Prelim Pcomm23

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AY 2023-2024


NAME: ___________________________________________ RATING:

COURSE : _________ DATE : ____________ / 85

I. Spelling. Write the letter of the correctly spelled word. No ERASURES

_____1. A. biodegradeable B. biodegradable C. biodigradable

_____2. A. perceive B. percieve C. pirceive
_____3. A. acquiantanse B. acquaintance C. acquiantance
_____4. A. occasion B. occassion C. ocassion
_____5. A. occurence B. occurrence C. ocurrence

II. SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. Encircle the correct verb that agrees with the subject of
each sentence.

6. One of the victims (volunteer, volunteers) to narrate the real story.

7. Five feet (was, were) the height of the steel fence.
8. The scissors (is, are) on top of the cabinet.
9. If I were the president, the welfare of the people (will, would ) be my utmost priority.
10. Half of the goodies (was, were) sold.
11. The group will continue with the plan ( irregardless, regardless ) of the problems.
12. Everyone in the group (has, have) contributed for the success of the activity.
13. Both of the employees (was, were) reprimanded for tardiness.
14. Either the teacher or the pupils ( is, are ) requested to clean the room.
15. The instructors together with the students (discusses, discuss ) the topics well.

III. A. Complete the table of irregular verbs


16. caught caught
bind 17. 18. bound
19. taught taught
swim swam 20.
21. 22. went
do 23. 24.
25. saw seen

III.B. Writing sentences correctly. Use the verbs on the table in constructing your sentences.
Observe correct tenses. 2 pts each.






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V. Answer the following intelligently.

1. DIscuss communication & globalization? Discuss the importance of communication in our daily life
and globalization in your future field of world. 10 pts.

2. Among the macro skills, what do you think is the most important? Justify your answer.
5 pts.

3. Rate your speaking skills/ability? How did you come up with your rating? Discuss ways on how to
enhance your interpersonal skills thru speaking 5 pts.

4. Why is listening important? How can you improve this when everyone is hooked on gadgets. 5 pts.

5. How can you improve your reading comprehension? State ways on how to do it. Explain your
answer. 5 pts

6. How can you be a friend to someone suffering from mental health issues brought about by blatant
bashing in social media? 5 pts.

7. Cite an experience in your life when you expressed your views in social media (FB, IG,X) then you
received negative comments and was somehow attacked by others (including family members).
5 pts

8. What personal advocacy are you interested to work on? Discuss the whats and whys in connection
to your choice. 5 pts.

9. If you would be asked to write a letter to someone, who would it be? Then write your
message to him ( may be a member of the family, friend, teacher, political figure, hero)

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