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Pre-Industrial Revolution (Before 1760s):

 Basic tools and simple machines were used for agriculture, hunting, and daily tasks.
 The wheel and the use of simple levers were early technological advancements.

First Industrial Revolution (1760s-1840s):

 Steam power and mechanization transformed manufacturing and transportation.

 The spinning jenny, steam engine, and power loom were significant inventions.

Second Industrial Revolution (1870s-1914):

 Electricity, the telegraph, and the telephone revolutionized communication.

 The development of the internal combustion engine and the automobile transformed
 Mass production techniques, assembly lines, and interchangeable parts emerged.

Information Age (1940s-2000s):

 The invention of the computer, starting with early calculating machines like ENIAC.
 The development of the internet and the World Wide Web, connecting people globally.
 The rise of personal computers, software, and the beginning of the digital era.

Mobile and Connectivity (2000s-Present):

 The proliferation of mobile devices, smartphones, and tablets. Advancements in wireless

communication technologies (3G, 4G, and the ongoing 5G).
 Cloud computing and the growth of data storage and processing capabilities.

Artificial Intelligence and Automation (2010s-Present):

 Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

 Integration of AI in various sectors such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
 Increased automation and robotics in industries.

Biotechnology and Genetics (2010s-Present):

 Advancements in gene editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9.

 Progress in personalized medicine and genomic research.

Renewable Energy and Sustainability (2000s-Present):

 Growing focus on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.
 Advances in energy storage technologies.
Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Technologies (2010s-Present):

 The interconnectivity of devices and everyday objects through the internet.

 Smart homes, wearables, and the integration of IoT in various industries.

Emerging Technologies (Present and Future):

 Quantum computing and its potential to revolutionize data processing. Augmented reality
(AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications.
 Continued development of autonomous vehicles and drone technology.

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