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Nuance Dragon Ambient

Experience (DAX)
Enhancing Clinical Documentation

Abhinav Goyal
Stephanie Magcalas
Leslie Martinez
Eric Wyatt

HCIN 544 - Advanced Health Care Information Management

Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science
University of San Diego
May 8, 2023
What is Dax?

What are the Features?

What are the Benefits and


Are there any Legal Concerns?

What Does the Future Look Like?

What is Nuance DAX?

DAX stands for Dragon Ambient eXperience.

The Nuance DAX is an AI-powered, voice

enabled solution that automatically
documents patient encounters accurately
and efficiently at the point of care.

It can be used for in office and telehealth

settings in ambulatory to scale efficiently
across the healthcare organization.
Nuance DAX
For every one hour of care, physicians are
spending two hours of administrative

DAX is an automated workflow integrated

clinical documentation application,
combining proven conversational
ambient artificial intelligence.

It creates a draft clinical note

automatically and securely in seconds,
which is immediately available for clinical
review and completion after each patient
Benefits - Healthcare Experience

● Boosts clinician satisfaction by

alleviating administrative

● Enhances the patient

experience by promoting a
more natural physician-
patient conversation.
Benefits - Patient experience
Benefits - Efficiency in Organization

● Increases clinic
throughput and
efficiency while
data availability
in the EHR.
Benefits - Care Delivery

● Clinicians will find themselves with more time to deliver higher quality care.

● Greater efficiency can improve overall care dynamic which may improve financial outcomes.

● Less feelings of fatigue and burnout can improve staffing efforts.

Limited to clinicians only

Subscription cost ( 36-month
commitment at ~$1,800 per month)

Provider or patient hesitancy

Data privacy or trust issues

Complete implementation takes time

and consistent effort
Legal Concerns
Doctor Concerns

● Doctors have not expressed concern ● Once a patient meeting is recorded, it
about patient data privacy; however, does not remain on the doctor’s mobile
they are worried about lawsuits device; rather, it is encrypted and sent to
○ “‘Could this be used against me the cloud using a secure streaming
in a malpractice case’ is the process.
concern that comes up most ○ All patient data is fully encrypted
commonly,” Smitherman said. and running in HIPAA-compliant

Patient Concerns Solution

● Patients may feel uneasy about ● Patients must sign an agreement before
another entity, virtual or otherwise, they interact with their provider that
listening to their healthcare visit they understand the conversation is
being recorded.
Legal Implications

Regulation Tort Intellectual Privacy


What are the Who is Developers must Can patient

regulations responsible if make sure privacy be
that must be there are algorithms are maintained?
followed? flaws? validated?
Future of Service

Offering pre-loaded order prompts based on
Automated Order Matching encounters that require only a signature to

Assisting nurses in their charting requirements

Nursing Encounters
which allows more time for patient interaction.

Suggesting exams, labs, procedures, or tests

Artificial Intelligence Integration that will better elucidate what direction the
care plan should take.

Allowing clinicians and patients to interact in a

Machine Learning way that answers real-time questions
regarding health assessment or findings.

cbinsights. (n.d.). Top DeepScribe Alternatives, Competitors. https://www.cbinsights.com/company/deepscribe/alternatives-


Nuance. (n.d.-a). Ambient clinical intelligence - Explore Nuance DAX. https://www.nuance.com/healthcare/ambient-clinical-


Nuance. (n.d.-b). See Nuance DAX in action. https://www.nuance.com/healthcare/campaign/ppc/nuance-dax-in-action.html

Nuance. (n.d.). Automatically document care with the dragon ambient experience - nuance.


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