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It is defined as s a method of distributing a number of items proportionally into several

groups based on population sizes. – Apportionment

2. How does the Hamilton method work in apportionment?

• Calculate the standard divisor

• Calculate each state’s standard quota
• Assign initial seats
• Adjust remaining seats

3. The candidate who receives the most first place votes is called the Plurality Candidate

4. What is the Jefferson method in apportionment and voting?

Jefferson's method divides all population by a modified divisor and then rounds the
results down to the lower quota - The lower quota is the final apportionment obtained at
the final value of the modified divisor.

5. The correct definition of Borda count method in apportionment and voting. - The Borda
count method is a point based election system in which voters number their preferred
choices in order.

Or - Borda count is a ranked voting system in which candidates or choice are assigned
points based on their rank. The candidate with the highest total points is considered the

6. The candidate with more than half of the 1st place votes should be the winner." This is the
Majority Candidate

7. Consider and election of 721 voters: What is the smallest number of votes needed to be a
majority candidate? (361.5) = 361 or 362

8. How many people voted in this election? (table below) 100

9. "If a state's standard quota is higher than its geometric mean, it will be allocated an
additional seat (upper quota)." Which method is being used? – Huntington Hill Method

10. In logic, what is the symbol for “negation”? ~

11. What is the symbol for “conjunction”? ∧
12. What is the symbol for “disjunction”? v

13. What is the symbol for “conditional statement”? →

14. A compound proposition is called Tautology if it is always true for all possible values of its
propositional variables.

15. A compound proposition is called Contradiction if it is always false for all possible values
of its propositional variables.

16. A compound proposition is called Contingency if it is neither tautology or contradiction for

all possible values of its propositional variables.
17. It provides the truth value for the result of applying the operation on each possible set of
truth values for the operand.- Truth table

18. In logic, Proposition is any meaningful statement that is either true or false.

19. Which of the following is an example of a proposition? – The sky is blue

For items in #20 – 29 refer to the given table below:

Representatives to the student council shall be selected based on the year level
population. Determine the number of representatives from each year level that will
compromise the 21-member council.

Year Population
First Year 1 350
Second Year 1 185
Third Year 845
Fourth Year 770
Fifth Year 480
Total 4630

20. Using Hamilton’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the first year? 6

21. Using Hamilton’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the second year? 5

22. Using Hamilton’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the third year? 4

23. Using Hamilton’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the fourth year? 4

Hint: (for Jefferson’s method - questions, MSD = 195)

24. Using Jefferson’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the first year? 6

25. Using Jefferson’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the second year? 5
or 6

26. Using Jefferson’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the third year? 4

Hint: (for Webster’s method - questions, MSD = 220)

27. Using Webster’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the second year? 5

28. Using Webster’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the first year? 6

29. Using Webster’s Method, how many members will be apportioned for the fourth year? 4

For items in #30 – 38 refer to the given problem below:

Company X is deciding where to have their Christmas outing. There are 75 employees who
were asked to answer the survey. The results of the ranking are shown below:


Beach 1 1 2 3 2
Hotel 2 3 1 1 3
Private Pool 3 2 3 2 1
No. of votes 19 18 14 10 14
30. Which venue wins by majority? Beach
31. Using Plurality Method, what is the total votes for “Beach”? 37
32. Using Plurality Method, what is the total votes for “Hotel”? 24
33. Using Plurality Method, what is the total votes for “Private Pool”? 14
34. Which venue wins by Plurality method? Beach

35. Which venue wins by Borda-count method?

36. Using Borda-count Method, what is the total points for “Private Pool”? 131
37. Using Borda-count Method, what is the total points for “Beach”? 177
38. Using Borda-count Method, what is the total points for “Hotel”? 142

39. What is the Rule of Inference show below: - Modus Ponnens

P (Implies) q
 q

40. What is the Rule of Inference show below: - Modus Tollens

p (Implies) q
:: p

41. What is the Rule of Inference show below: - Constructive Dilemma

(p (implies) q) ∧ (r (implies) s)
 q v s

For item nos. 42 – 50, refer to the given truth table below. Fill out the missing values
inside the table. Choose your answer for each item.

p q pvq p∧q (p ∧ q) v (p ∧ q)
T T (no. 42) (no. 46)
T F (no. 44) (no. 47)
F T (no. 45) (no. 48)
F F (no. 43) (no. 49)

What is the truth value for item number….

42. T

43. F

44. F

45. F

46. T

47. T

48. T

49. F
50. The truth table shows what kind of compound proposition? Contingency

For item nos. 51 – 53:

Translate the statement into symbolic notation.
Let 𝑝 represent "I like Pepsi" and let 𝑐 represent "I like Coke".

51. I like Pepsi or I like Coke.


52. I like Pepsi but I do not like Coke.

p ∧ ~c

53. I do not like Pepsi.


For item nos. 54 - 61, refer to the given truth table below. Fill out the indicated
missing values inside the table. Choose your answer for each item.

p q r (p (implies) r) ∧ (q (implies) r)
T T T (no. 54)
T T F (no. 55)
T F T (no. 56)
T F F (no. 57)
F T T (no. 58)
F T F (no. 59)
F F T (no. 60)
F F F (no. 61)

What is the truth value for item number...

54. T

55. F

56. T

57. F

58. T

59. F

60. T

61. T

For item nos. 62 - 70, refer to the given truth table below. Fill out the missing
values inside the table. Choose your answer for each item.
p q P (implies) q ~q (implies) ~p
T T (no. 62) (no. 66)
T F (no. 63) (no. 67)
F T (no. 64) (no. 68)
F F (no. 65) (no. 69)

What is the truth value for item number...

62. T

63. F

64. T

65. T

66. T

67. F

68. T

69. T

70. Is the statement “p 🡪 q ≡ ~q 🡪 ~p” valid? – Yes

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