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Struggling with writing your college thesis on Hillary Clinton and Alinsky? You're not alone.

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After Diane and her first husband divorced, she married James Blair, a lawyer at Tysons Food, in
1979. Then-Gov. Bill Clinton performed their marriage and Hillary was the “best person,” as Clinton
described in her book. During his stint as an organizer, Obama certainly was familiar with Alinsky's
ideas, but he left the organizing world after three years because, like Hillary Clinton, he lacked the
appetite for confrontation and believed he could make more large-scale impact by getting a law
degree and entering mainstream politics. They organized with some success around slum housing and
tenants' rights, public safety, and racial discrimination by banks, known as redlining. The moment
was chronicled in Life magazine and cemented her young fame. A peek inside the stars' stunning
rental in Bondi Beach from Airbnb. This is our nation where our founding document, the Declaration
of Independence, talks about certain inalienable rights that come from our creator, a nation where
our Pledge of Allegiance says we are 'One nation under God.' This is a nation where every coin in
our pockets and every bill in our wallet says, 'In God We Trust.' So are we willing to elect someone
as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer. But the student
leader split with Mr. Alinsky over a central point. It will have to wait for election season to shift into
full swing to know for sure what the talking heads and the editorials will focus on. Daley himself.
The two other cases, in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood and in Rochester, New York, didn’t
work out so well; the reason, of course, was race. I’m not sure to what extent we can ascribe these
things to her all these years later. We can help, not so much by seeking hygge, but by spreading it.
Rodham's senior thesis at Wellesley College, written in 1969, has been speculated about, spun,
analyzed, debated, criticized and defended. But rarely has it been read.'s Bill Dedman
reports on the document itself. But the left has no monopoly on using Alinsky's techniques. And
when the Democratic Party renominated Clinton in 1996, Blair was in the skybox with Hillary
Clinton’s family and closest friends. We’re known as being fair even as the world becomes as
polarized as at any time since the newspaper’s founding in 1908. In 1947, Alinsky hired Fred Ross,
an experienced organizer in California's Latino community. When the company refused to create a
training and hiring program for black residents, FIGHT upped the ante. In criticizing the “few
material gains” that Alinsky engineered — such as pressing Kodak Co. There’s a long discussion of
conflict theory, which was pretty au courant at the time, and which held that conflicts between
groups that have unequal power are inevitable and necessary and can provide the necessary group
cohesion to spur the less powerful group to action. We’re about kicking down the door of thought
everywhere and saying, “You are bigger and more capable than you realize. The alliance between the
church and the union guaranteed that the BYNC would be taken seriously by the city's political and
corporate power-brokers. Today, many of the community-organizing groups that follow Alinsky's
ideas are rooted in religious congregations that constitute a progressive counterpoint to surging right-
wing activism among evangelicals. Was there anything that could matter if she decides to run for
president. Ironically, this is not a disjunctive projection if considered in the tradition of Western
democratic theory. The letters also suggest that Alinsky, who died in 1972, had a deeper influence on
Clinton’s early political views than previously known. Ironically, this is not a disjunctive projection if
considered in the tradition of Western democratic theory. Do Hillary Clinton's 'radical letters'
actually reveal her inner pragmatist. BYNC pressured city officials to provide the neighborhood with
school lunch and milk programs, fluoridated drinking water, an infant-health clinic, and a baseball
field with floodlights. The battle in Rochester was typical of Alinsky's approach, which was to
employ any tactic that would work to bring powerful politicians and corporations to the negotiating
table with ordinary people.
She was interning at the left-wing law firm Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein, known for its radical
politics and a client roster that included Black Panthers and other militants. The letters obtained by
the Free Beacon are part of the archives for the Industrial Areas Foundation, a training center for
community organizers founded by Alinsky, which are housed at the University of Texas at Austin.
She cited scholars who claimed that Alinsky's small gains actually delayed attainment of bigger goals
for the poor and minorities. Kylie Jenner posts thirst trap bikini picture in swimming pool while
Chalamet jets around on Dune: Part Two tour. Bishop Sheil and Marshall Field III (a newspaper
publisher and heir to his family's department store fortune) helped fund Alinsky's new organization,
the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), which set out to train community organizers and build
community organizations in other cities. Weinstein had raised and donated hundreds of thousands of
dollars for Clinton over the years. In the letter-which reporter Alana Goodman discovered deep in
the University of Texas archives-Clinton asked Alinsky when his new book ( Rules for Radicals )
would be coming out. Looking back at the 1930s, he said, “Anybody who tells you he was active in
progressive causes in those days and never worked with the Reds is a goddamn liar. Obama and
others of the post-Alinsky generation described their work in the 1990 book “After Alinsky:
Community Organizing in Illinois,” in which Obama wrote that he longed for ways to close the gap
between community organizing and national politics. Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, who had
criticized “coercive protest.” Hillary Rodham, who spoke up for the “indispensable task of criticizing
and constructive protest,” got her picture in Life magazine. Clinton secured the Democratic Party's
nomination over Sanders and lost the election to Republican candidate Trump. The Free Beacon story
quickly went viral within the right-wing echo chamber. She then released a statement. 'I was
appalled. It was something that was just intolerable in every way,' she said of Weinstein's alleged
behavior. 'And, you know, like so many people who've come forward and spoken out, this was a
different side of a person who I and many others had known in the past.' She told CNN that she
planned to donate funds she had received from Weinstein to charity. Against Individual Mandate
Before She Was For It In September 1993, Clinton explained to congressional Democratic leaders
why she ruled out an individual mandate for her ill-fated health-insurance overhaul, and why she
thought the GOP was making a mistake by including it in its proposal. Next, Alinsky threatened to
bring 100 black people to a Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra concert after treating them to a
banquet of nothing but huge portions of baked beans. During the last month of the 2008 campaign,
when it looked as though Obama was going to win, a parade of conservative commentators, talk
show hosts, columnists, GOP operatives, and politicians expanded their orchestrated attack on
Obama's community-organizing experience and his affinity with Alinsky, in a bid to smear the
Democratic candidate as outside the cultural and political mainstream. Previously unpublished
correspondence between Hillary Clinton and the late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky reveal new
details about her relationship with the controversial Chicago activist and shed light on her early
ideological development. Taylor Swift's VERY impressive motorcade including three Range Rovers
and a Lamborghini as she is driven to concert. But it is those traits that have also been the target of
mockery, as some analysts compare Clinton to the fictional character Tracy Flick. A 2016 New York
Times piece chronicling the election battle between Clinton and Donald Trump noted that Columbia
University, which has a tradition of radical student action, was divisively split between Clinton
supporters and Bernie Sanders supporters. She came back to Washington after graduation and
worked as a legislative secretary and speechwriter for Sen. Many of the talking points center on her
work at Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein. Was there anything that could matter if she decides to run
for president. That said, there were still aspects of the documents that were singled out as interesting
flashbacks to Clinton's time as first lady. ALTHOUGH ALINSKY DIED IN 1972, he casts a long
shadow thanks to his reputation as a tough-talking, street-smart agitator who helped poor and
working-class Americans gain a voice in battles with politicians and corporations. One of his
threatened “actions,” to unsettle the upper-crust audience at the Rochester symphony, was to have
protesters buy 300 to 400 tickets, but first to gather for a big baked-bean dinner. A former student of
hers told CNN in 2016: 'She was no-nonsense, strict (on) construction of the law - not a lot of
anecdotes - by the book with a feminist bent.' It is not clear how the move might be received by
Columbia students. The growing frustration among reporters and the criticism about the lack of
accessibility has irked some Clinton’s campaign officials. Unlike Alinsky, she elected not to go into
community organizing, believing change was best achieved from within the political system, not
outside of it, Santow notes.
Clinton met with Alinsky several times in 1968 while writing a Wellesley college thesis about his
theory of community organizing. They can count on the fact that most Americans have never heard
of Alinsky. You just have to get yourself up to Wellesley and do it in person. Must Wellesley’s 2007
seniors scour their term papers on global warming for phrases that could derail their presidential
ambitions in the year 2046? “It's a moronic statement,” said Hillary Rodham's thesis adviser, Alan
Schechter, now an emeritus professor at Wellesley, as well as a friend and campaign contributor to
Sen. Clinton. “The notion that a 21-year-old idealist somehow remains a 21-year-old idealist their
whole life — she's not a radical at all. Looking back at the 1930s, he said, “Anybody who tells you
he was active in progressive causes in those days and never worked with the Reds is a goddamn liar.
For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. We just don't know what to do about
them, so we want to reduce them to being a Tracy Flick character. The first case was the Back of the
Yards neighborhood of Chicago, where Alinsky’s efforts were successful in bringing jobs and
opportunity to the neighborhood in part because the people there were white ethnic Catholics who
had real representation in City Hall, including in the form of Mayor Richard J. A correspondence
between the former Secretary of State, when she was still Hillary Rodham, and Mr. Alinsky,
obtained by the conservative-leaning Washington Free Beacon, sheds further light on her politics at
the time. A 23-year-old Hillary Clinton was living in Berkeley, California, in the summer of 1971. He
believed that they relied too much on protests, demonstrations, and media celebrities, and did not
understand the importance of building organizations. She remained silent for five days after the
scandal broke. He was very suspicious of the feds butting in, and Clinton imbibed some of that from
him. Weinstein had raised and donated hundreds of thousands of dollars for Clinton over the years.
If you are searching for a time and place that shaped the now-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,
the school is not a bad place to start. Here’s the paper’s concluding paragraph: If the ideals Alinsky
espouses were actualized, the result would be social revolution. The former Secretary of State could
teach in one school - such as Columbia Law School or the School of International and Public Affairs
- or across many different schools. 'No decisions have been made, but there are talks,' one source
told the New York Daily News. Alinsky reshaped activism in America by transferring grassroots-
organizing tactics from shop floors and factories to urban neighborhoods and religious
congregations. His books and colorful campaigns brought him a great deal of attention (including a
glowing profile in Time magazine in 1970), and he became an iconic figure among organizers, even
after he died in 1972. That year, the University of Arkansas awarded her an honorary doctor of laws
degree, and she spoke at the commencement. The one-on-one will be released next Tuesday in the
first issue of Dunham's new online newsletter, Lenny Letter. Clinton’s relationship with Alinsky, and
her support for his philosophy, continued for several years after she entered Yale law school in 1969,
two letters obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show. One was Joseph Meegan, a supervisor of
recreation at Davis Park. Fortunately for the Philharmonic, FIGHT never had to resort to that tactic,
because Kodak agreed to implement the jobs program. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All
Rights Reserved. But rarely has it been read, because for the eight years of Bill Clinton’s presidency
it was locked away. Why indeed did she even choose as her subject Saul Alinsky, the organizer of
poor people’s campaigns who proudly proclaimed himself a radical. Against Individual Mandate
Before She Was For It In September 1993, Clinton explained to congressional Democratic leaders
why she ruled out an individual mandate for her ill-fated health-insurance overhaul, and why she
thought the GOP was making a mistake by including it in its proposal. Nathan Glazer has explained
it saying that it is as if “someone had been convinced by a sociologist that change and reform are
spurred by conflict and decided that, since all good things can come from the American government,
it ought to provide conflict, too.” There’s a fair amount of anti-government rhetoric in the
paper—criticism of the War on Poverty, notably. But she was actually quite critical of Alinsky's
Chelsea has served as an adjunct professor in the Mailman School of Public Health since 2012. It’s
called “There Is Only One Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” The title comes from an Eliot
poem that serves as the epigram. They organized with some success around slum housing and
tenants' rights, public safety, and racial discrimination by banks, known as redlining. But the student
leader split with Mr. Alinsky over a central point. Her ideas seem jumbled at times but there's no
sense of self-doubt in her tone. But it is those traits that have also been the target of mockery, as
some analysts compare Clinton to the fictional character Tracy Flick. All Rights Reserved. Terms.
Privacy Policy. Cookies Settings. The thesis, in the right-wing fever swamps, was the Red Rosetta
Stone. (This is the conspiracy theory Ben Carson revived, with quite a twist, at the Republican
Convention, when he veered off script to tie Clinton, through Alinsky, to Lucifer. ) So what is it
actually. He said he was happy to work with anyone — the Roman Catholic Church, black
Protestants, the communists — whoever would invite him into a neighborhood. He believed you
could change the system only from the outside. I didn't.” A decade later, another political science
major started out on the path that Hillary Rodham had rejected, going to work for a group in the
Alinsky mold. Kylie Jenner posts thirst trap bikini picture in swimming pool while Chalamet jets
around on Dune: Part Two tour. Singer models a wedding dress for Love On music video. Kodak
tried to keep protesters at a distance by holding the meeting in Flemington, New Jersey, but FIGHT
brought 1,000 people more than 300 miles to the meeting. Riverdale actor and Marvel star went their
separate ways late 'last year' after being linked in spring 2023. For Hillary Clinton, that means
returning to a perennial favorite, particularly with right-wing media: her college thesis on left-wing
activist Saul Alinsky and her 1971 stint as a law clerk for the radical law firm Treuhaft, Walker and
Burnstein, based in Oakland, Calif. If you are searching for a time and place that shaped the now-
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, the school is not a bad place to start. CONSERVATIVES
TRIED TO TAR Hillary Clinton with the Alinsky connection when she was First Lady. The letters
also suggest that Alinsky, who died in 1972, had a deeper influence on Clinton’s early political
views than previously known. I may have short-circuited and for that I will try to clarify.”. On July 8,
1971, Clinton reached out to Alinsky, then 62, in a letter sent via airmail, paid for with stamps
featuring Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and marked “Personal.” Click for more from The Washington
Free Beacon. After Obama entered the White House, Fox News' Glenn Beck, radio host Rush
Limbaugh, and other reactionary pundits constantly linked him to Alinsky, whom they cast as a
Marxist Machiavellian whose ideas for radical change had infiltrated the Democratic Party. Nathan
Glazer has explained it saying that it is as if “someone had been convinced by a sociologist that
change and reform are spurred by conflict and decided that, since all good things can come from the
American government, it ought to provide conflict, too.” There’s a fair amount of anti-government
rhetoric in the paper—criticism of the War on Poverty, notably. You just have to get yourself up to
Wellesley and do it in person. Those documents, which were donated to the University of Arkansas
after Blair’s death in 2000, give an unguarded and detailed view into Clinton’s life. There's a part of
the script where she strikes out a large downbeat passage written presumably by a speechwriter who
wrote in surprisingly negative terms about globalization. Amina Khan and Jack Davies are BOTH
booted from the boardroom after failing to impress. From sun-kissed Tenerife to the romance of
Rome, these are the perfect trips to enjoy together. Alinsky's ideas took hold and influenced
organizers and activists around the country. The one-on-one will be released next Tuesday in the first
issue of Dunham's new online newsletter, Lenny Letter. We believe news can and should expand a
sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations.
His campaign Friday released a web video highlighting the controversy over Clinton’s private email
server, writing on Facebook that there is “no doubt” that Clinton “is a pathological liar.”. Next,
Alinsky threatened to bring 100 black people to a Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra concert after
treating them to a banquet of nothing but huge portions of baked beans. They show a young Hillary
Rodham, living in Berkeley for the summer during her time as a student at Yale Law School,
communicating with the famed activist in a casual, friendly manner. The former First Daughter and
Clinton Foundation board member received an undergraduate degree from Stanford, master's
degrees from Oxford and Columbia and a doctorate from Oxford. Put more simply, that conflict can
serve a social function. A purloined copy was offered for sale on eBay in 2001, then withdrawn when
Clinton's staff cited copyright law. In San Jose, one of the people Ross recruited was Cesar Chavez,
whom Ross hired and trained as an organizer. The letters also suggest that Alinsky, who died in
1972, had a deeper influence on Clinton’s early political views than previously known. While he has
become associated with radical left-wing politics in current political thought, it's an association that's
largely misplaced, says Mark Santow, associate professor of history at the University of
Massachusetts at Dartmouth and the author of a forthcoming book on Alinsky. Though the letters,
of course, are not new; they come from the archives of the Industrial Areas Foundation. I was giving
speeches laying out how to solve the country’s problems. He was ranting on Twitter. Yet, Alinsky’s
belief and devotion is radical; democracy is still a radical idea in a world where we often confuse
images with realities, words with actions. This flier explains how he handled education issues in the
state. Here’s a short but representative passage: This faith in democracy and in the people’s ability to
“make it” is peculiarly American and many might doubt its radicalness. He vowed to 'rub raw the
sores of discontent' and compel action through agitation. If the ideals Alinsky espouses were
actualized, the result would be social revolution. He was fond of quoting James Madison, Thomas
Jefferson, and Paine. Alinsky and Meegan persuaded Sheil to speak at the 1939 founding meeting of
the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council (BYNC), which comprised about 75 organizations,
including unions, neighborhood groups, churches, sports clubs, and small businesses. He believed
you could change the system only from the outside. I didn't.” A decade later, another political science
major started out on the path that Hillary Rodham had rejected, going to work for a group in the
Alinsky mold. But anyone familiar with him would have a hard time squaring his patriotism and
passion for democracy with the devilish extremist that conservatives make him out to be. A number
of FIGHT members and their churches purchased Kodak stock and pledged to attend the company's
annual shareholder meeting. Companies who appear on BBC show are name-dropping it in discount
codes. She grew up as a Goldwater Republican, like her father, in the middle-class Chicago suburb
of Park Ridge. They explain what a woman in the White House would mean to them. These
payments were derided as “bribes to gangs” (black, needless to say) and led to congressional
hearings and an investigation. But if you’re of a certain age or are a true Clinton-scandal
connoisseur, you know that back in the 1990s, this little document was purported to contain all the
clues needed to crack the case of Clinton’s well-concealed radicalism. We analyzed research on the
type of male physique most desirable to women. By her junior year, she had to be talked by her
professor into taking an internship with Rep. Gerald R. Ford and the House Republican Caucus.
Those documents, which were donated to the University of Arkansas after Blair’s death in 2000,
give an unguarded and detailed view into Clinton’s life. These include giving her the role of
'University Professor' and housing her archives there.

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