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Pope eee ee eee eee eee vaughters of the Dust Dialogue Transcript, MAIN TUTLES SCENES OF THE ISLANDS Wasan's voice: I am the first ang tne last. Tam the honored one and the scorned one. I am the whore and the holy one. ¥ am She wife aad she vargia. T am the barres one, and naay aro ny Saughters. Tam the silence that you cansot understand. I ain he utterance of my nane. SETLE: DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST . BOAT BEARING YELLOW MARY AND TRULA STOPS TO PICK UP VIOLA AND NR. SNEAD. VIOLA IS SRPRISED 70 SEE YELLOW MARY. viola: I can’t believe it. 1 had no idea. Cousin Mary... “AYER, ON BOARD THE BOAT. viola: Praise the Lord, Mr. Snead. My dear cousia, Mary Peazant. This has turned out £0'be a very spacial day for the Peazai ‘amily indeed. zellow Mary: Viola... Mir. Gnead: Pleasure to meet you, Mary Peazant. yellow Mary: Yellow. They cali ma "Yellow wary". viola: (xplaiaing, vith an uncomfortable laugh) our fathers wero brotners. Of course, compared to most people, Yellow Mary isn't all that light skinned, but... (changing tao subject) fellow Wary, I'd Tike you to mae: ay photographer, Mr. snead. Tive commissioned Mx. Snead to photograph cur family's crossing over to the mainland. What's past is prologue. < sce this ay Their fizet steps tovards progress. An engraved invitation t she culture, education and weaite of the mainland. Yellow Mary, wouldn't you agree? fELEOW MARY AND TROLA LAUGH: SHEAD AND VIOLA LOOK UNCOM#ORTASLE. PME SHANTY EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR I INTRODUCES, AS WE HEAR THE + TN VOICE~OVER, OF THE UNBORN CHILD OF BLY AND BULA uubern Child: My story begias on the eve of ay family's Rigration North. My story begins before I vas born. Wy great, “yreat grandnothar, Nana Peasant, saw her family coaing apart. ler flovers to bigom in a distane fron} fang then, there was yp iia aud daddys peobLen. 09/26/98 THU 10:01 Fax Boos 2 wana prayed and the old souls guided me into the new world. 1 came in tine for the big colobration, to be among my cousins, my funties and uncies. I can still see their faces, small the of] in the wicker Lamps. 1 can still hear the voice of untie Baagar Salling out for her daughters, Zona and ayown, and teasing cae newlyweds. JACK ON THE GOAT, YELLOW MARY AND TRULA PLAY WITH A EALETDOSCOPE. snead: "Xaloc": beautiful. *eidos*: form. "Skopeia in object is placed betwecn two mirrors, inclined at Gngles, an inage is formed in cach mirror. Then, these mirror images ‘are in cura reflected in tne other mirrors, forming sppearanca of four ayumetrically-shaped objects. Oh, [ think it'e gust a wonderfu: invention. it's beauty, simplicity and Sciencs, all rolled into one oiall cube. I think the children All enjoy it. (ela: Yellow Mary, look! (Gesturing to riverbank) Uncle 3pikenard used to live thera. Do you renenber bin? Oh, I guess not. Twas just a young Miss too, then. ue was from Africa, and Tast after tae war, ne moved from the plantation to that little jeon the waterfront. euaeiber how when Uncle Spixenara uecd to get angry, he'd talk funny co the children couldn't inderstand Bin? we'd speak in Asrican words and sounds. You Snow, just bafore the var, Uncle spikenard told me, they'd keep Soatloade of fresh Africans Off on goms secret islands aound here. Snead: viola, our governeat banned tho transporting of Africans for slavery 50 years before the Civil war. Viola: Not back off on those islands. Noooo! Just before the war, they vere still runaing and biding calt-vater African, puré bred, from the yankees. SACK AT TE SHANTY, THE PAMILY IS GETTING READY FOR THEIR JOURNEY NORTH. NANA I5 NEARBY, AT THE GRAVEYARD. Nana (Voice-over): My life is almost done, and theirs is just Wg. Aad I'm not going to live Leng Gaough ts see what fall those ia my family sno are bora free. North, they say. North is what they ake up whispering in their husbasa's what's the word nae wen: rites tn the nignttine RIVES THE LOVE 06/25/08 THU 10:02 Far Goos Yona (Voice-over): Mistress Yona Peazant, Dawtaw Tsland, 1902. With the greatest respect for yourself and the Deazant family, I beg that you stay by my side here on this island. Please do not leave me in this flood of migration North. I’ feel ig T lose you, 1 will lose aysel!. Gondsider the memories that we nave of growing up together. We are the young, the eager up from slavery, ready to learn «| trade, ready to make 2 better life for ourselves and our phiteren wio will fellow. Our lovs is a very precious, very Eeagile flowering of our aos: ingocent caildhood association. Tf fear clouds your decision, tocether ve must call out to higher forces, that they might gaide us. dona, as Talk tonacds the fusuce, with your heart embracing Aine, everyehing seams nu, averything seams good, everything Seams possible. Signed, St. Julian tast-child. soa of the Sherokee Ration, Son of these islands we call Dawtaw, Coosa, Edisto, Sapalo, Dafuskie, Ossabaw, Kiva, Wassaw, Paris and Senta selena: dlder Cousin: have to go aocth with us. Auntie Hagar won't let you stay. we all have to leave. Me all have to leave together. Wana IS IN TSE GRAVEYARD, CLEANING THE GRAVE OF SHAD, HER DECEASED HUSBAND, ELI APPROACHES. Nana: who's that? what're you chiléran up to now? (21i kisses forenead.) Get on with you, son, or help me clear away these seods! ELI: gust because we're crossing over +o the mainland, it Soesa't néaa we dom": love you. Tt Goesn't mean we're not going foumigs you. And lt doesn’t mean we're not golag to cose home and visit wich you soon. Nana: ELL Peazant, if you doa't stop grinning at me. Fight to tease old folks, wspecially your great-graai You're lucky I've got breath in me yee. You old gooberhesd. (taunting him) Gooberhesd. Your nane wed to be called Gooberhesd. Remember that? Goober means peanut. mur iw ars ves? PocKer FLi: What's this? Something seems to be stuck in here! (He pulls out a wad of tobaces.) * wana: You know your granddaddy shad ain't Like to sew a woman chowing tobacco. Ain't that sc? You kuow that's $0. + Mo, Ma'am. Cle hands her ber bands. ne tobacce aad aha eradies it in Pe ee ete eer eee eee eee Kana: 1 visit with old Peazant every day since the day he died. Te's up to the living to keep in touch with the dead, Eli. Man's rower doesn't end with death. we just move on to a new place, @ Flace where we watoh over Our living family. Respect your Elders. Respect your family. Respect your ancestors you're worried that the baby Eula's carrying isn’t yours because she got forced. vou won't nave any baby that vasa sant The ancestors and the woub...they're one, they're che same Thoge sa chis grave, like those sho're accoss the ses, they" ro uith us. They're ali. the sane, The ancestors and the womb. Call on your ancestors, Eli. Let them guide. You aced their strength. Eli, T ased you £0 maka the fanily strong agsin, Like we ued © Be. Eli: Row can you understand me and the way T feel? This happened to my wife. My vite. I don't feel Like she's mino anynore. When F'look'at her, T fel T-don'* want her anynore. pana: You can't give back what you never cuned, gula never belonged co you, she marcied you. Eli: why @idn't you protect us, Nana? Did someone put che fix on pa? Was it the conjure? Or bad luck? or ware sha ola souls t00 éaep in the grave to give a dima about ay wife wile some scranger vas riding her? fmen we ware children, ve really believed you could vork the goed out of evil. We believed in the aeweprint on the talls...your tree of glass Jars and bottles...the rice you Carried in -your pockets. We helleved in che fzizsled haired chickans...the coins, the roots and the flowers. We believed they would protect us, and avery little thing wa owned or loved. Zwasn't scared of anything, because I knew...1 knev...My great Nana: Bli--never forget who we are, and how far we! Eli: T have to leave here. 1 don't have aay other choice. 2 BLi...E1i! there's a thought...a recollection...somethiag somebody renenbers. We carry these mnories inside of as. po you believe that those hundreds and Aundreds af Africans broushe here on this other side would forget everything chey ones knex? We don't know whera the recollection cones fron. semet:aes wo (ream than, But we carry these mewories inside of ue. ime, ve Te we supposed to cementer, Nana? Soy, at one 3 able fo protect those we loved? Bowy in AfsiCa, we ie and built graat big citice? Pree ee re tee ee eee ee Sana: 1i,--I'm trying to teach you how to touch your ows Spirit. Dw fighting for my life, Zli, and I'm fighting foc Yours. took in my face! I'm tryite to give you something to take North wich you, along with all your great big dreams. coli on those old Africana, £1i. They come to you when you least, Sepect them. They Aug you up guick and soft as the varm swast Whd. tet those old goule core into your heart, Fi. Let then touch you with the hands of tine, Let tao feed your head with wisdom that ain't from this day and tite. Because when you leave thls Ssland, E1i Peazaat, you aren't goiag toe land of milk and Asney- Eli, I'm putting ay trust in you to keep the fanily together up north. That's the challange that faces all you Negro people wno sce free. Celebrate our ways. ELE CONTMPLATES NANA'S WORDS WHILE WORKING AT THE ANVIL, AND SCONES INCREASTNGLY DISTRAUGHT ABOU? EULA‘S RAPE. INSIDE THE SeANEY, EUZA GATHERS THE [AST MOMENTOS 10 TAKE NORTH WIDA THEO. SMASHES THE BOTTLE TREE, THE SUIEOL OP IMB ANCUSIORS WEOSE. SPIRITS DIDN'T PROTECT EIS PRMILY PROM UARM. WIPE THE SMASHING OF THE pOPTLES, THS SPIRIT OF BULA'S UNBORN CHILD IS RELEASED N90 TEE WORLD’ ACCOMPANTZD BY A TREMENDOUS WIND. Unborn Child V.0.: Nana prayed for help. I got there just in a V0.1 Come child. com ‘142 PRMILY'S- PICNIC PREPARATIONS ARE DISRUPTED BY ‘HE WIND. dy Mac: (Looking up at the clouds! Fresh and sweet as a baby's breata, many BACK AE THE SHANTY, ELI CONFRONTS BULA. Elir Bula, who did this to us! Eula: Nothing good can come from knowing. BLi: Everything good's a1 gone. Our dreams...all gone. BGK UBAVES SHANTY, RUNAWAY SORSES. AKD ROWS AWAY, BUT I STOPPED BY A HERD OF BAAGAR ARRIVES AT TSE SHANTY. WHEN THE UNBORN CHILD ARRIVES, SHE ‘TRESS 70 MAKE CONTACT WITH SAAGAR BY TUGGING CN HER DRESS. EAMGRR “Is OBLIVIOUS, 80 THe UNSORY CHILD RUNS AWAL. Hagar: (Exemicing the broken bottles as Bula looks on) Av God's - Frsitness, yea t leave this place, (@ ragion dominated Dy ahcestral spirits) I'm aaver agein going to Live in your Land Rdaateeed edit ee Satastaet ideas ‘Geor H¥ORM RUNS OW 70 RIVERBANK, FOLLOWED BY Tom. Yona: Ob, girl, you're so silly. Waat are you looking at? ‘The girfe see'Yaliow Mary, ete. glide by in the boat. QE ME SEACH, V=OLA'S MOTHER CUTS OP OKRA FOR GUMBO. SHE PUTS "HE ORRA STEMS ON THE FOREHEADS OF THE YOUNG CETLOREN. jola‘s Mother: Oh, T love you! Sew..-this means, (holds up children: (Shouting) Gute! ‘iola's Mother: ‘Pat's called? ildren: sojot viela's Mother: water...water? children: Delos! Mola's Mother: Pize? shildken: Diffy! Difty: Hiola's Mother: Yes! Now, that’s all that granéma remenbers. MANA, OM THE BEACH, FLASHES AACK 7O THE INDIGO PLANTATIONS. XANA V.0.: I'm the last of the old and the first of the new. The alder I get, the closer I get co the ground. This is the worst place to be’born in whan it's slavery time. Our hands, scarred Slue with the poisonous indigo dye that built up ail those lantations from swanpland. Our spirit aumb with the sting of fever from the rice fields. Our_beck, bent down, what with the planting and the hoeing of the Sea Island cotton. I was an Elder, Bany years ago, ae I lay in ay sother's arms. 7 saw Africa ia her face. TRYLDQEN ON BEACH PLAY KITH STEREOSCOPIC VIEWER. Jobora child V.0.: Tt was an age of beginnings, a time aromises. Phe newspaper said [e was a time for everyona, Figh andthe peor, the powerfal and ths powerless. che MBNA WATCHES THE FAMILY PREPARE THEIR PICNIC; EULA JOINS THEM. Je chat they'll cress over on story that's to cone eee re eee Beier VIOLAS NOTH=R S225 VIOLA AND SNRAD ARRIVING AT THE BEACH. SHE UMS 10 SELCOME MER, AND THE REST OF THE FAMILY FOLLOWS. TE SAMILY EXCHANGES GREPPeGS ITH VIOLA AND SNEAD, THEN VOTICE FELLOW MARY ANO TROLA ARRIVING, RCCOMPANTED BY fONA AND MYOHN. Jairbraidar: That's Gussie's daughter, isn't it? Old man eeazant's daughtsr has come hone! Oh, she got rained. Yellow Wary went o€f and got ruined. What's that she's got vith her? Saagaz: Zona! Go wara Nana Peazant! It'11 most Likely kill her so sec this heifer's retarned! Yona: But Ma...7 don't think. vila: (Snidely, about Yellow Mary's complection)AlL that yellow, wasted. Yellow Mary: (Sesing Sula) Ah, is this the sane Little girl I ised to rock in Gusgia"s yard? (She hugs her.) sairbraider: The shamsless hussy! ow Mary: Teula, this is Sula YELLOW MARY WALES TO GAAGAR AND PRESENTS HER WITH A BISCUIT SIM. faagar: What is this?7? Yellow Mary: Store bought biscuits, maagar. daagar: You" brought then from a store? You know, Yellow Mary, shey say a Wonan who Knows how to cook is mighty precty. syoun: Ma, can I taste one? vellow Mary: You know I don't Like massing around in a kitchen uairbralder: I woulda't cat them anyway, if she touched then. onan with Baby: You'naver kaow where those hends have been. I san just smell the heifer. Maagar: Buzzard doesn't circle in the vane back hece for something. Just for fun. That gal saseenp ach Teneee wa rep oreuze orm PREPARE CRABS Niola's Mom: Girl, ‘waat you doing to those things? isizbraider: Just Looking to sake sure thers's no dead crabs vaca. Noeody wants ro eat a dead (98/26/98 THU 10:05 FAK Boos 8 Viola's Mother: Why're you making them orawi? llairbeaider: Girl, you ceed to be plucking this chicken. Wiola's Mom: Throw one of those crabs on Hagar. ag (laughing? Nooo! ‘THE WOMEN CONTINGE TO BANTER AS AE HEAR VIOLA'S VOICE 0, WEADING A BISLE LESSOW TO CHILDREN. | Viola The earth, 0 Lord, io selling with fruitage and reninde us that this is the seed time of life. Taat aot today, and not tomorrow shall cone the trus ceaping of the deeds we do, but in Sone far veiled and mighty harvest. Not deceiving ourselves with che apparent eas of Zden. Locking to thac Aarvest when the earth belongs to the Lord, not us, and the fullness thereof. SEPTUE GIRL stows BUBBLES FROM A BOBBLE PIPE. viola: (sternly) Put that down. Now...wnen T left these islands, {was a sinner and I didn't even know it. But I left these slands, touched that mainiand, and fell inte the arme of the “eed Myown: What's out there, auntie Viole? viola: bife, child...the beginning of a new Life. Hyown: Who's out there? viola: Jesus Christ, baby, the Son of God. YELLOW MARY VISTTS NANA IN A COVE Nana: Hea: ybreak you were coming. I've been waiting to see you since Yellow Mary: T heard the druns but I didn't know they vere Salking about me, you Rao¥. I wanted to surprise you, Hans That's 2 hard thing to do in Tho Landing. Yana: No surprises here, Yellow Mary. (Noticing Yellow Mary's necklace) What's that oa wear around your neck? “vollow Mary: St. Christopher charm, for travelers on @ Yana: What kind of belief is that? He protects you? 1EN'S GROUP. TEEY ARE ‘TWO 10:08 FAT ‘Goto Snead: I see your family sticks to the old ways. paddy Mact Yeah, yeah we stick to then. But tines are changing. And you Koow, ME. Snead, you dave to change with the times. Snead: Me. Gall, do you know aay of those old Africans from your plantation days? YELLON MARY AND TRULA SITTING IN TREE, GIGGLING AND SHORING SIGARETISS. BULA LOOKS OP AT THEM. aula: As moch as T like to fish, I'll never put @ pole in that water. That's the spot Waere the girl got drowned by her owner Yellow Mary: This is Tho Landing, isn’t it? aula: That doesn't mean you can't drown here. Say again. ..say again how they say water ia Sasnish. Yellow Mary: agua. aula: Agua...Agya..-My ma came to me last night, you know. She took me by ‘the hand Yalow Mary: Your mother's been dead 2 long tine, Bula Bula: Z needed to see my wa. 1 nested to talk to her. so T wrote her a letter, put it beneata the aod with a glass of water, and waited. I waite, and ay Ha cane to ne. she came to me right away. Yellow Mary: Eula... (laughing) you're # real back-water Geechee girl! and this must be the most desolate place oa the earch Bula: No, Mary, it's beautiful! Mow Mary: Here it is, folks! rbo Landing, raflected in the auddy waters of history. Me, myself, personally, t don't Look tor my reflection in muddy sarer, you know. the only way for things to change is for people to Ghange of to keep moving. People sitting still, man setting still, don'e get it win me, know. T wish I could find a good man, Bula. Somebody T could depend on. Mot that I'd want to depesd on then. Just to know 7 could had to. - "“WOLA PRASAES BACK 70 A TIME WEEN SHE AND TROLICKING ON THE BEACH. LE WBRE YOUNG LOVERS, YELLOW MARY POWDERS HER FACE AND PANS AT GNATS. tala: Mind now, Yellow Macy. You'll be itching soon, eee eee a a0 Yellow Marg: A little face powder nover burt Yellow, y'know. gut these blocdsucking gnats axe going to drive ne back over to the sriniacd. You live like savages back over in here. (she screams 2 blood-curdling scream and insales a gnat.) Yiksew, I sure hops they're fixing some gumbo. It's been a long time since I've had some good gumbo. 1 nad sone in Savannah, you know, but they didn't put everything in it. T haven't had sone gead food ina lone tine. TOMA, MYOWN AND HEIR OLOER COUSIN THROW ROCKS INTO ARTER ON A RLVERSANK NEAR YELLOW MARY. Myown: Z found her. I found her fetching her parasol by the deading. Older Cousin: What kind of woman is she? Yellow Mary's no family wonan, she's a scary woman. Mvowa: Sha’s 2 new kind of woman. BACK AP THE TREE, THE WOMEN CONTINUE THETR CONVERSATION. Yellow Mary: Same time, the raping of a colored woman's a9 common ag the fish in the sea. You didn't tell gli who dig it, aid your (ela shakes her head; Yellow Mary sighs a zelicved sigh.) You've got a good man, Eula. Somebody you can dsvend on. se doesn't need fo know; he could got minssif killed. Phere! enough uncertainty in life without wondering what tree your husband"s hanging from. don't tell him sayehing. SNBAD AND MEN WANDER AROUND ON BEACH, LOOKING POR THE PERFECT BuOTD SETTTNG. Unborn child V.0.: I ranomber how important the children were to the Peazant family, an@ how I had to convince ay asddy that I wes his child, SiBAD SETS UP CAMERA AND POSITIONS MEN. Snead: Hold it... Daddy Mac: If you want to know about those African people, you need to talk te Bilal hoa (Ducking under cover) Salt-vater Negroes... SHEAD SEES TRE UNBORN CHILD IN HYG CAMERA VIBAPINOER, AND LEAPS Oi FRGH GRDEK THE COVER. HE LOOKS AGAIN; AND ASSUMES IT WAS J)S? THE HEAT AND BIS IMAGINATION. Daddy tae: (06/25/98 THU 10:07 Fax ‘Boz a BACK AT THE TREE Yellow Mazy: My baby was bors dead, and my titty was full of Bitk. We needed money, so I hired Gut to a wealthy family. Some Big s'posed so be mackety-nucks off on Sdisto island. Gigh felutin’ buckra. They go to Cuba; T go. T nurse the baby, take Gare of the orher children. That's haw T got "ruint". T want to Ge home and Chey keep ae-. thoy keep me. S01 fix the titty, thay sand ae hone: YELLOW MARY, TROLA AND EULA WALK ALONG THE BEACH. St. JULIAN LAST-CRILD AND TOWA HAVE A LOVER'S TRYST. TEE WOMEN'S GROUP PREPARES FOOD AND ARGUES WITH ONE ANOTHER. Baagar: rona! tona! Where's that gal? I don't know why Nena Peasant won't come sit hareel? down near where we can watch over her. There are snakes off in that tall grass. Heirbraider: O14 poople think they've got all the answers. trtin can...1 don't ever think T sce hor Haagar: I'm saving this one for Bula. she's about as crasy as Nena Peazant. Sometimes J chink that old womaa's not in her Viola: Haagar Peasant, you're laughing at an old wonan. And, just like gula, you warried into this family. But she's our Grandmother. ‘There's nothing wrong of harmful in that old tin gaa she carries, just some old... usirbraider and Haagar: Scraps of memories! (Phey Laugh! Viola: Now, T'11 be the first to adnit, Nana's carryiag around a Lot of Luggage. And she asede to put her soul in the hands of ths Lord. But she built her life around this family. she's old ard she's frightened. What does Wana know abou: the world 0 there? Noching. Nana was never educated. All she knows are simple things. things people told her a long time ago. usicbraiger: Thac's why I say, Nana Peazant_nseds to pack her (ings with the rest of us and come aleng. she doesn't need to stay here Like she's somebody with no pesple. Gsagar: T might act have boon born In this fanily, but I'm here bow. And Tsay Ist Nana Peasant stay behind. That's what she = je'za moving into a new day. She's too much a oact of th pest. Bhirbraider: Don’t let Daday Mac hear your south 06/25/98 THU 10:07 FAX a 42 Neagar: I'm a fully grows wonae and I don't have to sing what 7 Sey. five borne five children into the world acd pot two in the Ground alongside their Daddy. I worked all ay life and have Bothing te show for it. And if I can'e say what's on my ming, fhea damn everybody to hell. Yoola: Mind now, the Lord is listening! Heagar: I'm an educated person. and I'm tired of thoes ola aries. Watehing her make those ract potions...that hoo-doo Gnagie)she talks about. Washing up in the river with her clothes on, jast Like those old gale-uater folks used to do. My chslare arantt going to be like those old Africans, Sresh off the boat. My God, I still renanber then. Hairbraider: And look at that old crezy Bilal. Viola: Bilal Muhammed is a heathen. fiona with Baby: But he does strange thiags, just like wana. Viola: Hush! she's our grandmother! Yaagar: Those ol people, they pray to the sun, they pray to the moon; somatines just toa big star. They don’t have any reiigion Tn them. No! This ia @ new world wo'ze moving into, aad : want ny daughtere to grow up to be decent somebodics. ['doa't want ny Girls to even have to hear about all that mess. I'll lock Rona ith anybody and anything that tries to hold me back. Now 1 say, is Nana Peasgat wants to live and dic on Ibo landing, then Ged bless ber old soul. Viola's Mother: I think it's golag to rain. HE FAMCLY PREPARES FOR THE RATNSTOR Unborn Child (voice-over): My time was running out. The wom ture arguing and fighting. Tcan still see Ene Sear and tha nope in the eyes of our fathers, They were the sons of drums, who gould only speak of chelr future, Everyone was just as soared 36 ana Peszant. THB _NEWLYWED MAN WALKS DOMY A PATH, AND IS AMBUSHED BY SIS. COUSIN, ELI, WEO WAESTES ETM 70 TAE GROUND. Nowlywea Man: Solomon's in town. Got a colored lady with hin. Says she's a newspaper Wonaa. Biz Cousin! (in a mack fig! signals. » they trade secret sociaty hand sslyved Han: We're Yorking on the antilyachiag lay seats aybe...gub T'm SELLE Leaving wich the rast come noenia ere eee eee ‘Gora 3 Newlywed Manz Maybe when we go North, you'll take with you aoce than Eula end your dreams. Lain't got no more dreams, cousin. (He takes one sore shot Newlywed Man, hitting below the belt.) Newlywed Manz Aughh! You've been practicing! ELI STORMS DOWN THE PATE, AND ENTERS THE WOODS ‘THE UNBORN CHIDD. HE PORSUES KER INTO TER GRAVEYARD Unbora Child ¥.0.: In this quiet place, years ago, ay family Knelt down and caught 2 glimpse of the eteraal. FLASHBACK TO THE IxnTGO PLANTATION Unborn child v.0.: We left our markers in the soil in mamory of the families who once lived here. We were the children of those who chose 20 survive, Years latar, ay aa told me she knew T had byen sent forward by the old souls. IAD STACKS THDIGO BLOCKS. A YOUNG DADDY MAC LOOKS OY AS IS FACHER COUNTS THE BLOCKS IN THE APRICAM LANGUAGE. Shad: Eeena.. .Mesna...Myna... THB GIRLS ARE ON TSE BEACH, USING THR SAME COUNTING WoRDS, WITH A SEARS "WISHSOOK". THE ONBORN CHILD ENTERS THE SCENE, AND POINTS TO A PICTURE OF a TEDDY BEAR. Uatorn child’v.o.: I wag traveling on a spiritual mission, but sometimes Two. se distracted. ‘Teala: I wish T had this doll. Thad this bed to go inside ay wish I bad this doll...r wish Myown: You don't hava « house! Qcula: I wish T did. 1¢ Tala, r'd put Thea I wish I hed a rabbit. is bed inside ny house Myown: What'd you wish for, Winnyjugs? Ninnyjags: Everything! : tinnyjugs! You can't have everything. You've got to 30 this. Seenie, meoonie, miaey, moe. catch = piggy by his S My mocher ssid to pick chis See right over Bere, Hin fos "S woeze ay Flager stopped. Now, Iwish you'd put (06/25/08 THD 10:08 FAX Bes a4 MEN ON DUNE ARE DISCUSSING 7EEIR FUTURE PLASS. MR. SNBAD MOVES SOME OF BIS PHOTO BQUIEMENT 70 415 "DARKROOM" TENT. Me. Wail: 1 hear they've opened up the old Seuinole Creeklands 12 the white honesteader. Duddy Mac: The only thing ieft for us vill be scrap iron stills 4 tenant farming. listen co what F cell you, man, I= Roosevelt nythiog at ail, it's going to be for northera inauetry and noe for ab. ola: (approaching Snaad at tent) Supper's ready, Mr. Snead. ‘ey'll be taking their places right up there. Snead: Wish books...salt-water negroes...geld earrings to...sharpen your vision? Viola: Oh, they spoil their children with dreags, wishes, magic. But thea, they're the most important members of the family. The caiidren, and the ola souls. Esagar: (To sula and Yellow Mary) Gather up those kids fron zbo Zanding. Bring then over here! Bula: (Fo Yellow Mary? Let's go and get then. Cone now! Yellow Kary: oh no. Bula: 0.K. (Zula walks off towards the woods; Yellow Mary valks past saagarl, Ruagar: Hey, Yellow Mary. They say you'ro a rich woran. (Yellow Mary passes aagar and gives Aer a 100k of disgust.) EUEA SEARCHES IN THE WOODS FOR THE CHILDREN WIO ARE HIDING FROM BER. Unbora Child V.0.: My Ma said she could feel me by her side. T Feenber the cali of my great-great grandnother. © renenber the journey home. I romomber the long walk to the the Bienic site. 1 ranember, and I recall. THE FAMILY ASSEMBLES AT THE PICNIC SITE Violas Z's 50 years since slavery, Me. Snead, but here, we scill give our children names Like "My Own" and "I Om fer", "rou Need Hex", 1 "You Agora Her" even have a Tate Ga Rope SeGatines these islanders nama their babies the days of the we2k o: the season in which they were bora. Not to mention everybody bis several nick-nasec. Gocbac, Soy Rat, dail, Harvest, winter Fidgan, Sacdtime, Fantee, Cugah, cera, Yono, Cisa, alemnine, Jickomiaa, Jaepetaine, cozahouss, Binah, Saange, Seatsiny Q-aryansa, Yemoaja, Babu 2iegba- eee oe tome neteee a as VIOLA'S WORDS CALL UP THE SPIRITS OF TEE ANCESTORS. THEY HAVE & POMERPUL EFFECT ON BOTH ELI AND EULA IN TRE GRAVEYARD. ELT BECOMES POSSESSED BY THE SPIRITS, AND THE CWRORN CHILD REEVTERS HER MOTHER'S BODY. Av THE PICNIC SITE, DADDY MAC SPEAKS 70 THE FAMILY. paddy Mac: We're here today to show our respect to our family Eilers, and to celebrate our fanily's crossiag to the mainland. But welce also hece today to honor the old souls. uany, who from tre very, very beginning of our creation, guided us from one world to another. We're here today, because our parents took us by. the hand and taught us to svim the current surrounding these islands. and they teach aa to... (Daddy Mac's voice fades out am we haar Nana's flashback £0 slavery times.) Neoa V.0.: T recollect how we Lived in the time before freedom seme, in the old days. they didn't keep good records of Our birth, ur death, or the selling of the slaves back then. A male child'wight be taken from his mother and sold at birth. Then, yeaca later, this same person might Gave to mate with Ais own nether or sister, if they vere brought back togather again. so ie was important for the slave hinself co keep tae family cies Just like the Afcican griot, sho would hold these records, in his head, the old suis in cach’ family could recoliect all the births, deaths, marriages and sales. Those 1th century Africans.,.the watchers...the kespers...the arcestors. RETURNING 10'"rHE PICNIC... Daddy Mac: We Peazants, we come from a long, long line of cxeaton and hope. Begua by those first captured africans. and Nena, Nana carried them with her. Four generations of Peazante And we must carry thea with us, wherever wa go. ECLA STANDS AP THE BANK OF THO\LANDING, TELLING THE STORY OF THE INO TO BER UNBORN CHILD. DURING HER STORY, ELI, POSSESSED 3Y THE SPIRITS, WALKS ACROSS THE WATER TO TEE FLOATING PIGUREEEAD, A RIMNANT OF A SLAVE SHIP. Bula: Tt was nere thay brought thea. They took thom off the Dose, FIghE here where we stand. Yojoay Feneabars how many of if fas, bat thore wera a good few, according to ay sreat™ grandnother! she war a Little, Tittle gin at the tines ship hed Just come Sahib virh sails. The min ay jost stopped, and tcok a lock around..-nct saying a Vora, St studying the’: al good. And thay saw © Shae doy you aad © do: the power Es sens eee eee fener as Woll, they had seen Just about everything that was to happen Arouad here that dey. ‘The slavery tine, the war my grandaother Sivays talks sbout../those Ibo aida't miss a thing. Evao seeing yoo and T, standing here talking. When they got through sizing up the place real good and seeing Ghat was to come, ny granduother said they tutced, all of than, and walked tack in the water. Every last man, vomin and child Now you wouldn't think they'd get very far seeing as it vac sinter thay Were walking on. They had ali that iron upon then. Gon their ankles and heir. wrists, and fastened acouna their necks like deg collars. But chains didn't ctop those Tho. They just kept walsiag, Like the water vas solic grcuna. and whan They got to wnere the ship was, they didn't 30 auch as give it 2 Look. ‘They just vaiked right past It, because they vere going ome. BACK AT TSE PICNIC SITE: paddy Nac: I'm especially proud today to bless the coming chile 2 our Eli and Bula Peasant. Our first child that's going to be born ap orth. Our child of the future. saaga: Just counting stuaps don't clear the field. Let's «: ASTER (HE FEAST, THE FAMIUY RELAXES ON THE DUNES. NEARBY, YELLOW MARY AND BULA REST UNDER A LARGE PARASOL. Yollow Mary: Once, I saw a pink atin caso for jevolry, for rich women, “in a Store window. And it had a thing on the side and you totned ir and music cama out. I couldn't afford thar ease for myself, and I didn't ask anybody to buy it tor me, act in gy aind, © put all those bad memories in that caso ana T Locked thes there, so that T could take then out and look at jen when r'd feel like it, and figura it out, you know. But I didn’t want thom inciga of’ma. 1 didn't want then ineida of ne. I don't Let nothing in that case or nobody outside tell'me who Fam or how I should feel about as. A PROCESSION OP BAPTISTS WALK TWROUGH THE WOODS. Baptist Minieter: Bilal! Bilal Muhammed. cone Join us. cone wash avay your sins ia the blood of the Land. Processional stan: Leave him standing ac, Deacon. Kets a Silt-water Negro. He can't find no shame. He's Gaster of the sin, an the moon. BACK AT THE OMBREXLA, TRULA EAS JOINED YELLOW MARY AND SULA. iow Mary: When T Laave here, y'know, i112 trada. Nova Scotia. Z Like the soutd of 1 be neaéing up for yiknow. ova Eula: Yo-va Seatcha. 06/26/98 THU 10:10 Fax Bos au rela: Worva Scotia. Yellow Macy: I never had too much trouble making a dollar. Never Duedad somebody to help me do that. I can't atand still. Got to Roop soving. New placas, new faces..-Nova Scotia vill be good to AE AAPTISTS POREORM THEIR BAPTISM, THE FAMILY PRESENTS ELE AND EEA WITH TSE BASSINET ABICH GAG GFEN PASSED COWN THROUGH THE BOMILY, POR THEIR COMING CHILD. YELLOW MARY PUAYS WITH Tim CAILDREN AND SNEAD TAKES PEOTOS OF THE PANILY. HE GROUPS SCME THENAGERS TOGETEER FOR A PORTRAIT. Snead: Come closer together...closer Oider Cousin: Mind now, Mr., Ssead. those watera! there're gators back off in VIOUA'S MOPEER POSES FOR HER FORTRATT: VIOLA LOOKS ON. Viola's Mother: T don't chink about those old days much, Lately. But when Z start to study on then, lots of things come back to NAMA AND HAAGAR WATCH THE PROTO SESSION. Nana: You're a natural fool, Yaagar Peazant. Nobody ever said that the old souls were living taside those giass jars. The bottle tree reminds us of who was here and who's gone on. You study on the colors and the shapes. You appreciate the bottle free ench aid every day, as you appreciate your loved ones. SVEAD IMPRTGOUSIY Hugs. VIOLA. Viola: Me. Snead! Shead: Can you take me to the old wan, Bilal? Viola: That old heathen? He's aot important. Snead: Ts Bilal family? Viola: ob, T guess so. Everybody hack off on these islands Fonily. But so aary like Bilal are so...cackwaré. They believe everything is caused by conjure, magic or their ancestors. They Liave nothing to Ged. AGAR AND NANA ARE STILL WATCHING SWEAD AKD Baagar: Where we're heading, Nana, there'll be ao nesd for trees cuearad with glass jars in ur yard. We'll have gardens of fresh flowers. 3 table. taere we're neagine, Nanay the: 06/25/98 THU 10:10 Far fate ae SNBAD SHOOTS MORE FAMILY PHOTOS, ENDING WITH ONE OF THR WHOLE FAMLY POSING ON THE BEACE. Snead: Lock! Look yp! And reneaber Tbo Landing! Wola! LATER, ON THE BEACH, THE WOMEN WASH NANA'S FEST. SHE IS SEWING A SHQND", A TALISMAN To PROTECT THEM ON THEIR JOURNEY HORT! gaagar: (Teasing the Newlywed woman) Can't complain about those horsefiies bothering you. Stop putting that laré on your head. Violat Te Lora will carry us through, Wana, Trost in Jesus. Nana, we don't need any charms or dried reots and flowers. Nana: (Pulling a lock of hair from her "scraps of menories” can) nan Twas a child, my mother cut this from her hair, before she was sold away from’us. (she kisses the lock and inserts it into the hand") Now, I'm adding ny own hair. There must ba a bond... connaction, between those that go North, and those that Fomaip. Between us who are hera, and us sho are across the sea- 2 connectior Waare as fwo people in one body. The last cf the old, and the first of the new; Ma will always Live this coubie 1ifs, you know, because wa'ra fron the sea. We cane here in chains, and xe most survive. We mist survive. The salt-water, it's in our busca. ON A -NERRBY DUNE, SNEAD ATTEMPTS 10 TALK IN FRENCH WITH BIZAL. Bilal: (To Hench) They bring me here, as 4 boy, from the colonies in the #rencs West indies. Snead: (Za French) when.,.woat do you remenbac? Do you remember your home. your family? wilal: (Tq English) Mister, for many years T have not spoken Fhese words, What I remanbor, z'Il tel) you in the Tanguag= 1 Learned to speak here. T cali here on a ship called “The wanderer", Iveane with the Ibo. Sone say the Tho fly back homa to Africa. Sona say they all join hands and walk on top of the water. gut Mister, 1 was there. Those Tho man, women and children, a bundred or more, shackled in izon...whea they went dowa in that water, they never came up. Nobody Gia walk on water. - ‘THE WOMEN CONTINGE TO FUSS OVER NANA AS SHE SENS THE “HAND". Hiagar: We'll be fine, Nana. viola: wos, wana, don viol you go worrying. we're going to be just Baagar: tind, now Sanz tio hot out here for ce ness. ant. Don't go work yoursalt uo get ahoid of yourself, Viciai Pee ree eee ee eet ‘ozo rT) "142 MEN'S DISCUSSION LEADS 10 TEE TOPIC OF WOMEN. Daddy Mac: T remember what my father taught me befo: Gn. it was the sama as his father tasght bin oa the became a man. de said, "Wonen ave the svcataoss of lire", Mr. Siead. They're suect So the eye, ‘cause ehay're bosatifal. They're sweat to the ears, because of their lovely voice, and fie way they sing. Women axe the svectness of life, and that's woat ? renenber WANA GROKS BACK HER SEAD AND CRIES, THEN RISES TO RON ANAY. ‘STOPPED aY YELLOW MARY, AND THE PAMILY GATHERS AROUND. Yellow Mary: Ive been on ay own since I was a little, little girl. I've been on ay own for such a long time, r thought Santed it to be that way. Baagar: Led knows, you've vorked hard, gal. Yellow Mary: You know I'm not like the other wones hero. But I noed to know that I can come and hold on to woere I cone from. T Reed to kuow that the people here knew ay name, 1’= Yellow Mary Poazant! And I'm a proad woman, not a herd woman, I want to tovstay with you, here. Haagar:_Abhh, now how's she going to cone and put her snare on a: I can't understand how me and Peazant put you childres sre on sarth to fight among yourselves. sow you can leave this soil..-this'soll. The sweat of cur love, it's here in this soil. T lowe you 'eause you're mine. You're the Fruit of an ancient tree. (She sobs uncontrellably.) Bola: Hush! Wush! qush, all of you. Sone of us aren't forgetting how Yellow Mary seat the money to get Cousin Jake out oF jail Last spring. Baagar: Now, Nana, we aren't talking about no Cousin Jake here. Dog don't get mad ‘cause you say he's a dog. Eli: say at! Eular You're go ashamed of Yellow Mary ‘cause she got ruined? Well, wnat do you say akout me? (Gesturing to her pregnant. stomach) I'm ruined, oo? EL: Whatever to be said, just sav it now, Bular Eula: As fax as this place is concerned, we were never considered to se pare wenen. Deep inside, we believed that they f mothers, and their sothers before them. And ve Live fag the worst things becaase we feel we 06/25/08 THU 10:11 Far ae 20 Viola: My God loves ma and protects me and watches over ma. Fula: Even though you're geiag up North, you all think about being ruined, too. You thiak you can cross over to the mainland and ruc away from ie? You're goiag to be sorry, sory if you don't change your way of thinking before you iéave this place. £ you love yourselves, then love Yellow Mary, because she's a pact of you. Just like we're 2 part of our mothers. & lot of us bre going tiraegh things you fen! you can't pandle all alone. Shera's going to ba all kinds of roads to take in Life. Let pot be afraid to Uaxe then te deserve then, because Wc!re al bo you understand...who we are, and what we have bacome? WWe'ze the daughters of chose old dusty taings Nana carries in her tin can. We carry too many scars from the past. Our past owns us. Me woar our ccare Like armour. protection. Thick, hard, ugly scars tha: no one {ovever burt us again. Let's Live our lives without fiving the foie of old wounds. SANA, YELLOW MARY AND BULA SMBRACS. NAMA SZASHES BACK 10 SHB WAS YOUNG, TILING THE SOIL AND PLANTING WITS SHAD. EN Young Nana: shad, how can ve plant ia this dust? shad: Me plant each and every year, or we're finished! ‘TSE FAMILY GATHERS AT A CLEARING IN THE WOODS FOR A LAST RITUAL, KISSING THR BIBLE AND SAYING A SINAL PAREQELL 10 NANA. Nana: Wy life is almost over, and yours is just starting. and Tim not going to live long enough to see what becones of all you negro people who are free. Viola: We're going to be watching fron heaven, Nana, No. I'm not going to ba watching from heavan, ‘wnil S soil still here for me for planting. (She aad binds with it, che "hand", and Yellow Mary's St. christopher Chara.) We've taken old gods and given thes new names. They sau all here that day, those tbe. (She holds out piste) This Shand", it's from me, from thon, fron ue. The game soul az ail «f you. Cone children, iss this hand fail of ae. Slola: Lord. have marcy, haze marcy Nana: Take ay hand. I'm the one that can give you strength. (The Family cones forward to kiss the sible.) fake ge whorsear jou ge. Tim your strength. 06/28/98 THU 10:12 Far eee a Viola: Old folks are suprosed to die! it's not right! they're: bapposed to die and go to heaven! Te's noe right! (She cries.) Hagar: Hoodoo...Hoo-doo! Hoods mess! Ain't no roots and herbs roing to change hothiag. Don't go aad spoil everyching! O14 figeasro-po-re-This-Way don't help one today! (aaagar stalks off, away frem the family.) Nana: Come, come chila...T love you * syow Mama, please! HAAGAR LEAVES TAB FAMILY GATHERING, SNEAD KISSES VIOLA, VIOLA ‘DEARFULLY SAYS GOODBYE To NANA AND KISSES THE SIaLe ‘PSR NEXT MORNING, TEE PAMILY TS AT THE DOCK, LOADING THE BOAT AND GETTING READY 70 DEPART. IONA IS ANKIOUSGY PACTNG. NANA STANDS APART, WATCHING THEIR PREPARATIONS. Nana V.0.2 In this quiet place, simple folk knelt down and Caughts gliapse of the aternai. (Family menbere wave to wana Horaing will becin a new Life for ay children and ne. They wiil carry my spirit, I'l remain here, with the old souls. ST, JULIAN RIDES UP ON HTS HORSE, AND CALIS 70 IOWA. SHE LEAVES SHE BOAT AND RUNS TO HIM, HAAGAR FOLLOWING. Haagar: Iona! Iona! I-Own-Her! ST. JULIAN AND IONA RIDE OFF; PASSING NANA. HAAGAR, HELD BACK BY ‘HE FAMILY, $O8S UNCONTROLIABLY. tH PAMILY BEGINS THEIR JOURNEY UP THE RIVER. Daborn Child V.0.: Aad so, on the 18th day of august, 1902, they eft these islands, having said farewell, perhaps ceter to’sea 3s again. ‘BELOW MARY, NANA AND EULA SALE ALONG THE BEACH AT SUNRISE, FOLLOWED SY'EULA'S CHILD. uabora child V.0.: My ma and Daddy stayed behind with Yellow Mary. Sone cay 8ii got hinself all involved with Cb anticlyaching isgue, Sate say Eula sav toe auch of herself in “ana Peazant, and wanted her chilaran born on this island. They ‘ay Momes wat always paculiar and Uana's conta and herbs Set her St "RIT r know Is, Twas born here before Wana passed on. ve renaineé behind, growing olé: wiser, atranger 2 ERDAAAE®

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