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Protocol-Driven Initiation and Weaning of

High-Flow Nasal Cannula for Patients With
Bronchiolitis: A Quality Improvement Initiative*
Jia Xin Huang, MD1
OBJECTIVES: Bronchiolitis is the most common cause for nonelective infant Blair Colwell, MD1
hospitalization in the United States with increasing utilization of high-flow nasal
Pranjali Vadlaputi, BS1
cannula (HFNC). We standardized initiation and weaning of HFNC for bronchi-
olitis and quantified the impact on outcomes. Our specific aim was to reduce Hadley Sauers-Ford, MPH1
hospital and ICU length of stay (LOS) by 10% between two bronchiolitis seasons Brian J. Smith, MSc, RRT1
after implementation. Heather McKnight, MD1
DESIGN: A quality improvement (QI) project using statistical process control Jessica Witkowski, MD1
methodology. Andrew Padovani, PhD2
SETTING: Tertiary-care children’s hospital with 24 PICU and 48 acute care pe- Sara Aghamohammadi, MD1
diatric beds. Leah Tzimenatos, MD1
PATIENTS: Children less than 24 months old with bronchiolitis without other res- Shelli Beck, RN1
piratory diagnoses or underlying cardiac, respiratory, or neuromuscular disorders Kriston Reneau, RN1
between December 2017 and November 2018 (baseline), and December 2018 Barbara Nill, RN1
and February 2020 (postintervention).
Dawn Harbour, RN1
INTERVENTIONS: Interventions included development of an HFNC protocol Jessica Pegadiotes, RN1
with initiation and weaning guidelines, modification of protocol and respiratory
JoAnne Natale, MD, PhD1
assessment classification, education, and QI rounds with a focus on efficient
HFNC weaning, transfer, and/or discharge. Michelle Hamline, MD, PhD, MAS1
Heather Siefkes, MD, MSCI1
MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: A total of 223 children were in-
cluded (96 baseline and 127 postintervention). The primary outcome metric, av-
erage LOS per patient, decreased from 4.0 to 2.8 days, and the average ICU
LOS per patient decreased from 2.8 to 1.9 days. The secondary outcome metric,
average HFNC treatment hours per patient, decreased from 44.0 to 36.3 hours.
The primary and secondary outcomes met criteria for special cause variation.
Balancing measures included ICU readmission rates, 30-day readmission rates,
and adverse events, which were not different between the two periods.
CONCLUSIONS: A standardized protocol for HFNC management for patients
with bronchiolitis was associated with decreased hospital and ICU LOS, less time
on HFNC, and no difference in readmissions or adverse events.
KEY WORDS: bronchiolitis; intensive care unit; length of stay; noninvasive
ventilation; oxygen saturation; quality improvement

ronchiolitis is the most common cause of hospitalization among
infants less than 1 year old (1) accounting for approximately 100,000
U.S. hospitalizations annually with estimated cost of $734 billion (2). *See also p. 177.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends supportive treat- Copyright © 2022 by the Society of
ment with suctioning and supplemental oxygen targeting oxygen saturation Critical Care Medicine and the World
(Spo2) greater than or equal to 90% (1). For children with severe illness, Federation of Pediatric Intensive and
respiratory support beyond nasal cannula such as high-flow nasal cannula Critical Care Societies
(HFNC), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), bilevel positive airway DOI: 10.1097/PCC.0000000000003136

112 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

Copyright © 2023 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies.
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Clinical Investigation


RESEARCH IN CONTEXT Context and Settings
With approval from the University of California, Davis,
• Bronchiolitis is the most common cause of Institutional Review Board (1219188-2), children less
nonelective U.S. pediatric hospitalizations in than 24 months old with a primary diagnosis of bron-
children less than 1 year old.
chiolitis were identified by International Classification
• HFNC therapy is becoming a more com- of Diseases codes (International Classification of
mon noninvasive modality for treatment of Diseases, 9th Edition: 466.1, 466.11, 466.19, and 516.34;
bronchiolitis. International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition:
• Increased utilization of HFNC therapy for bron- J21.0, J21.1, J21.8, J21.9, and J84.115). Exclusion cri-
chiolitis necessitates implementation of stan- teria included diagnoses of cobacterial pneumonia or
dardized management with clear initiation and steroid treatment, anatomic/acquired airway anoma-
weaning guidelines to minimize overuse and lies, hemodynamically significant cardiac conditions,
unnecessary healthcare utilization.
chronic respiratory diseases with baseline oxygen re-
quirement, apnea/bradycardia requiring intervention,
or neuromuscular disorders. The baseline period was
pressure (BiPAP), and/or intubation may be neces- defined as December 2017 to November 2018 with
sary. Data from a critical care database showed that data collected retrospectively. The HFNC protocol was
HFNC therapy has been increasingly used in bron- implemented in December 2018 in the ED and ICU.
chiolitis management and associated with decreased The postintervention period was defined as December
intubation comparing initial HFNC therapy versus 2018 to February 2020 with data collected prospec-
CPAP/BiPAP (3). Randomized controlled trials com- tively. No other medication or equipment changes
paring HFNC with standard oxygen therapy showed were introduced throughout the study period.
decreased treatment failure and escalation of care
QI Team and HFNC Protocol
compared with those on standard oxygen therapy
(4, 5). HFNC is still primarily utilized in the ICU We created a multidisciplinary team of physicians,
across North America (6) despite studies demon- nurses, respiratory therapists (RT), and QI experts from
strating safety of HFNC use outside the ICU (7, 8) the pediatric hospitalist, emergency medicine, and
with significantly decreased average admission cost ICU departments to develop a protocol standardizing
(9). However, as the availability of HFNC expands, the initiation and management of patients requiring
it is imperative that it does not become used when HFNC. The protocol defined initial oxygen flow rate,
medically unnecessary (10, 11). assessment frequency, and flow rate weaning if Fio2
Prior to this initiative, patients at our institution with (Fio2) was less than 0.5 (eFig. 1,
bronchiolitis requiring HFNC were exclusively man- PCC/C284). Titration and initiation flow rates were
aged in the emergency department (ED) or ICU where based on the Respiratory Assessment Classification
initiation flow level and subsequent flow titration were (RAC) (eFig. 2,, a
at the discretion of individual providers. We observed new assessment tool created based on expert consensus
a longer mean length of stay (LOS) for bronchiolitis at our institution and adapted from another protocol
compared with other academic medical centers (12), (13). Titration of Fio2 was based on Spo2 targeting Spo2
identifying an opportunity to reduce our bronchiolitis greater than or equal to 88% while asleep and greater
LOS by standardizing HFNC management through than or equal to 90–95% while awake. The protocol
quality improvement (QI) interventions. The primary promoted enteral nutrition within 6 hours with RAC-
aim of this collaborative QI project was to reduce hos- based criteria for types of feeds (i.e., oral, nasogastric,
pital and ICU LOS by 10% (to bring our LOS closer to or nasoduodenal tube). For patients greater than or
that of other institutions) (12) within two bronchiolitis equal to 4 months of age receiving HFNC therapy, the
seasons after implementation of standardized HFNC protocol defined out-of-ICU transfer criteria based on
management. the consensus of the multidisciplinary QI team, which

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required meeting all of the following for greater than Analysis

or equal to 6 hours: 1) suctioning less than or equal to
every 2 hours, 2) HFNC flow rate less than or equal to We monitored the impact of implementation through
1 L/kg/min (or ≤10 L/min for patients >10 kg), and 3) statistical process control (SPC). Primary and secondary
Fio2 less than 0.5. Out-of-ICU transfer while receiving outcomes were tracked monthly with x-bar-s-charts, and
HFNC started in November 2019. established rules for differentiating special cause varia-
tion were followed, including greater than or equal to 8
consecutive points on one side of the mean and greater
Study of the Intervention
than or equal to 4 of 5 consecutive points greater than 1
Following an improvement science model, interven- sigma from the mean (14). Months containing less than
tions were tested using Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) three patients meeting inclusion criteria were omitted.
cycles (14). eTable 1 ( Time of admission, transfer orders in/out of ICU, highest
provides a description of each PDSA cycle, and a sum- flow rate, and highest flow rate at which enteral feeding
mary of the key practice changes adopted, which in- was permitted were manually extracted from the EHR
clude RAC and protocol modifications, QI rounds and stored in Research Electronic Data Capture (15).
focusing on protocol implementation and efficiency, Continuous respiratory support settings, Fio2, and Spo2
and education for residents, nurses, and RTs. The were extracted from EHR data. SPC for Excel, Version 5
PDSA process allowed for protocol refinement and (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) was used to cre-
addressed identified practice barriers. ate the x-bar-s-charts. Using Stata 16.1 (StataCorp, LLC,
College Station, TX), descriptive statistics and group dif-
Measures ferences were computed statistics and group differences
were computed using t tests. The t test for equality of
Primary outcome measures were average LOS per means was computed by linear regression using the re-
patient in days per month ([total LOS for all bron- gress command, and the t test for equality of medians was
chiolitis patients receiving HFNC that month]/[total computed by median regression using the greg command.
number of bronchiolitis patients receiving HFNC that For the patients in the baseline and intervention groups
month]) and average ICU LOS per patient in days per who had clinical information available, we extracted data
month ([total ICU LOS for all bronchiolitis patients from Virtual Pediatric System (VPS) to derive a severity
receiving HFNC that month]/([total number of bron- of illness score using Pediatric Infant Mortality (PIM)-3
chiolitis patients receiving HFNC that month]). The for baseline and intervention groups (16).
secondary outcome measures were average HFNC
hours per patient per month ([total HFNC hours for RESULTS
all bronchiolitis patients that month]/[total number of
bronchiolitis patients receiving HFNC that month]) A total of 223 patients were included (baseline: 96; in-
and highest flow rate at which feeds were permitted. tervention: 127). The age, gender, viral etiology, pre-
The process measure was protocol adherence, defined senting ED, starting respiratory support (for patients
as appropriate adjustment of both flow and Fio2 per who presented to our ED), initial admission level of
protocol ≥75% of the time as determined by an ex- care, and distribution of severity of illness measured by
ternal reviewer. The LOS and HFNC duration were PIM-3 (16) were similar in both timeframes (Table 1).
extracted from electronic health record (EHR) in min- Primary and secondary outcomes are shown in x-bar-
utes, which were converted to hours (HFNC duration) s-charts in Figures 1–3. The breaks in centerline and con-
and days (LOS). We measured ICU-readmission rates, trol limits were introduced based on the identification of
30-day readmission rates, and adverse events (escala- special cause variation for each outcome. In each figure,
tion of respiratory support to CPAP/BiPAP/intubation the postintervention period is shaded in gray, and key
and death) as balancing measures. We also utilized PDSA cycle numbers are shown in black boxes.
EHR data to compare hours of HFNC therapy over the Average hospital LOS per patient declined from 4.0
Spo2 target of 95% while the Fio2 greater than 0.21 as days in the baseline period to 2.8 days in the postinter-
another indirect way to evaluate for adherence to the vention period, meeting criteria for special cause varia-
Fio2 part of the protocol. tion (Fig. 1). There is a significant downward shift from

114 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

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Clinical Investigation

Descriptive Statistics
Variable Baseline (n = 96) Postintervention (n = 127) p

Age, mo, median (IQR) 7.5 (4–13.5) 8 (3–14) 0.99

< 4 mo, n (%) 23 (24) 33 (26) 0.73
Female, n (%) 33 (34) 39 (31) 0.65
Weight < 10 kg, n (%) 67 (70) 85 (67) 0.65
Respiratory viral illnesses,a n (%)
 Rhino/enterovirus 34 (44) 57 (55) 0.14
 Respiratory syncytial virus 34 (44) 35 (34) 0.17
 Adenovirus 4 (5) 1 (1) 0.09
 Coronavirus (not COVID-19) 7 (9) 4 (4) 0.15
 Influenza 2 (3) 2 (2) 0.76
 Parainfluenza 1 (1) 6 (6) 0.12
Starting respiratory support, n (%)

 None 4 (11) 6 (11) 0.59

 Low-flow nasal cannula defined as < 4 L/min or 5 (14) 4 (7)
 High-flow nasal cannula 27 (75) 44 (79)
 Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 0 2 (4)
 Invasive mechanical ventilation 0 0
First emergency department location, n (%)
 Local institution 36 (38) 56 (44) 0.32
 Referring emergency department 60 (63) 71 (56)
Admission location, n (%)
 Wards 12 (13) 11 (9) 0.35
 PICU 84 (88) 116 (91)
Pediatric Index of Mortality 3, median (IQR)c 0.2 (0.2–0.3) 0.2 (0.2–0.3) 1.00

IQR = interquartile range.

Respiratory syncytial virus viral data were not available for all patients, so baseline n = 78 patients, postintervention = 105, and the
respective n’s were used as denominators in calculating frequency. Total percentage is ≥100%, because some patients were positive for
more than one virus.
Starting support shown for patients who presented to our emergency department first, so baseline n = 36, postintervention n = 56, and
the respective n’s are used as denominators for calculating frequencies.
Pediatric Index of Mortality 3 data were not available for all patients, so baseline n = 80 and postintervention n = 114.

April to November 2019 with an accompanying decrease downward trend and decreased variation for these out-
in LOS variability. We were in our sixth PDSA cycle in comes correlate with increased education to nurses, RTs,
November 2019, when we started transferring patients and other members of the care team.
out of ICU while still receiving HFNC (eTable 1, http:// Average HFNC duration per patient also decreased Average ICU LOS per pa- by 7 hours (baseline: 44.0 hr vs postintervention:
tient declined from 2.8 days in the baseline period to 1.9 36.3 hr; Fig. 3) with significant downward shift from
days in the postintervention period, also meeting criteria June to December 2019 with accompanying decrease
for special cause variation (Fig. 2). There is a significant in variability. Median hours of respiratory support were
shift from April 2019 to January 2020 with accompany- less in the postintervention group for all devices except
ing decrease in variability through November 2019. The mechanical ventilation (Table 2). The postintervention

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Figure 1. X-bar-s-chart of hospital length of stay. X-bar-s-chart showing average hospital length of stay per patient; the upper and lower
limits are derived from the subgroup sd. The interventions in each Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle are listed in eTable 1 (http://links., but the most effective interventions are shown in the figure. Monthly periods containing less than three patients
meeting inclusion criteria were omitted (May 2018, July 2018, Aug 2018, November 2018, and February 2019) from analysis. The
postintervention period is shaded in gray, and key PDSA cycle numbers are shown in black boxes. The gray boxes are the points that
meet special cause variation, and the gap between March and April 2019 represents the shift from baseline. The star refers to interruption
of quality improvement project due to COVID-19 pandemic. ED = emergency department, HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula, LCL =
lower control limit, RT = respiratory therapist, UCL = upper control limit.

group had higher maximum flow rate on the protocol

(baseline: 12 L/min for greater than or equal to 10 kg AT THE BEDSIDE
vs postintervention: 15 L/min; p = 0.07) but was also
allowed to feed on higher flow rate (baseline: 6 L/min
• A QI initiative to standardize HFNC initiation and
for ≥10 kg vs postintervention: 14 L/min; p < 0.001) weaning practices for patients with bronchio-
(Table 2). There was no difference between groups in litis resulted in decreased hospital and ICU LOS
ICU-readmission after transfer to wards, 30-day hos- and HFNC duration.
pital readmission, escalation to noninvasive positive
• QI interventions facilitated improved adherence
pressure ventilation/intubation, or death (Table 2). to recommended bronchiolitis guidelines.
Average protocol adherence to flow and Fio2 titra-
tion throughout the intervention period was 66%. The • Targeted oxygen saturation for management of
bronchiolitis reduces excessive oxygen therapy,
baseline group had 30 hours of HFNC therapy over the
although more research on the optimal range of
Spo2 target of 95% compared with 16 hours in the pos- oxygen saturation is still indicated.
tintervention group.

and ICU LOS with decreased HFNC duration. There
A QI initiative to standardize HFNC management for was no increase in adverse events. ICU and hospital
patients with bronchiolitis decreased average hospital readmission rates were similar between timeframes.

116 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

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Figure 2. X-bar-s-chart of ICU length of stay. X-bar-s-charts of the average ICU length of stay per patients; the upper and lower limits
are derived from the subgroup sd. The interventions in each Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle are listed in eTable 1 (http://links.lww.
com/PCC/C284), but the most effective interventions are shown in the figure. Monthly periods containing less than three patients
meeting inclusion criteria were omitted (May 2018, July 2018, Aug 2018, November 2018, and February 2019) from analysis. The
postintervention period is shaded in gray, and key PDSA cycle numbers are shown in black boxes. The gray boxes are the points that
meet special cause variation, and the gap between March and April 2019 represents the shift from baseline. The star refers to interruption
of quality improvement (QI) project due to COVID-19 pandemic. ED = emergency department, HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula, LCL =
lower control limit, RT = respiratory therapist, UCL = upper control limit.

Our multidisciplinary QI methodology with com- the postintervention group. Interestingly, decreased
pletion of nine PDSA cycles allowed for successful hospital LOS and ICU LOS were observed prior to de-
implementation of protocolized HFNC management crease in HFNC duration, suggesting that other fac-
for bronchiolitis. Challenges to protocol adherence in- tors (i.e., higher initiation flow rate and promoting
cluded varying patient volume related to bronchiolitis earlier feeds) may have contributed to shorter LOS.
seasonality, lack of protocol familiarity, and duplicated Implementation of the second version with simplified
paper documentation. The most effective interven- RAC and protocol highlighting Fio2 weaning in March
tions addressing these challenges included education, 2019 may also have facilitated the shorter LOS in April
QI rounds focusing on protocol adherence/efficiency 2019. Given that the magnitude of the decrease in
with real-time education to increase protocol famil- HFNC duration was less than that of the decrease in
iarity, and reinforcing paper charting. To ensure sus- LOS, the decrease in HFNC duration may not be the
tainability of educational interventions, hospitalists main driver for the observed decrease in LOS.
provided monthly education on bronchiolitis and The success of a multidisciplinary QI initiative to
the standardized HFNC protocol to residents rotat- cause a practice change resulting in decreased ICU
ing through wards. Faster wean, shorter HFNC dura- LOS is particularly important given the cost differences
tion, allowing PO feeds on higher flow, and efforts for associated with ICU versus ward-level care (9). Others
timely transfer/discharge of eligible patients may have have found a $2,920 median hospital charge reduction
contributed to the significantly shorter PICU LOS in when initiating HFNC therapy on wards versus ICU

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Figure 3. X-bar-s-chart of high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) duration in hours. X-bar-s-charts of the average HFNC treatment hours
per patients; the upper and lower limits are derived from the subgroup sd. The interventions in each Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle
are listed in eTable 1 (, but the most effective interventions are shown in the figure. Monthly periods
containing less than three patients meeting inclusion criteria were omitted (May 2018, July 2018, Aug 2018, November 2018, and
February 2019) from analysis. The postintervention period is shaded in gray, and key PDSA cycle numbers are shown in black boxes. The
gray boxes are the points that meet special cause variation, and the gap between May and June 2019 represents the shift from baseline.
The star refers to interruption of quality improvement project due to COVID-19 pandemic. ED = emergency department, LCL = lower
control limit, RT = respiratory therapist, UCL = upper control limit.

(17). A multicenter database study found PICU admis- allocation, therefore, likely reduced both direct and in-
sion cost for bronchiolitis has doubled from $1.01 bil- direct costs of care (18, 19, 21–23).
lion in 2009–2010 to $2.07 billion in 2018–2019 (18). Our results are in line with previous studies that
The subgroup with the largest relative cost increase is found reduced LOS (24, 25), but both prior studies
that who was not mechanically ventilated, suggesting initiated HFNC on wards without including initiation/
that use of HFNC or CPAP/BiPAP may be contribut- weaning guidelines. Our protocol included children
ing to the rising cost (18). A review highlighted de- greater than or equal to 18 months, applied maximal
cline in bronchiolitis admissions during a period when flow of 2 L/kg/min, and still found decreased HFNC
hospital charges had been increasing and allowing time with no increased PICU transfer or adverse
HFNC on wards could help reduce cost (19). This is events, demonstrating that higher initiation flow rates
further supported by findings that increased HFNC can be safely utilized. Noelck et al (24) allowed HFNC
use, a noninvasive modality mostly utilized in the flow rates up to 2 L/kg/min, but their intervention fo-
PICU, coincided with rising PICU admission world- cused on reducing lower flow rates duration without
wide in the last 2 decades (20). Beside hospital/ICU change in total HFNC duration. The criteria for HFNC
admission-related costs, families are significantly bur- initiation in our protocol were intended to help en-
dened by hospitalization with work disruption, meals/ sure HFNC was not the first-line therapy, a limitation
parking costs, and/or need for additional caregiv- that has been identified in other institutional guide-
ers. Although we did not directly measure costs, our lines (10). However, interestingly, HFNC was used
work improved hospital LOS, and inhospital resource as the starting support in a similar frequency in the

118 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

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Clinical Investigation

Secondary Outcomes, Balancing Measures, and Median Hours of Respiratory Support
Outcomes Baseline, n = 96 n = 127 p

Highest HFNC in patients ≥ 10 kg, L/min, median (IQR) 12 (9–15) 15 (14–20) 0.07
Highest HFNC allowed to PO in patients ≥ 10 kg, L/min, 6 (3.5–12) 14 (12–15) < 0.001
median (IQR)
Highest HFNC in patients < 10 kg, L/min/kg, median (IQR) 1.3 (1.0–1.6) 1.6 (1.1–1.9) 0.04
Highest HNFC allowed to PO in patients < 10 kg, L/min/ 1 (0.7–1.2) 1.3 (1.0–1.8) < 0.001
kg, median (IQR)
Median hours of respiratory support (IQR)
 Room air 22.5 (18.5–29) 17.5 (10.6–24.4) 0.001
 Low-flow nasal cannula defined as < 4 L/min 8.6 (3.8–21.5) 4.2 (1.7–11.5) 0.09
 HFNC 32.6 (23.9–54.9) 27.8 (20.8–48.2) 0.17
 HFNC (Fio2 = 0.21) 11.8 (4.2–23.2) 16.0 (9.2–23.1) 0.20
 HFNC (Fio2 > 0.21) 31.0 (17.7–45.1) 16.9 (5.3–36.2) < 0.001
 Over Spo2-target (95%) 27.7 (19.1–50) 15.1 (5–26.6) < 0.001
 NIPPV 13.9 (3.1–40.3) 27.2 (10.6–36.8) 0.23
 Mechanical ventilation 56.8 (50.2–78) 129.6 (82.9–170.9) 0.28
ICU readmission, n (%) 7 (7) 6 (5) 0.42
30-d readmission, n (%) 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.9
Escalation to NIPPV/intubation, n (%) 17 (18) 21 (16) 0.82

HFNC = high-flow nasal cannula, IQR = interquartile range, NIPPV = noninvasive positive pressure such as continuous positive airway
pressure or bilevel positive airway pressure, PO = oral feeding.

postintervention group, thus warranting further evalu- 2 L/kg/min in our protocol is based on studies dem-
ation on the ideal initiation recommendation. Another onstrating no adverse effects in patients with bron-
RT-driven HFNC QI protocol with age group-based chiolitis treated with HFNC at 2 L/kg/min (5). Our
recommendations for flow and Fio2 titration to target institution lacked specific Spo2 target range for HFNC
Spo2 greater than or equal to 92% found similar reduc- monitoring and weaning, and in our literature search,
tion in HFNC duration and hospital/PICU LOS (26). Spo2 target range was often not published in many in-
They had higher protocol compliance greater than or stitutional bronchiolitis clinical guidelines (7–9, 17,
equal to 80%, which may be related to RT involvement 30). We targeted a lower limit for Spo2 greater than or
and more specific guidelines regarding types of cannula equal to 90% per AAP guidelines (1) but also allowed
to use and frequency of assessment during titration. lower saturation greater than or equal to 88% while
Another HFNC study introducing a “holiday” wean asleep based on work that supports the safety of lower
resulted in 70% success rate of patients being weaned saturation (31, 32). Although more research is needed
to low-flow nasal cannula during first attempts, sug- to determine the optimal Spo2 range for bronchiolitis
gesting that faster weaning may be achieved (27). We management in the PICU, prior works have shown
have adopted a similar HFNC “holiday” since com- that Spo2 is a primary determinant of LOS and cau-
pletion of our study and are currently evaluating this tioned against targeting too high Spo2 goals and, thus,
approach. our rationale for including an upper limit on our Spo2
There are no national HFNC guidelines for bron- range (33–35). We noted decrease HFNC therapy with
chiolitis; thus, substantial variability in how HFNC is Fio2 greater than 21% and less time over-Spo2 target
initiated/weaned and permitted to feed among insti- (>95%) during our post-intervention phase, an im-
tutions (28, 29). Our rationale to initiate flow up to provement that support the need for guideline with

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specific Spo2 target that are more in line with bron- it is possible that the development of the QI team and
chiolitis guidelines. Regarding our rationale for our HFNC protocol created more streamlined care for
feeding protocol, previous studies demonstrated low bronchiolitis that may have impacted outcomes even
incidence of feeding-related adverse events while on before our first PDSA cycle. It is possible that patients
HFNC with delayed/interrupted feeding being associ- in the postprotocol group were less likely to have
ated with longer LOS (36, 37). HFNC started for a mild RAC, and thus, our postpro-
The large variability of institutional HFNC guide- tocol patients may have been sicker for those in which
lines (6) contributes to difficulty in comparing find- HFNC was initiated, which would have biased our
ings from different institutions, which may explain findings toward the null hypothesis. Unfortunately, we
the mixed results of large systematic reviews regarding also were not able to compare the degree of illness at
HFNC efficacy for bronchiolitis (3, 38, 39). Although time of HFNC initiation between the two groups.
direct comparisons are challenging, our findings con- Our QI effort was limited to a relatively small sample
tribute to the growing literature that protocolized initi- size predominately from a single respiratory season
ation and titration/weaning of HFNC can reduce ICU in the intervention timeframe, due to the COVID-
and hospital LOS without compromising safety. 19 pandemic that decreased bronchiolitis admissions
Our QI protocol had several limitations. Notably, nationally (41, 42). Notably, we had small monthly
we had a relatively low protocol adherence of 66%, samples, and there are months in which we had few
likely related to the need for paper charting when the patients with bronchiolitis, but these were excluded
RAC and protocol were not yet embedded into the in the SPC charts. Generally, the smaller sample size
EHR. The additional work of paper charting for nurses would bias the results toward the null given the high
and RTs added to the challenges of completing the pro- degree of heterogeneity in bronchiolitis. However, we
tocol and proper documentation. The low adherence were still able to identify statistically significant ben-
may increase the likelihood that the results were due to efits from our interventions. Last, adherence to social
chance. Fewer hours over the Spo2 target of 95% while distancing prevented the ability to conduct QI rounds
Fio2 is greater than 0.21 in the postintervention group after March 2020. However, there continued to be de-
are an improvement compared with a period without crease in mean LOS for patients with bronchiolitis after
clinical guidelines, but still suggest a need for better the intervention period through 2022 (12), suggesting
protocol adherence. Since the conclusion of this pro- that the effects of this project were sustained.
ject, RAC and the HFNC protocol have been embed-
ded into the EHR, which improved charting efficiency
and may improve adherence.
Our RAC score is limited by lack of validity and Implementation of an evidence based HFNC protocol
subjectivity of work of breathing and mental status. with standardized initiation/weaning flow rates and
Since conceptualizing this study, a new critical bron- Spo2 target range was associated with decreased hos-
chiolitis score (CBS) was developed based on VPS data pital LOS and ICU LOS and, months later, a shorter
and outperformed other scores including PIM-3 in duration of HFNC treatment without an increase in
predicting ICU LOS (40). Advantages of CBS include ICU readmission or escalation of respiratory support.
objective data and bronchiolitis-specific variables, and QI interventions facilitated improved adherence to
may be a better predictor of illness severity for bron- recommended bronchiolitis Spo2 targets.
chiolitis given the low mortality. However, the inclu-
sion of laboratory values (i.e., blood gas, chemistry, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and viral) in the CBS is contrary to best practice guide-
lines to limit laboratory testing in patients with bron- We thank other members who played a role in de-
chiolitis. Although CBS will serve as a good research veloping and implementing the HFNC protocol:
tool going forward, a score like RAC may have more Alexis Toney, Courtney Welch, Elizabeth Wood,
clinical utility. Eunice Kim, Kendra Leigh Grether-Jones, Tisha
Although we tried to minimize confounding results Yeh, Su-Ting Li, and Nicki Campbell; our PICU
by having no other medication or equipment changes, nurse practitioners; and Jason Y. Adams and other

120 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited
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122 February 2023 • Volume 24 • Number 2

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