9th English

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Durga & P.

K Classes
“Where Success Is Culture & Excellence Is Tradition”
Class: IX Time: 2 Hrs.
Sub: English Total Marks: 50


Do as Directed: (Any 4)
(1) Make a meaningful sentence by using the given phrase: 1
put out
(2) Use the given adverb in your own senence: 1
(3) Make sentences of your own to show the difference of usage of the following Homophones: 1
wood, would
(4) Spot the error and write the correct sentence: 1
Although he jumped aside, but the stone hit him.
(5) Spot the error in the spelling of the following words and rewrite them correctly: 1
(A2) Do as directed: (Any 2) (4)
(1) Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another. 2
(2) Fill in the correct form of Gerund or Infinitive: 2
(i) Irregular verbs are not easy ___________________ . (remember)
(ii) They urge their citizens ___________________ more waste. (recycle)
(3) Complete the following sentences using appropriate modal auxiliary verbs: 2
(i) If I ……………….. fly like a bird, I …………………. be with you now.
(ii) You …….... tell me what she said. I’m dying to know.
(B) Do as directed: (Any One) (2)
(i) (1) Change the Voice: 1
He doesn't open the book.
(2) Underline the main clause in the following sentences. 1
When the female turtle comes on shore to nest and to lay eggs, she leaves
behind a trail just like a track of wheels on the sand.
(ii) Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another. 2
Q.2 Read the following passage and complete the activities: 10
Q1. State whether the following questions are true or false: 2
(i) There are five types of sea turtles seen in the world.
(ii) The Olive Ridley turtles nest along the entire coastline of Maharashtra.
(iii) The eggs hatch after a period of 60 days.
(iv) Turtles keep the sea clean.
We had no experience regarding sea-turtles, so first of all we undertook a study of turtles. We
contacted institutes that work for the protection of turtles in India. The next step was launching a Turtle
Protection Campaign at Velas, Taluka Mandangad, District Ratnagiri. This was done with the support
and co-operation of the Forest Department.
As part of the campaign, few local people were specially appointed to look for turtle nests on the
beach in the morning. When they came across a nest, they had to carefully remove the eggs from the
nest, and bury them again in a similar pit, but one protected with wire fencing. They had to watch over
the protected nest to prevent thefts. In the first year, we could successfully protect 50 nests in this
manner. When the babies hatched out of the eggs, what an event that was! The whole village rushed
to the beach to witness the spectacle.
When the tiny turtle hatchlings hurried across the silver sands to meet the rolling boundless sea,
what an ovation they received from the onlookers! Some of the elderly villagers confessed that though
they had seen (and stolen) turtle eggs right from their school days, it was for the first time that they
had seen the hatchlings rushing to the sea.
There are seven types of sea turtles in the world, five of which are found in India. The Olive
Ridley turtles nest along the entire coastline of Maharashtra. Green turtles and Hawksbills have also
been found.
An amazing characteristic of turtles is that when the female turtle reaches maturity, that is, nearly after
a gap of 15 years, she returns to the shore to lay her eggs at the same place where she was born. The
female comes on shore, just to make a nest in the sand and lay her eggs, and immediately returns to
the sea. She does not return to the nest after that. The eggs hatch after a period of 45 to 50 days, using
natural heat. Innumerable dangers await the little hatchlings in the deep sea, and they have to face them
all on their own. Their survival rate is therefore as low as just one or two turtles out of a thousand.
Turtles perform an important function - they keep the sea clean. Thus, they occupy an important place
in marine ecology. Considering all these factors, it is vital to undertake their protection on a large scale.

Q2. (i) The elderly persons had seen the hatchlings for the first time. What does it indicate? 1
(ii) Why were the people asked to look for eggs in the morning? 1
Q3. (1) Give the noun form of: 2
(i) occupy (ii) appointed (iii) protect (iv) confessed
Q4. Grammar: 2
(i) We decided to undertake a project for the protection and conservation of turtles.
(Frame a 'wh' question to get the underline words as the answer)
(ii) We had no experience regarding sea-turtles, so first all we undertook a study of turtles.
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with because)
Q5. Why do you think have these turtles been protected in India? 2
Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and complete the activities: 5
Q1. Choose the correct alternative: 2
(1) How charged with punishments the scroll, __________.
(i) The scroll is very expensive
(ii) I may have to pay for many of my mistakes
(iii) I have to pay money as punishment
(2) In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud __________
(i) I fell down and cried aloud.
(ii) I have not expressed my grief even when I had to suffer great pains.
(iii) I freed myself from a different situation and cried.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate.

How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Q2. (i) Which lines show that the poet has suffered hardships and pain? 1
(ii) What does the night symbolize? 1
Q3. Name and explain the figure of speech 1
It matters not how strait the gate.
(B) Write a critical appreciation of the following poem: 5
Have you ever seen….?

Have you ever seen a sheet on a river bed?

Or a single hair from a hammer’s head ?
Has the foot of a mountain any toes ?
And is there a pair of garden hose ?
Does the needle ever wink its eye ?
Why doesn’t the wing of a building fly?
Can you tickle the ribs of a parasol ?
Or open the trunk of a tree at all ?
Are the teeth of a rake ever going to bite ?
Have the hands of a clock any left or right ?
Can the garden plot be deep and dark?
And what is the sound of the birch’s bark?
- Anonymous
Q.4 Read the following passage and complete the activities: 15
1. State whether the following statement is true or false: (2)
(a) The king refused to forgive his enemy.
(b) The king sought the hermit for his wisdom.
(c) The bearded man was not wounded.
(d) The king cared for the wounded man.

One hour passed and another. The sun began to sink behind the trees and the king at last stuck the
spade into the ground and said, “Wise one, I came to you for answers to my questions. If you can give
me none, please say so, then I will go home”. “Here comes someone running,” said the hermit, “Let
us see who he is.” The king turned round and saw a bearded man come running out of the forest. The
man held his hands pressed against his stomach, and blood was flowing from under it. When he reached
the king, and moaning feebly, he fainted and fell to the ground. The king and the hermit unfastened
the man’s clothing. There was a large wound in his stomach. The king washed it as well as he could,
and bandaged it with his handkerchief and a towel that the hermit had. But, the blood flow did not stop,
and the king removed the bandage that was soaked with blood and washing it, again re-bandaged the
wound. Then, at last, the blood flow stopped, and the man revived and asked for some water. The king
brought some fresh water and gave it to him.
Meanwhile the sun had set and it had become cool. So the king, with the hermit’s help, carried the
wounded man into the hut. The man lay there quietly with his eyes closed. By now, the king was so
tired after his walk and the work he had done, that he lay down himself and also fell asleep. When he
awoke in the morning, it took him some time to remember as to where he was and who was the strange
bearded man lying by his side and gazing intently at him. “Forgive me!” said the bearded man in a
weak voice, when he saw that the king was awake and was looking at him. ‘‘I do not know you, and
I’ve nothing to forgive you for,” said the king.

2. Who said the following words to whom? (2)

(a) “I came to you, wise one, for an answer to my questions.”
(b). “Let us see who it is.”

3. Give the meaning of the following expression and frame sentence: (2)
(a) Bearded man-
(b) Forgive-

4. Do as directed. (2)
(a) Forgive me and I will be at peace.(Begin with unless…)
(b) ‘I came to you wise one,’ said the king. (Change the speech)

5. Have you ever faced a situation where a wounded person was lying on the road. What was your
experience? (2)

Q4.(B) Summary Writing 5

Read the passage given above and write the summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to your
Q.5 Letter Writing 5
Given below is the ending of a letter written by your friend :

... Regards to your parents and do let us know if we can spend the summer
vacations with you, so we can make suitable travel arrangements.

Your loving friend,


Write a letter of invitation to your friend asking him to spend the summer vacations at your place.

-------- All the Best --------

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