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Dr. Manjuprasad B, B.E., Ph.D.

Prof & Head
Module -1 : Chapter -1
What is Research ?
Objectives of Research
Finding and Solving a Worthwhile Problem
Introduction: What Is Research?
Research involves formulation of hypothesis or proposition of solutions, data analysis, deductions and
ascertaining whether the conclusions fit the hypothesis.

Research is a process of creating, or formulating knowledge that

does not yet exist.
Categories of Knowledge in Research
Motivation in Engineering Research

1 Intrinsic Motivations 2 Extrinsic Motivating Factors

Interest, challenge, learning, and purpose Rewards such as money and fame can be
drive strong creative performance. strong motivators but may hinder creativity.

3 Influences from Others 4 Personal Motivation

Competition, collaboration, commitment, and Unsolved problems, intellectual joy, and

commitment, and encouragement also play a service to the community are driving factors.
play a role in motivating research. factors.
Objectives of Engineering
The objective of engineering research is to
solve new and important problems through
scientific approaches and innovative
Research Objectives
The objective of engineering research is to solve new and important
and since the conclusion at the end of one’s research outcome has to be new,
but when one starts, the conclusion is unknown.

So, the start itself is tricky, one may say.

The answer is, based on “circumstantial evidence”, intuition, and

imagination, one guesses what may be a possible conclusion
Research Objectives
• Knowing where and how to find different types of information helps one
solve engineering problems, in both academic and professional career.

• Lack of investigation into engineering guidelines, standards, and best

practices result in failures with severe impacts.

• As an engineer, the ability to conduct thorough and accurate

• research while clearly communicating the results is extremely important
in decision-making.
Research Objectives
• Knowing where and how to find different types of information helps one solve engineering
problems, in both academic and professional career.

• Lack of investigation into engineering guidelines, standards, and best practices result in
failures with severe impacts.

• As an engineer, the ability to conduct thorough and accurate research while clearly
communicating the results is extremely important in decision-making.

• The main aim of the research is to apply scientific approaches to seek answers to open
questions, and although each research study is particularly suited with different approach
Types of Engineering Research
1 Descriptive and Analytical

Descriptive research describes the present state while analytical research utilizes already
available facts for analysis.

2 Applied and Fundamental

Applied research solves immediate problems, while fundamental research focuses on

focuses on generalizations and theory formulation.

3 Quantitative and Qualitative

Quantitative research draws conclusions from statistical observations, while qualitative

qualitative research relies on nonrepresentative cases or verbal narrative.
Descriptive research includes comparative and correlational methods, and fact-finding inquiries, to
effectively describe the present state of art.

The researcher holds no control over the variables

Applied and Fundamental
Quantitative and Qualitative

• Quantitative research uses

statistical observations of a
sufficiently large number of
representative cases to
draw any conclusions,

• Qualitative researchers rely on a

few nonrepresentative
cases or verbal narrative
Motivating Factors
Personal Achievement

Striving to surpass previous achievements and contribute to the improvement of society.


Influence of Others

Competition and collaboration with peers can motivate individuals to engage in engineering
engineering research.

Government and Funding Opportunities

External factors like government directives and funding opportunities play a role in motivating
motivating people to participate in research.
Importance of Thorough Research
1 Engineering Problems

Thorough and accurate research aids in solving complex engineering problems, both in
academia and professional career.

2 Guidelines, Standards, and Best Practices

Investigating engineering guidelines, standards, and best practices ensures successful

successful outcomes and prevents failures.

3 Clear Communication

Conducting research and effectively communicating the results is crucial for informed
informed decision-making.
The recommended steps to solve a research problem are

(i) Understand the problem, restate it as if its your own, visualize the problem by drawing figures, and determine if

something more is needed.

(ii) One must start somewhere and systematically explore possible strategies to solve the problem or a simpler version of

it while looking for patterns.

(iii)Execute the plan to see if it works, and if it does not then start over with another approach. Having delved into the

problem and returned to it multiple times, one might have a flash of insight or a new idea to solve the problem.

(iv)Looking back and reflecting helps in understanding and assimilating the strategy, and is a sort of investment into

the future.
The Pursuit of Knowledge

Engaging in engineering research is a way to apply

apply scientific approaches and seek answers to open
open questions, contributing to the advancement of
of knowledge.
Ethics in Engineering Research

Ethics in Engineering Research Practice

(i)By setting the ethically right requirements

(ii) Influence may also be applied by researchers through design
requirements taking ethical aspects into consideration.
(iii)Engineering researchers have to choose between different
alternatives fulfilling similar functions.
Ethics in Engineering Research

Types of Research Misconduct

Ethics in Engineering Research

Credit for research contributions


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