Nota Bab 7

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BAB 7 (Emerging Technologies in Education.

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed

Reality, IoT)

● What is Virtual Reality (VR)

- "VR is tech that makes a fake world feel real, letting you explore and interact like
you're really there."
- VR typically involves wearing a specialized headset that covers the user's eyes
and often their ears as well, providing them with an immersive experience.

● VR categories
1. Non Immersive Virtual Reality
- "It's like a fake world on the computer where you still know what's
happening around you in real life. Video games are a good example of
this kind of VR where you're not completely lost in the virtual world."
2. Semi Immersive
- This VR gives you a taste of the virtual world mixed with the real one.
It's great for learning and training using fancy computer graphics and big
screens, like those flight simulators pilots use to practice
3. Fully Immersive Virtual Reality
- This VR feels super real—it's like you're really there, with sights,
sounds, and sometimes even smells. Think of those car racing games
where you feel the speed and driving skills for real. Originally for fun stuff
like gaming, now it's getting used more in other areas too

● VR in education
1. Virtual field trips - explore historical sites, museums, landmarks, and natural
2. Anatomy and science education- Students can explore the human body,
3. Historical and cultural reenactment- students can step into historical events,
experiencing them firsthand
4. Language learning - facilitating language acquisition through real-world context

● What is Augmented Reality (AR)

- AR is when digital stuff, like sounds, videos, or pictures, gets put on the real
world around you. It's like adding a cool layer of virtual stuff to what you see
and hear
- AR is typically experienced through devices such as smartphones, tablets,
smart glasses, and headsets.
- This allows users to see both the physical world and the digital elements
● Ar in education
1. Interactive textbook - Students can scan images with an AR app to access
(video, animation)
2. Virtual field trip
3. Anatomy and science
4. Geography and maps
5. Historical

● What is Mixed Reality (MR)

- MR is a technology that merges elements of both VR and AR to create a
hybrid environment where physical and digital objects coexist and
interact in real time.
- enables users to experience virtual content while still being aware of and interacting
with their physical surroundings.
- For instance, imagine wearing MR glasses that let you see and interact with virtual
objects in your living room while still being aware of and interacting with your real-world

● Internet of Things (IoT)

- The Internet of Things, or IoT, is like a web of connected devices—things like
gadgets, sensors, and software that talk to each other over the internet, sharing

● Application with IoT

- Smart Home- Device control lighting, heating, security system
- Healthcare - monitor vital
- Agriculture- monitor soil conditions, weather patterns

● Iot in classroom
- Smartboard, tablet, collaboration among students using tablet
- Gather data on students learning, preferences
- Wearing smartwatches and fitness tracker (monitor students physical activity)
- Online resources, virtual classroom

● What is game-based learning

- an educational approach that integrates games into the learning process to
enhance engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes.
- using actual games, whether digital or non digital, as a central

● Examples of game-based learning

- Educational video game (specific designed games that teach academic)
- Simulations (real-world scenarios)
- Board games (traditional board games exp: a history themes board game)
- Escape room activities (solving puzzles for exp)

● What is gamification?
- Gamification means making non-game stuff more like games. It's about adding
fun game-like features to things to get people interested and motivated. The aim
is to make tasks or activities more enjoyable and rewarding by using the tricks
that make games so engaging
- involves elements such as points, badges, leaderboards, challenges, rewards

● Gamification in Classroom
- Points system - Assigning points for completing different tasks
- Badges - A badge is an award given in the form of a virtual object or a pinned
image on your profile.
- Leaderboards

● Technology with gamification elements

- Duolingo
- Kahoot

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