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Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1

Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Lesson 7:
Key Indications of the Houses
by Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A.

Topics Covered in this Lesson:

1. The 1st House

2. The 2nd House
3. The 3rd House
4. The 4th House
5. The 5th House
6. The 6th House
7. The 7th House
8. The 8th House
9. The 9th House
10. The 10th House
11. The 11th House
12. The 12th House
13. Exercises and Homework

The houses are the twelve-fold division of the sky, which represent the realm of
activity that the planets operate, as we discussed in the last lesson. In this lesson
we are going to study their specific indications similar to the lesson on the
indications for the planets. More important than memorizing these lists, however,
is understanding the logic behind how the indications are derived. When you not
only understand 'what' a house represents, but 'why' it represents that you'll be a
much more versatile and astute astrologer. You won't need to memorize a word
from a list anymore.

For instance, the 6th house is not just a house of disease, which can be found in
any textbook, but it is a cadent earth, or artha house. Cadent means 'to fall away'
and relates to dissolution, decline and loss. The 6th house relates to the decline
of physical matter, and efforts to prevent further decay. It's a house of
improvement, and developing efficiency in the material world. For this reason, it's
not only a house of disease, but also a house of healing. It relates to acute
illnesses that can be improved with medical attention, like through health

In this lesson I attempt to explain many of the common indications of the houses
using this kind of astrological logic. It's not meant to be an thorough explanation
of every indication, but a demonstration of this thought process, that I hope will
entice you to develop your own conclusions as well.

In the exercises and homework section you will again be asked to work with this Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
information, which will help in the process of its absorption.

The 1st House

The 1st house corresponds to Aries, a fire sign, ruled by Mars.

The 1st house is a fire or dharma house, along with the 5th and 9th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 1st house is an angular or kendra house, along with the 4th, 7th, and 10th

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
X - -
Mode of Action
X - - -
Element/Aim of Life
X - -

Sanskrit Name
Tanu Bhava - The House of the Body

General Description & Nature

The 1st house (also called ascendant, rising sign, or lagna in Sanskrit) is located
on the eastern horizon, where the Sun rises marking the beginning of the day. It
therefore represents the beginning of one's life, one's birth and early childhood.
When the baby takes its first breath, the sign that is on the eastern horizon
becomes equivalent to the 1st house. This marks the beginning of the horoscope
because it determines the sequence of house rulerships. For instance, if Taurus
is the sign on the eastern horizon at birth, then the 1st house or ascendant will be
Taurus, ruled by Venus, while the 2nd house will be Gemini, ruled by Mercury

The 1st house is the solid, physical foundation of the horoscope, representing the
Earth in astrology, since it marks the beginning point of the horoscope where the
Earth meets the heavens (stars and planets) on the eastern horizon. It is called
Tanu Bhava or the ‘House of the Body’ and represents our physical body and
appearance. K.N. Rao says, "The rising sign represents the body because with Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
the rising sign the human body rises." Its significator is the Sun, which represents
the body and appearance.

The 1st house, as the ascendant or rising sign, is the only house that is also a
planetary indication along with the nine planets. The ascendant is the quickest
changing planetary indication in the chart, as it changes signs approximately
every two hours. The next fastest is the Moon, which changes signs every 2 1/2
days approximately. It is the only planetary indication that will significantly
differentiate births given on the same day. The ascendant or 1st house,
therefore, represents our self, body, our personal identity and main character
traits more than any other planetary indication.

The 1st house is the root of one's life, and is called the stamba or pillar of the
horoscope. It is the overall signficator of the chart. As such it is the window
through which all the other houses in the horoscope are seen. If the 1st house
and 1st lord are strong, then all the other houses are strengthened regardless of
the individual strength of each house. The reverse is the case if the 1st house
and 1st lord are weak.

The 1st house is the only house that is both an angular house and a trinal house,
which makes it capable of producing many benefic yogas, like raja yogas. This is
another reason why it is so important for the overall strength of the chart.

The 1st house marks the 'self' quadrant in the horoscope, with the opposite
house, the 7th house, representing the 'other.' As an angular house, or kendra,
along with the 4th, 7th and 10th houses, it gives the ability to initiate activity in the
area of one's self. It is therefore a house of personal power, dynamism, and
creative self-expression. Whatever planets effect the 1st house or 1st lord will
strongly effect how one expresses oneself, and could determine one's livelihood
or career. One generally cannot become famous and successful without a strong
1st house and 1st lord.

The 1st house relates to the fire element and dharma, along with the 5th and 9th
houses. This further reinforces the quality of dynamic, creative self-expression for
the 1st house. It also indicates that it's a house of meaning, purpose, vision, and
inspiration. It represents righteousness as a dharma house, and one's virtues,
honor, and dignity. However, as the lowest of the dharma houses it is generally
more ego-centered, than altruistic.

The 1st house corresponds to the sign of Aries, which is an energetic, ambitious,
and headstrong fire sign ruled by Mars. Aries and the 1st house relate to the
topmost part of the body - the head, brain, and hair. As the brain it also
represents the intellect. It also relates to the body and one's physical well-being
in general. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Self, main personality traits, identity, individuality, ego, persona, mannerisms,
overall health in general, body, physical constitution, appearance, vitality,
longevity, beginning of life, early childhood, one's foundation, orientation to all
areas of life, purpose, vision, aspirations, intellect, happiness in general,
livelihood, profession, fame, recognition, self-confidence, dignity, honor.

The 1st house represents professions in general, because our choice of
profession is so dependent on our main character traits, and personality. It
especially relates to body-oriented professions: physical trainers, physicians, or
professions dealing with the body like yoga instructors, massage therapists,
healers. It can represent self-employment as well as actors, actresses,
performers who project their personality, and like to be the center of attention.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Self-confident, energetic, assertive, inspired, motivated.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Lack of self-confidence, self-centered, lazy, unmotivated, uninspired.

Actions to one's body - either supportive, healing, growthful or self-defeating,
self-destructive, or accidents.

Maternal father, paternal mother. Support from relatives in general.

General health & vitality, top of head, brain, hair.

Quiz #29: Which statement about the 1st House is false?

1. The 1st House represents the body, and particularly the head region.
2. The 1st House indicates fame, along with the 10th house.
3. The 1st House represents the next younger sibling’s next younger sibling.
4. The 1st House is only house that is both a trine and an angle.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 2nd House

The 2nd house corresponds to Taurus, an earth sign, ruled by Venus.

The 2nd house is an earth or artha house, along with the 6th and 10th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 2nd house is a succedent or panapara house, along with the 5th, 8th, and
11th houses.

The 2nd house is a maraka house, along with the 7th house.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(12,1,2) - X -
Element/Aim of Life
X - -
Mode of Action
X - - -
Other Categories
X -
Sanskrit Name
Dhana Bhava - The House of Wealth
Kutumba Bhava - The House of Family Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

General Description & Nature

The 2nd house is located just below the 1st house on the eastern horizon, and is
the segment of the sky that is just about to give birth with the sunrise. It,
therefore, is a house of increase, accumulation, and growth. It is a succedent or
panapara house, because it succeeds or follows the 1st house, the activating
angular or kendra house of the 'self.' Being the 2nd house from the 1st house, it
represents the gains of one's 'self' - income, money, acquisitions, purchases, and
accumulating whatever it is that one values. For this reason, it is called Dhana
Bhava or the ‘House of Wealth.' Its significators are Jupiter and Mercury, which
represent wealth and speech respectively.

The 2nd house relates to the earth element and artha, along with the 6th and
10th houses. Earth and artha houses relate to our outer, objective experience of
the physical world. They are opposite the water or moksha houses, which relate
to our inner subjective experience of the spiritual world. They are houses of our
practical, tangible, material life. The 2nd house, as the succedent house of the
earth trine, relates to the fruit or gains of this material realm. It therefore
represents accumulating 'things' of all kinds: food, adornments, clothes, jewelry,
gadgets, and other 'moveable' assets (not fixed assets like homes). Artha means
'resources' and the 2nd house is a practical house that relates to acquiring the
physical resources that one needs to advance in life.

The 2nd house is the next stage of development after the 1st house, or one's
early childhood. As such, it refers to the socialization and education that occurs
within one's family: speech and learning through an oral tradition. This is why it's
also called Kutumba Bhava or the 'House of Family,' particularly one's family
during childhood.

The 2nd house is a maraka or 'death-inflicting' house, along with the 7th house,
because it is the 12th from the 3rd, a house of longevity.

The 2nd house corresponds to the sign of Taurus, which is a practical, stable,
reliable and materialistic earth sign ruled by Venus. Venus represents luxuries,
jewelry, fine clothes, and adornments, which are why these are 2nd house

The 2nd house and Taurus relate to the next region below the top of the head -
the face, eyes, nose, and mouth. Any indications pertaining to the mouth relates
to the 2nd house: speech, food, cooking, substance addiction, dentistry, singing,

Money, income, wealth, acquisitions, resources, assets (especially moveable),
speech especially quality of speech, truthfulness and falsehood, food, clothes,
luxuries, comforts, jewelry, childhood family, eyesight, education through oral
tradition, memory, manners, politeness, modesty. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Dentists, cooks, singers/vocalists, orators, lecturers, buying and selling,
merchants, bankers.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Honesty, truthfulness.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Deceptive, liar, indulgent, addictive.

Buying and selling, efforts to acquire wealth, speaking, eating, drinking, cooking
and feeding others, keeping one's word.

Servants, dependents.

Banks, places where one's wealth is stored.

Food, clothes, gems, jewelry, precious items.

Other Categories
Maraka - cause of death.

Parts of the Body

Face, eyes especially right eye, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth.

Quiz #30: Which statement about the 2nd House is false?

1. The 2nd House is a house of substance addiction because it relates to what
we take into our bodies through our mouths.
2. The 2nd House represents truthfulness and honesty.
3. The 2nd House is a physical house.
4. The 2nd House represents buying and selling.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 3rd House

The 3rd house corresponds to Gemini, an air sign, ruled by Mercury.

The 3rd house is an air or kama house, along with the 7th and 11th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 3rd house is a cadent or apoklima house, along with the 6th, 9th, and 12th

The 3rd house is an upachaya house, along with the 6th, 10th, and 11th houses.

The 3rd house is a trishadaya house, along with the 6th and 11th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inner Private
X - -
Element/Aim of Life Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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X - -
Mode of Action
X - - -
Other Categories
X - - -
X - -
Sanskrit Name
Sahaja Bhava - The House of Siblings

General Description & Nature

The 3rd house is located just after the 4th house at the nadir below the earth. It is
a cadent or apoklima house, because it comes before the 4th house, the
activating angular or kendra house of one's 'inner private life.' Being the 12th
house from the 4th house it represents the loss of one's 'inner private life.' It
therefore represents communication, sharing ideas, and social interaction.

The 3rd house relates to the air element and kama, along with the 7th and 11th
houses. The air element relates to our social life. As a cadent or apoklima house
the 3rd house represents the instability and decline of our social life. It therefore
represents efforts to prevent dissolution of one's social connections. For this
reason also it's the house of communication and correspondence, which serves
to maintain connection with people. It represents communication systems that
connect people across vast distances, like telecommunication, internet, media
etc. Without this communication, these connections would be lost. It corresponds
to Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, which also represents communication,
writing, sharing information, acquiring information, and learning. It's also the
house of drama, music, and the fine arts.

The Air or kama houses relate to what we 'want' to do. They are opposite the fire
or dharma houses, which relate to what we 'should' do in order to fulfill our life
purpose. Kama translates as 'desire' house, the 3rd house, along with the 7th
and 11th houses, is a house of 'desire.' It’s a trishadaya house, along with the 6th
and 11th houses, and relates to desires that divert us from spiritual growth. It's
opposite the 9th house, a dharma house, which represents spiritual develop,
wisdom, ethics and morals. The 3rd house and Gemini relate to the next region
below the mouth - the throat, shoulders, arms, and hands. It represents hobbies
and activities that use the arms and hands, like playing musical instruments, fine
arts, crafts, sports, and games. Its significator is Mars, a planet of desire, will,
determination, competition, and physical prowess. The 3rd house is also an
upachaya house, along the 6th, 10th, and 11th, which makes it a house of
increase and improvement. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
The 3rd house is also the gain of the 2nd house, being the 2nd from the 2nd,
which is a house of one's early childhood family. Siblings are a gain or asset from
our family, therefore, it is called Sahaja Bhava or the ‘House of Siblings.'

The 3rd house is house of longevity, because it is the 8th from the 8th house,
which is the primary house of longevity. For this same reason it's a secondary
house of inheritance. It is also represents the death of one's parents, since it is
the 12th from the 4th representing mother, and the 7th, a maraka house, from the
9th, representing father. Considering also the 10th house for father, it becomes
the 6th from the 10th, or the father's illness.

The 3rd house is the next younger sibling, while the 11th house is the next older
sibling. This makes sense since the native would be the next older sibling of the
next younger sibling, the 11th from the 3rd, or the 1st house.

It's the house of short distance travel, whereas the 9th house is the long distance

Communication, media, writing, hobbies, arms, hands, sports, fine arts, music,
drama, siblings, allies, will, determination, efforts, stamina, desires, goals
especially short term, short distance travel.

Writing, communication industry like telecommunication, computer engineering,
the internet, media, TV, producing, publishing, dramatic arts, acting, fine arts,
painting, musician, vocalist, public speaking, educator, composing, competitor,

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Courage, focus, determination.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Many desires, scattered, spacey, argumentative, sorrowful.

Socializing, networking, talking over the phone or by computer, sharing ideas,
learning, acquiring information, being creative, expressing oneself, competition,
fighting, battle.

Siblings, especially the next younger sibling, friends, allies, casual
acquaintances, neighbors. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Telecommunications building, TV studio, theatre, office, post office, library,
bookstore, coffee houses, places where people socialize.

Books, writing implements, communication media - phones, microphones,
computers, musical instruments, art tools.

Parts of the Body

Throat, ears, shoulders, arms, hands.

Quiz #31: Which statement about the 3rd House is false?

1. The 3rd House represents gutsiness.
2. The 3rd House represents what we like to do for fun and enjoyment.
3. The 3rd House does not represent speech, the 2nd house does.
4. The 3rd House is the house of siblings in general.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson.

The 4th House Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 4th house corresponds to Cancer, a water sign, ruled by the Moon.

The 4th house is a water or moksha house, along with the 8th and 12th houses.

The 4th house is an angular or kendra house, along with the 1st, 7th, and 10th

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inner Private
(3,4,5) - X -
Element/Aim of Life Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
X - -
Mode of Action
(1,4,7,10) - X - -
Sanskrit Name
Sukha Bhava - The House of Happiness
Matri Bhava - The House of the Mother

General Description & Nature

The 4th house is the segment of the sky that is directly below the earth, at the
nadir or lowest point. As such it is the least visible, hidden and internal house. It
therefore represents the peak of one's subjective, inner experience, and is the
activating angular or kendra house of the 'inner private life' quadrant. It's the
house of the mind or manas: our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. Our
experience of happiness is dependent on our state of mind. For this reason, the
4th house is called Sukha Bhava or the ‘House of Happiness.' It shows our
psychological conditioning that forms our attitudes, and perceptions about life.
The 1st house is the physical foundation of our life, whereas the 4th house is our
inner, emotional foundation. We form the closest emotional bonds to our family,
and particularly our mother. It's therefore called Matri Bhava or the house of the
mother, family, ancestry, one's past, including past lives. Its significator is the
Moon, which represents the mind, emotions, and mother.

The 4th house relates to the water element and moksha, along with the 8th and
12th houses. It is opposite the 10th house, an earth or artha house related to
career and profession. As such it represents whatever is the base or foundation
for one's career and outer public life. It's therefore a house of education,
particularly compulsory education through high school. Our home is also a
foundation of our outer life, since it's where we replenish and rejuvenate
ourselves, so the 4th house is a house of homes, properties, domestic life, and
other 'fixed' assets, like vehicles. Being below the earth it also represents
whatever is subterranean, likes wells, and the ocean.

The 4th house corresponds to the sign of Cancer, which is an emotionally

sensitive water sign ruled by the Moon. Cancer and the 4th house relate to the
upper chest region - chest, lungs, heart, and breasts.

Domestic life, home, land, property, fixed assets, mother, family, ancestry,
relatives, near and dear ones, mind, emotions, psychology, private life, privacy,
happiness, education especially compulsory through high school, vehicles. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Real estate, house cleaning, gardening, landscaping, psychology, hypnosis,
farming, home business, self-employment.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Happiness, peace of mind.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Lack of happiness, agitation, worry, anxiety.

Nurturing, supportive, recuperative actions that bring rest, enjoyment, and peace
of mind, meditation, massage.

Mother, family, relatives, ancestry.

Place of residence, home, land, garden, agricultural field, underground.

Vehicles, hidden objects, wells, herbs, medicines.

Parts of the Body

Upper heart region: chest, lungs, breasts.

Quiz #32: Which statement about the 4th House is false?

1. The 4th House represents one’s domestic life and family.
2. The 4th House is a house of education.
3. The 4th House represents disputes and conflicts.
4. The 4th House represents gardening and agriculture.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 5th House

The 5th house corresponds to Leo, a fire sign, ruled by the Sun.

The 5th house is a fire or dharma house, along with the 1st and 9th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 5th house is a succedent or panapara house, along with the 2nd, 8th, and
11th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Inner Private
(3,4,5) - X -
Element/Aim of Life
(1,5,9) - X -
Mode of Action
(2,5,8,11) - X - -
Sanskrit Name
Putra Bhava - The House of Children
Purva Punya Bhava - The House of Past Life Merit

General Description & Nature

The 5th house is located just before the 4th house in the nadir below the earth. It
is a succedent or panapara house, which follows the 4th house, an angular
house. Being the 2nd house from the 4th house, it represents the gains or further
development of one's 'inner private life.' It is opposite the 11th house, which
represents the gains of our outer life or career. The 4th house relates to our
mind, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, whereas, the 5th house is the fruit of
our inner life. It's the house where the emotions get expressed, being the 2nd
house of one's private emotions. It's what we produce from within, our creative
self-expression, which is why it's a house of children and childbirth. It is therefore
called Putra Bhava or the 'House of Children.' Jupiter, the planet of expansion, is
the significator of 5th house, and of children.

The 5th house corresponds to the dynamic fire sign Leo, ruled by the Sun, which
is a planet of radiant, creative, self-expression. It is the 3rd house from the 3rd
house, which means that it's also a house of hobbies, communication, writing, Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
and fine arts. However, as a dharma house it represents the higher octave of the
3rd house. The 3rd house represents our desires or kama, but the 5th house
represents our dharma, what we're passionate about, our deepest interests, and
most meaningful forms of creative expression. As a fire and dharma house it is a
dynamic, relates to what fuels us, inspires us, and gives our life meaning.

As the 2nd house from the 4th house of the mind, it also represents the intellect,
intelligence, reasoning, and discrimination, which are resources or assets of the
mind. For this reason, it's a house of education, particularly non-compulsory
education, like college, where one can choose what to study, based on what
inspires them. The 4th house relates to compulsory, foundational education. The
4th house is also our past, and the 5th house is the gains of our past lives. It is
therefore called Purva Punya Bhava or the 'House of Past Life Merit.' As a
dharma house it is also a secondary house of the father, teachers, and gurus
since it is the 9th house from the 9th house. As such, it is also a house of
spiritual initiation, worship, devotion, and discipleship under a teacher.

The 5th house and Leo and relate to the mid chest region - heart, upper
abdomen, gall bladder, liver, and complications in childbirth. The heart is
attributed to both the 5th and 4th houses.

Children, creativity, self-expression, fine arts, poetry, music, drama, writing,
intelligence, intellect, deep interests, what one's passionate about, inspiration,
expression of emotions, talents, skills, past life merit, education especially non-
compulsory like college, students, disciples, wisdom, giving counsel,
discrimination, virtue, morals, spiritual practice, mantras, devotion, worship, ishta
devata or deity, romance, love affairs, investments, speculations, gambling, risk
taking, sports, recreation, games, entertainment.

Writing, journalism, publishing, fine arts, dramatic arts, music, investments,
speculation, teachers, counselors, advisors, life coaches, therapists, consultants.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Devotion, discrimination, morals, integrity, the expression of positive emotions.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Indiscriminate, lacking integrity and morals, the expression of negative emotions.

Recitation of mantras, acts of worship or devotion, speculation, gamblings, love
affairs, taking risks, sports, recreation, games.

Children, 1st child, 2nd younger sibling, students, disciples, father Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Temples, places of games, recreation, casinos.

Sacred texts, any implement or tool for creative self-expression.

Parts of the Body

Lower heart & upper abdomen region: gall bladder, liver, stomach.

Quiz #33: Which statement about the 5th House is false?

1. The 5th House represents what we express and produce.
2. The 5th House indicates the arts, like the 3rd house.
3. The 5th House is a house of devotion and emotions.
4. The 5th House does not represent ethical principles, the 9th house does.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson.

The 6th House Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 6th house corresponds to Virgo, an earth sign, ruled by Mercury.

The 6th house is an earth or artha house, along with the 2nd and 10th houses.

The 6th house is a cadent or apoklima house, along with the 3rd, 9th, and 12th
houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 6th house is a dusthana house, along with the 8th and 12th houses.

The 6th house is an upachaya house, along with the 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses.

The 6th house is a trishadaya house, along with the 3rd, and 11th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
X - -
Element/Aim of Life
(2,6,10) - X - Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Mode of Action
(3,6,9,12) - X - -
Other Categories
X - -
(3,6,10,11) - X - -
(3,6,11) - X -
Sanskrit Name
Shatru Bhava - The House of Enemies

General Description & Nature

The 6th house is located just below the 7th house on the western horizon. As a
cadent or apoklima house it represents the loss of the 7th house, the house of
the 'other'. It therefore relates to the conflicts and tensions that cause separation
in relationships. It represents the process of turning partners into enemies, and is
therefore called Shatru Bhava or 'The House of Enemies.' It represents
judgment, competition, battles, litigation, etc. Its signficator is Mars, like the 3rd
house, the planet of anger, and competition. As a trishadaya house, along with
the 3rd and 11th houses, it relates to anger that keeps us attached to others
through conflict, thereby preventing spiritual growth. It's opposite the 12th house,
a house of moksha or spiritual liberation.

Another way to understand the 6th house, is as a cadent house it relates to

instability and decline, and as an earth or artha house it relates to the physical,
material world. For this reason it's a house of debts, theft, accidents, illnesses
and diseases as well as efforts to improve physical existence, prevent decay,
and make things more efficient. It therefore relates to healing, particularly related
to acute illnesses that can be improved with effort. It likewise relates to any kind
of service work that helps to improve practical, tangible situations. The 6th house
is an upachaya house, along the 3rd, 10th, and 11th, which makes it a house of
increase and improvement, particularly of 6th house matters. As an earth and
artha house, the 6th house, along with the 2nd and 10th houses, is a practical
house of work and employment.

The 6th house corresponds to the sign of Virgo, a practical earth sign, ruled by
Mercury, which represents practical, detail oriented efficiency. The 6th house and
Virgo represents the upper abdomen region, intestines, waist, navel region.

The 6th house is house of the mother's younger sibling, being the 3rd from the
4th. It is also the house of the father's career being the 10th from 9th house. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Enemies, competition, opposition, battles, debts, loss, theft, humiliation,
imprisonment, conflicts, disputes, obstacles, worries, litigation, accidents,
disease especially acute, illness, healing, health regiments, routines, habits,
exercise, service, employment, daily work, making improvements.

Athletes, service professions, healers, doctors, aid workers, public health,
massage therapists.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Serviceful, helpful.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Cruel, quarrelsome.

Fighting, competition, cruel deeds, physical exercise, improving, rehabilitation,
making more efficient, helping and serving others, giving or receiving charity.

Step-parents, uncles, aunts, pets, animals, tenants, co-workers, subordinates,

Courtrooms, battlefields, sports arenas.

Poisons, medicines.

Parts of the Body

Middle abdomen region: intestines, waist, navel area.

Quiz #34: Which statement about the 6th House is false?

1. The 6th House does not represent chronic illnesses, the 8th house does.
2. The 6th House is a house of improvement.
3. The 6th House represents sports and competition.
4. The 6th House represents the medical profession.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 7th House

The 7th house corresponds to Libra, an air sign, ruled by Venus.

The 7th house is an air or kama house, along with the 3rd and 9th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 7th house is an angular or kendra house, along with the 1st, 4th, and 10th

The 7th house is a maraka house, along with the 2nd house.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(6,7,8) - X -
Element/Aim of Life
(3,7,11) - X -
Mode of Action
(1,4,7,10) - - X -
Other Categories
(2,7) - X

Sanskrit Name
Kalatra Bhava - The House of the Spouse Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

General Description & Nature

The 7th house is located on the western horizon, where the Sun sets, marking
the end of the day. It represents the time of day when our work is completed, and
we're able to enjoy the company of others in a social context. As the angular or
kendra house of the 'other' quadrant, it's the primary house of relationship and
marriage being opposite the 1st house of the 'self.' However, it also represents
the awareness of others. It represents any 'significant others', other than one's
blood relations, particularly partnerships, including business partnerships. It's
called Kalatra Bhava or the ‘House of the Spouse.' Its significator is Venus, which
represents spouse, marriage, and relationship.

The 7th house relates to the air element and kama or desire, along with the 3rd
and 11th houses. The air element represents social connections, networking, and
the intellectual exchange of ideas. As a kama house, the 7th house represents
the desire for intimate interaction, sexual union, extramarital affairs, and being
compelled by lust.

The 7th house corresponds to the sign of Libra, which is a cardinal air sign ruled
by Venus. Libra and the 7th house relate to the lower abdomen region, urinary
tract, kidneys, rectum, prostate.

The 7th house is a maraka or 'death-inflicting' house, along with the 2nd house,
because it is the 12th house of loss, from the 8th house of longevity.

The 7th house is the 10th house from the 10th house, making it a secondary
house of career. It usually relates to business partnerships. The 7th house is also
the 4th house from the 4th house, making it a secondary house of home, or
residence. It usually refers to residence in foreign countries. As the 4th from the
4th it also refers to the mother's mother, or one's grandmother. The 1st house is
one's birth, and the 7th house is the furthest from one's birth or residence in
foreign countries. For this reason, the 7th house also relates to getting lost or
losing one's way.

Marriage, marital happiness, relationships, courtship, significant others,
partnerships, business partnerships, business in general, social connections,
sexual union, sexual desire, adultery, residence in foreign countries, foreign
places, journeys, death.

Business, client-based professions like in the service industry.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Ability to make social connections, be considerate and accept others.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Quarrelsome, deceptive, demanding, critical of others. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Social interaction, consideration of others, sexual union, developing a
partnership, taking a journey, extramarital affairs, quarrels with spouse, getting

Spouse, business partners, significant others, clients, other people in general,
2nd child, 3rd younger sibling.

Foreign places, foreign countries.

Lost or stolen object.

Parts of the Body

Lower abdomen region: urinary tract, and prostate.

Quiz #35: Which statement about the 7th House is false?

1. The 7th House can indicate living in a foreign country.
2. The 7th House represents the spouse’s money.
3. The 7th House is the house of partnerships of all kinds.
4. The 7th House represents clients.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 8th House

The 8th house corresponds to Scorpio, a water sign, ruled by Mars.

The 8th house is a water or moksha house, along with the 4th and 12th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 8th house is a succedent or panapara house, along with the 2nd, 5th, and
11th houses.

The 8th house is a dusthana house, along with the 6th and 12th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(6,7,8) - - X
Element/Aim of Life
(4,8,12) - X -
Mode of Action
(2,5,8,11) - - X -
Other Categories
(6,8,12) - X -
Sanskrit Name
Ayu Bhava - The House of Longevity
Mrityu Bhava - The House of Death Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

General Description & Nature

The 8th house is located just above the 7th house on the western horizon, and is
the segment of the sky that is just about to give birth to the sunset. It is a
succedent or panapara house, because it succeeds or follows the 7th house, the
activating angular or kendra house of the 'other.' Being the 2nd house from the
7th house, it represents the gains of the 'other.' It is therefore a house of money
that comes through other people – spouse’s money, inheritance, insurance
policies, grants, loans etc. It is opposite the 2nd house, which represents one's
own money that is earned, or income.

The 8th house relates to the water element and moksha, along with the 4th and
12th houses. Water or moksha houses relate to our inner subjective experience
of the spiritual world. They are opposite the earth or artha houses, which relate to
our outer, objective experience in the physical world. They are houses of the
mind, feelings, and perceptions. The 8th house, as the succedent house of the
water trine, relates to the fruit or gains of this mystical realm. It is therefore a
house of the most profound intuitive insight. It corresponds to Scorpio, ruled by
Mars, which is considered the most profound sign. It is the subtlest house and
relates to prana and life force. Without life force there is no life. It is therefore
called Ayu Bhava or the 'House of Longevity,' as well as Mrityu Bhava or 'The
House of Death.' Its significator is Saturn, which represents longevity and death.

The 8th house is the 12th house from the 9th house, the house of fortunes. It is
therefore a house of misfortunes and relates to obstacles, sudden changes, and
upheavals. It is the most malefic of the three malefic dusthana houses, 6th, 8th,
and 12th.

The 8th house and Scorpio relate to the groin region - private parts, the genitals,
reproductive organs, prostate.

Longevity, life force, death, chronic illnesses, other's money especially spouse,
inheritance, loans, legacies, grants, sudden gains, sudden misfortunes, defeat,
intrigues, scandals, obstacles, upheavals, misery, sudden change, breaks,
separation, secrets, hidden knowledge, occult sciences, metaphysics, mysticism,
transformation, deviant behavior, unorthodox, unconventional, alternative.

Psychologists, therapists, hospice, assisting people through transitions, psychics,
researchers, astrologers, acupuncturists, reiki and energetic healing therapists,
surgeons, butchers, spies, terrorists, illegal professions, drug dealing, thieves.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Insightful, profound, sensitive to others. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Critical, cruel, insensitive, callous, inhumane, lazy, impractical, ungrounded,

Surgery, lending or borrowing money, sinful deeds, illegal actions, intrigue,
deception, spying, murder, dying.

Secret enemies.

Fearful places, place of death.

Illegal substances.

Parts of the Body

Groin region: genitals, reproductive organs.

Quiz #36: Which statement about the 8th House is false?

1. The 8th House is the house of the chi or life force.
2. The 8th House is both a dusthana house and an upachaya house.
3. The 8th House represents thieves and criminals.
4. The 8th House is the most powerful house of transformation.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 9th House

The 9th house corresponds to Sagittarius, a fire sign, ruled by Jupiter.

The 9th house is a fire or dharma house, along with the 1st and 5th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 9th house is a cadent or apoklima house, along with the 3rd, and 12th

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Outer Public
X - -
Element/Aim of Life
(1,5,9) - - X
Mode of Action
(3,6,9,12) - - X -
Sanskrit Name
Dharma Bhava - The House of Righteousness
Bhagya Bhava - The House of Fortune
Pitri Bhava - The House of Father

General Description & Nature

The 9th house is located just below the 10th house and is the segment of the sky
just after the zenith of the day. It represents the time just after the peak of one's
accomplishments in the outer world, when one reflects on life's most important
values. What comes next after fulfilling outer achievements, and attaining status,
and recognition is to consider one's spiritual fulfillment, deeper life purpose, and
source of inspiration. As the highest of the fire, trinal or dharma houses, it
represents one's highest ideals, inspirations, and ethical principles. The 9th
house therefore represents spiritual or religious traditions, philosophical
teachings, and teachers. Its significator is Jupiter, which represents ethics,
righteousness, divine law, philosophy, and one's guru. It is therefore called
Dharma Bhava or the 'House of Righteousness.' It's also called Pitri Bhava or the
'House of the Father,' since its other significator is the Sun, representing the
father. One's father is also considered to be one's first guru or lays down the law
in the household. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

As a cadent or apoklima house it represents the loss of the 'outer public life' of
the 10th house for the sake of one's ideals. The 9th house, however, doesn't
usually represent the loss of one's job or career even though this is logical. This
is because it is also the most benefic house, being a Lakshmi Sthana or house of
great fortunes, thereby protecting against misfortunes. It's also the 11th house of
gains from the 11th house. For these reasons, it's also called Bhagya Bhava or
the 'House of Fortune.' It's also the 5th house from the 5th house, making it a
secondary house of children, and creativity. It’s the higher octave of the 5th
house and therefore represents higher education, or post-graduate studies, and
institutions of higher education.

The 9th house corresponds to the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. It's a
house of wisdom, whereas the 3rd house, its opposite house, is a house of
information. Both the 9th house and Sagittarius relate to the hips and thighs. It's
the house of long distance travel, whereas the 3rd house is short distance travel.

Father, teachers, guru, devotion, religion, temples, spiritual path, knowledge,
wisdom, philosophy, ideals, inspirations, law, dharma, ethics, morals, faith,
righteousness, dignity, leadership, virtuous deeds, charities, kindness, institutions
of higher learning like graduate school, long distance travel, fortune, prosperity.

Teachers, professors, lawyers, counselors, advisors, consultants, life coaches,
travel agents, philosophers.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Understanding, compassionate, wise.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Arrogant, fanatical, dogmatic, self-righteous, condescending.

Teaching, learning, virtuous deeds, legal actions, charity, humanitarian acts,
pilgrimage, purification rituals, showing respect.

Father, guru, preceptor, teachers, counselors, children (5th from 5th), noble

Temples (places of worship), airports, travel agencies.

Sacred texts. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Parts of the Body

Thighs and hips.

Quiz #37: Which statement about the 9th House is false?

1. The 9th House is a house of wealth.
2. The 9th House represents both father and teachers.
3. The 9th House is a house of metaphysical studies.
4. The 9th House represents the travel industry.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson.

The 10th House

The 10th house corresponds to Capricorn, an earth sign, ruled by Saturn. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 10th house is an earth or artha house, along with the 2nd and 6th houses.

The 10th house is an angular or Kendra house, along with the 1st, 4th, and 7th

The 10th house is an upachaya house, along with the 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Outer Public
(9,10,11) - X -
Element/Aim of Life Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
(2,6,10) - - X
Mode of Action
(1,4,7,10) - - - X
Other Categories
(3,6,10,11) - - X -
Sanskrit Name
Karma Bhava - The House of Action

General Description & Nature

The 10th house is the segment of the sky that is directly overhead at the zenith
or highest point. As such it is the most visible, obvious and external house. It
therefore represents the peak of one's objective, active, outer life, and is the
angular or kendra house of the 'outer public life' quadrant. It's the house of one's
actions and achievements, and is therefore called Karma Bhava or the ‘House of
Action.' It has four significators: the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter, however,
usually the Sun and Mercury are given primary importance as significators of

The 10th house relates to the earth element and artha, along with the 2nd and
6th houses. Being the highest in this trine, it represents one's most important
work, and the mark one leaves in the material world. It's one's most visible work
that is evaluated by others, and is therefore a house of status, fame, recognition,
as well as authorities and authority figures. It represents public institutions, and
institutions of authority, like the government, being opposite the 4th house, which
represents one's private home.

The 10th house corresponds to the sign of Capricorn, which is a career oriented,
hard working earth sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn is a planet of sacrifice, and the
work that the 10th house represents, often requires us to make sacrifices and
persevere if we want to significant achievements. Capricorn and the 10th house
relate to the region of the knees.

The 10th house is an upachaya or 'growing house,' which improves over time. It
is the only house that both benefics and malefics are well placed in, since it's
both an angular house and an upachaya house. The 10th house is a house of
the father, along with the 9th house, as it is the 7th house of relationship, from
the 4th house of the mother.

Profession, career, work, business, actions, achievements, fame, public
reputation, status, position, responsibilities, authorities, government, public
institutions, leadership, political power. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Government servants, politicians, administrators, commerce, trade.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Positive intentions, leading by example.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Dominance, leading by control.

Public actions, work.

Bosses, employers, authorities, politicians, father.

Work environment, institutions, sky.

Banner, flag.

Parts of the Body

Knees, knee cap, backbone.

Quiz #38: Which statement about the 10th House is false?

1. The 10th House has four significators: the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter.
2. The 10th House represents one’s boss.
3. The 10th House represents the career of the spouse.
4. The 10th House is the house of politics.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 11th House

The 11th house corresponds to Aquarius, an air sign, ruled by Saturn.

The 11th house is an air or kama house, along with the 3rd and 7th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 11th house is a succedent or panapara house, along with the 2nd, 5th, and
8th houses.

The 11th house is an upachaya house, along with the 3rd, 6th, and 10th houses.

The 11th house is a trishadaya house, along with the 3rd, and 6th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Outer Public
(9,10,11) - - X
Element/Aim of Life Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
(3,7,11) - - X
Mode of Action
(2,5,8,11) - - - X
Other Categories
(3,6,10,11) - - - X
(3,6,11) - - X

Sanskrit Name
Labha Bhava - The House of Gains

General Description & Nature

The 11th house is located just before the 10th house at the zenith overhead. It is
a succedent or panapara house, because it succeeds or follows the 10th house,
an angular house. Being the 2nd house from the 10th house, it represents the
gains or fruits of one's 'outer public life,' or profession. It is opposite the 5th
house, which represents the gains or fruits from one's inner life. It relates to
financial gains, as well as status and recognition. It is therefore called Labha
Bhava or the 'House of Gains.' It could also be explained as the 12th house from
the 12th house, or the loss of loss, hence a house of gains. Its signficator is
Jupiter, the planet of wealth, and expansion.

The 11th house relates to the air element and kama, along with the 3rd and 7th
houses. Air or kama houses relate to our social life, our desires, and what we
'want' to do. They are opposite the fire or dharma houses, which relate to our
spiritual life, our inspirations, and what we 'need' to do to fulfill our life purpose.
The 11th house, as the succedent house of the air trine, relates to the fruit or
gains of our social life. It is therefore the house of friends, organizations, and
groups. Being the highest of the air trine it relates to important or influential
people, and society at large. It corresponds to Aquarius, which is humanitarian
and democratic sign, ruled by Saturn, a planet of the collective consciousness. It
is the most desire filled house as the highest of the kama houses and therefore
relates to one's long term goals, and ambitions. The 11th house is an upachaya
house, which is a house of improvement over time, as well as an trishadaya
house representing greed.

The 11th house is the next older sibling, while the 3rd house is the next younger
sibling. This makes sense since the native would be the next younger sibling of
the next older sibling, the 3rd from the 11th, or the 1st house.

The 11th house and Aquarius relate to the ankle region: calves, shins, ankles. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Financial gains, income from career, money come easily, side income, profits,
status, recognition, honors, rewards, promotion, fulfillment of desires, long term
goals, organizations, groups, institutions, friends, society at large, elder siblings
especially the next elder sibling, illness.

Working for an institution, commerce, working multiple jobs, side incomes.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Thinking expansive, large goals.

Negative/Weak psychological traits


Striving toward goals, receiving happy news, developing multiple streams of
income, enjoying material abundance.

Supporters, well-wishers, associates, close acquaintances, lasting friends,
influential people, famous people, elder siblings especially next elder sibling.

Institutions, any place that groups or organizations meet, meeting rooms etc.

Parts of the Body

Ankle region: calves, shins, ankles.

Quiz #39: Which statement about the 11th House is false?

1. The 11th House is the house of one’s long term goals.
2. The 11th House represents organizations.
3. The 11th House is a social house.
4. The 11th House is a house of illness, being the 6th house from the 6th house.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 12th House

The 12th house corresponds to Pisces, a water sign, ruled by Jupiter.

The 12th house is a water or moksha house, along with the 4th and 8th houses. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

The 12th house is a cadent or apoklima house, along with the 3rd, 6th, and 9th

The 12th house is a dusthana house, along with the 6th and 8th houses.

House Category Houses

Quadrant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(12,1,2) - - X
Element/Aim of Life
(4,8,12) - - X
Mode of Action
(3,6,9,12) - - - X
Other Categories
(6,8,12) - - X

Sanskrit Name
Vyaya Bhava - The House of Loss. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

General Description & Nature

The 12th house is located just above the 1st house on the eastern horizon, and
is the segment of the sky that has just given birth to the sunrise. Sunrise and
birth are dramatic events. The 12th house is the anti-climatic ending of these
events. It therefore is a house of wane, decrease, dissipation, and loss. It is a
cadent or apoklima house, because it 'falls away' from the 1st house, an angular
house. Being the 12th house from the 1st house, it represents the losses of one's
'self' - debts, expenses, illnesses, and the dissolution of whatever it is that one
values. For this reason, it is called Vyaya Bhava or the ‘House of Loss.' Its
significators are Saturn and Ketu, which represent loss and liberation

The 12th house relates to the water element and moksha, along with the 4th and
8th houses, which are mystical houses. It's opposite the 6th house, a tangible,
earth, or artha house. It therefore represents the immaterial, metaphysical world,
and releasing attachment to 'things.' Moksha means 'liberation' and the 12th
house being the highest of the moksha trine, as well as the last house of the
zodiac, relates to the last stage of development. It represents endings, the end of
life, and the ultimate spiritual liberation. The 12th house is one of the three
dusthana or malefic houses, along with the 6th and 8th house, and can represent
obstacles to material pursuits.

The 12th house corresponds to the sign of Pisces, which is a dreamy,

imaginative, mystical water sign ruled by Jupiter. It relates to altered states of
mind, like exploring the subconscious, or the subtle, intangible astral realms.
Pisces and the 12th house relate to region at the base of the body - the feet.

Losses of all kinds, expenses, debts, expenditures, litigation, downfalls,
confiscation, illness, convalescence, hospitalization, isolation, confinement,
imprisonment, living in foreign country, mystical knowledge, renunciation,
moksha, liberation, endings, misery, sorrow, anguish, decline, waste, obstacles,
impediments, giving to charity, illegal deeds.

Working in hospitals, prisons or other places of confinement, renunciation.

Positive/Strong psychological traits

Detachment, renunciation.

Negative/Weak psychological traits

Inferiority complex, low self-esteem.

Paying off debts, renunciation, simplifying one's life, seeking liberation,
meditation, traveling abroad, self-undoing, illegal actions. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

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Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Opponents in litigation, secret enemies.

Remote places, foreign places, foreign countries, monasteries, hospitals, prisons,

Hidden or secret things.

Parts of the Body

Feet, left eye.

Quiz #40: Which statement about the 12th House is false?

1. The 12th House represents the final stage of spiritual development.
2. The 12th House represents traveling far away from home.
3. The 12th House is the house of hospitals, and/or prisons.
4. The 12th House represents the father’s profession.
5. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
The answer is at the end of the lesson. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

Exercises and Homework

The purpose of this lesson is to learn and absorb the essential indications for
each of the 12 houses. We are also developing our astrological logic, so that we
not only understand 'what' the indications are for each house, but 'why.' Just like
in lesson 5, the quizzes, exercises and homework are designed to aid you in this

Materials needed:
- Notebook and pen

1) House Types:
Think of at least one person for each of the twelve planets who epitomizes the
qualities or characteristics of that house. It could be anyone – someone that you
entered for the planetary types exercise in lesson 5, alive or dead, friend,
acquaintance, celebrity, yourself, etc. For instance, you might know somebody
who’s extremely relationship oriented, doesn’t like to be alone, or devoid of
romance. He or she could remind you of the 7th house. In your notebook, or in
the space below, fill in their names.

For extra credit, brainstorm and write down as many individuals as you can for
each house.

1st House ________________________________________________________

2nd House ________________________________________________________

3rd House ________________________________________________________

4th House ________________________________________________________

5th House ________________________________________________________

6th House ________________________________________________________

7th House ________________________________________________________

8th House ________________________________________________________

9th House ________________________________________________________

10th House _______________________________________________________

11th House _______________________________________________________

12th House _______________________________________________________ Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation
Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses

2) Tour Guide to the Sky:

Go outside and take someone with you, it could be anyone just as long as they
can understand you. Be this person’s tour guide to the sky and explain to them
where the houses are, and what each segment of the sky means astrologically.
List some of the indications and teach them about the significance of planets
being placed in different houses. Have fun with this, and don’t take it too
seriously. It’s okay to fumble a bit. The other person will most likely be fascinated
and you will learn a lot by being in the role of a teacher. They say that you don’t
really know something until you can teach it.

Homework Assignments
1) Thinking Astrologically About the Houses:
Develop your own list of indications of the houses based on what we learned in
this lesson. In your notebook, make a page for each of the 12 houses with the
headings used in this lesson (keywords, professions, positive psychological traits
etc.) or use the pages, at the end of the lesson, which are already formatted.
Write as many of the indications as you can remember for each of the 12 houses,
without referring back to the lesson. Then, review the lesson and fill in whatever
indications you want to add to your list, including the one’s that you thought of
based on your own logic, observations, and previous study.

For extra credit, create your own document so that you can type your own list of
indications for the houses and store it on your computer. This will allow you to
have a long-term place to store your list and easily add to it as you learn more
about the houses.

2) Essential Indications:
Consider what are the most essential indications for each of the 12 houses. For
instance, "accumulation" is an essential indication for the 2nd house. From this
one indication many more indications are generated: money, income, resources,
acquisitions etc. Review your lists of indications of the houses and circle the
one's that are essential indications.

3) Confusion Anyone?
Find at least one indication in any of the 12 houses that seems confusing and
illogical. Perhaps it’s one indication that’s never quite made sense when you
heard about it being associated with a certain house. Next, see if you can figure
out the logic behind 'why' it relates to that house. For instance, the 11th house
relates to 'long term goals.' See if you can figure out why. Take the time to
consider all the building blocks that go into that house: public life quadrant, air or
kama house, succedent or panapara, upachaya house etc. Sit back and take
some time to exercise your astrological logic. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 Key Indications of the Houses
Quiz Answers
29. The 1st House represents the next younger sibling’s next younger sibling is a
false statement. The 1st house is the next younger sibling's (3rd house) next
older sibling (11th house). The 1st house is the 11th house from the 3rd house.
The next younger’s sibling’s next younger sibling would be the 5th house.
30. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
31. The 3rd House does not represent speech, the 2nd house does, is a false
statement. The 3rd house is a secondary house of speech because it is the 2nd
house from the 2nd house.
32. The 4th House represents disputes and conflicts, is a false statement. The
6th house represents disputes and conflicts.
33. The 5th House does not represent ethical principles, the 9th house does, is a
false statement. The 5th house shares this quality with the 9th house, being the
9th house from the 9th house.
34. It’s a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
35. The 7th House represents the spouse’s money is a false statement. The 8th
house represents the spouse's money, being the 2nd house from the 7th house.
36. The 8th House is both a dusthana house and an upachaya house is a false
statement. The 8th house is only a dusthana house, not an upachaya house
which are houses 3, 6, 10, 11.
37. The 9th House is a house of metaphysical studies is a false statement. The
moksha houses, 4, 8, 12, represent metaphysical studies. They are opposite the
artha or physical houses.
38. The 10th House represents the career of the spouse is a false statement.
The 4th house is the career of the spouse, since it is the 10th house from the 7th
39. It's a trick quiz. There is no false statement.
40. The 12th House represents the father’s profession, is a false statement. The
6th house is the father's profession, being the 10th from the 9th house. Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

Homework Assignment – Thinking Astrologically About the Houses

The 1st House
Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 2nd House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 3rd House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 4th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 5th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 6th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body:

: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 7th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 8th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 9th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 10th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 11th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation

Light On Vedic Astrology Online Course Level 1
Lesson 7 - Homework Key Indications of the Houses

The 12th House

Sanskrit Name:
Quadrant: (Circle) Self Inner Private Life Other Outer Public Life
Aim of Life/Element: (Circle) Dharma/Fire Artha/Earth Kama/Air Moksha/Water
Mode of Action: (Circle) Angle/Kendra Succedent/Panapara Cadent/Apoklima
Other Categories: (Circle) Dusthana Maraka Upachaya Trishadaya
Corresponds to:


Positive/Strong Psychological Traits:

Negative/Weak Psychological Traits:





Parts of the Body: Copyright © 2006 For Private Use - Not For Circulation


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