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Drafting, Pleading and Conveyancing

(S) M client states diac my client has supplied co you che goods~
y only on the assurance that the said cheque will be hon Cts ~~
Rs . - - f Rs oured .,
. t smtes char you owe to my client an amount o . - Und , t
cI1en u , • . • er th ·~
transaction and hence the said cheque was issued by you m discharge ~ ot
liability to pay my client an amount of Rs.- · Y~
(6) Mv cl ient states that my client tried to inform you regarding the dishon
said cheque but you have deliberately not answere d h'1s phone calls. our 0f
(7) My client states that you all the while knew that the said cheque when
would be dishonoured but fraudulen cl y .m or der to cheat my client Presen~
issued the said cheque in favour of my client. Youn
(8) My diem states that under the circumstance my client is left with no op .
to issue you th'1s nottce
· cror recovery of h'1s 1egmmate
·· dues rrom
c. tion bt
(9) My client has, therefore, instructed me to call upon you and which I h b
and inform you that you are called upon to pay an amount of Rs. · Y~
together with interest at the rate of 24% p.a. within 15 days f r o ~
receipt of chis notice, failing which my client will take appropriate legal 1 a:t~
civil as well as criminal, particularly under section 138 of Negotiable Inst ttoi
Act, 1881 as amended up to date including the charges of this notice enc' I~
1re y,
your ris k as to the cost and consequences of any such legal action which you '
please note. 'Ill

Yours sincere!)

Sd. AdvoCl!

Specimen No. 7
/ (Notice under Section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act)

Under the instructions from my client, Mr. _ _ _ _ residing at _ , on bei~
authorised by him in chis behalf, I address you as under:
( 1) That my client had entered into a contract with you for the supply of___,
quantity of cement bags.
- - --~=----~----:C~h~a!p~te~r~I~I =.:N~o~t~ic~e~ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ !_2
,_ 19
(2) Thar as per the contract d·
' my ienr supplied to . b .
The delivery of the same has be . you - num er of cemenr bags.
signing the delivery challan dared en a~knowledged by you by endorsing and
(3) Thar, ~oainsr the supplies made b .
d d f Rs Y my dienr, my diem ntised bUI no
are - - o .1 ,00,000/-(Rupees One Lakh only) .-
(3) Thar my diem stares that agai th af;
1,00,000/- (Ru ees One nst e oresai~ bill yo~ issued a cheque of Rs.
..L P Lakh Only) to my d1enr beanng cheque No.
urawn on _ _ _ bank dared ---

(4) Thar my client presented the said cheque on d h ch 6 k h

ate; owever e an · as
returned the said cheque to my client with an endorsement "Dishonoured for
insufficiency of funds." My client stares that you have cheated my diem and you
fraudulently issued the said cheque knowing fully well char the same would be

(5) That my client states that as the cheque has been dishonoured you have
committed an offence under section 138 of Negotiable Instruments Ace and are
also liable under the civil law.
(6) That my client, therefore, through this notice, calls upon you to make the
payment of Rs. 1,00,000/- within 15 days from the d~ce_ ~f the ~ec~ipc of this
nonce, r,.,;J ·no- which , my client will be constrained to mmace cnmmal as well
r(U. 1 t, d
as civil proceedings against you entirely at your risk as to the cost an
consequences thereof which you may please note.
Yours sincerely,

Sd. Advocate

Specimen No. 8
. c C0 mpensation for Defect in Goods)
(Notice ror
(By R.P.A.D.)
From _ __
Dare: _ __


SIr, (~v. e the
. name and
and Mr. - - der· rhe
rents Mr. l aJf:I address you as un '
Under the instructions of my c I . d by chem in chis be 1 '
6 . authonse
dress of clients) and on emg
lease note:-
ncenrs whereof you may P
N1,o~ lnlt'n No, 2J.
(Nori, c 111Hlt1r MtMl1111 HO of CPC)
NO'l'lt '. E
(Uy lt.P./\ ,1);)
Jlt11111 1

S111I(' ( ;\IVf' l'lllll t' lll

K1!1d A11rmlon: Mr.

Under the Instructions ol' niy cllcnt Mr, _ _ _ ., rcNlding at: _ _ and nn hcing
tH1tlm dsrd hy hln, 111 this hclrnll'. l uddrcss you as und er, 1hc ~0111 c111 H wh e;rcof'you ,nay plc;11Jc
1111tr 11 11d also rw re 1h111 this norln: ls llf'Hlt r ,~rc1lon 80 of 1hc Code of Civil Procedure:
(I) My cllcnr /-/W rrs rhnt my dlcnl ha11 been providing camccn ;rnd rnciis .~crvlu :t, 10
vnrlou1, corporatr oflkcs etc. for th e pas1 11 years. My dic111 1na1c11 1k11 my, IJcnt
bad submlm·d his oner
chucd _ _ 10 provide cant:ccn und rnc11,~ 11crvicc11 :11 y< n 1r
training cenu-c at _ __ .
(2) My dkmr stares rhur afrer due negotlaclon.s and discusRions, you entered ln to an
agreemc n1· wlrh my client on _ _ date in onler co pt'ovid.c cantcc:n and mc:811
services :H your tTainlng ccnnc: for a dur:11fon of 2 years.
(J) Th:1t my client st:1tcs drnt· my dicnc as per rhe terms of the.: agreement datcJ
_ _ started nurnlng 1·he canl'ee n nnd providing mess services from lst of April
20 _ _ ,
(4) Th,11 my dlenr stan:.~ thar you called upon my client to supply aJditional food
items and further informed my dlcnr that for the said additlooal supplies made,
paymen t· shall be made by rhe 5th of each month as and when the payment
becomes due and payable,
(5) My client states rhnt my client has supplied addltfonal food lrerns for 10 monr-hs
and tht' romJ bill amoun1· payable by you Is Rs. ____/- . However, in spire of
repeated dema nds made by my diem to you, you hav1:: failed and neglected co
make rhc suid payments.
(G) That my client srntes rhar your ofHcer Mr. ___ and Mr. _ _ _ have
acknow ledged rhat rhe said uddil ionnl food lt'ems were supplied by my cl lent.
(7) Thar my client stares rhat he is small suprlier and wharcvcr he cu ms by running
rh1;• ca nt ee n and i-hc mess ls his only source Income. My cllenr 11tat c.~ that my
dir 11t 11 ►1 , .ilr ert rl y 111 1 Ill m l ,., pNI•' . 1,, 11,tlN ,,, , 11v,,lr ,,,,, ·" ''"' 111 1, • 1 ~1,., ~
lt r rm u1i rl·qt1 l1rd hy y,,11 ~lid d11H ,,,,w,,,y, 11 1 111 l• "' d1r• ,,,wf 1 A ll il ,f,J I
(H) My dlr111 ~,.,, rq "'"' '"Y ( 11cm lci ,,,,w ),,,, wl d, ,,,, {f /l,l/1'1/ f /1 f,11 1/ ""1~w 1 .11.~~
;;r,,I d,,, 111"44 I t1 I I lw,,, ..~ . ,,. t, "
gtnrc rl,•1, r t1 . '" , ,,1,d1n1r ,,, ttlll 11i,, <. ~lll 1'r ll
dur 1n no11 •p,, y1t1rnl ,,f tl w l,llltl l,y yt,ti 1,,y I Jil'fJI ,~ wlf, m,.~ l1 Mr 4 Af,1 ! 1//,,•1,
through ~11, xio11 "l 11ir11nc- 111 Q,
(9) My clien t rl1rou14h 1hi 11 1101l u· fill"' ~,y,;111, tN jW ~l6 '/''" t,, rf":4 ' ~HJ,,t t,,Ui 1/ 1 1',t/ 1A
the bill \ an nexed 10 thi ~ ,,,,tl u: ) wJ1ld, ~w; ,,·1Ndiw , ,,,t:,l,r,r, ''/ JI~,
(Rupcc'l_ ) within 2 nwmhci fn,111 1hr. ,Lit/' ,,f ,,,11•ijtt 1A ,f,fo /J/,t v ,;, , 1~.. ~
which rny di c11t will be W tl ~I f~JJJcd II) itJ ~; IJf UIC ~, ,,, ~r;,111•,t 1/'J•J fi/ f tfY- f,i,'/J)'/~,,
of the aforcc;aid amoum ll)~crl1cr wit}J du; ir, tc f'.i;~I ~, ,J,r. f~tl! rA _ -~, :.:.,_
damage~ for hrcach of wnt nu;t.

The information required by the Government umJer 1;.CC,[irm ~ 'J ,A rte r /h- ,), '_,;~"Yi
Procedure i.s a5 followg:
(a) Full name of Plaintiff (sratc compk-u: narru: ;,;,~ in ,}:f; ~~!;f;Jr.":f. 1 1 ,
(b) Description and Place of residc·n a (i;tare rew-1am dttaih ~rA ~.:dJrt:i:~,
(c) Cause of action. (give details, Le,, the ba..~it (rl th.t: ~uitJ
(d) Relief daimed by the propo~ Plaintiff (,what pbfotiff -t/~nti r.:x-
governmenr body to comp~y with or payJ.

Specimen No., 23
(Notice for Recovery of Price of Furniture Sold)
(ByR.P A.D)

- --
Datt: - - -

- - - - - - - Partnership Firm


Under the instructiom of my diem (c-,ive the d ..1.1 , _ _r .-

bemg h . CY n an i.uore.1, nf drt-n · ~'"A. r.~
aur onz.ed by him in thi!i beh.uf J have to add . . •'J- - · ~
you may please note: re.t, ~ r,u a ~ undrr Ult Clmtmu r,/'tf\1!".

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