BUS 1102 Written

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BUS 1101-01 - AY2024-T3 Written Assignment Unit 2

Value People, Munificence Generosity, Trust, Self-competent Significance. (Crowley,

Provides an example of how each of the four factors is managed.
Value People (Crowley, 2013). Having a high level of appreciation for the employees no
matter what level they are in the company treats each person with dignity in humanity. Often
in companies at times, there are numerous employees who do not feel appreciated, valued,
noticed, or even if they are even known about in the company. Too many feel unnoticed,
especially at the bottom of the staff, entry-level, min wage, and/or interns... Many people
tend to feel unimportant or not counted as important in their job. This fear of uncertainty can
result in poor work ethics or low morale in the day to day business.
Munificence Generosity (Crowley, 2013). I have a personal business motto of the 5 Gs,
Giving Gifts Gets Greater Growth. I say this all the time in business. People just respond
better to the generosity of things to make them individually feel special. Whether it is a
company-wide picnic, smaller team-building events sponsored by the company, or random
company freebies in gift bags, etc. People just love trinkets, events, or anything they can
either hold to brag about with their company or what they received as a novelty item with the
company logo. It makes people happy and happy workers bring better company growth in
meeting profit goals.
Trust (Crowley, 2013). You have to let the people you hire be accountable 100% for their
work produced. If not they must be purged from the company. There is not a point of
pretending to employees that you trust them when you don’t. Therefore it is important to
have employees accountable and do semi-annual reviews or annual reviews. It helps to
reward the better merits of good performers in the workplace as well. Anyone that can’t be
trusted, use them as an example in termination. The trusted employees will become
competitive in proving they can be the best employees and earn higher trust in loyalty. Self-
competent Significance. (Crowley, 2013). Allow each employee to know what the needs of
the expectations of the job are in their day to day and make the employee own up to doing the
work at a high level of quality knowing they will be known for a job well done. This boosts
reasons for that employee's ego to want to do better and brag about the job well done. Things
as reward certificates or best overall job merits do really well in this example. People tend to
work hard to be featured in the company newsletter or employee of the month just for
bragging rights. And this is all done without adding an optional raise just by creating a
competitive motivation in the employees.
Clearly states position of whether they agree or not with the policies
Yes, I do very much agree with the policies in these methods. It is a very good way to have
employees love the job they do, especially in routine boring assignments.
Writing is clear. Used appropriate grammar and writing to express ideas. References (if used)
were cited properly. (The answers are exactly two pages. Do note that my answers are my
own perspective and not the thoughts of others.)

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