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Exercise 3 Answers will vary

Write four to five sentences to show how to eat or make

something. Put the sentences in the correct order. Begin each
sentence with a time word
Item to eat or make: BLT sandwich
1. First, you need to prepare the main ingredients to make the sandwich including
bread,bacon,lettuce,tomato,sauces but you can add other things if you want to.
2. Next, use a spoon or a butter knife to spread the sauces that you have evenly on
just one side of the bread and then repeat this process on the other slice too.
3. Then, stack the ingredients on top of each other in this order
first the first slice of bread having the sauce side faced upward then the other
ingredients and make sure to spread them out evenly and then put the last slice
having the sauce side facing downwards.
4. Finally, serve on a plate and enjoy your handmade BLT sandwich
using your hands or using utensils.

นายธราธิป วันใจ ม.4.1 เลขที่ 10

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