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Oral hygiene

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Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, especially the common dental caries and gingivitis, and bad breath. There are oral pathologic conditions in which a good oral hygiene is required for healing and regeneration of the oral tissues. These conditions included gingivitis, periodontitis, dental traumas[1] such assubluxation,[2] oral cysts,[3] and after wisdom tooth extraction.



Teeth cleaning is the removal of dental plaque and tartar from teeth to prevent cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease. Severe gum disease causes at least one-third of adult tooth loss. Tooth Decay is the most common global disease affecting every family. Over 80% of cavities occur inside pits and fissures on chewing surfaces where brushing cannot reach food left trapped after every meal or snack and saliva or fluoride have no access to neutralise acid and remineralise demineralised tooth like on easy to reach surfaces where few cavities occur. Fissure sealants dentists apply over grooves in chewing surfaces of back teeth, block food being trapped and halt the decay process. An elastomer strip has been shown to force sealant deeper inside all opposing chewing surfaces at the same time and can also force fluoride toothpaste inside chewing surfaces before brushing to remineralise demineralised teeth. Since before recorded history, a variety of oral hygiene measures have been used for teeth cleaning. This has been verified by various excavations done all over the world, in which chew sticks, tree twigs, bird feathers, animal bones and porcupine quills were recovered. Many people used different forms of teeth cleaning tools. Indian medicine (Ayurveda) has used theneem tree (a.k.a. daatun) and its products to create teeth cleaning twigs and similar products for millennia. A person chews one end of the neem twig until it somewhat resembles the bristles of a toothbrush, and then uses it to brush the teeth. In the Muslim world, the miswak, or siwak, made from a twig or root with antiseptic properties has been widely used since theIslamic Golden Age. Rubbing baking soda or chalk against the teeth was also common. Generally, dentists recommend that teeth be cleaned professionally at least twice per year. Professional cleaning includes tooth scaling, tooth polishing, and, if too much tartar has built up, debridement. This is usually followed by a fluoride treatment. However, there is no good evidence that scaling and polishing is costeffective.[4]

Between cleanings by a dental hygienist, good oral hygiene is essential for preventing tartar build-up which causes the problems mentioned above. This is done by carefully and frequently brushing with a toothbrush and the use of dental floss to prevent accumulation of plaque on the teeth.[5]

Plaque is a yellow sticky film that forms on the teeth and gums and can be seen at gum margins of teeth with a food dye. The bacteria in plaque change carbohydrate like sugar in food to acid that demineralises tooth eventually causing cavities after repeated attacks over a number of years where demineralisation exceeds saliva and fluoride remineralisation. Thorough daily brushing and flossing can prevent tartar from forming on the teeth. Plaque can also cause irritation to the gums, making them red, tender, or bleeding easily. In some cases, the gums pull away from the teeth, leaving cavities inhabited by bacteria and pus. If this is not treated, bones around the teeth can be destroyed. Teeth may become loose or have to be removed as with periodontal (gum) disease in mostly adults. Eating a balanced diet and limiting snacks can prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease. Nutritious foods such as raw vegetables, plain yogurt, cheese, or a piece of fruit are considered good snack foods to grab.[6]

The use of dental floss is an important element of oral hygiene, since it removes the plaque and the decaying food remaining stuck between the teeth. This food decay and plaque cause irritation to the gums, allowing the gum tissue to bleed more easily. Acid forming foods left on teeth also demineralise teeth eventually causing cavities. Flossing for a proper inter-dental cleaning is recommended at least once per day, preferably before brushing so fluoride toothpase has better access between teeth to help remineralise tooth, [7] prevent receding gums,gum disease, and cavities between the teeth.

A dental hygienist demonstrates dental flossing.

It is recommended to use enough floss to enable easy use, usually ten or more inches with three to four inches of taut floss to put between teeth. Floss is then wrapped around the middle finger and/or index finger, and

supported with the thumb on each hand. It is then held tightly to make taut, and then gently moved up and down between each tooth. It is important to floss under visible areas by curving the floss around each tooth instead of moving up and down on gums, which are much more sensitive than teeth. However, bleeding gums are normal upon first usage of floss, and will harden with use.[8] One should use an unused section of the floss when moving around different teeth. Removing floss from between teeth requires using the same back-andforth motion as flossing, but gently bringing the floss up and out of gaps between teeth.



Cleaning the tongue as part of daily oral hygiene is essential, since it removes the white/yellow bad-breathgenerating coating of bacteria, decaying food particles, fungi (such as Candida), and dead cells from the dorsal area of the tongue. Tongue cleaning also removes some of the bacteria species which generate tooth decay and gum problems.



Massaging gums with toothbrush bristles is generally recommended for good oral health. Flossing is recommended at least once per day, preferably before bed, to help prevent receding gums, gum disease, and cavities between the teeth.



Some dental professionals recommend oral irrigation as a way to clean teeth and gums. [9] Oral irrigators reach 34 mm under the gum line. Oral irrigators use a pressured, directed stream of water to disrupt plaque and bacteria.


and drink

Foods that help muscles and bones also help teeth and gums. Breads and cereals are rich in vitamin B while fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, both of which contribute to healthy gum tissue.(8) Lean meat, fish, and poultry provide magnesium and zinc for teeth. Some people[who?] recommend that teeth be brushed after every meal and at bedtime, and flossed at least once per day, preferably at night before sleep. For some people, flossing might be recommended after every meal.



Some foods may protect against cavities. Fluoride is a primary protector against dental cavities. Fluoride makes the surface of teeth more resistant to acids during the process ofremineralisation. Drinking fluoridated water is recommended by some dental professionals while others say that using toothpaste alone is enough. Milk and cheese are also rich incalcium and phosphate, and may also encourage remineralisation. All foods increase saliva production, and since saliva contains buffer chemicals this helps to stabilize the pH to near 7

(neutral) in the mouth. Foods high in fiber may also help to increase the flow of saliva and a bolus of fibre like celery string can force saliva into trapped food inside pits and fissures on chewing surfaces where over 80% of cavities occur, to dilute carbohydrate like sugar, neutraluise acid and remineralise tooth like on easy to reach surfaces.[7] Sugar-free chewing gum stimulates saliva production, and helps to clean the surface of the teeth.(8) According to World Dental,[10] these are the top ten beneficial foods for teeth. 1. Green tea contains polyphenol antioxidant plant compounds that reduce plaque and help reduce cavities and gum disease. Tea may help reduce bad breath. Tooth enamel is strengthened because green tea contains fluoride which promotes healthy teeth. 2. Milk and yogurt are good for teeth because they contain low acidity, which means that wearing of teeth is less. They are also low in decay-inducing sugar. Milk is a good source of calcium, the main component of teeth and bones. 3. Cheese contains calcium and phosphate, which helps balance pH in the mouth, preserves (and rebuilds) tooth enamel, produces saliva, and kills bacteria that cause cavities and disease. [10] 4. Fruits such as apples, strawberries and kiwis contain Vitamin C. This vitamin is considered the element that holds cells together. If this vitamin is neglected, gum cells can break down, making gums tender and susceptible to disease. 5. Vegetables: Vitamin A, found in pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli, is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Crunchy vegetables may also help clean gums. 6. Onions contain antibacterial sulfur compounds. Tests show that onions kill various types of bacteria, especially when eaten raw.[10] 7. Celery protects teeth by producing saliva which neutralizes acid that causes demineralisation and cavities. It also massages the teeth and gums. 8. Sesame seeds reduce plaque and help build tooth enamel. They are also very high in calcium. [10] 9. Animal food: beef, chicken, turkey, and eggs contain phosphorus which, with calcium, is one of the two most vital minerals of teeth and bone. 10. Water cleans the mouth and produces saliva that deposits essential minerals into the teeth. It keeps gums hydrated and washes away particles from the teeth.[10]



Sugars are commonly associated with dental cavities. Other carbohydrates, especially cooked starches, e.g. crisps/potato chips, may also damage teeth, although to a lesser degree since starch has to be converted by enzymes in saliva first. Sucrose (table sugar) is most commonly associated with cavities. The amount of sugar consumed at any one time is less important than how often food and drinks that contain sugar are consumed. The more frequently

sugars are consumed, the greater the time during which the tooth is exposed to low pH levels, at which point demineralisation occurs (below 5.5 for most people). It is important therefore to try to encourage infrequent consumption of food and drinks containing sugar so that teeth have a chance to be repaired by remineralisation and fluoride. Limiting sugar-containing foods and drinks to meal times is one way to reduce the incidence of cavities. Sugars from fruit and fruit juices, e.g., glucose, fructose, and maltoseseem equally likely to cause cavities.[citation needed] Acids contained in fruit juice, vinegar and soft drinks lower the pH level of the oral cavity which causes the enamel to demineralize. Drinking drinks such as orange juice or cola throughout the day raises the risk of dental cavities tremendously. Another factor which affects the risk of developing cavities is the stickiness of foods. Some foods or sweets may stick to the teeth and so reduce the pH in the mouth for an extended time, particularly if they are sugary. It is important that teeth be cleaned at least twice a day, preferably with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, to remove any food sticking to the teeth. Regular brushing and the use of dental floss also removes the dental plaque coating the tooth surface. Chewing gum assists oral irrigation between and around the teeth, cleaning and removing particles, but for teeth in poor condition it may damage or remove loose fillings as well.

Smoking and chewing tobacco are both strongly linked with multiple dental diseases.[11] Regular vomiting, as seen in bulimia nervosa, also causes significant damage. Mouthwash or mouth rinse with saline (salty water), fluoridated solution or the antiseptic chlorhexidine gluconate solution improve oral hygiene. Dental chewing gums claim to improve dental health. Retainers can be cleaned in mouthwash or denture cleaning fluid.[12] Dental braces may be recommended by a dentist for best oral hygiene and health. Dentures, retainers, and other appliances must be kept extremely clean. This includes regular brushing and may include soaking them in a cleansing solution such as a denture cleaner.


hygiene and systemic diseases

Several recent clinical studies show a direct link between poor oral hygiene (oral bacteria & oral infections) and serious systemic diseases, such as:[13][14]

Cardiovascular Disease (Heart attack and Stroke) Bacterial Pneumonia Low Birth Weight/Extreme High Birth Weight

Diabetes complications Osteoporosis

Izbor etkice za zube

septembar 1st, 2011 mikapojic

Danas je teko zamisliti na ivot bez etkice za zube. Ova mala stvar postala je deo nae svakodnevnice i njena svrha je da ivot uini kvalitetnijim. Ali kako da znamo da li koristimo pravu etkicu za zube? Veina od nas kupuje automatski, vodei se samo izgledom etkice. Ovaj lanak pomoi e da napravite dobar izbor prilikom kupovine etkice za zube. Veliina etkice Za bolje razumevanje podeliemo etkice u nekoliko kategorija i vrsta klasifikacije. Prvo emo analizirati njihovu veliinu. Vano je odabrati etkicu za zube koja e omoguiti lak pristup svim povrinama zuba. Za veinu odraslih osoba, glava etkice za zube iroka neto vie od centimetra i dugaka oko dva i po centimetra najlaka je za upotrebu i najefikasnija. Iako postoje vee glave etkice za zube, one mogu stvarati problem prilikom etkanja kutnjaka koje je teko dohvatiti. etkica za zube trebala bi imati dovoljno dugaku drku tako da je moete udobno drati u ruci. Neki strunjaci kau da bi glava etkice za zube trebala biti mala za dobro ienje svih podruja usta, zuba i desni. Manja glava e lake dopreti do siunih razmaka izmeu zuba. Otrina etkice Kada je u pitanju otrina etkice, postoje tri vrste: meka, srednja i tvrda (soft, medium i hard). Meka nudi neno ienje zuba za decu, starije osobe, one s protezama i drugim stomatolokim pomagalima ili problemima sa desnima. Ovaj tip etkice ipak ne daje eljene rezultate ljudima sa normalnim zubima, ali je savrena za one koji imaju razliite zubne traume i iritacije desni. Meke etkice su najbolje etkice za zube, po preporuci stomatologa. Ipak, srednje i tvrde etkice se najvie prodaju. etkica srednje otrine je dobra za ljude svih uzrasta iji su zubi u dobrom stanju i njihova usta zdrava. Dlaice imaju odreeni stepen fleksibilnosti i pruaju efikasno etkanje svih podruja usta i zuba. Tvrde etkice za zube su dobre za velike, vrste zube i desni. Ovakva etkica je namenjena onima koji zahtevaju snanije etkanje. Kada koristite ovu vrstu etkice, vano je da ne preterate prilikom etkanja, poto moete otetiti zubnu gle ili iziritirati desni. Materijal etkice etkice se razlikuju i po vrsti materijala od kog su napravljene. Imamo plastine etkice i etkice od prirodnih materijala. Prve se mogu kupiti svuda.

Druge, od prirodnih materijala su izgubile popularnost, pre svega zbog svoje cene. Ova vrsta etkice je izraena od ekolokih materijala, kao to je drvo. Njena glava napravljena je zapravo od

sterilisane svinjske dlake. Dlaka se uzima sa ive ivotinje koje se obrije, a zatim se dlaka pere i sterilie.

Ovakve etkice se smatraju najboljim, jer ne sadre razliite hemikalije i potpuno su bezopasne za okolinu. Meutim, ova vrsta etkice se mora mnogo ee menjati, jer se prirodni materijali bre prljaju i zadravaju zubne bakterije. Rune i elektrine etkice Sledea klasifikacija deli etkice na rune i elektrine. Rune etkice su jednostavne i najrairenije u upotrebi. One zahtevaju odreeni stepen vetine pri korienju, da bi se tano znalo koje delove usta i zuba je potrebno isetkati. Dokazano da se vie zubnih naslaga uklanja pomou elektrinih etkica za zube. Elektrine etkice zahtevaju manje vetine pri korienju. Sve to morate uraditi je ukljuiti etkicu i ona e odraditi svoj posao. Meutim, morate znati koliko dugo treba da traje pranje zuba. Budui da veina ljudi zapravo nije svesna vremena koje je potrebno da se zubi operu neke elektrine etkice imaju ugraen tajmer i automatski se iskljuuju. Nadamo se da su Vam ove informacije bile od pomoi. elimo Vam sreu pri izboru prave etkice!

Its difficult to imagine our life, these days, without a toothbrush. This small thing became a part of our every day life and its purpose is to make this life better. But how do we know that the right toothbrush is used? Most of us buy it automatically, trusting the way they look like. This article will help everyone to make the right choice in choosing a good toothbrush. Toothbrush Size To make the understanding easy let us divide all toothbrushes in several categories with their own classifications. Firstly well analyze their size. Here its important to choose the toothbrush that will allow you easy access to all surfaces of the teeth. For most adults, a toothbrush head a half-inch wide and one-inch tall will be the easiest to use and the most effective. Though there are larger toothbrush heads available, you may find that it is difficult to maneuver them to clean certain hard-to-reach areas, such as the sides and backs of your molars. The toothbrush should have a long enough handle so you can comfortably hold it in your hand. Some specialists say that a toothbrushs head should be small for good clean to all areas of the mouth, teeth and gums. Being small it will easily make its way to the tiny spaces between your teeth. Toothbrush Bristle Bristle variety is the next category to be described while choosing the best toothbrush. There are three main bristle types: soft, medium and hard, also called firm. The soft toothbrush offers gentle cleaning for children, the elderly, the infirm, those with braces or other dental fixtures, or oral conditions that may require special consideration. This type of bristle may not provide the level of detail that people with regular teeth will require, but its perfect for those with different dental traumas and gums irritation. The soft toothbrush is considered the best toothbrush. It is clearly recommended by dentists. However, medium and hard bristles are sold too. A medium brush is good for people of all ages as long as their teeth are in good condition and their mouth is healthy. The bristles have some degree of flexibility, but provide a thorough brushing of all the teeth and oral areas.

The hard toothbrush provides a strong set of bristles for large, sturdy teeth and gums. This brush is geared toward a mouth with significant dental needs. When using this type of brush, its important not to overdo the cleaning action, as it may rub enamel from the tooths surface or make the gums raw by causing irritation. Toothbrush Material Next category divides brushes by the stuff they are made of. Here we have plastic and natural toothbrushes. The first one are well known by everybody and can be found everywhere. The second, the natural toothbrushes, have lost their popularity because of their cost and material usage. This kind of brushes is made of ecological stuff, like wood. The bristle is sterilized pigs hair, in fact. The pigs hair is taken from live animals which are shaved and then the hair is washed and sterilized. These are considered the best toothbrushes because they dont contain different chemicals and are absolutely harmless for the environment. However, this type of brushes should be replaced more often because the natural components keep dental bacteria stronger and the brush becomes dirty faster. Manual and Electric Toothbrush Next classification divides the toothbrushes into manual and electric. Manual toothbrushes are plain and simple. It does require a little skill to use these brushes, as in knowing where exactly to push it over so as to get the optimum cleaning action around the corners in the mouth. It was proven that more dental plaque is removed using an electric toothbrush as compared to the amount that could be gleaned out using a manual one. Electric toothbrushes require lesser skill levels when using them. All you have to do is to throw the switch on and let the brush do its work. However, you must know as to how long you must keep it on. Since most people are not really aware of the time they need to keep brushing, some of these electric brushes come with an in built timer which automatically switches itself off after the pre-set time. The facts are above. Now its your time to choose the best toothbrush for yourself. Good luck!

Spreavanje nastanka karijesa

Karijes je najee oboljenje dananjice. Ukratko, to je progresivno unitavanje zuba kiselinom koju proizvode bakterije koje se nalaze u dentalnom (zubnom) plaku. Prevencija

Preventiva poinje odgovarajuim odravanjem oralne higijene. Fokus odravanja oralne higijene je uklanjanje i spreavanje nastanka pomenutog zubnog plaka, koji je ustvari lepljiva materija koja sadri bakterije, a nalazi se na povrini zuba. Danas postoje mnoga sredstva koja nam to olakavaju, ali najvanije je ipak redovno pranje zuba etkicom i pastom za zube (najmanje dva puta dnevno, ujutru i uvee). Pogledajte demonstracione video klipove za prevenciju karijesa na engleskom jeziku:

Problem je to se etkica za zube moe koristiti za uklanjanje plaka na pristupanim povrinama, ali ne i meu zubima ili unutar jama i pukotina na povrinama koje koristimo pri vakanju. Tu pomae zubni konac koji, ukoliko se pravilno koristi,uklanja plak iz podruja u kojima bi moglo doi do razvoja udaljenijeg karijesa. Pogledajte demonstracioni video sa prikazom pravilnog korienja zubnog konca na engleskom jeziku:

Sva druga sredstva preparati fluora, tenosti za ispiranje, tueva za zube (water pick), vakaih guma bez eera do deterdentne hrane (npr. jabuke) dodatno smanjuju stvaranje zubnih naslaga to naravno utie na smanjenje oboljenja od karijesa.

Takoe, vakanje vlakana poput celera pomae prevenciji karijesa. To se deava iz razloga to razreuje i razgrauje ugljene hidrate (eere), neutralie kiseline i remineralie demineralisani zub. Promena naina ishrane Uestalost uzimanja eera je vanija od koliine unetog eera. Naime, u prisustvu eera i drugih ugljenih hidrata, bakterije u ustima proizvode kiseline koje demineralizuju (rastvaraju se minerali iz glei). to su ee zubi izloeni takvom okruenju, to je vea verovatnoa da e nastati karijes. to se tie dece, Amerika Asocijacija Stomatologa (ADA) i Evropska Akademija Pedijatrijske Stomatologije (EAPD) preporuuju ograniavanje uestalosti konzumiranja pia sa eerom, kao i prestanak davanja flaica novoroenadima za vreme spavanja. Majkama se takoe preporuuje izbegavanje deljenja pribora za jelo i aa s njihovom decomkako bi se spreilo prenoenje bakterija iz usta majke. Takoe, xylitol vake (xylitol je ustvari alkoholni eer) se koriste za zatitu zuba u nekim zemljama. Efekat xylitola utie na smanjenje plaka i to najverovatnije zbog nemogunosti bakterija da ga iskoriste kao druge eere. vakanje i stimulacija receptora ukusa na jeziku dovode do poveavanja proizvodnje i isputanja tenosti (pljuvake), koja sadri prirodna zatitna sredstva za spreavanje karijesa tj. spreavanja sputanja pH faktora u ustima do vrednosti na kojoj gle moe da se demineralizuje. Uz sve navedene mere, treba ukljuiti stomatologa koji e kontrolisati i unapreivati vae oralno zdravlje. Redovne estomesene, a za decu i tromesene kontrole, stomatologu pruaju potpuni uvid u va zubni status, to mu daje prostora i vremena za planiranje terapije. Stomatolozima stoje na raspolaganju mnoga sredstva i znanja vana u prevenciji karijesa premazivanje zatitnim lakovima, preparatima fluora, zalivanje fisura, odabiranje odgovarajue etkice, paste i naina etkanja. Ako na kraju i doe do zubnog kvara, na redovnim kontrolama, on se pravovremeno dijagnostikuje i sanira jednostavnim zahvatom. Ali kada zub zaboli i otekne stvari se zakomplikuju. Zbog toga treba staviti naglasak na vanost oralne higijene i stomatoloke kontrole uz druge preventivne postupke. Moda Vam budu interesantne informacije do kojih se stiglo istraivanjem prevencije karijesa. Naime, nedavna istraivanja pokazuju da nizak intenzitet laserskog zraenja jonima argona (hemijski element sa oznakom Ar) mogu da spree osetljivost na karijes. Osim toga, bakterije koja su glavni uzronici karijesa, trenutno se nalaze u fazi istraivanja u cilju pronalaenja vakcine za karijes. Takva vakcina uspeno je testirana na ivotinjama 2004. godine,a u fazi klinikog testiranja na ljudima nalazi se od maja 2006. godine. Today, caries remains one of the most common diseases throughout the world. Also known as tooth decay or cavity, dental caries is a disease where bacterial processes damage hard tooth structure (enamel, dentin and cementum). Prevention Personal hygiene care consists of proper brushing and flossing daily. The purpose of oral hygiene is to minimize any etiologic agents of disease in the mouth. The primary focus of brushing and flossing is to remove and prevent the formation of plaque.

Plaque consists mostly of bacteria. As the amount of bacterial plaque increases, the tooth is more vulnerable to dental caries when carbohydrates in the food are left on teeth after every meal or snack. A toothbrush can be used to remove plaque on accessible surfaces, but not between teeth or inside pits and fissures on chewing surfaces.

When used correctly, dental floss removes plaque from areas which could otherwise develop proximal caries. Other adjunct hygiene aids include interdental brushes, water picks, and mouthwashes. However oral hygiene is probably more effective at preventing gum disease than tooth decay. The brush and fluoride toothpaste have no access inside pits and fissures, where chewing forces food to be trapped. It is here that resident plaque bacteria change any carbohydrate to acid that demineralises teeth inside pits and fissures, causing over 80% of cavities. (Occlusal caries accounts for between 80 and 90 percent of caries in children). The teeth at highest risk for carious lesions are the first and second permanent molars.

Chewing fibre like celery after eating forces saliva inside pits and fissures to dilute any carbohydrate like sugar in trapped food, neutralise acid and remineralise demineralised tooth and should be part of every day personal tooth care to prevent tooth decay.

Professional hygiene care consists of regular dental examinations and cleanings. Sometimes, complete plaque removal is difficult, and a dentist or dental hygienist may be needed. Along with oral hygiene, radiographs may be taken at dental visits to detect possible dental caries development in high risk areas of the mouth. Dietary modification For dental health, frequency of sugar intake is more important than the amount of sugar consumed. In the presence of sugar and other carbohydrates, bacteria in the mouth produce acids which can demineralize enamel, dentin, and cementum. The more frequently teeth are exposed to this environment, the more likely dental caries are to occur. Therefore, minimizing snacking is recommended, since snacking creates a continual supply of nutrition for acid-creating bacteria in the mouth. Also, chewy and sticky foods (such as dried fruit or candy) tend to adhere to teeth longer, and consequently are best eaten as part of a meal. Brushing the teeth after meals is recommended. For children, the American Dental Association and the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry recommend limiting the frequency of consumption of drinks with sugar, and not giving baby bottles to infants during sleep. Mothers are also recommended to avoid sharing utensils and cups with their infants to prevent transferring bacteria from the mothers mouth. It has been found that milk and certain kinds of cheese like cheddar can help counter tooth decay if eaten soon after the consumption of foods potentially harmful to teeth. Also, chewing gum containing

xylitol (a sugar alcohol) is widely used to protect teeth in some countries. Xylitols effect on reducing plaque is probably due to bacterias inability to utilize it like other sugars. Chewing and stimulation of flavour receptors on the tongue are also known to increase the production and release of saliva, which contains natural buffers to prevent the lowering of pH in the mouth to the point where enamel may become demineralised.

However chewing gum does not absorb saliva and is not able to effectively force saliva and any dental agents inside pits and fissures in chewing surfaces where over 80% of cavities occur. Chewing raw vegetable fibre like celery after eating forces saliva inside pits and fissures to dilute carbohydrate like sugar, neutralise acid and remineralise deminealised tooth. Other preventive measures The use of dental sealants is a means of prevention. A sealant is a thin plastic-like coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars. This coating prevents food being trapped inside pits and fissures in grooves under chewing pressure ao resident plaque bacteria are deprived of carbohydrate that they change to acid demineralisation and thus prevents the formation of pit and fissure caries, the most common form of dental caries. Sealants are usually applied on the teeth of children, shortly after the molars erupt. Older people may also benefit from the use of tooth sealants, but their dental history and likelihood of caries formation are usually taken into consideration. Fluoride therapy is often recommended to protect against dental caries. It has been demonstrated that water fluoridation and fluoride supplements decrease the incidence of dental caries. Fluoride helps prevent decay of a tooth by binding to the hydroxyapatite crystals in enamel. The incorporated fluoride makes enamel more resistant to demineralization and, thus, resistant to decay.Topical fluoride is also recommended to protect the surface of the teeth. This may include a fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash. Many dentists include application of topical fluoride solutions as part of routine visits. Furthermore, recent research shows that low intensity laser radiation of argon ion lasers may prevent the susceptibility for enamel caries and white spot lesions. Also, as bacteria are a major factor contributing to poor oral health, there is currently research to find a vaccine for dental caries. As of 2004, such a vaccine has been successfully tested on animals, and is in clinical trials for humans as of May 2006.

8 koraka do oralnog zdravlja

Svi znamo da treba da peremo zube i da koristimo zubni konac, ali postoje i drugi koraci koje bi trebalo preduzeti ako elite da imate zube do kraja ivota. Neki ljudi pretpostavljaju da e u starosti svakako ostati bez zuba. To ne mora dogoditi. Evo 8 koraka koje bi trebalo slediti. 1. Upoznajte se sa potrebama Vaih zuba. Vae oralno zdravlje zavisi od mnogih faktora, kao to su: ta jedete, vrste i koliine pljuvake u ustima, Vaih navika i Vaeg sveukupnog zdravlja i oralne higijene. Promene ukupnog zdravstvenog statusa esto rezultiraju promenama u Vaem oralnom zdravlju. Na primer, mnogi lekovi, ukljuujui vie od 300 uobiajenih u upotrebi, mogu smanjiti koliinu pljuvake u ustima, a rezultat su suva usta. ene koje su trudne takoe doivljavaju odreene promene usta i zuba. Ovo esto ukljuuje upalu desni koja se naziva trudniki gingivitis. Bolesnici s astmom esto diu kroz usta, pogotovo kad spavaju. To moe dovesti do suvih usta, poveanja stvaranja plaka i zapaljenja desni. 2. Posvetite se svakodnevno svom oralnom zdravlju. Razgovarajte sa stomatologom o svojim navikama. Treba da uspostavite rutinu zdravih navika. Trebala bi biti takva da ju je lako pratiti i treba uzeti u obzir svoju situaciju. Na primer, ako ste uzimali lek koji izaziva suvou usta, moda biste trebali koristiti fluoride svaki dan. Trudnicama, osobama sa zdravstvenim tegobama, kao to su eerna bolest, te osobe s protezama takoe mogu zahtevati posebnu negu. 3. Koristite proizvode s fluoridima. Svako moe imati koristi od fluorida, ne samo deca. Fluoridi jaaju zube u razvoju kod dece. Oni takoe pomau spreavanje kvarenja zuba i kod odraslih i kod dece. Paste za zube i tenosti za ispiranje usta su dobri izvori fluorida. Va stomatolog moe propisati i jau koncentraciju fluorida u gelu, pasti za zube ili tenosti ako Vam je to potrebno. 4. Perite zube i koristite zubni konac da uklonite plak. Svako bi trebao prati zube najmanje dva puta dnevno. Jo je bolje prati ih tri puta na dan ili nakon svakog obroka. Osim toga, trebali bi ste koristiti zubni konac barem jednom na dan. Ove aktivnosti e ukloniti plak, koji je podloga za bakterije koje stalno napadaju zube. Ako se plak ne uklanja svaki dan, moe izazvati kvarenje zuba. Bakterije u plaku takoe mogu uzrokovati zapaljenje desni i druge bolesti usta. Vano je pravilno etkati zube i temeljno ih istiti koncem. Treba ukloniti plak sa svih strana zuba i tamo gde se zub spaja sa desni. 5. Ograniite grickalice, naroito one bogate jednostavnim eerima, i uravnoteeno se hranite. Svaki put kad jedete, komadii hrane se zaglavljuju u i oko zuba. Ova hrana prua gorivo za bakterije u plaku. Bakterije proizvode kiseline. Svaki put kada jedete hranu koja sadri eere ili skrob (kompleksne eere), zubi su izloeni ovim kiselinama 20 ili vie minuta. To se dogaa ee ako se jedu grickalice izmeu obroka i hrana ee ostaje na zubima. Ovi ponavljajui napadi kiselinom mogu otetiti gle na povrini zuba, stvarajui upljine. Ako morate da jedete esto, nakon toga operite zube ili vaite vake bez eera. Uravnoteena ishrana je takoe vana. Ako ne unosite dovoljno minerala i vitamina to moe loe uticati na Vae oralno i opte zdravlje. 6. Ako koristite duvan u bilo kom obliku, prestanite. Puenje poveava rizik od oralnog raka, zapaljenja desni, periodontitisa i kvarenja zuba. Upotreba duvana takoe utie na lo dah i stvaranje mrlja na zubima. 7. Ispitujte redovno svoja usta. ak i ako redovno poseujete stomatologa, Vi moete prvi primetiti promene u Vaim ustima. Va stomatolog e Vas videti svega nekoliko puta godinje, a Vi svoja usta moete pregledati jednom

nedeljno traei mogue promene. Ove promene mogu ukljuivati: otekle desni, napukao zub, promene boje zuba, kao i rane na jeziku i u ustima. Ovo je posebno vano za puae, koji su pod poveanim rizikom za razvijanje oralnog raka. 8. Poseujte redovno stomatologa. Razgovarajte sa stomatologom o tome koliko esto biste ga trebali poseivati. Ako imate sklonost kvarenju zuba, krunice, odnosno mostove ili nosite protezu, trebali biste poseivati stomatologa ee. Neki ljudi, kao to su dijabetiari ili puai, skloniji su bolestima desni od opte populacije, pa takoe, treba ee da idu kod stomatologa. Osobe sa oslabljenim imunim sistemom e takoe ee imati stomatoloke probleme. Primeri ukljuuju osobe koje su inficirane HIV-om ili primaju terapiju za leenje raka. OK, so you know about brushing and flossing. But there are other steps you should take if you want to keep your teeth for a lifetime. Some people assume they will lose their teeth as they age. That doesnt have to happen. There are 8 steps you should follow. 1. Understand your own oral health needs. Your oral health depends on many factors. These include what you eat, the type and amount of saliva in your mouth, your habits, your overall health and your oral hygiene routine. Changes in your overall health status often result in changes in your oral health. For example, many medicines, including more than 300 common drugs, can reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth, resulting in dry mouth. Women who are pregnant go through oral changes. This often includes inflammation of the gums, which is called pregnancy gingivitis. Patients with asthma often breathe through their mouths, particularly when sleeping. This can result in dry mouth and increased plaque formation and gingivitis. 2. Commit to a daily oral health routine. Talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about your oral health practices. Based on the discussion, come up with an effective routine. It should be easy to follow and should take your situation into account. For example, if you are taking medicine that dries your mouth, you may want to use fluoride every day. Pregnant women, people with health conditions such as diabetes, and people with braces also may want or need special daily care. 3. Use fluoride products. Everyone can benefit from fluoride, not just children. Fluoride strengthens developing teeth in children. It also helps prevent decay in adults and children. Toothpastes and mouthwashes are good sources of fluoride. Your dentist can prescribe a stronger concentration of fluoride in a gel, toothpaste or rinse if you need it. 4. Brush and floss to remove plaque. Everyone should brush at least twice a day. Its even better to brush three times a day or after every meal. In addition, you should floss at least once a day. These activities remove plaque, which is a complex mass of bacteria that constantly forms on your teeth. If plaque isnt removed every day, it can turn the sugars found in most foods and drinks into acids that lead to decay. Bacteria in plaque also cause gingivitis and other periodontal diseases. Its important to brush and floss correctly and thoroughly. You need to remove plaque from all sides of the tooth and where the tooth meets the gums. If plaque is not removed, it can lead to gum problems and cavities.

5. Limit snacks and eat a balanced diet. Every time you eat, bits of food become lodged in and around your teeth. This food provides fuel for the bacteria in plaque. The bacteria produce acid. Each time you eat food containing sugars or starches (complex sugars), your teeth are exposed to these acids for 20 minutes or more. This occurs more often if you eat snacks and the food stays on your teeth for a while. These repeated acid attacks can break down the enamel surface of your teeth, leading to a cavity. If you must snack, brush your teeth or chew sugarless gum afterward. A balanced diet is also important. Not getting enough minerals and vitamins can affect your oral health, as well as your general health 6. If you use tobacco in any form, quit. Smoking or using smokeless tobacco increases your risk of oral cancer, gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth decay. Using tobacco also contributes to bad breath and stains on your teeth. 7. Examine your mouth regularly. Even if you visit your dentist regularly, you are in the best position to notice changes in your mouth. Your dentist and dental hygienist see you only a few times a year, but you can examine your mouth weekly to look for changes that might be of concern. These changes could include: Swollen gums Chipped teeth Discolored teeth Sores or lesions on your gums, cheeks or tongue A regular examination is particularly important for tobacco users, who are at increased risk of developing oral cancer. If you smoke or use smokeless tobacco, your dentist or dental hygienist can show you where a sore, spot, patch or lump is most likely to appear. 8. Visit the dental office regulaly. Talk to your dentist about how often you should visit. If you have a history of cavities or crown and bridge work, or are wearing braces, you should visit the dentist more often. Some people, such as diabetics or smokers, have more gum disease than the general population. They also should visit the dentist more often. People with suppressed immune systems also are more likely to have dental problems. Examples include people who are infected with HIV or are receiving cancer treatment. More frequent visits for these groups are important to maintain good oral health.

ienje jezika

ienje jezika smatra se vanim delom svakodnevne oralne higijene. Osim pranja zuba etkicom (spreava karijes, zapaljenje desni i bolesti desni), potrebno je oistiti i jezik. Time se spreava i

otklanja neprijatan zadah iz usta generisan bakterijama koje prekrivaju jezik, esticama hrane koja se razlae, gljivicama (kao npr. kandida) i mrtvim elijama sa dorzalnog podruja jezika. ienje jezika takoe otklanja i neke vrste bakterija koje uzrokuju kvarenje zuba i probleme sa desnima.

Za ienje jezika ljudi obino koriste etkicu za zube. Naalost, etkica za zube nije originalno namenjena tome. Naime, ona je konstruisana za ienje zuba, znai vrste strukture. Jezik je, kao to znate, sainjen od mekeg, sunerastog poroznijeg tkiva. To znai da iziskuje i drugaije alatke za ienje. istai (strugai) jezika su ergonomski oblikovani u skladu sa anatomijom jezika.

Optimizovani su da efikasno uklanjaju plak (lepljiva materija koja sadri bakterije) koji prekriva povrinu jezika. Takoe, danas se proizvode i etkice koje sa druge strane imaju i deo namenjen ienju jezika. Inae, cena istaa (strugaa) jezika na srpskom tritu je oko 100 do 120 dinara (npr. DONTO Dent ista u DM prodavnicama fotografija ispod).

ienje jezika, osim uklanjanja miliona bakterija (do 500 razliitih vrsta), estica hrane koja se razlae, gljivica i mrtvih elija s povrine jezika je i opteprihvaen deo reenja neprijatnog zadaha iz usta (struni naziv halitosis). Nauna istraivanja su pokazala da u otprilike 80-95% sluajeva neprijatnog zadaha iz usta, uzrok potie iz usne duplje, uglavnom iz materija deponovanih na zadnjem delu jezika.

Istraivanja pokazuju da samo oko 5-20% sluajeva potiu iz eluca, od krajnika, od rastvorene hrane zaglavljene izmeu zuba, bolesti desni, zubnih kvarova ili zubnog plaka. Klinike studije

pokazale su da svakodnevno korienje istaa jezika ima znaajan uticaj na uklanjanje anaerobnih bakterija i smanjenje neprijatnog zadaha.

Zakljuak je sledei: ne zaboravite da pored svakodnevnog pranja zuba oistite i jezik. Time ete znaajno doprineti svom oralnom zdravlju i prevenciji neprijatnog zadaha, zubnih kvarova i oboljenja desni. Tongue cleaning is considered an important part of daily oral hygiene. Aside from tooth brushing which prevents cavities, gingivitis, and gum disease, tongue cleaning has been cited to prevent and remove white and yellow bad breath generating coating of bacteria, decaying food particles, fungi (such as Candida), and dead cells from the dorsal area of the tongue. Tongue cleaning also removes some of the bacteria species that cause tooth decay and gum problems. One common tool that people use to clean their tongue is the tooth brush. Unfortunately, however, toothbrushes are not built for this purpose because it was originallyconceptualized for cleaning teeth a structure with a solid frame and material not like the tongue which is composed of softer, spongy tissue. For the latter, tongue cleaners are used. They are shaped ergonomically in accordance with the anatomy of the tongue, and are optimized to lift and trap the plaque coating to effectively clean its surface.

Tongue cleaning, aside from removing millions of bacteria (up to 500 different types), decaying food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue, is generally viewed as the solution for most cases of halitosis or bad breath. Scientific studies have shown that in approximately 80-95% of bad breath cases, the cause originates in the oral cavity, mainly from material deposited on the rear of the tongue.

Research shows that only about 5-20% of cases originate in the stomach, from the tonsils, from decaying food stuck between the teeth, gum disease, tooth decay, or plaque accumulated on the teeth. Clinical studies have shown that using tongue cleaners on a daily basis has a significant effect on eliminating anaerobic bacteria and decreasing oral malodor.

Tongue cleaning, aside from removing millions of bacteria (up to 500 different types), decaying food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue, is generally viewed as the solution for most cases of halitosis or bad breath. Scientific studies have shown that in approximately 80-95% of bad breath cases, the cause originates in the oral cavity, mainly from material deposited on the rear of the tongue.

Research shows that only about 5-20% of cases originate in the stomach, from the tonsils, from decaying food stuck between the teeth, gum disease, tooth decay, or plaque accumulated on the teeth. Clinical studies have shown that using tongue cleaners on a daily basis has a significant effect on eliminating anaerobic bacteria and decreasing oral malodor.

The conclusion is: do not forget to clean your tongue on a daily basis. This will help your oral health and prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum problems. Sources:

ienje zuba koncem

ienje zuba koncem vaan je deo oralne higijene. Redovnim korienjem zubnog konca vri se prevencija bolesti zuba i desni. Nagaa se da bolesti desni pogaaju oko ak 75% populacije i jedan su od glavnih uzroka gubitka zuba kod odraslih osoba. Navedene bolesti mogue je lako spreiti redovnim pranjem zuba etkicom i ienjem zuba koncem.

Nedavno vrena istraivanja odredila su vezu izmeu bolesti desni i poveanog rizika od srane bolesti i modanog udara. Odravanje dobrog reima oralne higijene pomae pri eliminaciji faktora upale povezanih s bolestima desni. Na taj nain se potencijalno smanjuje rizik od bolesti srca i modanog udara. U principu, odravanje dobrih navika oralne higijene moe spreiti ozbiljnije zdravstvene komplikacije. Mnogi ljudi ne shvataju vanost ienja zuba koncem, verujui da je pranje zuba etkicom dovoljno za uklanjanje plaka, lepljive materije koja sadri bakterije iformira na povrini zuba i izmeu njih. Pranje zuba etkicom otklanja plak s povrine zuba, a ienje zuba koncem ili slinim meuzubnim istaima moe ukloniti plak koji se akumulira izmeu zuba (u interdentalnom prostoru). Zubni plak moe nadraiti desni do te mere da poinju da krvare i postaju crvene i upaljene. Ako se plak ne uklanja iz meuzubnog prostora, desni mogu poeti da se povlae. Kada se ovo dogodi, bakterije, te gnojne kesice (gnojni depovi) koje se razvijaju na tom mestu mogu dovesti do unitenja kosti koja podupire zub. Jednom kada se kost uniti, zubi e se razmrdati, bie izgubljeni ili e biti potrebno njihovo vaenje.Pogledajte demonstracioni video na engleskom jeziku:

Procedura ienja zuba koncem: Izaberite vrstu zubnog konca koju ete da koristite.

Otkinite deo konca 45 do 50 cm duine.

Namotajte zubni konac oko srednjeg prsta ili kaiprsta, kako god Vam je lake.

Drugi,slobodni kraj konca namotajte oko suprotnog prsta (isti prst na drugoj ruci). Taj prst e uzimati i otklanjati deo konca koji postaje prljav nakon to je iskorien za ienje zuba.

Konac drite vrsto izmeu prsta i palca (3 do 5 cm). Palac moete koristiti za usmeravanje konca izmeu gornjih zuba, a prst koji ste izabrali za usmeravanje izmeu donjih zuba.

Neno umetnite zubni konac izmeu zuba (laganim cik-cak pokretima). Nikad ne nabijajte konac u desni jer ih to moe otetiti.

Nakon to umetnete konac, lagano ga pomerajte napred-nazad ispod desni i oko zuba na obe strane. Koncem pratite obline zuba. Kada konac doe do desni, savijte konac u oblik latininog slova C oko zuba. Blago klizite koncem u prostoru izmeu desni i zuba. Ponovite ovaj postupak na svim Vaim zubima. Postavite ruke u poloaj koji Vam omoguava da dosegnete najudaljenije zube. Vano je oistiti i zadnji deo poslednjeg zuba. Ljudi koji imaju potekoa s rukovanjem zubnim koncem mogukoristiti druge vrste meuzubnih istaa. Tu spadaju posebne etkice i tapii. Ako se odluite za neki drugi meuzubni ista, pitajte svog stomatologa o tome kako da ih pravilno koristite, kako bi se izbegle eventualne povrede desni. Flossing in between your teeth is an essential oral hygiene practice for avoiding gum disease and preventing tooth decay. Also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, gum disease affects 75 percent of people and is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults. Pervasive as the oral disease may be, it can be easily prevented by brushing and flossing your teeth.

Recent studies have determined a link between gum disease and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Maintaining a good oral hygiene regimen may help to eliminate the inflammation factor associated with gum disease, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. In general, maintaining good oral hygiene habits may help prevent more serious health complications. Many people dont realize the importance of flossing and often forego the hygienic practice, believing that tooth brushing is adequate for the removal of plaque, the sticky substance that forms on the surface of and in between the teeth. Tooth brushing removes plaque from the surfaces of the teeth, but only flossing can remove plaque that accumulates in between the teeth. Dental plaque can also irritate the gums to the extent that they bleed easily and become red and tender. If plaque is not removed from in between the teeth with dental floss, the gums can eventually start to pull away (recede) from the teeth. When this happens, bacteria and pus-filled pockets can develop and the bone that supports the teeth can be destroyed. Once the bone is destroyed, the teeth will loosen and/or require removal.

Demo video: Dental Flossing Procedure: Select the type of dental floss that you will be using. Some people likes any type of floss that is waxed because it seems to glide through their teeth better. Among the different kinds of floss are dental tape, waxed floss, woven floss and unwaxed floss. Your hygienist or dentist can recommend which is most appropriate for you.

Tear off a piece of dental floss about 18 inches long.

Wrap the dental floss around one of your fingers, either the index or middle finger, whichever feels more comfortable. Wrap the loose end of the dental floss around an opposite finger (the same finger of the opposite hand). This finger will take up the floss as it becomes dirty.

Hold the floss tightly between your finger and thumb.

Gently insert the dental floss in between your teeth. Never snap the floss into the gums. Snapping it could damage your gums. After the floss is inserted, gently move it back and forth underneath the gum and against the tooth on both sides. Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth. Hold the floss tightly against the tooth. Gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up and down motions. Repeat this method on the rest of your teeth. Position your hands so that they feel comfortable when reaching the back teeth. Be sure to floss all of your teeth, upper and lower.

It is important to floss behind the very back teeth and the back of teeth where a tooth is missing. People who have difficulty handling dental floss may prefer to use another kind of interdental cleaner. These aids include special brushes, picks or sticks. If you use interdental cleaners, ask your dentist about how to use them properly, to avoid injuring your gums.

Odravanje fiksnog ortodontskog aparata

Da bi vai zubi i desni ostali zdravi kljuna stvar je svakodnevno uklanjanje zubnog plaka. Plak je lepljivi bezbojni sloj bakterija koji se neprekidno formira na vaim zubima, ali i bravicama i ianom luku. Zaostajanje plaka na zubima i bravicama usled loe higijene prouzrokovae otok i crvenilo desni, krvarenje pri pranju, karijesne upljine na zubu ili bele mrlje na zubima. Evo nekih osnovnih pravila vanih za ouvanje zdravlja zuba i desni: ETKAJTE ZUBE Perite vae zube, desni i ortodontske bravice tri puta dnevno (nakon svakog jela). Posebno obratite panju na povrine zuba izmeu desni i bravica. Zube etkajte obinom etkicom za zube sa mekim vlaknima (soft) koja ne sme biti starija od 6 meseci i pastom za zube koja mora da sadri fluor (najmanje 1000ppm-a). Zube bravice i luk perite pod uglom od 45 stepeni u odnosu na fiksni aparat, prvo odozdo a onda odozgo u odnosu na aparat. Postoje takoe i specijalne ortodontske etkice za zube sa snopovima vlakana zarezanim u obliku latininog slova V , pri emu zarez slui da se obuhvate bravice i luk sa obe strane (npr. GUM Orthodontic Brush). Postoje i etkice za solo etkanje svakog pojedinanog zuba (npr. CURADEN CS 1009), a efikasnim su se pokazale rotirajue etkice na baterije (npr. Philips Sonicare ili Oral-b Ortho). KONAJTE ZUBE Obavezno koristiti konac za zube, najmanje jedan put dnevno, pred spavanje nakon veere. Njime se uklanja zubni plak smeten izmeu zuba i ispod ivice desni to su podruja koja su van domaaja vlakana zubne etkice. U stvari, ako se ne koristi i konac za zube, 40% povrine zuba ostaje neoieno. Ako vam pri konanju pojaano krvare desni, to je samo znak da jo vie panje posvetite pravilnom konanju. Krvarenje e prestati nakon to se ukloni bakterijski plak i desni zalee. Bie vam lake da iskonate zube ako koristite specijalni konac koji je sainjen iz tri dela (npr. Oralb Super Floss, Curaprox Thornton Superfloss). Jedan kraj tog konca je krut, tako da se lako moe provui kroz prostore izmeu zuba iznad ianog luka kod zuba gornje vilice i ispod ianog luka kod zuba donje vilice. Na taj kruti deo nadovezuje se deblji, sunerasti deo kojim se najbolje uklanja bakterijski plak na zubima bravicama i ianom luku. Njime ulkanjamo plak i ostatke hrane delujui izmeu ovih povrina. Zadnji deo superflosa je konac za ienje prostora izmeu preostalih zuba i

ispod ivice desni. Treba ga obaviti oko svakog zuba u obliku slova S i neno ga voditi du zuba ulazei i pod ivice desni. Kao alternativa Superflosu, mogu se nabaviti posebne krute ome (Threaderi, npr. GUM Eez-Thru Flos Threaders) kojima se provlai obian konac za zube. Takoe kao pomono sredstvo moe posluiti i interdentalna etkica (npr. Gum Proxabrush Traveler) kojom se lepo mogu oistiti povrine ispod ianih lukova. Ako nemate dovoljno manualne spretnosti da koristite konac i interdentalnu etkicu, moete nabaviti i aparat za irigaciju zuba pod pritiskom (waterpik). Za detalje se posavetujte sa svojim stomatologom! SPIRAJTE USTA RASTVORIMA FLUORIDA Sve dok nosite fiksni ortodontski aparat savetujemo vam da jednom dnevno, nakon pranja zuba etkicom i pastom sa fluorom isperete zube rastvorom fluorida niske koncentracije (npr. Galenika FLUOROGAL rastvor od 223ppM F). FLUOROGAL rastvor se sipa u zatvara boice do gornjeg navoja (10ml) i vri se ispiranje usta 1 minut. Nakon ispiranja, rastvor obavezno ispljunuti i pola sata nakon toga ne uzimati ni hranu ni tenost. IZBEGAVAJTE TVRDU, LEPLJIVU I SLATKU HRANU Lista hrane koja ortodontskom pacijentu moe zadati probleme deli se uopteno na tri tipa: Pretvrda hrana ovakva hrana moe iskriviti iani luk i polomiti ili odvojiti bravice od zuba. Izbegavajte tvrd hleb, kosti led, tvrde slatkie.. Peeni kukuruz prvo odvojite od klipa. Sveu argarepu isecite uzduno i odgrizajte na zadnje zube. Jabuke isecite na krike i odgrizajte na zadnje zube. Izbegavajte tvrda zrna kokica, a ljuske koje zaostanu uklonite zubnim koncem. (Pored tvrde hrane izbegavajte i grickanje olovki i svoje prste drite dalje od ianih lukova) Lepljiva hrana takoe ova hrana moe iskriviti iani luk. Izbegavajte karamele, vake i ostale lepljive slatkie. Hrana bogata eerima kada uzimate hranu bogatu eerima, taj eer ne koristite samo vi, ve ga koriste i bakterije iz plaka na zubima za svoju sopstvenu ishranu. Kao krajnji proizvod bakterijskog razlaganja eera stvara se kiselina koja dekalcifikuje zub i tako nastaje zubni karijes, prvo u vidu belih mrlja dekalcifikacije, a kasnije se na tom mestu stvaraju i prave upljine (kaviteti). Zato je pored redovnog etkanja i konanja zuba, bitno i da slatkie konzumirate samo uz glavne obroke! Nema nieg opasnijeg po zube nego ako se izmeu dva obroka jedu razne slatke grickalice uz gazirana pia! Gazirana pia pored eera sadre i ortofosfornu kiselinu koja i sama demineralizuje zub! Zbog te kiseline opasna su i gazirana pia bez eera. Ako ve morate neto da stavite u usta izmeu obroka neka to bude neko voe. Dok nosite fiksni aparat Bolnost zuba Dva ili tri dana posle postavljanja fiksnog aparata ili posle zamene gumenih prstenova moe nastati opta bolnost zuba. Po potrebi se moe uzeti sredstvo protiv bola, na primer Brufen ili Febricet. Ukoliko osetite da vam bravice, nakon postavljanja aparata uljaju obraz, u prvo vreme moete pokuati da nalepite zagrejani komadi voska na njih, kako bi prekrili otre ivice. Uklonite vosak pre pranja zuba. Ispadanje bravica, labavljenje gumica i traka Ako primetite da se neka bravica odlepila od zuba, da se odvezao vor, da se razlabavio gumeni prsten ili da se je iani luk iskoio iz leita u bravici, javite se kako bi zakazali vanredni termin u

toku nedelje. Ukoliko se javi jai bol iz tih razloga, zovite i zakaite hitnu posetu, a do posete na otre ivice ianog luka ili na bravice moete nalepiti zagrejani komadi voska. Bavljenje sportom Tokom bavljenja sportom, trebalo bi nositi tzv uvare usta i zuba (mouthguards). Privremeni uvar usta i zuba se moe kupiti u vaoj lokalnoj prodavnici sportske opreme. Individualno prilagoeni uvari usta mogu se izraditi nakon zavrenog ortodontskog tretmana.anose na istu, opranu protezu. Autor: Dr Aleksandar Despotovi BELLE DENT Stomatoloka ordinacija Gandijeva 114a-2 Novi Beograd To keep your teeth and gums healthy the most important thing is daily removal of dental plaque. Plaque is a sticky, colorless layer of bacteria that constantly forms on your teeth, locks and wire arches. Plaque deposits on teeth and locks due to poor hygiene causes swelling and redness of the gums, bleeding while brushing your teeth, the carious cavity on the tooth, or white spots on teeth. Here are some basic rules that are important for preserving your teeth and gums healthy. Brush your teeth Brush your teeth, gums and orthodontic locks three times a day (after each meal). Especially pay attention to the surface of teeth between gums and locks. Brush your teeth with a regular brush with soft fibers, which must not be older than 6 months and toothpaste, which must contain fluoride (a minimum of 1000ppm). Locks, teeth and arches should be washed at an angle of 45 degrees from the fixed braces, first below and then above. There are also special orthodontic toothbrushes with bundles of fibers in the form of the letter V, used to brush locks and arches on both sides at the same time (eg. GUM Orthodontic Brush). There are brushes for solo brushing for each tooth (eg. CURADEN CS 1009), rotating brushes that use batteries have also proved to be efficient (eg. Philips Sonicare or Oral-B Ortho). Floss your teeth Be sure to use floss at least once a day, before bed, after dinner. It removes the dental plaque located between the teeth and under the edge of the gums these are areas that are beyond the reach of the fibers of a toothbrush. In fact, if you do not floss, 40% of the teeth remains untreated. If, while flossing, you have intensified bleeding of the gums, it is just a sign that you need to pay more attention to proper flossing. The bleeding will stop after you remove the bacterial plaque enabling the gums to heal. It will be easier for you to floss your teeth if you use a special floss that is made up of three parts (eg. Oral-B Super Floss, Curaprox Thornton Superfloss). One end of the floss is stiff, so that it can easily pass through the spaces between the teeth over the wire arch of the upper jaw and below the wire arch of the lower jaw. This rigid part is linked to a thicker, spongy part which is best in removing bacterial plaque on the teeth, locks and wire arches. It removes plaque and food residues by cleaning between these surfaces. The back part of the Superfloss is the floss that cleans the remaining space between the teeth and below the edge of gums. It should be put around each tooth in the form of the letter S and gently guide it along the teeth and under the edge of the gums.

As an alternative to Superfloss, you can obtain special rigid loops (Threaders, for example. GUM EEZ-thru Floss Threaders) which you use with regular floss. Inter-dental brush is also recommended (eg. Gum Proxabrush Traveler). It may well clean the surfaces below the wire arches. If you do not know how to use floss and inter-dental brush properly, you can get a teeth irrigation tool which works under pressure (waterpick). For details, consult your dentist! Wash your mouth with fluoride solutions As long as you are wearing fixed braces we encourage you to, after brushing your teeth with paste with fluoride, rinse your teeth with a solution of low concentrated fluoride (eg Galenika FLUOROGAL solution of 223ppM F). FLUOROGAL solution should be poured into a bottle cork to the upper convolution (10ml) and rinsed for 1 minute. After rinsing, you must spit out the solution and do not take any food or liquid half hour after that. Avoid hard, sticky and sweet food The list of goods that can cause problems for patients with braces are generally divided into three types: Hard food this food can distort the wire arch and break or separate locks from the teeth. Avoid hard bread, bones, ice, hard candies. First separate roasted corn from its clip. Fresh carrots should be cut longitudinally and bitten with your back teeth. Cut apples into slices and bite it with your back teeth. Avoid hard popcorn, and remove the remaining particles with dental floss. (In addition to avoiding hard food you should avoid biting pencils and you should keep your fingers away from the wire arches). Sticky food these goods can also distort the wire arch. Avoid caramels, chewing gums and other sticky sweets. Sweet food when you eat food rich in sugar, you are not the only one who uses this sugar. Bacteria and plaque on the teeth use it too for their own nutrition. The end product of bacterial decomposition of sugar is an acid that decalcifies tooth and makes dental caries that first occur in the form of white spots of decalcification, and later in that place real cavities are created. Therefore, in addition to regular brushing and flossing your teeth it is important that you eat sweets only as an addition to the main course! There is nothing more dangerous for teeth than eating a variety of sweet snacks and carbonated drinks between meals! Next to sugar, carbonated beverages also contain Orthophosphoric acid, which itself damages the teeth! Because of that acid carbonated beverages without sugar are also dangerous. If you have to eat something between meals it should be a fruit. While you are wearing braces Tooth soreness For two or three days after setting your braces or after changing the rubber rings you may experience general soreness of teeth. If necessary, you can take a medicine against pain, such as Ibuprofen. If you feel that your locks, after placing the braces, are pinching your cheek, first couple of days you can try to put warm piece of wax on them, so that you cover the sharp edges. Remove the wax before brushing your teeth. The fallout of locks, loosened rubbers and bars If you notice that some locks are dislocated from the teeth, that a knot has untied, that a rubber ring has become loose or that a wire arch is sticking out from its slot in the locks, contact your dentist to make an appointment within a week. If you experience stronger pain because of these reasons, call

and make an urgent appointment. You can put warm piece of wax on sharp edges of the wire arch or locks while waiting for an appointment. Sport During sport activities you should wear so-called mouth and teeth guards. A temporary mouth and teeth guard can be purchased at your local sport store. Individual custom made mouth guards can be made after the completion of your orthodontic treatment. They are applied on clean and washed braces.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride in foods, supplements and water enters the bloodstream through the stomach. From there, it is absorbed into the body. In children, the fluoride then becomes available to the teeth that are developing in the jaw. Swallowed fluorides do not add fluoride to the teeth in someone older than age 16. Topical fluoride products are applied directly to the teeth. They include toothpaste, mouth rinses and professionally applied fluoride treatments. Topical fluoride treatments are in the mouth for only a short time. However, fluoride levels in the mouth remain higher for several hours afterward. Professional fluoride treatments are given in a dental office. They are applied as a gel, foam or varnish. The fluoride used for these treatments has a higher strength than over-thecounter or prescription mouthwashes or toothpastes. Fluoride supplements also are available by prescription. They usually are reserved for children who live in areas where the water supply does not contain enough fluoride. Children who need supplements receive them from ages 6 months to 16 years.

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