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Performance Task #1


Using graph paper, create an image using the conic sections you have learned ( Circle, Ellipse, Parabola and
Hyperbola). You need to have at least 8 conic sections in your image. You may also use line to complete the
image. Write the corresponding equation at the back of the graphing paper. Creativity, color, and accuracy are

Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 pt 2pts 3 pts 4s pts

Use at least 8 conics to Poor Fair Good Excellent

create your image.
Remember that a 1-2 Conics 3-5 Conics 6-7 Conics are 8 or more conics
hyperbola has two parts are drawn are drawn drawn on the are drawn on the
but counts as one conic. on the on the image. image.
image. image.

Conics Equations Poor Fair Good Excellent

1-2 3-5 6-7 Equations 8 or more

Each conic section drawn Equations Equations match the Equations match
must have a correct match the match the conics drawn. the conics drawn.
equation to match. At conics conics
least 8 conics and drawn. drawn.
unlimited lines.

Equation Accuracy Poor Fair Good Excellent

5 or more 5 or fewer 1-5 Errors are No errors in

All equations should be errors are errors are noted in the equations and they
accurate and match the noted in the noted in the equations. are clearly marked
image drawn. Number all equations. equations. Clearly marked to show what part of
Equations and image or NO clear NO clear to show what the image they
provide description next to connections connection part of the correlate with.
equations. between between image they
the image the image correlate with.
and the and the
equations. equations.

Creativity Poor Fair Good Excellent

Lacks Clear Image shows Image shows

Do not duplicate example creativity image is creativity and a creativity, clear
images provided. Be sure and more shown but clear image. 1-2 image and
that the conic shape is than 4 lacks errors in conic appropriate use of
accurate and creates an errors are creativity. shapes. shapes developed
image easily identifiable. noted in Some by conics.
conic errors are
shapes. noted in

Color and Neatness Poor Fair Good Excellent

No color Color is Color choice Color choice shows

Use colors effectively and used in limited and shows forethought and
is pleasing to the eye. image. shows no forethought. A adds to the over all
Image is forethought. few areas of the quality of the image.
not Image is image are Image is clear with
appealing. sloppy in sloppy. no sloppy areas.

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