Rivers of The World

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

The source of Yellow River is ____.

(a) Mountains of Tannu-Ola
(b) Lake Ontario
(c) Hasca Lake
(d) Kunlun Mountains
Answer: d

The longest river of the world is _____.

(a) Ob
(b) Nile
(c) Volga
(d) Purus
Answer: b

The length of the Amazon River is _____.

(a) 6400 km
(b) 5910 km
(c) 7111 km
(d) 8110 km
Answer: a

The outflow of Yangtze River is _____.

(a) Gulf of St. Lawrence
(b) Amazon River
(c) China Sea
(d) Ob River
Answer: c

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

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Table of Contents

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The source of Volga River is _____.

(a) Himalayas
(b) Valdai Hills
(c) Altai Mountains
(d) Andes
Answer: b

The approximate length of Indus River is _____.

(a) 2897 km
(b) 3010 km
(c) 4001 km
(d) 2910 km
Answer: a

The source of Indus River is _____.

(a) Black Forest
(b) Altai Mountains
(c) Himalayas
(d) Kunlun Mountains
Answer: c

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

The outflow of Indus River is _____.

(a) Black Sea
(b) Shatt-al-Arab
(c) Arabian Sea
(d) Atlantic Ocean
Answer: c

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Darling is the name of a(an) _____.

(a) Island
(b) Sea
(c) Lake
(d) River
Answer: d

Orange is the famous river of _____.

(a) Australia
(b) Lesotho
(c) Russia
(d) Turkey
Answer: b

The approximate length of the Brahmaputra _____.

(a) 2890 km
(b) 3140 km
(c) 2900 km
(d) 2740 km
Answer: c

The outflow of River Brahmaputra is _____.

(a) Ganges River
(b) Bay of Bengal
(c) Indian Ocean
(d) Indus River
Answer: a

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The third biggest river of the world is _____.

(a) San Francisco

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

(b) Rio Grande

(c) Mississippi
(d) Ob
Answer: c

The tenth biggest river of the world is _____.

(a) Indus
(b) Mekong
(c) Yukon
(d) Lena
Answer: b

Huang He is also called:

(a) Red River
(b) Yellow River
(c) Black River
(d) River Po
Answer: b

The largest river of South America and second longest river of the world is _____.
(a) Congo
(b) Nile
(c) Amazon
(d) Don
Answer: c

River Amu Dar’ya flows in _____.

(a) New Zealand
(b) Turkmenistan
(c) Zaire
(d) Iraq
Answer: b

Chang Jiang is the longest river of Asia, flows in _____.

(a) China
(b) Zaire
(c) Gambia
(d) Romania
Answer: a

River Colorado flows in _____.

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

(a) Niger
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) UK
(d) US
Answer: d

Read also: Deserts of the World MCQs (Solved)

River Congo located in _____.

(a) Brazil
(b) Turkmenistan
(c) Zaire
(d) India
Answer: c

Don is a famous river of _____.

(a) Canada
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) Brazil
Answer: b

Elbe is a famous river of _____.

(a) Gambia
(b) China
(c) Germany
(d) Iraq
Answer: c

River Euphrates located in _____.

(a) Iraq
(b) Iran
(c) Jordan
(d) Lebanon
Answer: a

River Irrawardy flows in _____.

(a) Jordan
(b) Lesotho
(c) Brazil
(d) Myanmar

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

Answer: d

Lena is a name of river located in _____.

(a) Russia
(b) Canada
(c) China
(d) US
Answer: a

River Mackenzie is located in _____.

(a) Germany
(b) Egypt
(c) Niger
(d) Canada
Answer: d

Missouri is a river located in _____.

(a) US
(b) Brazil
(c) Britain
(d) Angola
Answer: a

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Murray-Darling is a river located in _____.

(a) New Zealand
(b) Australia
(c) Paraguay
(d) Bolivia
Answer: b

Ob is a name of river located in _____.

(a) Russia
(b) Sudan
(c) Tanzania
(d) Zambia
Answer: a

Oder is a famous river of _____.

(a) Korea

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

(b) Sri Lanka

(c) Europe
(d) Belgium
Answer: c

Parana is a famous river of _____.

(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Switzerland
(d) South America
Answer: d

Rhine is a famous river located in _____.

(a) Germany
(b) Russia
(c) China
(d) Jordan
Answer: a

River Seine is located in _____.

(a) France
(b) Uganda
(c) Kuwait
(d) Iran
Answer: a

Tocantins is a famous river of _____.

(a) Zambia
(b) Italy
(c) Vietnam
(d) Brazil
Answer: d

Thames is a famous river located in _____.

(a) England
(b) Italy
(c) Germany
(d) Bolivia
Answer: a

The longest river of Europe and Russia is _____.

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Rivers of the World MCQs | World General Knowledge Series

(a) Bandama
(b) Zambezi
(c) Don
(d) Volga
Answer: d

Zambezi is a famous river located in:

(a) Zambia
(b) France
(c) Brazil
(d) Italy
Answer: a

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