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What’s Poverty?
POVERTY, is a state or condition
in which a person or
community lacks the financial
resources and essentials for a
minimun standard of living.
*Situational poverty
*Generational poverty
different *Global poverty
*Political poverty
types of *Cultural poverty
*Spiritual poverty
poverty: *Absolute poverty
*Relative poverty
*Urban poverty
*Rural poverty
*Situational poverty
*Generational poverty
different *Global poverty
*Political poverty
types of *Cultural poverty
*Spiritual poverty
poverty: *Absolute poverty
*Relative poverty
*Urban poverty
*Rural poverty

"Situational poverty" “Generational poverty” “Global poverty” "Political poverty"

refers to a is the opposite of refers to the is not a term commonly
temporary and generational wealth. widespread condition used in mainstream
discourse. However, one
short-term state of Instead of inheriting a wherein a significant
could interpret it in
poverty that solid financial portion of the world's various ways to refer to a
individuals or foundation and getting population lacks the lack of political power,
families experience a leg up, kids are resources, capabilities, political freedoms, or
due to a specific taught little about and access to basic effective political
event, circumstance, finance and learn to human needs required representation within a
or crisis. Situational live hand to mouth. It’s for a decent standard society. It may suggest a
poverty is typically a phenomenon that of living. It is a complex condition where certain
triggered by external affects millions of and multifaceted issue individuals or
communities face
factors that disrupt people in the United that affects people
barriers in participating
an individual's or States. across different fully in political
family's financial countries, regions, and processes, decision-
stability. continents. making, and governance.

"Situational poverty" “Generational poverty” “Global poverty” "Political poverty"

refers to a is the opposite of refers to the is not a term commonly
temporary and generational wealth. widespread condition used in mainstream
discourse. However, one
short-term state of Instead of inheriting a wherein a significant
could interpret it in
poverty that solid financial portion of the world's various ways to refer to a
individuals or foundation and getting population lacks the lack of political power,
families experience a leg up, kids are resources, capabilities, political freedoms, or
due to a specific taught little about and access to basic effective political
event, circumstance, finance and learn to human needs required representation within a
or crisis. Situational live hand to mouth. It’s for a decent standard society. It may suggest a
poverty is typically a phenomenon that of living. It is a complex condition where certain
triggered by external affects millions of and multifaceted issue individuals or
communities face
factors that disrupt people in the United that affects people
barriers in participating
an individual's or States. across different fully in political
family's financial countries, regions, and processes, decision-
stability. continents. making, and governance.

"Situational poverty" “Generational poverty” “Global poverty” "Political poverty"

refers to a is the opposite of refers to the is not a term commonly
temporary and generational wealth. widespread condition used in mainstream
discourse. However, one
short-term state of Instead of inheriting a wherein a significant
could interpret it in
poverty that solid financial portion of the world's various ways to refer to a
individuals or foundation and getting population lacks the lack of political power,
families experience a leg up, kids are resources, capabilities, political freedoms, or
due to a specific taught little about and access to basic effective political
event, circumstance, finance and learn to human needs required representation within a
or crisis. Situational live hand to mouth. It’s for a decent standard society. It may suggest a
poverty is typically a phenomenon that of living. It is a complex condition where certain
triggered by external affects millions of and multifaceted issue individuals or
communities face
factors that disrupt people in the United that affects people
barriers in participating
an individual's or States. across different fully in political
family's financial countries, regions, and processes, decision-
stability. continents. making, and governance.

"Situational poverty" “Generational poverty” “Global poverty” "Political poverty"

refers to a is the opposite of refers to the is not a term commonly
temporary and generational wealth. widespread condition used in mainstream
discourse. However, one
short-term state of Instead of inheriting a wherein a significant
could interpret it in
poverty that solid financial portion of the world's various ways to refer to a
individuals or foundation and getting population lacks the lack of political power,
families experience a leg up, kids are resources, capabilities, political freedoms, or
due to a specific taught little about and access to basic effective political
event, circumstance, finance and learn to human needs required representation within a
or crisis. Situational live hand to mouth. It’s for a decent standard society. It may suggest a
poverty is typically a phenomenon that of living. It is a complex condition where certain
triggered by external affects millions of and multifaceted issue individuals or
communities face
factors that disrupt people in the United that affects people
barriers in participating
an individual's or States. across different fully in political
family's financial countries, regions, and processes, decision-
stability. continents. making, and governance.

"Cultural poverty" "Spiritual poverty"

is a term that is sometimes used to describe a is a term often used to
condition where individuals or communities describe a state of lack
or deprivation in the
experience a lack of access to cultural
realm of spiritual well-
resources, education, and opportunities. This being or fulfillment.
form of poverty is not solely focused on Unlike economic or
economic factors but also considers the material poverty,
cultural aspects of life, including language, spiritual poverty
arts, traditions, and knowledge. Cultural focuses on the absence
poverty can manifest in various ways, of spiritual values,
impacting a person or community's ability to meaning, and a sense
engage with and participate in cultural of connection to
something greater than
activities, education, and the broader cultural

"Cultural poverty" "Spiritual poverty"

is a term that is sometimes used to describe a is a term often used to
condition where individuals or communities describe a state of lack
or deprivation in the
experience a lack of access to cultural
realm of spiritual well-
resources, education, and opportunities. This being or fulfillment.
form of poverty is not solely focused on Unlike economic or
economic factors but also considers the material poverty,
cultural aspects of life, including language, spiritual poverty
arts, traditions, and knowledge. Cultural focuses on the absence
poverty can manifest in various ways, of spiritual values,
impacting a person or community's ability to meaning, and a sense
engage with and participate in cultural of connection to
something greater than
activities, education, and the broader cultural

“Rural poverty” “Urban poverty” “Absolute poverty” “Relative poverty”

refers to poverty in rural refers to poverty found is defined as a is living at about 50% or
in urban areas or cities. below the average income.
areas or in communities complete lack of
It is a condition of lack You might not be wealthy
outside of cities. It is a of financial resources resources, including
state of poverty rooted food insecurity. The and could be living
and limited access to paycheck to paycheck, but
in rural areas and often basic social and United States has
you have food on the table.
associated with aspects economic services one of the highest However, compared to
of rural life. Agricultural within the urban rates of food others around you, you are
policies, unemployment, environment. People insecurity among certainly struggling.
limited access to experiencing urban developed nations. Relative poverty usually
education and health, poverty may have This also includes isn't as detrimental to the
difficulty finding decent health and brain
and various aspects of homelessness and a
work, housing, development of a young
lack of infrastructure are education, and health lack of access to
some of the reasons why healthcare. child, but the emotional
care in an urban aspects can take a toll.
there is rural poverty. setting.

“Rural poverty” “Urban poverty” “Absolute poverty” “Relative poverty”

refers to poverty in rural refers to poverty found is defined as a is living at about 50% or
in urban areas or cities. below the average income.
areas or in communities complete lack of
It is a condition of lack You might not be wealthy
outside of cities. It is a of financial resources resources, including
state of poverty rooted food insecurity. The and could be living
and limited access to paycheck to paycheck, but
in rural areas and often basic social and United States has
you have food on the table.
associated with aspects economic services one of the highest However, compared to
of rural life. Agricultural within the urban rates of food others around you, you are
policies, unemployment, environment. People insecurity among certainly struggling.
limited access to experiencing urban developed nations. Relative poverty usually
education and health, poverty may have This also includes isn't as detrimental to the
difficulty finding decent health and brain
and various aspects of homelessness and a
work, housing, development of a young
lack of infrastructure are education, and health lack of access to
some of the reasons why healthcare. child, but the emotional
care in an urban aspects can take a toll.
there is rural poverty. setting.

“Rural poverty” “Urban poverty” “Absolute poverty” “Relative poverty”

refers to poverty in rural refers to poverty found is defined as a is living at about 50% or
in urban areas or cities. below the average income.
areas or in communities complete lack of
It is a condition of lack You might not be wealthy
outside of cities. It is a of financial resources resources, including
state of poverty rooted food insecurity. The and could be living
and limited access to paycheck to paycheck, but
in rural areas and often basic social and United States has
you have food on the table.
associated with aspects economic services one of the highest However, compared to
of rural life. Agricultural within the urban rates of food others around you, you are
policies, unemployment, environment. People insecurity among certainly struggling.
limited access to experiencing urban developed nations. Relative poverty usually
education and health, poverty may have This also includes isn't as detrimental to the
difficulty finding decent health and brain
and various aspects of homelessness and a
work, housing, development of a young
lack of infrastructure are education, and health lack of access to
some of the reasons why healthcare. child, but the emotional
care in an urban aspects can take a toll.
there is rural poverty. setting.

“Rural poverty” “Urban poverty” “Absolute poverty” “Relative poverty”

refers to poverty in rural refers to poverty found is defined as a is living at about 50% or
in urban areas or cities. below the average income.
areas or in communities complete lack of
It is a condition of lack You might not be wealthy
outside of cities. It is a of financial resources resources, including
state of poverty rooted food insecurity. The and could be living
and limited access to paycheck to paycheck, but
in rural areas and often basic social and United States has
you have food on the table.
associated with aspects economic services one of the highest However, compared to
of rural life. Agricultural within the urban rates of food others around you, you are
policies, unemployment, environment. People insecurity among certainly struggling.
limited access to experiencing urban developed nations. Relative poverty usually
education and health, poverty may have This also includes isn't as detrimental to the
difficulty finding decent health and brain
and various aspects of homelessness and a
work, housing, development of a young
lack of infrastructure are education, and health lack of access to
some of the reasons why healthcare. child, but the emotional
care in an urban aspects can take a toll.
there is rural poverty. setting.
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its
causes are often
Different factors
contribute to the
prevalence of
poverty in various
regions and
populations. Here are
some common
causes of poverty:
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its
causes are often
Different factors
contribute to the
prevalence of
poverty in various
regions and
populations. Here are
some common
causes of poverty:
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environment to Credit
al Factors
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environment to Credit
al Factors
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environment to Credit
al Factors
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environment to Credit
al Factors
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and
Different factors
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of
poverty in various Health Issues
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination
some common and Inequality
causes of poverty:
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
Poverty is a complex Common Causes of Poverty:
and multifaceted
phenomenon, and its Lack of Education Corruption
causes are often
Unemployment and Geographic Factors
Different factors Political Instability
contribute to the Low Wages
prevalence of Global Economic
poverty in various Health Issues Factors
regions and
populations. Here are Discrimination Family Structure
some common and Inequality
Limited Access
causes of poverty:
Environmental to Credit
How to reduce
Can poverty be

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