An Experiment in Compositional Stoichiometry - Lab Report

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Compositional Stoichiometry
Elijah C. Wahome
October 25, 2022
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Room 359, Sugar Land Campus
Wharton County Junior College
Chem 1411-293
CRN 12616
Professor Henry Zhao, P.h.D
Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #2

“This lab report is dedicated to the types of people who
invest in others, and their education, in a collaborative
effort to ensure a safe progression of the world”. -Elijah
Wahome, 2022.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #3

Table Of Contents


I. Stoichiometry…………………………………………………………….5
II. Synthesis of Magnesium Oxide…………………………………………5
III. Percent Composition by Mass…………………………………………..5
IV. Empirical and Molecular Formulas…………………………………….6


Safety Precautions……………………………………………………………..9




Pre-Lab Assignment…………………………………………………………14




Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #4

“Compositional Stoichiometry refers to the atomic makeup of a molecule. For
instance, we can say that one molecule of glucose has 6 carbon atoms, or we can say,
equivalently, that one mole of glucose has 6 moles of carbon atoms”(ChemCollective,
1). This laboratory followed procedures closely to synthesize a simple inorganic
compound, magnesium oxide, and confirm its identity by calculating its percent
composition. Upon completion of this lab, lab students carefully explored a
mathematical based example on how to identify the inorganic compound, while
handling various amounts of tools and laboratory equipment, such as a bunsen burner,
crucible, and ring stand.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #5



There are two general forms of stoichiometry: composition stoichiometry, and

reaction stoichiometry. The former relates the quantity of an element in a
compound to the other elements in that compound and includes concepts such as
empirical formula and percent composition by mass. Reaction stoichiometry relates
the quantity of a compound in a chemical reaction to quantities of other
compounds in the chemical reaction. Like composition stoichiometry, the
fundamental idea of reaction stoichiometry is the relative number of moles.

Synthesis of Magnesium Oxide

Magnesium is an active metal. It reacts with oxygen in the air to form magnesium
oxide. At room temperature, this chemical change is slow, like the oxidation of
many other metals. But, at high temperature, magnesium metal burns with a bright
white light. In fact, magnesium (or aluminum) is used in the manufacture of the
type of firework known as 'sparklers.' In this experiment, we will convert
magnesium metal into magnesium oxide and analyze the compound to determine
its composition.

Percent Composition by Mass

The percent composition by mass is the ratio of the masses of one element in a
compound to the mass of the entire compound expressed as a percent. One of the
results of Dalton's atomic theory is the law of constant composition: any sample of
a compound will always contain the same elements in the same proportion by
mass. That means that we can use either experimentally measured masses or
theoretical masses from the periodic table; either source of data would give the
same result.

● From experimental results–to find the percent composition by mass from

experimental data, divide the mass of the element by the mass of the
compound and multiply by 100 to express the results as a percent.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #6

● From a formula–to find the percent composition by mass from atomic

masses, divide the atomic mass of the total amount of the element in the
compound by the molar mass of the compound and express the results as a

The above information is a sample problem, designed to explain the related

calculations to the lab.~

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #7

Empirical and Molecular Formulas

All compounds exist with certain types and ratios of elements; the simplest whole
number ratio of elements in a compound is referred to as the empirical formula.
The actual ionic or molecular formula of a compound represents the usual atomic
configuration for the substance as found in nature and will be some multiple of the
empirical formula. For example, the empirical formula CH2O is the smallest whole
number ratio of elements in the compound glucose, with a molecular formula
C6H12O6. The molecular formula can be calculated from the empirical formula by
dividing the compound's molar mass by the formula mass of the compounds
empirical formula and multiplying each of the subscripts in the formula by the
resulting whole number.
Empirical formulas can be calculated either from the percent composition by mass
or a given set of elemental masses; either way, the element amounts are converted
to relative numbers of moles and compared against the smallest number of moles
to determine a ratio. If the resulting ratio is not a whole number, the formula can be
multiplied by an integer value to produce a whole number ratio as the empirical

The empirical formula is the lowest whole number ratio of elements in a

compound. We can also use the percent composition by mass to determine the
empirical formula.

● If given actual elemental masses, these may be used directly to calculate

empirical formula.
● If given percent composition by mass for all elements, assume 100 grams of
compound. The mass of each element in grams is equal to that element’s
● Convert each element’s mass to moles using the atomic mass (from the
periodic table).
● Compare the number of moles of each element and look for the lowest
whole number ratio. Do not merely round all the decimals. Each element

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #8

would be rounded by a different amount, so that the result would not have
the same relative proportion as the original percentages. Instead, divide each
number of moles by the smallest.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #9

The above information is a sample problem, designed to explain the related

calculations to the lab.~


The purpose of this experiment is to synthesize a simple inorganic compound,

magnesium oxide, and to confirm its identity by calculating its percent composition
by mass and empirical formula.

Safety Precautions

As with all experiments, you will be working in a potentially hazardous

environment and must obey all lab safety rules. Use extreme caution when lighting
and using a Bunsen burner. All flammable materials must be kept away from open
flame. Be aware that hot objects and cool objects look the same. After finishing the
experiment, empty the crucible into the waste container provided by your


Crucible Crucible Lid

Bunsen Burner Striker
Ring Stand Iron Ring
Clay Triangle Crucible Tongs
Magnesium Ribbon Electronic Balance

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #10


One particularly important thing to note about this procedure: you will be
measuring very small changes in mass. For the highest possible accuracy and to
protect the pan of the electronic balance, always weigh cool objects. Hot objects
warm the surrounding air, and the resulting convection currents cause the balance
reading to be too low. If your instructor requires you to perform the high precision
version, do not touch the crucible with your bare hands. Moisture and fingerprints
will cause the crucible to gain mass. To test if a crucible is cool without touching it.
slowly move the back of your hand toward the crucible. If you feel warm when
your hand is near the crucible or the weight increases when you put the crucible in
the balance, it is still too hot to weigh.

1. Obtain a clean, dry crucible and lid. Set up a Bunsen burner, ring stand, iron
ring, and clay triangle as shown in the figure below.
2. For the highest precision, heat the crucible for five minutes, let cool
completely. If there is not enough time for this step or your lab does not have
electronic balances that weigh to 0.001 grams, omit the heating step. Weigh
the cool crucible (without the lid) and record the mass.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #11

3. Place 0.2-0.4 grams of magnesium metal turnings in the crucible, weighing

as accurately as possible (again without the lid), and record the mass.
4. Use the crucible tongs to position the crucible in the clay triangle on the ring
stand. Cover with a crucible lid. Light the Bunsen burner. Adjust the flame
to low and position the burner below the crucible.
5. Heat gently for two minutes and then adjust the flame height to heat strongly
for three more minutes.
6. Move the burner aside or turn off the gas. Use the crucible tongs to
reposition the crucible lid so that it is slightly ajar to allow air (and oxygen)
to enter the crucible. Light the burner and heat strongly for ten minutes.
7. Turn off the burner. Allow the crucible to cool for five minutes. With the
crucible tongs, remove the lid. If the material in the crucible does not look
like fluffy, white, or gray ashes, consult your advisor, Dr. Zhao.
8. Use a wash bottle to add a couple of drops of distilled water to the crucible.
This step is necessary to remove unwanted byproducts. It is not necessary to
weigh the water. The water and other byproducts will vaporize in the next
9. Reposition the lid so that it is slightly ajar, re-light the Bunsen burner, and
heat the crucible with a low flame for a couple of minutes, then heat strongly
for five more minutes.
10.Turn off the Bunsen burner. Use the crucible tongs to close the crucible lid
and let cool.
11.Use the crucible tongs to remove the lid, and then weigh the crucible the

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #12


1. Calculate the mass of magnesium (starting material) and the mass of

magnesium oxide (product) by subtracting the empty crucible from the mass
before and after heating.
2. Calculate the experimental percent composition by mass by dividing the
mass of magnesium by the mass of the product and multiplying by 100.
Subtract the result from 100 to find the percent composition of oxygen in the
3. Find the experimental empirical formula by converting the masses of
magnesium and oxygen to moles (find the mass of oxygen by subtracting the
mass of magnesium from the mass of product. Or find the experimental
empirical formula by converting the percent Mg and percent O into moles
instead. Either method should give the same answer).
4. The actual empirical formula is MgO (a one-to-one mole ratio). Use the
actual empirical formula and atomic weights from the periodic table to
calculate an actual percent of magnesium in magnesium oxide.
5. Find the percent error using the formula:

Below are the stated calculations, with work shown for every step. Due to the size
of the paper, a separate page has been dedicated to the calculations.~

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #13

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #14

Pre-Lab Assignment

Work the following problems. Show all calculations step and round your answers
to the correct number of significant figures.

1. Calculate the percent composition by mass of the iron(III) carbonate,

2. Calculate the empirical formula for a compound containing 57.07% C,
10.28% H, and 32.65% O.
3. Write the molecular formula for a compound containing 187.948 C, 39.501 g
H, and 125.240 g O and having a molecular weight between 80 and 100
grams per mole.

Below are the stated calculations, with work shown for every step. Due to the size
of the paper, a separate page has been dedicated to the calculations.~

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #15

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #16


Experimental % of Mg: 63%

Theoretical % of Mg: 60.30%

%Error: 7.42%

Experimental Empirical Formula: Mg0.4197O

Below are the pictures of the bunsen burner and the crucible, the magnesium
during the melting period, and after the melting period. A separate page has been
dedicated to each picture due to size.~

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #17

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #18

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #19

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #20


1. Did your experimental empirical formula match the actual empirical

formula? Discuss your results including possible sources of error.
a. My experimental empirical formula did not match the actual empirical
formula. It was slightly off; however, my percent error I yielded was
not that high. The likely reason why the experimental empirical
formula could be related to the weight of the starting material, or just
errors in calculations or in the experiment itself.
2. In the sample problem, the ionic formula of silver oxalate is not the same as
the empirical formula. In general terms, what is the relationship between the
empirical and the ionic or molecular formula? After you have calculated the
empirical formula, what additional information is needed to determine the
ionic or molecular formula.
a. Knowing that the molecular formula for silver oxalate is Ag 2C2O4, and
knowing that the empirical formula is the simplest whole-number ratio
between the no. of atoms of different elements, the empirical formula
for silver oxalate is AgCO. I need the molecular mass to help in
calculating the number of atoms of each element rather than their
ratio. Thus, dividing the molecular mass by the formula mass of the
empirical formula.
3. In the calculation step number three it states that either method should give
the same result. Use algebra and your data to prove this statement is true.
Explain in words why this statement is true.
a. In this step, first I calculated the moles of each element from the mass.
Next, I calculated the molar ratio with the calculated moles. Now, in
the molar ratio calculation, I choose the least moles and divide all the
found moles by that number. Thus, if there are no errors, we will
arrive at the correct answer.

Chem 1411-293-CRN 12616 #21


O’Neal, William. (2022). Exercise for the General, Organic, and

Laboratory (Second). Morton Publishing. Accessed Feb. 15, 2022.

“Stoichiometry Tutorials.” Composition Stoichiometry,

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