Assingment - Hackforce Juniors

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Yarl Salesforce Ohana - Hackforce’23 Juniors

Submission date - 1st September

As a well-wisher of your school you are requested to create a Student Detail Management
System to your School

1. You are required to create a salesforce Application with your school logo and the name of the
app should be the name of your team. If necessary you can create multiple applications in same

2. System should store students, teachers, subjects and marks information of each students.
Optionally you can include payment informations.

3. System should facilitate the class teachers to enter attendance of the students easily and it
should allow to track the leaves of the students.

4. Information of the leave, salary of teachers should only be visible to the principal and HODs.

5. The HOD will able to create Events. Events should have the ability to store participants
details, event details and pictures

6. A button should be available in the Students detail page to send Email to the parents directly
from students page

7. Teachers should able to upload the students marks into the system in few clicks

8. The system should give easy access to view reports of the schools
• Create few meaningful reports which needed for principle, teachers and students
• E.g Marks of grade 10 students
• E.g Students who have failed in last term exam
• Create 3 dashboards one for principle , one for teachers and another one for students to have
graphical view of reports

9. Create a complain management system for you school where students and teachers can add the
request/ issues to the system. Therefore HOD can see and take actions
10. Once the complain added to the system, the system should send an email to the user who
adds the complain a confirmation mail.

The following functions have to be done by each type of users but it is not necessarily limited to
them. You can add as much more functions required.

• Should able to see Personnal, Marks and Payment (Payment optional)
• Should able to create leave records - it should go to teacher’s approval
• Student’s Detail page should show Total number of leaves student has taken for the year

• Teacher should able to see personnel, salary details
• Teacher should able to approve the students leave
• Teacher should apply for a leave and it should go to principals approval
• Teachers detail page should show total number of leave the teacher taken and the leave

• They should able to see all the students and all the teachers information
• They should able to approve teachers leave

NOTE: This is the baseline of the assignment along with the features you can add your own
innovative ideas to make the system more attractive.

Please keep the originality of the work. If we find two groups having same development then we
will disqualify both the teams

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