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Goodbve Party for Miss Pushpa T SS

Nissim Ezekiel
Reference These lines are taken from the satirical and humorous poem "Goodbye Party for
Miss Pushpa T S" written by Nissim Ezekiel. He is one of India's foremost Indo-Anglian poets.
He is a versatile poet with a great sense of humour and wit.
Context We see two sources of humour in this poem: a) the use of Indian English and b) the
speaker who lacks public speaking skills. The poem is a parody of English as used by some
Explanation This poem is a farewell speech for Miss Pushpa, who is leaving the country. They
have gathered there to bid farewell to her. They want to wish her a good journey. He addresses
his colleagues as friends and Miss Pushpa as sister. The speaker speaks about the virtues of
Miss pushpa's naturein his typical Indian English. He appreciates her helpful qualities and concerm
for friends. The speaker states that Pushpa is a sweet person. She is excellent both internally
and extemally in appearance and attitude. He explains that Pushpa is the daughter ofa famous
advocate. She is sweet, ever smiling. popular, helpful and always in good spirits. she is popular
She is
with women as well as men. Her response is always "Just now only and I will do it".
always saying yes. The speaker believes this is indicative of good spirit". Additionally,
The lines
Pushpa never says no, whatever he or anybody is asking. She is always saying yes.
highlight the speaker's good nature and good intention. The style is simple and clear.
Critical comment This poem is a monologa perfect example of dialect of urban Indians English

called Babu English. The poem is in free verse, with no specific rhyme scheme or meter.

2. Onthe Grasshopper and Cricket John Keats

Cricket "is written by John Keats
Reference The beautiful sonnet "On the Grasshopper and
his lifeto the perfection of poetry.
(1795-1821).He is an English Romantic poet. He devoted
"Ode to a Nightingale" are some of his most
His odes such as "Ode on a Grecian Urn" and
famous works.
written in 1816. The poem is inspired
Context The poem On the Grasshopper and Cricketwas
which has
with fourteen lines is called a 'sonnet'. The first part
by Nature's beauty. This poem of six lines (sestet) is
lines (octave) talks about the grasshopper, while the second part
devoted to the cricket.
never ceases. The
Nature and says that the poetry of earth
Explanation this poem is about birds stop singing due to
of earth' is the poem's main theme. During the summer heat,
poetry become
and bringing reliefto all those who have
extreme heat. The grasshopper sings tirelessly
sun. He sings endlessly,
but when tired, rests under some pleasant
restless working under the hot
shrill sound
is a deathly silence. Despite that, a
weed. During winter birds stop singing. There 'warmth'
warmth. The
Cricket's song, which restores the
comes from under the stones. It is the
extreme cold during the
winter months. Seasons may
of the cricket's song balances out the
us with its songs.
The poet shows that Nature is a
Come and go, but Nature never fails to inspire
Spontaneous source ofOptimism and happiness.
"The poetry of the earth is ceasing
becomes the central image or the
is never dead', which
Critical comment The poetry of earth
invoked in the entire poem.
metaphor that would be
3.Hiroshima Child
Nazim Hikme
Reference This line is taken from the poem,
Nazim Hi
Hiroshima Child, written by Nazim Hikmet. He
as one of the greatest poets of.
was a Turkish poet, playwright and novelist. He is recognised fthe
twentieth century.
Context Hiroshima Child is about a seven-year-old
child who died in the Hiroshima ho. Domb
attack during the World War I.
Hiróshima girl. She dies when.
Explanation The speaker of these lines is a seven-year-old en an
War l1. The soul of the girl knocks on eve
atom bomb is dropped on Hiroshima in the World
the child has felt neither grou
door to wam them about the adverse effects of war. Since then, wh
flesh but a soul and cannot
be seen or heard, R
nor hunger. She realizes that she is no more in
not to fight as she was.
attention to her she is invisible. She requests people a
nobody pays as
Hiroshima Child makes a strong plea drive
Victim of it. She begs them to fight for peace. The
home the point that war serves no body's purpose. The
child wants the world not only to sympathisa
but empathise with children who suffer in the name of
the war. War brings devastation, tragedy
to let the children grow in peace.
horror, destruction and loss of life.She makes an appeal
The war against war touches our hearts.
of small girl but
Critical comment The tone of the poem is sad and expresses the true feelings
this poem is very
there is also a hope for peace. The art of metaphor is seen in strings. Finally,
touching. Though it is a short poem but it uses imagery very
6.Howto Avoid Foolish Opinions
Bertrand Russell

Reference: These lines are from the essay "How to Avoid Foolish" Opinions written by Bertrand
Russell (1872-1970). He was aphilosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer. social
critic, political activist, and Nobel laureate.
Context Russell's article "How to Avoid Foolish Opinions" is a thought-provoking essay. It's
theme reveals intense human interest; one can find cheerfulness and gentle humour in the essay.
Explanation The essay advises us on avoiding foolish ideas. First look at things for yourself.
Second, ifyou cannot observe an issue, think about any biases you might have about it. This is
because belief can go beyond facts. Another way is to have a mock debate with an imaginary
opponent. If an option is contrary to your own makes you will get angry. When someone
says that two and two are five or the lceland is on the equator, simple concepts of algebra
and geography, then you better feel pity rather than anger. Persecution is used in theology.
not in arithmetic because in arithmetic there is knowledge, but in theology there is only
opinion. Our principles should not be dogmatic. Meet people who are not in your social group.
travel outside
your neighbourhood, or read the newspaper to get rid of your prejudices. Others
standards and ideals should equally be respected. So, the author suggests whenever we get
that makes
angry due to difference of opinion, better be control. Finally, don't take position

you look better than someone else.

Critical comment Russell's clarity of thought and fluency of expression lend beauty to
it ends with a
style. Though the article discusses many mistakes mankind is prone to make,
lively ray of hope.
7.The Awakening of Women K.M. Panikkar

Reference These lines are taken from the essay The Awakening of Women,
historian and
Panikkar (1895 -1963). He was a statesnman, diplomat, journalist,
about the position of women in Indo
Context The Awakening ofWomen is an interesting essay
in India.
Overtime. It traces the transformation of women's position
of women in India. It traces the evolution oe
Explanation The article picturises the position
that woman in ancient
India had good place in the society. The
their status. The writer points out
women's condition. An upward
and nineteenth centuries witnessed a drastic fall in
started during the prolonged struggle for freedom. Women fouoh
movement in their position
the British, but they couldn't get good
posts and positions in Independen
equally with men against .supporting women 's rights he wroto
India. Gandhi strongly believed in the equality of women
advancement spread very soon
to many fields of
his "Harijan". Women's
number of articles in in various fields impacted
their role and contribution d
activity. Women's achievements and

legislationand administration in a positive way.

is remarkable for its clarity in ideas and their expression
Critical comment The write-up offer a rich readin
and suitable diction make this informative and insightful essay
Lucid style
8.Solution to Plastic Pollution[Adopted from the Internet
article from the
is found in Solution to Plastic Pollution, an adopted
Reference This sentence
Plastic Man ofIndia
Internet. Dr Vasudevan was born in Tamil
Nadu. He is righty called as the
and reuse of plastic
Vasudevan focused his research on the methods of recovery
Context Dr
waste. This is how the idea ofplastic roads was
born. He devised an innovative way of disposing

plastic waste by using it to build roadds.


in Thiagarajar
Dr Vasudevan is the Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry
his deportment exhibited that he was a
College of Engineering. Though he was a Professor and quoted many shlokas to
Sanskrit pundit. He always carried the Bhagavad Gita in his hands
and its potential use as a
his students while teaching. Once he presented to Kalam his project
said that one day his test would become the
coating over the pebbles for laying roads. Kalam
convention. Kalam's words proved prophetic. Dr. Vasudevan laid
the first road 60 feet long
170 degrees C and shredded plastic
plastic road within the campus. The gravel is heated to
melts and coats the gravel without
sprayed over the hot stone aggregate. The plastic instantly
releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere. Immediately, bitumen heated to 160 degree C is
mixed at 155 degrees C and used for laying the road. He succeeded in presenting an efficient,
It reused
economical, and environmentally friendly solution plastic waste. It yielded two benefits.
plastic waste and built durable roads. Thus, he has become popular as the Plastic Road Man.
Critical comment With his persistent research in his laboratory, he showed to the world a

permanent solution as to how plastic waste can be usedinlaying roads.

11. The Woman on Platform No. 8-Ruskin Bond
This heart touching short story 'The Woman on Platform No. 8"is written by Ruskin Bond
He is an Indian author of British descent. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award,the Padma
Shri in 1999 and Padma Bhushan. He has written several novels, short stories and books for
This heart touching short story is about love and affection that transcends all barriers of kinship.
It is narrated in the first person by a schoolboy named Arun. It narrates the experiences of a
young boy.
Arun is a twelve-year-old boy studying in a boarding school. He is confident and independent
and not afraid to travel alone at midnight. He is sitting on platform number 8 waiting for the
train. He keenly observes people and understands their felings. He meets a woman in white
sari on the platform.Her soft voice, kindness and concern make him trust her. She takes him
into the station dining room and orders tea, samosas and jalebis, At once he begins to take
interest in the women. He shares all his details with her. Arun meets his school friend Satish on
theplatform. Satish is accompanied by his mother. Arun does not like Satish's mother's behavior.
to be from
She considers Arun and the white sari
woman in a poor family. She is very unkind
towards both of them. When Arun gets into the train, the woman smiles at him in a gentle and
understanding way. Arun leans out or the Window and kisses her cheeks. Arun
said," Goodhve
the kindness, love. concerm and simplicity in the woman. He could not control him.
strong iiking f
"and watched until he could see her no more. Arun cultivates aa strono

himself frn
calling her mother.
Arun's calling her 'mother' at the time of parting is a swect gesture of recognition
on of. of a
12.A Gift for Christmas
The beautitul short story A GiM for Christmas is written by an Willam Sydney Porte 0.Henr
American short story wniter. He is popularly known as O. Henry. He is known for his w
storytelling techniquc. He wrote nearly 600 stories about life in America. and
The story AGift for Christmas is taken from O Henry's collection 7he Four Million. It nar
the story of a young marmied couple. Delia and Jim, who love each other enough and that th narratey
are willing to sacrifice something in order to buy a Christmas gift for the other they
This story is about the passionate, pure and sacrificial love of a young lover class couple jim
and Della. Delia and Jim. a young married couple, live in a small flat. Della is beautif
affectionate. and selfless. She has a passionate lovefor her husband Jim. She saves 1.87 dollar
throughout the year to buy a gift for her husband. Delia has very little money to buy a present for
Jim. She sacrifices her long silky and beautiful hair and buys a platinum watch-chain for Jim
Jim is logical. compassionate. Intelligent and above all loyal to Della's love. Jim loves Dell
and sels his most prized belonging the gold watch passed down from his grandfather, in order to
buy fancy and ivory combs for Della's beautiful hair. The irony is that both gifts are useless to
the recipients. Thus they show us the true meaning of love, sacrifice and generosity for a happy
living. The contradiction between what the reader and what really happens at the end ofthe story
is situational comedy. Thus, both ofthem show the true meaning of love, sacrifice and generosity
for happy living. O. Henry highlights these valuable possessions of mankind.
Henry's ironical storytelling technique makes the narration interesting and captivating. Though
the story has an tragic end. Henry brings out the importance ofcertain virtuous human elements.
13.TheDoctor's Word-
This beautiful short story The Doctor's Word_is written by R. K. Narayan. He wrote short
stories. novels and essays. His works are so popular that his readers spread from New York to
Moscow. He won many awards like the Padma Bhushan, the Padma Vibhushan, Sahitva
Akademi Fellowship etc. More importantly, he continues to win the hearts of readers from all
over the globe.
The story deals with the practicality of Dr.Raman. He does not believe insoothing words. His
fictional creation Malgudi forms the setting of his work. The characters are like our nest
door neighbours.
Dr Raman is the lead character in the story He is truthful,
hardworking, very dedicated and never
any stone unturned to save the lives of his patients. He is more a man of deeds than
words. He never believes in soothing lies. However, if there is a slight possibility ofcuree
would compel Yamaraj to give back life. The patients visit himat the eleventh hour becausehe
demands twenty five rupees fees and remarks on the patient's condition without hiding anythitg
which frightened patients and relatives. One day there comes Gopal's son and informs that hs
father is seriously ill. Immediately he rushes to Gopal's house and finds heart
IS very weak. He gives an injection and prepares to perfornm an operation. In fact it is his anxic
that has led heart problem. After S Giopal opens his eyes. The assistant is overjoyed.
Dr. Raman looks worried. He says that it is a false flash. If the pulse goes on till next moming
he would be out ofdanger. Otherwise anything might happen at night. Gopal.
asks the Doctor why his wife is crying and doubts' Am l going to die ?". If so please
my will paper. Dr. Raman decides to break his
principle and tells a lie that he will be alright.
This gives Gopal hope and recovers fully. But how he has survived will remain a
doctor all his life.
puzzle to the
R.K. Narayan's short story The Doctor's Word is remarkable for its gripping narration. The
very opening sentence captures the attention of the reader. And the reader races
till the along the
lines ending. The reader is left with the rich experience of enjoying a memorable

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