Youtube Schinese

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"Language" "schinese"
"YouTube_LoggingIn" "登录到 YouTube™"
"[english]YouTube_LoggingIn" "Logging into YouTube™"
"YouTube_Uploading" "上传影片至 YouTube™"
"[english]YouTube_Uploading" "Uploading Movie to YouTube™"
"YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]"
"[english]YouTube_UploadProgress" "%s1% - [ %s2 / %s3 kB ]"
"YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "正在完成上传"
"[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing1" "Finishing Upload"
"YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "正在完成上传."
"[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing2" "Finishing Upload."
"YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "正在完成上传.."
"[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing3" "Finishing Upload.."
"YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "正在完成上传..."
"[english]YouTube_UploadFinishing4" "Finishing Upload..."
"YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "此视频已经被上传过。请问您确定要再次上传?"
"[english]YouTube_FileAlreadyUploaded" "This movie has already been uploaded.
Are you sure you want to upload it again?"
"YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "登录失败"
"[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Title" "Login Failed"
"YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "请检查您的网络,或者设置
\"youtube_http_proxy\" ,若果您处于 HTTP 代理中,请重试。"
"[english]YouTube_LoginResults_CouldNotConnect" "Please check your your internet
connection settings or set the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an
http proxy and try again."
"YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "请确认您的用户名和密码是否正确并重试。注意您可能需要禁
"[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Forbidden" "Please verify that your username and
password are correct and try again. Note that you may need to disable 2-step
"YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "请检查您的 Internet 连接设置,然后再试一次。"
"[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Failure" "Please check your internet connection
settings and try again."
"YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "登录已取消。如果出现问题,请检查您的网络连接设置;如果您正使用
http 代理服务器,设置控制台的 \"youtube_http_proxy\" 参数并重试。"
"[english]YouTube_LoginResults_Cancel" "Login cancelled. If there appears to be
a problem, please check your internet connection settings or set
the \"youtube_http_proxy\" convar if you are behind an http proxy and try again."
"YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "登录到 YouTube™"
"[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Title" "Log into YouTube™"
"YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "用户名"
"[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_UserName" "Username"
"YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "密码"
"[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Password" "Password"
"YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "注册"
"[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Register" "Register"
"YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "登录"
"[english]YouTube_LoginDlg_Login" "Login"
"YouTube_Upload_Title" "上传到 YouTube™"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_Title" "YouTube™ Upload"
"YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "无法上传至 YouTube™,因为无法找到视频文件。"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Unable to upload to YouTube™, because
the movie file could not be found."
"YouTube_Upload_Success" "影片成功上传到 YouTube™!"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_Success" "Movie uploaded to YouTube™ successfully!"
"YouTube_Upload_Failure" "上传影片时出现了问题,请检查您的网络并重试。同时,请确保您的
YouTube™ 帐号连接到了 Google 帐号,以及您已在 创建了一
"[english]YouTube_Upload_Failure" "There was a problem uploading the movie.
Please check your internet connection settings and try again. Also, make sure your
YouTube™ account is linked to a Google Account and that you have created a channel
"YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "字符'<“,“>'和'&'不能出现在标题中。"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Title" "The characters '<', '>', or '&'
are not allowed in the title."
"YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "字符'<“,“>'和'&'是不允许出现在描述中。"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_InvalidChars_Desc" "The characters '<', '>', or '&'
are not allowed in the description."
"YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "该回放没有影片资源。因为它使用了 \"以原生 TGA's/WAV 文件类型
输出\" 这一选项。"
"[english]YouTube_Upload_MovieIsRaw" "There is no movie file associated with
this saved replay because it was created using the \"Export raw TGA's/WAV\"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "上传到 YouTube™"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Title" "YouTube™ Upload"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "标题"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieTitle" "Title"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "描述"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_MovieDesc" "Description"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "点击“上传”,您将上传到自己的 YouTube™ 频道。您从而确
认影片内容符合 YouTube™ 的服务条款。"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Disclaimer" "By clicking 'Upload,' you will upload to
your own YouTube™ channel. You hereby confirm that your movie complies with the
YouTube™ Terms of Service."
"YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube™ T.O.S."
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Terms" "YouTube™ T.O.S."
"YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "上传"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Upload" "Upload"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "不公开(用户需要得到网址才能查看视频)"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_Unlisted" "Unlisted (users will need the URL to
view the video)"
"YouTube_Stats" "%s2 观看\n%s3 喜欢\n%s1 收藏"
"[english]YouTube_Stats" "%s2 view(s)\n%s3 like(s)\n%s1 favorited"
"YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™ 视频被设为私密。"
"[english]YouTube_PrivateVideo" "YouTube™ video is set as private."
"YouTube_NoStats" "N/A"
"[english]YouTube_NoStats" "N/A"
"YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "没有找到"
"[english]YouTube_CouldNotRetrieveStats" "Not Found"
"YouTube_EmailSubject" "观看我的精彩 Team Fortress 2 视频!"
"[english]YouTube_EmailSubject" "Watch my Awesome Team Fortress 2 Video!"
"YouTube_UploadDlg_SaxxyAwardsSubmission" "提交参与 2012 年度“萨氏金像奖”的内容"
"[english]YouTube_UploadDlg_SaxxyAwardsSubmission" "Submit for consideration in
the 2012 Saxxy Awards"

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