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Shift Leadership Verification

Restaurant: Shift Leader: Date:

Completed by: Results Points

Start Time: Finish Time:
Shift KPI’s: Target Actual Shift KPI’s Target Actual PRODUCTION / 18
MFY FOOD SAFETY Verified / Not Verified
McDelivery Total - 80% passing score required (87/109) / 108

Results Points
Is your Burger / McMuffin / McNuggets neatly assembled, at the correct temperature, properly toasted and taste good? (1 point each)
Red Meat: White Meat:
Are your fries, hot, well salted and crisp? 2
Finished Product Quality

Is your beverage prepared correctly?

Is your dessert prepared correctly?
Are your McCafé products correctly prepared? (1 point each)
Coffee: Food: Iced Beverage:
Espresso extraction (pour) time within standard? 2
Finished Product Quality Total: / 13

Restrooms, Customer Areas and Playland Results Points

Restroom cubicles stocked with paper? 1
Restroom floors, walls, air vents and fixtures (hand sink and mirror) maintained throughout the shift and are odour free? 1
Dining room / patio floors, walls, windows and tables cleaned and maintained throughout the shift? 2
Customer sanitiser available, clean, stocked and in good repair. 1
Playland equipment and surfaces clean and safe? 1
Kiosk screens cleaned, receipt paper stocked and sufficient table tents available? 1
Signage, merchandising and decals are current and in good repair. 1

Service Area and McCafé

Service area floors, walls, air vents and equipment clean? 1
McCafé floors, walls, air vents and surfaces clean? 1
McCafé Coffee machines, group handles (incl. under baskets), grinder CAYG and detail/chemical cleaning evident, McCafé crew can explain chemical 2
clean process?

Car Park and Drive Thru

Car park, Drive Thru, curbs, gutters and landscaping clean and free of rubbish and debris (bins not over flowing)? 1
Drive Thru menu boards, COD’s, OCS, Tap ‘n’ Go and signage clean? 1
Cashier/Presenter windows, ledges and external walls/curb below windows clean and clutter free? 1
Corral area clean and organised with bin lids closed? 1

Kitchen, Washroom and Storage Areas

Kitchen floors (including under equipment), walls and air vents clean and maintained throughout the shift? 1
MFY line clean and maintained throughout the shift? 1
Grills cleaned, organised and maintained throughout the shift? 1
Washroom clean, organised and 3 sink method in use? 2
Stock room, walk-in fridge and freezer clean and organised? 1

Cleanliness Total: / 22

591758-1 M004865 0123

Shift Leadership Verification
Restaurant: Shift Leader: Date:

Results Points
Is side 2/3/4 set up as appropriate and in use when required? 2
Rapid Turnover Base Levels Chart and PLS are displayed? 1
Crew are following the Rapid Turnover Base Levels Chart and PLS? (review chart and UHC) 1
Crew are following the correct procedures at the grill?
Look and Cook Ready to remove
Patty placement Onion application for 10:1 2
Stack heights Platens maintained (3S’s - Scrape, Squeegee, & Standby)
Onion & Seasoning Shakers clean and filled for use
Dress bench product levels suitable for the current sales volume with cheese tempering? Target 30 minutes RTO condiment usage 2
Crew are following the correct MFY procedures:
2 at a time Initiator in position 2
Rubber banding (burgers not being left unattended) Not bumping orders off early
Grill station and smallwares well maintained and in good repair? Check for carbon/oil build up behind top platens, hoods and filters 1
Grill spatulas/scrapers are sharp and Shift Leader can explain the restaurant process for sharpening grill tools (if no supply of spare pre-sharpened 1
blades, grill crew to demonstrate sharpening).

Are products in the UHC being used in correct rotation and discarded appropriately? All products have timers activated? 1
Appropriate UHC daypart menu in use? Shift Leader can explain when they would change menus 1
Fryers - Oil quality acceptable, skimmed regularly and filtering completed as required (not skipped)? 1
Crew procedures followed at Fryers? (Basketing, draining, transferring) 1
Accuracy procedures adhered to? (Grill slips, correct packaging, burger builds, current build cards displayed) 1
Correct smallwares in use? (Ketchup/Mustard guns correctly set up and lids in place, portion pals correct colours, correct tongs) 1
Production Total: / 18

Results Points
Crew interact with customers (including delivery drivers) in a prompt, friendly and effective manner and provide clear instructions? 2
Roles split/flex positions assigned? 2
Ordertaking Crew are greeting customers with “Hi, are you using your MyMacca’s Rewards Code?” 2
Orders presented correctly. For DT, cars pulled forward as appropriate and communicated in a positive manner? 2
Overall environment of the restaurant makes for a comfortable and welcoming experience, and crew are available, attentive and anticipating 2
customer needs?
Service crew are knowledgable about the MyMacca’s app, can troubleshoot common issues, and can speak to the advantages of our loyalty program 2
and how to sign up?
Product outage - Current menu items are available for purchase (not in outage) and unavailable items outaged correctly. Managers can demonstrate 2
product outage procedure?
McDelivery - correct procedures including ‘Just cooked’ fries, correct packaging/sealing, orders checked for accuracy with pick slip attached and 2
bag quantity communicated to driver?
Correct food items, condiments, napkins, straws and happy meal toys are being received without asking? Bags left open for Presenters to check? 2

Crew are consistently demonstrating AACT? Service crew directing customers to check displays (COD/OCS) 2
Crew are aware of current promotional items? 1
Order taking Crew are using closed questions (…was that a Large meal with Coke?) and are efficient without the customer feeling rushed? 1
Service Total: / 22

591758-1 M004865 0123

Shift Leadership Verification
Restaurant: Shift Leader: Date:

Results Points
Shift Leader has an SPW that is correctly filled out, including sales, targets, break times and can explain how S2/3/4 was planned for? 2
SMT has been completed effectively, with any issues delegated and actioned in a timely manner? eg Fred Docs assigned to Crew Coaches 2
Shift Leader is utilising the on-shift section of the Shift Management Tool? 1
Shift is stocked correctly and set up for success — 24/2, product prep, and build to’s appropriate? 2
Crew appearance matches “Dress to Impress” standards, with all articles present, neat, tidy and in good condition? (Rule of 3) 1
Customer recovery procedure executed effectively? 1
Shift Leader role models hospitality, engages with customers and looks for ways to enhance the customer experience? 2
The atmosphere on the shift reflects our core values and all decisions and actions are aligned with these values? 2
Shift Leader proactively prevents or manages danger zones? 2
Does the Shift Leader interact with, coach and support Crew in an effective and positive manner? 2
Targets are established, effectively communicated and monitored throughout the shift? 2
Rewards/Recognition in place for top performers? 1
Shift Leadership

Safety procedures/behaviours demonstrated correctly? E.g. Wet floor signs, Dry Mops used, PPE used/good condition, nothing stored on top of vats, 2
no running/horseplay
Security procedures/behaviours demonstrated correctly? E.g. Back door alarm activated, DT windows, safe and hatches locked when not in use, 2
cash procedures followed, Leader has store keys on their person
Is the Shift Leader completing regular and effective travel paths? Record how many times the Shift Leader checks or completes the below tasks.
*Partial score of 3 out of 5 can be awarded if travel paths have been conducted with only small opportunities in frequency or thoroughness observed.
Notify Crew Coaches that a travel path is being complete and utilises Kitchen – UHC levels, secondary timers, Crew procedures,
the SMT to capture actions required cleanliness, targets reviewed and feedback provided
Dining Room – Interacts with customers, follows up on CEC’s and Front Counter and McCafé – Crew appearance, stocked, clean and
observes interactions at the kiosk organised, targets reviewed and feedback provided
Safety & Security – All hazards or risks identified and immediate 5*
Restrooms – Cleaned and stocked, odour free
actions made to make safe
Carpark and DT lane – litter, signage, hatches & windows locked
when not in use All travel path tasks delegated through Crew Coaches and specific
time frames given for completion
Back of house – Corral tidy (no hazards), stock areas clean, organised
and locked, Crew room clean, back sink clean organised and correct Shift Leader follows up on delegated task completion and provides
sanitation in place
Shift Management Total: / 29

Results Points
DT OEPE (120)
Timing — Peak Hour

Front Counter R2P (90)
Timing Total: /4

Answering ‘No’ to any questions 1-3 will result in a “Non-Verified” outcome Results Observed
Shift Leader can demonstrate how to complete food safety correctly? (select one red and white meat product to verify)
1 Y/N
White Meat: YES / NO Red Meat: YES / NO
2 Food safety checklist has been completed for the current day on BrandMATE? Y/N
3 All products in date? 6 Critical items are in primary shelf date - Shredded Lettuce, Diced Lettuce Mix, Shake Mix, Sundae Mix, Ham and Bacon Y/N
Answering ‘No’ to 3 or more of questions 4-12 will result in a “Non-Verified” outcome Results Observed
4 Blue gloves used to prevent cross contamination? Y/N
5 Dedicated utensils used for raw products? Y/N
6 Required supplies are available at the hand washing sink and water runs warm? Y/N
7 Hand washing observed at appropriate times? Y/N
Food Safety

8 Cloth buckets contain sufficient amount of cloths in good condition and correct sanitiser concentration? Y/N
9 UHC/Grill/Egg/Milk smallwares and holders are being cleaned and sanitised every 2 hours? Y/N
10 Secondary timers in place and being adhered to? Y/N
11 All open products in fridges and freezers are covered / wrapped with secondary timer attached? Y/N
12 Ice scoop/bucket stored upside down on top shelf in Walk-In? Y/N



591758-1 M004865 0123

Shift Leadership Verification
Restaurant: Shift Leader: Date:

Ask questions relevant to current goals or Manager’s development Non-scored

Calibrations - Shift Leader can demonstrate:
Gap Settings (Go/No Go Tool) Portion Pals all with correct coloured rings
Shake Syrup Probe
Fryer recovery time – how to display and what it means McCafé Grinder
Recommended Demonstrations/Knowledge Checks

Grill cook time adjustments Toaster settings

WPS — Shift Leader can demonstrate/explain:
Hazard Log Safety Conversations on shift Incident Report
What If Scenarios…
Council/Health Department Visit Bomb Threat
Armed Robbery Crew Panic Attack
Equipment Breakdown Workplace Violence
Power Outage Employee Wellbeing
Undercooked Product Complaint Contractor On Site
Foreign Object Complaint Glass/Fry lamp breakage
Food Poisoning Complaint Pest Sighting

Shift Leader Behaviours & Key Success Factors

To aid with your post-shift reflection conversation with the Shift Leader, from the list below, highlight the areas in which you have seen the Shift Leader excel and the areas where you have
identified coaching opportunities.
Behaviours Shift Preparation During the Shift Post Shift
Identify and eliminate
Positions people and Adjust Positioning as
Problem Solves any production, service Reflect on what went well
equipment effectively conditions change and quality barriers

Communicates Effectively Sets and communicates targets Monitors and communicates Continuous communication Communicates and recognises
progress towards targets with each area target results with each area

Executes Shift Preparation Maintain and complete Food Transition a well set up shift
Leads by Example Travel paths every 30 minutes
Travel Path Safety Procedures to next Shift Leader

Coaches as opportunities
Daily Training Provides specific positive are observed. Identifies any follow-up
Coaches to Improve Performance requirements reviewed feedback to team members coaching/training needed
Never walks by a problem

Role models hospitality Hospitality standards

Customer Experience Leader Customer recovery steps are
Customer Focused and interacts with customers (smiles, tone of voice,
in place and goals provided used effectively if required at every opportunity eye contact) continuous.

Overall Verification Feedback

Strengths — What did the Shift Leader do well? Opportunities — What could the Shift Leader do even better next time to improve?

Shift Leader name and signature: Next verification date:

Coach name and signature: Verification type: Training Initial Verification Follow Up verification

591758-1 M004865 0123

Shift Leadership Verification
Restaurant: Shift Leader: Date:


591758-1 M004865 0123

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