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Tigbauan, Iloilo


Name: ___________________________________ Score: ______________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the sentences below and write the letter of your answer on the blanks
provided before the number.
_____1. Celso sees Ismael carrying many books. Celso wanted to help Ismael. What will he say?
a. May I help you? c. I didn’t mean it to see you carrying a load of books.
b. I apologize that’s my fault. d. I’m not sure that would work.
_____ 2. The following sentences below used correct polite expressions, EXCEPT one.
a. Do you think you might be able to remove the dirt on the wall? c. Sure, that would be a great
idea and suggestion.
b. Everybody must submit their modules on time. Is that clear? d. That’s not always true.
_____ 3. Which sentences below uses polite expression of saying “no”or “declining an invitation”?
a. Can I help you with your homework? c. That sound great, but I have to go.
b. Have you thought about possibilities? d. I seem to remember that we had our
agreement last time.
_____ 4. It is a sequence of chart that shows series of events in order.
a. Cause and Effect Diagram b. Graphic Organizers c. Concept Map d. Flow Diagram
_____ 5. It is a general organizer or textual aids that can show the central thought with its matching
a. Concept Map b. Cause and Effect Diagram c. Venn Diagram d. Graphic
_____ 6. What type of listening is employed when opne is listening to music?
a. Appreciative b. Emphatic c. Analytical d. Comprehensive
_____ 7. Which among the choices below has a correct sequence of the “plot of the story”?
a. Climax, Falling Action, Rising Action, Exposition, Denouement
b. Rising Action, Exposition, Denouement, Climax, Falling Action
c. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Denouement
d. Denouement, Rising Action, Exposition, Climax, Falling Action
_____ 8. This type of source material contains firsthand information.
a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Universal
_____ 9. This type of listening gives the listener pleasure maybe from the humor of blending of voices in
choric arrangements.
a. Appreciative Listening b. Marginal Listening c. Attentive Listening d.
Analytical Listening
_____ 10. The gardener owns a vast vegetable garden located at the backyard. One day he saw a group of
goats invading his garden. Unluckily the vegetable plots and trellises were destroyed including the large
number of vegetables. If you were the gardener what would you do?
a. Make a fence around the garden. c. Kill the goats whenever they invade again.
b. Call the police. d. Replant the vegetables again.
II. Read and identify the following terms below.
Write your answers on the blanks before the number.
___________________ 1. This diagram is used to emphasize the connection between concepts by
showing the cause and effects.
___________________ 2. This is a diagram use to show sequence of series of events.
___________________ 3. This is a diagram used to identify, classify, categorize and recognize similarities
and differences.
___________________ 4. This source of information contains firsthand information.
___________________ 5. This is defined as intercourse, a talk or exchanges of thoughts in words.
___________________ 6. The element of plot which describes where the story is taking place.
___________________ 7. These are the people, animals, creatures and things in the story.
___________________ 8. It is the direct or indirect process where the writer reveals the personality of the
___________________ 9. It is a literary term used to describe the events that make up the story.
___________________ 10. It is the highest point of interest of the story.

III. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Read the sentences below and write the correct polite expressions that
complete each sentence. Choose your answers from the box.
* That sounds great, but… * I wish I could, but right now I need to focus on…
* I was hoping you could … * If you’d like, I can …
* I seem to remember that we…
1. ______________________ I have to go now, because it’s getting dark. (Declining an Invitation)
2. _______________________________ help me in carrying these shoeboxes. (Request)
3. ______________________my studies most especially this upcoming examination day. (Can’t provide
4. _____________________ tour you around the park to see different ornamental plants. (Offer)
5. __________________________had an agreement last week regarding this matter. (Pointing out

IV. COMPARE and CONTRAST. Fill in the Venn Diagram by writing their differences and similarities.

Whales Fish Choices:
* Have scales
* Breathe air
* Can swim
* Live in water
* Live Birth

V. Employ analytical listening in problem solving. Analyze the situations below, write the letter of
your answer on the blanks before the number.
_____ 1. The teacher asks the class to enumerate the different parts of the plot. Rabiya raises her hand to
answer but the teacher did not call her. If you were Rabiya what would you do?
a. Share the answer to your classmates. c. Write down the story and submit to the
b. Continue to raise hand until you are called. d. Walk out in the class.
_____ 2. Shamcey an island girl, heard the news that a super typhoon will hit their province the tomorrow.
If you were Shamcey what would you do?
a. Watch television the whole day. c. Prepare survival kits and be ready for evacuation.
b. Laundry all your used clothes. d. Spend time to work the rest of the day.
_____ 3. Janine and Venus are best friends. Both of them started to answer their modules together but
because of some household chores they failed to finish it before the submission day.
If you were Janine and Venus what would you do?
a. Throw the modules. c. Blame my parents, classmates and teachers.
b. Inform and talk to my adviser about the problem. d. Submit my modules even though they
are not done.
_____ 4. The cost of electricity is very high. Your sister always leaves the lights or TV on when she leaves
the house.
You know that she is wasting a lot of electricity. What is the best thing for you to do?
a. Refrain from talking to your sister. c. Turn the lights and TV off.
b. Leave the problem to your parents. d. Remind your sister on the cost of electricity.
_____ 5. As of November 2020, the number of Covid19 cases increased into four hundred thousand plus in
the entire country.
Max is not observing proper health protocols. If you are Max what would you do?
a. Ignore the proper health protocols. c. Invite others to protest against the health
b. Urgently practice the approved health protocols. d. Wait the vaccine then follow the proper
health protocols.

VI. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is False.
_____1. Informative speech in which the speaker relays knowledge to an audience on a specific topic.
_____ 2. Persuasive speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his of
her point of view.
_____ 3. An Impromptu speech delivered “on the spot” with no preparation at all.
_____ 4. A speech is divided into an introduction, body and conclusion.
_____ 5. Speeches must be long and complex.
_____ 6. Demonstrations and lectures are the same type of informative speech.
_____ 7. Good speaker does not mind his audience.
_____8. A commercial ad is uses a persuasive strategy.
_____ 9. Speeches should be delivered in an interesting and pleasing way so that the audience is
motivated to pay attention.
_____ 10. Tertiary Source of information is not as important as Primary Source.

VI. Draw a line to match the character’s name on Column A to its description column B.
1. Galathea a. mother of Orpheus
2. Quasimodo b. A hunchback
3. Persephone c. wife of Orpheus
4. Hades d. a statue lady
5. Euridice e. Queen of the Underworld
6. Orpheus f. King of the Underworld
7. La Esmeralda g. loved by Quasimodo
8. Nmemosyne h. God of the sea
9. Frollo i. hates of Quasimodo
10. Poseidon j. has a talent in music
k. Goddess of beauty

VI. Plot the following data in a graphic organizer. All answers must be written at the back of page 3.

A. Table
Grade 7 Health Data

Alex- 13yrs old, 40kg., 150inch, male

John- 42 kg, 11 yrs. old, female, 140inch.
Hannah -female, 150 inch., 13.yrs old, 45kg
Kent- 14yrs. Old, 42kg. 145inch, male
Joy- female, 13yrs.old, 41kg, 148inch

B. Pie Graph

Recommended Diet

Fruit – 30%
Protein – 15%
Vegetables- 25%
Dairy – 16%
Grains- 9%
Other- 5%

Good Luck!

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