Personal Practice: Neonatal Sepsis

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Personal Practice

Neonatal Sepsis is not required. When a pathogen is

recovered from blood cultures or identified
by other means, sepsis caused by that
organism is the preferred term. It is felt that
N.B. Mathur
the term septicemia should be abandoned
to avoid confusion. Septic shock ensues
Definitions and Current Concepts of when systolic blood pressure drops below
Terminology the 5th percentile or peripheral
hypoperfusion (poor capillary refill) is
Neonatal sepsis is a clinical syndrome present. If shock responds promptly to
characterized by systemic signs of infection parenteral fluid administration and
and accompanied by bacteremia in the first pharmacologic treatment, it is defined as
month of life(l). Once bacteria gain access early septic shock (hyperdynamic or warm
to the bloodstream, mechanisms are phase of septic shock). Refractory septic
activated by the host for their elimination. shock is hypodynamic or cold phase of
Usually the bacteria are efficiently cleared septic shock, which persists beyond 1 hour
by the monocyte-macrophage system after inspite of adequate treatment.
opsonization by antibody and complement. Current Concepts in Pathophysiology
Sometimes, however, a systemic
inflammatory response syndrome is The systemic inflammatory response
established and can progress independently depends on the host's ability to recognize
of the original infection (2). In many foreign substances. Although this response
patients with sepsis, it is difficult to facilitates microbial clearance, the host
document a bacterial cause. The term must pay the price of some tissue damage
systemic inflammatory response syndrome to achieve this goal. Fig. 2 depicts a
includes several stages of infection from schematic outline of the putative
sepsis, sepsis syndrome and early septic pathophysiologic events in the septic
shock to refractory septic shock, which can process (4).
eventuate in multiple organ dysfunction Earlier it was believed that the bacteria
and death (3). Fig. 1 depicts the clinical or their cell wall components (endotoxins
criteria for the diagnosis of these conditions of Gram-negative organisms and
(4). lipoteichoic acid-peptidoglycan complex of
Sepsis is considered when there is a Gram-positive bacteria) were largely
systemic response to possible infection. responsible for the direct toxic effects on
Evidence of bacteremia or an infectious tissues. Recent research indicates that the
focus physiologic effects generated by bacterial
infections are largely mediated by
From the Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad interaction of pro-inflammatory cytokines
Medical College and Lok Nayak Hospital, Neiv
activated in response to the presence of
Delhi 110 002.
Reprint requests: Dr. N.B. Mathur, 187, Rouse
microbial components within the vascular
Avenue, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New compartment(5-ll). The prominent among
Delhi 110 002. these cytokines are tumor necrosis factor



Fig. 1. Proposed terminology of the septic process (systemic inflammatory response syndrome). The risk of
dying increases as one moves down the algorithm. Adapted from Saez-Llorens and McCracken GH(4)

and interleukin (IL)-l, which are rapidly 20) and neonates(21-23) with sepsis and
produced by macrophages, endothelial found to correlate with fatality. A
cells and many other cellular elements on number of other mediators like IL-8,
exposure to bacterial products. Adminis- platelet activating factor, interferon gam-
tration of these cytokines has induced fe- ma, macrophage derived proteins,
ver, acute phase changes, hypotension arachidonic acid metabolites and some
and endothelial injury, alterations similar still unidentified substances also amplify
to those observed after endotoxin or the systemic inflammatory response.
bacterial inoculation(12-16). Several Two components of complement C3a
studies have demonstrated elevated TNF and C5a are cationic peptides with
level in adults with bacterial sepsis which anaphylatoxin activities capable of
correlated with mortality rates(17,18). provoking release of histamine from mast
Data regarding plasma cytokines in cells and basophils, contraction of
children with sepsis is scanty. However, smooth muscle and increased capillary
higher levels of IL-1, IL-6 and TNF have permeability, which can aggravate
also been observed in children(14- hypotension in sepsis(24).




Fig. 2. Hypothetical pathophysiology of the septic process. Adapted from Saez-Llorens and McCracken GH(4).

The intrinsic coagulation pathway may be (26,27). Neutropenia may occur due to
activated by a direct interaction between inadequate marrow function, increased
endotoxin and coagulation factor XII. destruction or consumption of circulating
Endotoxins can induce the release of the neutrophils or margination and attachment of
tissue factor by monocytes and endothelial neutrophils to endothelial cells. Bone marrow
cells directly or through cytokines. Thus granulocyte reserve pool is small in neonates
factor VII and the extrinsic coagulation and neutropenia is associated with a high
pathway is also activated, leading to the fatality.
development of disseminated intravascular
coagulation. Factor XII also stimulates the Neutrophils initiate phagocytosis and
conversion of prekalikrein to kallikrein and microbial killing by degranulation and
the subsequent conversion of kininogen to release of several proteolytic enzymes and
bradykinin which is a potent vasodilator(25). toxic oxygen radicals, a process that can also
cause damage to nearby tissues.
Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis is Additionally, neutrophil induced digestion of
frequently seen with sepsis. The release of surrounding tissue contributes to separation
neutrophils from marrow reserves is induced of tight endothelial cell junctions and
by endotoxin, cytokines, complement or development of capillary leak syndrome and
granulocyte-colony stimulating factors septic shock.



The risk of fatality is expected to increase
The microbial etiology of neonatal with progressive stages of systemic
sepsis is variable and often changes inflammatory response syndrome and the
temporally. Group B streptococcus is a fatality in septic shock in adult patients is 80%.
common cause of neonatal sepsis in the Correlation of fatality with the stage of the
West but infrequent in India and other systemic inflammatory response syndrome has
tropical countries. In Indian studies, Gram not been studied in neonates. In a recent
negative organisms have been more study(38), designed to evaluate risk factors at
frequently responsible for sepsis (65-85%) admission in fatal sepsis in neonates brought to
as compared to Gram positive organisms. a referral neonatal unit, we observed that the
Commonly found organisms are Klebsiella, independent factors significantly associated
E. coli, Pseudomonas, Staph. aureus and with death were neutropenia, metabolic
coagulase negative Staphylococcus. acidosis, increased prothrombin time and
Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Proteus refractory septic shock (Odd's ratio 0.9, 1.14,
mirabilis and Serratia, are also seen. 1.04 and 11.82, respectively). Recognition of
Group B streptococcus is an infrequent these factors at admission of septic neonates to
cause. referral units are important for targeting them
for intensive care and immunotherapy.
Extent of Problem Investigatory Approach

Neonatal sepsis continues to be a major It is important to note that infants with

cause of neonatal mortality in India bacterial sepsis may have negative blood
accounting for one-fourth to nearly half of cultures. The investigatory approach is
neonatal deaths (28-30). Fatality due to summarized in Table I.
sepsis ranges between 40 and 65% (31-34). Management
Preterm and small for gestational age in-
fants are more prone to develop sepsis than The important aspects of management
term and appropriate for gestational age include: (i) Administration of parenteral
infants. fluids, vasoactive agents and oxygen to
ensure perfusion and oxygenation of vital
In the United States, sepsis (positive tissues; (ii) Antimicrobial agents and early
blood or cerebrospinal fluid culture) drainage or removal of purulent foci for
accounts for 30% of the neonatal bacterial eradication; and (iii)
deaths(35) and the incidence of neonatal Immunotherapy.
sepsis among all live births ranges from 2-
8 per 1000(35,36). The overall fatality in Hemodynamic Stability and Tissue
neonatal sepsis in the USA remains at Oxygenation
25%. In addition, nearly 50% of infants die Management of fluid and electrolyte
when there is a fulminant onset of sepsis balance is vital in the treatment of sepsis,
within the first day of life and 80-90% of particularly when shock is present. Every
neutropenic infants may die of sepsis when effort to enhance oxygen delivery to the
there is depletion of the bone marrow tissues must be made. The increased work of
neutrophil storage pool(35). The mortality breathing in patients with sepsis syndrome
rate is close to 100% in infants with early and septic shock can increase tissue oxygen
onset Group B streptococcal sepsis consumption. This problem can be overcome
weighing less than 1500 g at birth by using assisted ventilation. Extremes of
compared to a rate of 20% in infants body temperature should be avoided
weighing more than 2500 g at birth(37). because they increase oxygen



TABLE—I Investigatory Approach to If two boluses 'of crystalloid solutions fail,

Neonatal Sepsis. colloid solutions (plasma, albumin or
Evidence for infection dextran) may be useful.
Culture from blood, CSF, urine
Demonstration of a micro-organism in Dopamine is the initial inotropic agent
tissue, fluid or buffly coat smear, using of choice in septic shock because of its
Gram stain or Acridine orange stain, beta adrenergic effects on the myocardium,
Antigen detection (CSF). alpha adrenergic effects on the peripheral
vasculature and dopaminergic effects on
Evidence for inflammation
Leukocytosis, increased immature/total
renal and splanchnic vessels. If myocardial
neutrophil ratio, neutropenia. function is decreased and systemic
Pleocytosis in CSF, synovial or pleural vascular resistance is elevated, the
fluid. combined use of dobutamine and low
Acute phase reactants: CRP, ESR. doses of dopamine can be helpful.
Cytokines: IL-6
Electrolyte abnormalities, metabolic
Evidence for multiorgan dysfunction acidosis and decreased level of calcium
Metabolic acidosis: pH, PCO2 Pulmonary phosphate and glucose may be present and
functions: PO2, PCO2 Renal functions: should be corrected to achieve optimal
Blood urea, creatinine Hepatic functions: myocardial function. Guidelines for the
Bilirubin, SGPT, SGOT Disseminated management of septic shock are
intravascular coagulation: Coagulation summarized in Fig. 3.
profile, fibrin split products.
Bacterial Eradication
requirements(39,40).Infants in shock Prompt administration of antibiotics
require above normal oxygenation, empirically is important. The choice of
ventilation and circulation and initial antibiotics depends on the likely
management includes supplemental etiologic agent, the microbial susceptibility
oxygen(41). Breathing support by bag and patterns in the nursery, tissue penetration,
mask ventilation should be started unless toxicity, cost and availability of the
respiration is judged adequate. Slow and antibiotic.
shallow respirations are not sufficient in The traditional Western
the presence of shock. Frank shock recommendation for initial antibiotics in
constitutes an indication for controlled neonatal sepsis is a combination of
assisted ventilation(42). ampicillin with an aminoglycoside and
may be used in respiratory infections and
Common errors in treating shock
when sepsis is suspected. However,
include the use of a diluted fluid, use of too
resistance to ampicillin is frequently
little fluid or slow administration of fluid.
Only those fluids at least isotonic to serum observed (31). Third generation
have a role in shock. Isotonic fluids like caphalosporinss (cefotaxime, ceftazidime)
lactated Ringer's solution and 0.9% normal are more useful in Gram negative
saline must fill the entire extracellular fluid infections commonly encountered in India.
compartment. More dilute solutions are They are not effective against Listeria and
shared with the intracellular space as well. Enterococcus. However, these
Bolus therapy is usually given in aliquots pathogens have not been reported
of 20 ml/kg rapidly (in 4-5 minutes) (43). commonly from India. Aminoglycosides



Fig. 3. Guidelines for the management of septic shock.

continue to remain useful against E. coli, Exchange Transfusion

Klebsiella and Pseudomonas
Theoretic and documented benefits of
exchange transfusions in neonatal sepsis
The choice of antibiotics should be re- include the following(44-50): (i) Increase in
evaluated when results of cultures and circulating levels of C3 immunoglobulins,
susceptibility tests become available and if particularly IgM and IgA which may enhance
the patient does not respond clinically. defense mechanisms; (ii) Removal of
Ciprofloxacin is being used in life bacteria and bacterial toxins; (iii)
threatening sepsis when the organism Improvement in the opsonic activity against
isolated is resistant to all the other available the offending organism; (iv) Correction
antibiotics. The duration of therapy depends of neutropenia with enhanced neutrophil
on the initial response to the antibiotics but function; (v) Improvement in perfusion and
should be 7 to 10 days in most infants with tissue oxygenation; (vi) Decrease in
sepsis. The minimal duration of therapy is 21 hemorrhagic complications by correcting
days for infants with meningitis caused by the platelet count and plasma coagulation sys
Gram negative enteric bacilli. Any purulent tern and removing fibrin degradation
foci or abscesses should be drained. products; and (vii) Resolution of sclerema



A survey of the outcome of the published controlled trial in septic neonates with
reports of exchange transfusion in neonatal neutropenia recorded significant
sepsis shows that the survival in nine non- improvement in neutrophil count and func-
randomized predominantly retrospective tion. The survival was 65% in the
trials was 62% for infants receiving exchange group and 30% in controls
exchange transfusions and 38% for those in (p=0.7)(48).
the control group(51-59). Similarly, the
In summary, exchange transfusion in
survival of septic neonates in six
neonatal sepsis is appealing, particularly in
uncontrolled trials of exchange
the developing world because it is more
transfusions was also 62% (46,58,60-63)
readily available and affordable than
(Table II). Unfortunately none of these
granulocyte transfusion and IV
studies were randomized and in many
immunoglobulins. Unfortunately, its
instances the controls were not from
effectiveness has not been adequately
simultaneous years. In addition to design
evaluated. We prefer to do exchange
problems, patient selection and care varied
transfusion in neonatal sepsis associated
remarkably (35). A recent randomized

TABLE II - Survival of Septic Infants in Relation to Exchange Transfusion

Authors Year Survival n (%)
Transfused Not transfused



with neutropenia, sclerema, earliest evidence Other Therapeutic Agents

of disseminated intravascu-lar coagulation
and metabolic acidosis (pH <7.2). Newer agents being evaluated include
human monoclonal antibodies, fibronectin,
granulocyte-macrophage colony
Granulocyte Transfusion in Neonatal Sepsis
stimulating factor/ vitamin C, levamisole
and pentoxifylline (2,77). In the future,
This adjunct to therapy of neonatal sepsis agents manipulating the neonate's own
may be useful, particularly in defense system are likely to play a major
neutropenia(64). Few studies of transfusion role in the management of severe neonatal
of adult granulocytes have shown promising sepsis.
results(65-71). However, they differ in study
design, entry criteria, method of REFERENCES
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An exhibition of photographs of clinical pediatric cases is being organized during the

National Conference of IAP at Ahmedabad. Two copies of photographic prints of up to post
card size (color or B&W) are solicited from IAP members and Post Graduate students from
their collection along with a brief summary of the case. Contributions will be gratefully
acknowledged. Kindly correspond with: Dr. Hemant A. Joshi, Joshi Children Hospital, Opp.
Railway Station, Virar-401 303 (Maharashtra), Tel: 0252-382709 or Dr. Niranjan
Shendurnikar, B/142, Jagannath Puram, Near Lalbaug Crossing, Baroda 390 001, (Gujarat)
Tel.: 0265-446446.


Newer vaccines would be introduced from time to time, and Immunization Schedules
may also need some changes from time to time. An 'Immunization record' has been designed
to accommodate all such changes. The booklet also has some essential information for the
parents. The price of the booklet is Rs. 10/-. For Doctors a packet of 25 copies is available
for Rs. 200/- and a packet of 55 copies for Rs. 400/-. The charges include postage. The
amount can be sent by a Demand Draft or Money Order to Dr. Yash Paul, A-C-4, Gayatri
Sadan, Jai Singh Highway, Bani Park, Jaipur 302 016.


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