Review the lesson on biases opinions and unbiases
opinions. Then write your reflection in your English
journal notebook by completing the statements below.

I have learned that._________________________

I have realized that

I will apply
G. Assessment

Assess what you have learned!

Now that you are equipped with knowledge and skills in identifying the function as function or non-
function, try to answer the following activity.

_________1. (2,3); (2,6); (3,-6); (0, 1)

_________2. (2,3); (0,-5); (1, -5); (3, 5)



Test B. For item 1-2 Solve the following equation where x value is 2. Find
the function of f(2).
1. f (x) = 2x + 2
2. f (x) = 1x – 2

H. Additional Activities ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY:

for Application or Awesome! You have done a great job! Finally, you have improved how to recognized
remediation if function to non-function. Since you’re knowledgeable and possessed mathematical skills in
Needed which you can apply all your learnings not only in the class but also to other subject areas that
are necessary for you to use. Continue learning and keep up the good work.
For the last stretch, you are going to conduct Do It Y(DIY)ourself experiment using the
principle of function and relation, see the procedure below.
Paper clip, paper plane
1.Make a paper plane then fly it into the air.
2.keep tract or record the minutes/seconds when does the paper plane landed.
3.Repeat no. 1 but this time you will add a paper clip on the side then record the time when does it
landed the ground.
4. Repeat the procedure until you totally covered the plane with 10 paper clips.
5. Record the variable on a piece of paper. Let x be the independent variable and let y be the
dependent variable.
6. Afterwards, create a graph to show how the relationship of the activity.



A.No.of learners who

learned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No.of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the

D.No.of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Nelyn Grace V. Lebita Winelson P. Buenaflor
English Teacher OIC

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