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Choose the correct answer from the lettered A-D

1. According to the three main religion in Ghana, God created the earth and everything within it
in _____________ day.
A. One
B. Three
C. Six
D. Five
2. God created Christians, Muslims and ______________
A. Asians
B. Nigerians
C. Traditionalists
D. Togolese
3. The first person God created was_________________
A. Eve
B. John
C. Jacob
D. Adam
4. God created the first woman from__________
A. Adam
B. Samuel
C. Eve
D. John
5. The first woman was called______________
A. Esther
B. Mary
C. Sarah
D. Eve
6. God created Eve to________________ Adam.
A. Beat
B. Feed
C. Fight
D. Help
7. The Muslims call Adam (first man) __________
A. Adam
B. Musa
C. Adamu
D. Ayisha
8. The Muslims called the first woman ____________
A. Alimatu
B. Eve
C. Hawa
D. Kadijah
9. The first man and woman gave birth to all of us.
A. True
B. False
C. None
D. None of them
10. We are all great grandchildren of Adam and Eve
A. True
B. False
C. None
D. None of them
11. ___________ are God’s unique features or characteristics.
A. Artitude of God
B. Contribution of God
C. Achievement of God
D. Attributes of God
12. Which of the following best explain this. God is present everywhere at the same time.
A. God is Omnipotent
B. God is Omniscient
C. God is Omnipresent
D. Just
13. Which of the following best explain this. God has the greatest power and authority over
A. God is love
B. God is Omniscient
C. God is Omnipotent
D. God is Omnipresent
14. Which attribute of God say, God knows the past, present and the future?
A. God is Kind
B. God is Omniscient
C. God is Omnipotent
D. God is Omnipresent
15. _____________ means taking care of something that has been given to you by the owner.
A. Steward
B. Stewardship
C. Caretaker
D. Creator
16. What did God use to create human –kind?
A. Sky
B. Soil
C. Waste
D. Wood
17. Which of the following is not an example of God’s creation?
A. Goat
B. Car
C. Sun
D. Man
18. Which of the following creatures was made in God’s own image and likeness?
A. Plants
B. Water bodies
C. Human being
D. Animal
19. Animal and human beings are the same except_________
A. Ability to work
B. Ability to eat
C. Ability to reason
D. Ability to grow
20. Which of the following can bring about uniqueness in individuals?
A. Name
B. Food
C. Height
D. Personality traits
21. ___________ is the time or stage in life when the child cannot walk or talk.
A. Adolescence
B. An Adult
C. Infancy
D. Childhood
22. ____________ is a period in a person’s life when he or she is a child
A. Infancy
B. Childhood
C. An adult
D. Adolescence
23. ____________ is a fully grown person who is responsible for his or her actions, that is,
whatever he or she does.
A. Childhood
B. An adult
C. Infancy
D. Adolescence
24. The period in a person’s life when he or she develops from a child to an adult is called
A. Adulthood
B. Childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Adolescent
25. The name given to hairs on our sex organs and armpits is known as:
A. Armpit and sex hairs
B. Pubic hairs
C. Public hairs
D. Adolescence hairs
26. Which of the following people look like an adult?
27. A fully grown man who is legally responsible for his or her actions is a ___________
A. Lawyer
B. Child
C. Parent
D. Adult
28. Which of the following group of people can ovulate?
A. Girls below 5 years
B. Girls at 9 years and above
C. Girls from 9 to 45 years
D. Adolescent boys
29. What is the name given to monthly flow of blood in females?
A. Menstruation
B. Menstration
C. Menopause
D. Ovulation
30. Which of the following is true about women at puberty?
A. Grow chest hairs
B. Grow slimmer
C. Grow breast
D. Grow slowly
1a.What are attribute of God?

b. State and explain any three attributes of God.




2a. State any four qualities that make humankind unique from other creatures.



b. Who is a steward? ____________________________________________________________

3a. Define Stewardship?


b. State three unique characteristics of an individual.

i. M
ii. N
iii. M
4a. Define the term “Adolescence”.
b. Mention the main types of changes in adolescents.
i. M

ii. N

iii. M

5. State three (3) types of physical changes that are common in both boys and girls during


6a.What is the difference between menopause and menstruation?


b. Mention four (4) stages in life.


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