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Task 1: 25/7

The given maps demonstrates two types of student accommodation at an Australian college, one for
two people (Room A) and the other for one (Room B).

Overall, it can be seen that Room A, which measures 6mx4m is much larger than Room B (6mx2.5m).
Also, the rent for the double room is S350/week while the other room can be rented with a lower
price of S200/ week.There are also several other differences in terms of the layout of the furniture
and equipment between two rooms.

To be more specific, Room A has two cupboards dividing the room into two different spaces. Apart
from one study desk in each place, Room A also has another table and two chairs in the middle of the
room and a bookshelf next to the study desk 1. Unlike Room A, Room B does not have bookshelf or
any other desk except for a study desk for the student; however, there is a television opposite the
student’s study desk in Room B.

In addition, there are some similarities between the two rooms. For one thing, the cooking facilities
including a microwave, a sink and a stove are all available in each room. Moreover, there is a
bathroom in the top left-hand corner of both rooms.

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