Astracraft CN IDs

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By Foxtron_Gaming


Astracraft shut down NA and EU servers on December 21, 2022. However, the game is
still accessible in Asia regions and still receives regular updates. With Foxtron's (and
friend's) efforts of translating Chinese into English we now have the opportunity to
replay this game.

Chinese Identification is required to access and play.

1. Download Astracraft
2. Enter ID information


1. 吉. 36853247873246873
2. 莫凯烽 330425199107216415
3. 陈佳东 330483199112214012
4. 顾超超 330421199106245913
5. 杨仙琴 330421199112231825
6. 周伟伟 330421199011123817
7. 魏芳芳 330483199101234026
8. 沈晓燕 330483199104030846
9. 张晓利 330483199012064029
10. 丰孙青 330481199003155823
11. 高冬琴 330481198907294629
12. 苏兵兵 330481199202224019
13. 高锋 330481199001292410
14. 曹余杰 330481199206304817
15. 朱利国 330481199009062038
16. 吴晓凤 330481199205174029
17. 吴征 330481199108295638
18. 顾志强 330481199108011818
19. 冯吕栋 33048119911023181X
20. 朱羽萍 33048319910926342X
21. 胡慧红 330421199202223220
22. 胡兰 330421199209074723
23. 吕陆莹 33048319940331382X
24. 宋婷婷 330481199402022040
25. 王红超 330424199210160054
26. 吴晓健 330424199508302836
27. 蒋平 330424199506102814
28. 俞佳英 330481199310272624
29. 李程铃 330483199405264021
30. 朱佳源 330424199511252817
31. 尹佳丽 330481199509301840
32. 张敏杰 330424199306141616
33. 宣晓峰 330424199509082839
34. 黄雪豪 330421199401184439
35. 陆奇特 330421199408302813
36. 吴宇涛 33042119931112351X
37. 杨成强 330421199505203219
38. 曹宇星 330421199304043511
39. 钱宇新 330421199311032810
40. 陈正风 330421199411230531

41. 宋良俊 330421199502173210
42. 吴志杰 330421199508293512
43. 张燕 330481199609252628
44. 吴丽欢 330421199408223525
45. 相文婷 330421199503143224
46. 倪云良 33042119931022321X
47. 吴琳婷 330421199307243527
48. 何艳丽 330421199403123824
49. 林春涵 332501198810230421
50. 徐勇坚 332526198909070015
51. 雷杨丽 332527198904290023
52. 姜华洁 332527199006240029
53. 陆洁雯 332527199304100040
54. 邓鹰君 332527199103090413
55. 孙雅雯 332501199204240421
56. 陈扬 33250119880910003X
57. 施世世 332501199102200429
58. 李文晨 332501199002240458
59. 许加奇 33250119930108001X
60. 徐晓敏 332528198904280016
61. 叶玲 33252819910329042X
62. 何烨贇 332528198812270013
63. 潘锋 332528198906250013
64. 潘欣虹 33252819911012004X
65. 何芳君 332528198910230023
66. 叶骤 332502198902220032
67. 毛静文 332502199005260047
68. 刘海丽 332502199007260622
69. 翁季飞 332502199005191918
70. 徐高静 332522199104250069
71. 陈加峻 332501198806016537
72. 傅詹懿 332522199105230019
73. 杨三毅 332529199103190011
74. 兰云江 332529199008240017
75. 何杰 332529199102060012
76. 江竺格 332526199209047329
77. 柯静婷 332526199208110023

78. 刘权毅 332522199201120055
79. 张津津 33252219910221032X
80. 诸忠益 330304198803017813
81. 刘东卫 332522199109100350
82. 陈桦 332501199111270023
83. 季往 332522199002170017
84. 陈韦汝 332522199311150327
85. 周晶晶 332522199203057504
86. 夏维维 332522199212228424
87. 裘伟峰 332522199301250017
88. 周良 332522199106100013
89. 陈新红 332528199001131428
90. 叶枝俏 332528199103180415
91. 叶小燕 332528199110072228
92. 许晓晨 332528199302180020
93. 潘承亮 332528199302111615
94. 沈鸯 332528199210050069
95. 程梦郁璐 332528199307020042


1. Foxtron_Gaming
2. Hunter
3. Astracraft

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