Methods of Precipitation Titration Part 1

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Phormoceuhicl Analysis BPlo2T

Molhods d Kupitakion Titrahon Pard-

Dr. Parjanaya Shukla
Thu a doNT mehods by ohich TupitahonDr. M.P. Sungh Clases
tirahon can parod

Moht' Mahod Volhovd's tajank Maruromefric

mahod ahod Mahod

) Mohy's Malkod Civan by Mohr in 1856.

4 uhilise hotamium chromabe (K Croy) as an indicator

mainly uad to determina Halidus (u 61 B7)

rinciplh:- Involva» di'rt tirahon halidus wih AgNog

in nural soluion wsing KarOy (oSmi a7s/)
a an indicator

end point ib datrminud visually by appaovanu

brick aud colour Py'apitat
Silvar chronmaka (Ag. CrO
NaU Agu + NaN03
Aa No3
Sodium (horidu StlvaT nitrab Prubito
AgCr0y + KND3
Ag NOg KaCrOy
Silr niroe Potassium Cktomate Stlvr thromab.

Addikon d silvr nihake (AgNos) to tKi analyta cOntaininq

chlorid fons, had to omaion Agu pruopidak
uapitatabunormakon conkinuus unhll all chlonids ios
haV complataly ached witk bilver lons
By-Dr.Makundra Pralab Singl
Now uTr addiHon s Aa NOg to R onaly te
CauAe a
saciono ANO and kaCrOy Dr. Parjanya Shukla
Dr. M.P.Stngh Classe
yading to omaljon d Aidvar ckromal buupiBtak (Agtrou)

AgCrOy visualizud by apps0Tonu
brick ud colourad roupitate .
Tha is end point d hhrahon.

oadure 4f ubarotonb Sandardiohkon o oMANG

parakon01MO-1 M Ag NO3 Saluhon
oght abou 1649 Ag NO03

add Amall omoun o waker nd dinolud

mad u Re valuma to lo00 m by addung waker.

Standardisaion olM Ag NOg Solukon

Wwight occwrately 0:1 9 Nol (orind ak no'c for 2 r)
add 5 m watr to dimolve Naul.

odd 5 m aukc auid, 50 m mahyl alcohod,and 0lS ml

Eosin Soluion.

Raaulbant solukion ia sinmd ono maqnehc stiner and

titras aqainat Ag NOg wih cmimuojus Atirring.
Tnikally TI uitaion d Agu is obsved
A addad dropwis uni whita colouT
Chong to pink
Cach m g o! MAg NO3 0:00584 od Nall
APPlicahions Dr. Parjanya Shukla
) 4 is u»id in daterminaHion o % d Na. &
Dr. M.P.8ngh Cases

) In dater minahon Na and daxtroAA injack ion .

) ts sd to shimak chlorid ions in inhoperitonal

dialy sis lui d.

Th R datrminakian chromat iona and 6odum

Solubihyþrodud ahd eaupilakion
Rgochion b/w Nal and Ag MOg
Subull in inihal upitaton o Agu bscaus!
aolubilb'y produt" d i s Jowr Ran chromae.

Solubilbhy rodu ct d Agu 2x o -lo M

Ag'1u? =
Ksp CRgu x o-0 M

Solubilty produe Aga Croy : 7 x 10M

LAg'1 LCroy Ksplagcro: 17 xlo2M

A end point Cont: bah Lu] and CA3 uach an

lag') [aj By-Dr.
Ksp LAyu
a end poind
ralub Sing
Ksp Dr. Parjanya Shukla
ul Rsx 1o-10
Dr. M.
P.8ingh Claaes
x 1o"S M

Aend point bok Aqu nd AqCr0y salts ars in

Ksp LAg) Ksb CagCrou)
Cu Ksp CAu
iCrO KsP CAgro4)
12 X lo
2 9:2 x o5 M
VI:7 x lo-12

toom o Teupitart when Conc. Aqt i 1XIoS

ha' conc Chromaht ions is

92 xloS
Tkun Ag0y uhun
9.2 X10Ss
chromabs ion cmc.
A grawr han
6-0) M and
[tr02) u Silvr ion (one. is
9-2 X10S s Kan I1X1oS M.

9.2x 1o SJ
0.04 M
imitaktons Dr. Parjanya Shuhla

) Mohr's mahod lor prsupitahion rakons Dr. M. P. 3Stngh Caswea
i Aitabu in apH onga 6:s to 10

Tn highly audic. holukonb In strong alkalinu solukions

Aolubilty d Silvar chrom ake praupk d Ailuer bydraxide
inraasos Jaading to ormahon ormud
a a w&ak aud Chromic aud
which diskturb Rs con Hinuahon
so nd point too Jake. o Ki Hhrahion
to andr Ris urz Catog
NaHCO and borax aT to endet Ris add dilue
a dded in excwm amoun nihic aud oT ohanolic auid
ollowd by addikion excam o
calcium carbonake.

C)Mohns mahod not opplicabla iodsdu and

Kio oyonahe firakons

duu to adkorphon d chromaks ons on

sidvar iodidu and silvar Rioynake.

)During dahaminaion o bamum chloride

bovium bromide, 6r barium Aulphak e

pTSupitaid iTs înstsad d silvachvomaks .

4) tOr Mohr'h mathod xoom tamp. % important

Gs tomp olubilik Ag(TOy

5) for hitrabion od ammonium salt

pH o.ubion shoWd bu mainBain1d hulow 72.

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