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Struggling to Develop a Bipolar Thesis Statement?

Crafting a thesis statement for a bipolar disorder research paper can be an arduous task. This mental
health condition is complex, encompassing a wide range of symptoms and impacting individuals
differently. As such, formulating a concise and effective thesis statement requires a deep
understanding of the disorder and its nuances. Many students find themselves overwhelmed by the
abundance of information available and the challenge of condensing it into a coherent argument.

The difficulty in writing a thesis statement on bipolar disorder stems from the need to strike a
balance between specificity and comprehensiveness. On one hand, the statement must be focused
enough to guide the research and provide a clear direction for the paper. On the other hand, it must
also be broad enough to encompass the various aspects of bipolar disorder that the paper will explore.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis statement that is both original and insightful adds another layer of
complexity. With countless papers already written on the topic, finding a unique angle or perspective
can be daunting.

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Unipolar and bipolar disorders According to the criteria set forth by The Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual, unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are similar to one another in every aspect. Answer:
If Ignored, this disorder can turn chronic otherwise can be cured. Question 3. There is an increase in
the case of bipolar disorders amongst students. Peacock (2000) goes on to explain many of the
treatment options for bipolar disorder. The type of prognosis that can be given to sufferers will
depend on many different things, although pregnant and breastfeeding women tend to improve
better. However, a combination of psychotherapy and medicamentous treatment may significantly
improve the quality of life of such patients. For instance, mania can be a sign of rising levels of
monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine, or even norepinephrine in the body, which could
potentially be triggered by medication used to manage depression and drugs of abuse such as
cocaine. BackgroundThe question of whether psychiatric research study should be categorized into
schizophrenic and bipolar disorders as two different entities disturb many doctors and researchers
from the very beginning. A thesis statement is just like a driving destination in that it offers clear
direction and provides understanding. It should be clear, concise, arguable, well-supported by
evidence, and written in an appropriate tone. We are committed to an inclusive environment where
everyone has the chance to thrive and to the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action.
References American Psychiatric Association. 2013. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, 5th Edition. Depending upon the method you experience these state of mind states, and
how badly they impact you, your physician might detect you with a specific kind of bipolar illness.
In yet another case scenario, bipolar I disorder and depression have both been found to be highly
linked to high levels of glutamate, while a disruption of calcium regulation in neurons has been
largely accused for the onset of mania. In 1960's, several people with bipolar disorder were placed at
a given institution and provided with little financial help since the Congress refused to acknowledge
that manic depression is a legitimate illness. In that same year, accounts of lithium poisoning in
patients who were administered high doses of lithium for congestive heart failure were published,
and there was general distrust of lithium in medicine (Shorter, 3). The paper 'Mental Health Nursing
- Consumer-Oriented Health Care of bipolar disorder ' is an apposite variant of a case study on
nursing. In these support groups, patients get rare opportunities to share their experiences and learn
from other people who have better knowledge regarding their condition. State your point clearly and
directly in one or two. A person suffering from these types of disorder’s usually undergone long
mood swings. NIMH remarks the following about the bipolar disorder: “Manic-depression distorts
moods and thoughts, incites dreadful behaviors, destroys the basis of rational thought, and too often
erodes the desire and will to live. For over 15 years he has been helping individuals, athletes, teams,
soldiers and businesses improve individual and collective performance. Firstly, it should be a clear
and concise statement that presents the main argument of the paper. The hospitalization is required
only in case of the excessive mania and overwhelming manic activities. In 1870, Silas Weir Mitchell
spoke on the use of lithium as a hypnotic and anti-convulsant, and later said that lithium could also
be used to treat “general nervousness” (Shorter, 2). She became severely depressed that all she
wanted is to sleep and end her life. Individuals with bipolar affective disorder can get treatment. The
Mood Disorder Questionnaire The MDQ tool is a structured patients’ self-report (Gerard et al,
2007), which is designed specifically to help the clinicians in the screening of both the mania and
hypomania episodes experienced by their patients both at the present time and in the past (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby
Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. Thus, very different profiles
would be expected if a patient with a bipolar disorder were tested while in a depressed as opposed
to a manic or euthymic state (Nichols, 1988). Second, the behavioral and episodic features that
distinguish bipolar I and normal phenotypes also are assumed to distinguish cyclothymic and normal
phenotypes, although the discrimination problem is much greater in the latter case.
During hypomania there is increased energy, expansiveness, risk taking, and fluency of thought,
which can lead to periods of superhuman productivity (Fried 1995). Even though it is such a
complicated mental illness, there is hope for everyone to control their symptoms. Future
developments may mean that people could move from controlling. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Along with research he also provides many statistics
that help us better understand the illness at hand. State your point clearly and directly in one or two.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. Individuals with bipolar affective
disorder can get treatment. Prospective multicenter study of pregnancy outcome after lithium
exposure during the first trimester. Bipolar is a disorder that is characterized by recurring episode of
mania and depression. Usually, antidepressants can increase the activity of the brain cells. According
to clinical studies, the CIDI-based screening instrument has helped to diagnose between 67% and
96% of all the cases of bipolar disorder that turned out to be true; if these clinical studies are
anything to go by, then the CIDI-based screening can achieve a much more accurate diagnosis than
the MDQ screening. This paper will explore the diagnosis and assessment of Seasonal Affective
Disorder, including the differentiation of the physical and emotional causes for the mood changes
that occur. Please review our Cookie Policy to learn about it in detail and continue using the website
only if you agree to receive cookies. When bipolar disorder occurs in childhood or adolescence, it is
associated with suicide and rapid cycling between depressive and manic phases. In history, people
believed demonic possessions and other occurrences were the cause of psychiatric disorders, but
modern. The disorder is caused mainly by an array of events that happens in an individual's life. As a
resource for graduate students, sample word templates are available to assist with the initial
formatting of doctoral dissertations and. 4 how do you create a thesis statement. Twin studies have
highlighted the potential contribution of environmental factors to bipolar disorder because they have
revealed that it is possible for one twin to have bipolar while the other does not. First, because the
behavioral and episodic features that characterize bipolar I disorder are assumed to be qualitatively
similar to those of cyclothymia, these may be used to identify cyclothymia, although issues
concerning the milder intensity, shorter duration, and any potential dissimilarity of course in
cyclothymes must be addressed. Swinging from the pits to the heights is a serious problem, and
bipolarity is a serious psychiatric disorder. These drugs also serve to be very useful in resolving the
problem of sleeplessness and anxiety that these patients experience. These particular medicines are
mostly recommended in the event of severe symptoms or disturbed behavior; on the other hand,
doctors may recommend antidepressants depending on symptoms manifest, though in some cases
they may trigger episodes of mania. Just click on the Order button, provide details, and pay for essay
when you are ready. Social factors External factors in the social environment of individuals such as
stress or significant life events have also been identified as one of the factors contributing to bipolar
disorder (Lauren et al, 2005); a genetic predisposition may be triggered by these factors or they may
cause possible biological reactions that lead to bipolar disorder. Some of the recommendations
include active listening, mutual problem solving, calmly expressing opinions about the patient’s
behavior, praising for positive changes, and reaching compromises (Mayo Clinic Staff 2015). The
author states that personality disorder thus places itself inside the nucleus of any criminality of
mankind. The anti depressants include Bupropion, Venlafaxine, Mirtazapine and Nefazodone. Begin
With Introductory Bipolar disorder is a serious brain condition that is marked by fluctuations
between depressed and manic states. The flight of ideas is also a very common symptom of manic
episode. This is interesting because most people think that a good prognosis for a disease is one
where it can be completely cured, but it is important to note that bipolar disorder is more complicated
than some purely physical diseases.
Etiology There are several causes of the bipolar disorder, among them genetic, biological,
psychological, and social factors; all these factors contribute to the prevalence of this illness in the
populations. Some are mild, some are severe, and some are chronic too. Full-blown manic episodes
are not common for this type of BD. Second, the behavioral and episodic features that distinguish
bipolar I and normal phenotypes also are assumed to distinguish cyclothymic and normal phenotypes,
although the discrimination problem is much greater in the latter case. Every person has Bipolar
disorder in active or passive form. For over 15 years he has been helping individuals, athletes, teams,
soldiers and businesses improve individual and collective performance. The pharmacological
treatment includes mood stabilizers, anti-depressants and anti psychotics. People suffering from this
type of disorder show traumatic states of extreme and intense emotional attacks. Because of this,
they need decreased time of sleep or not sleeping at all. It is also interesting to note that the majority
of pregnant and breastfeeding women do not take lithium because it could be transferred to the
baby. Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally and usually starts between the ages of 15-25
years old. At one time the person becomes very happy and extremely active and at another instance
he may become sad and lazy. Many symptoms differ in men in comparison to women. Lithium has
been scientifically proven for decades to relieve symptoms of mania and depression, and has helped
countless patients living with bipolar disorder to lessen episode relapses. Critique of the Composite
International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) Like in the case of MDQ, the CIDI-based bipolar
screening instrument is also a valuable tool that clinicians in primary care can explore in the diagnosis
of bipolar cases. The young mind is getting contaminated by the loads and burdens of negative
thoughts and emotions. Ultimately, bipolar disorder is a mental disorder that presents in patients with
feelings of depression or mania in the case of bipolar I disorder, or depression and hypomania for
bipolar II disorder. These two screening instruments are useful tools in the evaluation and
differentiation of mood symptoms experienced by patients after their symptoms, family history,
course of treatment and even response to treatment have been examined. Health providers have to be
keen if they are to diagnose bipolar disorder correctly because patients behave differently in each of
the episodes. Bipolar Disorder Essay Example For Students 2019-02-27. A thesis, when it comes to
narrative writing, will vary from author to author and story to story. Cause. Bipolar disorder, a
biological, inherited disorder ( Spivack 1994), is not usually diagnosed until adolescence. Methylene
blue, also known as methylthioninium chloride, is a medication and dye. Unfortunately, each specific
personality also contain apersonality disorder. Young Mother Bipolar Disorder, Rockville MD
Psychotherapy. Below are 15 debatable, supportable, and focused thesis statements for you to learn
from. The physical state of the individual also varies with the patient being very jumpy and hyper at
one time and he may be tired at other instances. It is a complicated disease and sufferers may not
respond to one type of treatment. Depression: Unipolar and bipolar disorders November 18,
Depression: Unipolar and bipolar disorders According to the criteria set forth by The Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual, unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are similar to one another in every
aspect. You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration, check out a particular paper's
structure, familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources for research.
It’s a great deal to understand the primary assets of life. However, it is important to note that help
can be found in many different places. Patients with manic bipolar disorder are likely to exhibit a
fast process of thought, as well as speech. Due to high symptomatic occurrences, the patients are told
to undergo proper treatment regularly. This screening instrument also has high concordance rates for
the diagnosis of bipolar disorder with a positive predicative value that lies between 41%-88% whose
variable is the bipolar spectrum disorder. One of the most important drugs in treating patients with
bipolar is lithium. In the past, people with severe bipolar disorder may have been admitted to an
asylum where they could have remained manic for many months or depressed for many years and
then spontaneously remitted, indicating that there is a pattern to even the most severe expressions of
the condition. It is an illness that is biological in its origins, yet one that feels psychological in the
experience of it; an illness that is unique in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet one that brings in
its wake almost unendurable suffering and, not infrequently, suicide.” (2008) “Psychotic features
(e.g., hallucinations, delusions) may be present in manic, mixed or depressive episodes and tend to
relate to the mood. The complexity of bipolar disorder is that each of the four episodes has varying
intensities of mood changes. A lot of very successful people life day to day with this disorder.
Patients with manic bipolar disorder exhibit high levels of euphoria as well as an elevated mood. The
purpose of this paper is to explore the prognosis for those with bipolar and how this links to research
on causes and treatment. Bipolar Disorder is not necessarily something that people are born with.
Bipolar Disorder Essay Example For Students 2019-02-27. In contrast, Bipolar Disorder is a medical
condition in which people have mood swings out of proportion, or totally unrelated, to things going
on in their lives. Other than lithium, mental health professionals can also prescribe anticonvulsant
and anti-psychotic drugs. Bipolar Disorder The advancements in the field of medical science and the
carrying out of researches have led to the easier and timely diagnosis of different pathological
conditions. Early signs may suggest another condition, or it may be interpreted without the benefit of
a bigger picture, such as family history. About yourself how to make a thesis statement 6th keyboard
brainly define worksheet?Thesis statement on the 8th amendment. For instance, mania can be a sign
of rising levels of monoamines such as serotonin, dopamine, or even norepinephrine in the body,
which could potentially be triggered by medication used to manage depression and drugs of abuse
such as cocaine. It features supercharged mood, overactive behavior, and poor judgment,
unwillingness to listen to reason, grandiosity, and desire to control. However, a combination of
psychotherapy and medicamentous treatment may significantly improve the quality of life of such
patients. The function of the mood stabilizers is to decrease the rate of mania and at the same time
control the mood swings. To receive a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder, individuals had to experience
one or more depressive episodes and one or more hypomanic episodes (but no manic or mixed
episodes). However, those people might begin to suspect a problem after they have lain in bed for
days not wanting to do anything. On the other hand, the manic phase represents the ego’s struggle to
defend itself from the id through defense mechanisms that are based on denial. More extensive and
enduring reforms would likely have allowed Chile the opportunity to further expand these horizons.
Using this tool in primary healthcare settings enables practitioners to identify those patients who are
most likely to have bipolar disorder from the populations. Mood and Behavioral effects of four-week
light treatment in winter depressives and controls.
Every individual shares their own story of struggle and suffering. It is analyzed that in the maniac
episode the individuals feel very happy, joyful and irritated at times while at the next moment they
may become sad and worried. According to Marneros and Goodwin, Hippocrates “thought that the
origin of mental diseases lay in the disturbed interaction of body fluids with the brain. Goldberg D.
P. ( 1972). The detection of psychiatric illness by questionnaire. Twin studies have highlighted the
potential contribution of environmental factors to bipolar disorder because they have revealed that it
is possible for one twin to have bipolar while the other does not. Biological factors are all the
potential imbalances in the biochemical composition of the brain that may predispose an individual to
bipolar disorder. Some are mild, some are severe, and some are chronic too. These statistics are
particularly for the age group below 19. Because bipolar disorder has such debilitating symptoms, it
is imperative that we remain vigilant in the quest for explanations of its causes and treatment.
Constructive communication helps to establish the atmosphere of trust between the patient and the
care provider and minimizes the risk of evoking hostile behavior. Do your state of minds
modifications make it tough to sleep, remain focused, or go to work. Begin With Introductory
Bipolar disorder is a serious brain condition that is marked by fluctuations between depressed and
manic states. These types of cases can often lead to a huge improvement with short-term treatment.
Depression is just one part of bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depression. The work offers an
insight into the course of the illness, both delimiting the patterns according to which bipolar disorder
develops and explaining its influence on patients. A huge number of people can rely on lithium to
control their symptoms. However, some people cannot rely on lithium alone. These mood attacks are
periodic and categorized as a maniac, Hyper maniac, and depressive. Those suffering from this kind
of disorder normally resume their normal move after a short time. Often individuals with bipolar
disorder feel extremely unfortunate and “down,” have low energy, and are much less active. I am so
happy to have had the experience of starring in an original cast for a world premiere show. We
should be happy and think positively and try to make life an easy movie rather than thinks and make
it a tragedy. At very mild intensities, however, the bipolar phenotype will merge almost imperceptibly
with the normal phenotype (e.g., where mild cyclothymes are behaviorally indistinguishable from
highly variable normal). The mood swings occur periodically in an episodic manner. The exact
pathology which leads to this condition is yet unknown but it is considered that it may result due to
variations in the levels of neurotransmitters. (Myers 2010; Quinn 2007) The bipolar disorder is a
condition whose characteristic sign is the changes moods of the patients and knowledge regarding
the disorder by the doctor is extremely important for its diagnosis. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. This paper will focus on discussing the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder,
the prognosis, as well as the barriers to treatment. The type of prognosis that can be given to sufferers
will depend on many different things, although pregnant and breastfeeding women tend to improve
better. Bipolar affective disorder displays the features of a common disorder. The condition is mainly
characterized by unusual mood swings that is there are two phases in a person’s mood that is he may
be very active and happy at one time followed by periods of extreme lows and depression.
Genetic factors are considered to be the leading contributor to the disease, accounting for up to 80%
of the risk of having the illness. This diagnostic tool has a number of advantages over the MDQ
bipolar screening instrument but hardly any significant limitations. Understanding the concept of
such disorders are beneficial to me because no matter what field of concentration you work in I feel
that all of them from drug and alcohol, trauma, and mental health all intertwine. We have already
started rehearsals and I know that this musical is going to be massive. This limitation of the MDQ
screening instrument can be attributed to the failure by bipolar II patients to endorse questions that
ask about periods of elevated or exaggerated mood episodes. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. In the past, people with severe bipolar disorder may have been admitted to an
asylum where they could have remained manic for many months or depressed for many years and
then spontaneously remitted, indicating that there is a pattern to even the most severe expressions of
the condition. Whereas doctors prescribe lithium particularly for calming the mood by preventing
patients from experiencing elevated mood episodes or irritability, anticonvulsants may be used in the
treatment of mixed episodes of bipolar disorder. It is findings such as these, and data from others
showing cyclothymic behavioral disturbance as a precursor to full syndromal bipolar disorder, that
led to the inclusion of cyclothymia in the affective disorders section of DSM-III. The exact
pathology which leads to this condition is yet unknown but it is considered that it may result due to
variations in the levels of neurotransmitters. (Myers 2010; Quinn 2007) The bipolar disorder is a
condition whose characteristic sign is the changes moods of the patients and knowledge regarding
the disorder by the doctor is extremely important for its diagnosis. Our understanding of behaviors
that we consider to be normal, abnormal or deviant has changed with time and culture. These
classifications are broadly used in understandings of mental illness, including bipolar disorder, from
then until on. Even though it is such a complicated mental illness, there is hope for everyone to
control their symptoms. Future developments may mean that people could move from controlling.
This medical condition typically alternates with episodes of depression. Proposals have also been
discussed to reform the mental health act so that people may be provided with the maximum
benefits, which are important part of our society. Using this screening tool, a criterion B screening
question is used to confirm whether a patient who responds affirmatively to the stem question is
presenting with symptoms of mania. Constructive communication helps to establish the atmosphere
of trust between the patient and the care provider and minimizes the risk of evoking hostile behavior.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Unfortunately, each
specific personality also contain apersonality disorder. To build it, start with a generalization and
proceed with your stance or claim. These two swings can be characterized as maniac episodes and
depressive episodes respectively. Statistics reveal that bipolar problem involves nearly four million
people at the United States, and is growing into one of those most general handicaps in the United
States nowadays (Craighead and Nemeroff, 2001, 212). Young Mother Bipolar Disorder, Rockville
MD Psychotherapy. The disorder is caused mainly by an array of events that happens in an
individual's life. The medications that may be prescribed for the condition include mood stabilizers,
anti-depressants and anti psychotic drugs. We can prepare a unique paper on Research Papers On
Bipolar Disorder Essay for you from scratch. With time the condition becomes severe and the person
has a longer duration of an unbalanced frame of mind as compared to the distinct phases of
depression or mania (Web, bipolar disorder ). It was during these studies that researchers began to
understand that lithium treatment requires close monitoring, regular blood work and maintenance to
be effective medicine (Shorter, 3). Early signs may suggest another condition, or it may be
interpreted without the benefit of a bigger picture, such as family history.

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