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Fundamentals of Management

Group & Team

Mubashir Wasim (MSc.

Economics-Banking &
Finance, MBA
Marketing, MS
Business Management,

Fundamentals of Management
Group & Team

Lecture Contents Today

 Termination of Contract
 Redundancy
 Health & Safety
 Equal Opportunity
 Diversity
A group is a collection of individual who
1) Interaction with one another
2) Are psychologically aware of one another
3) Perceive themselves to be a group
4) Have a common interest.
“two or more than two persons who interact with one another such that each person
influences and is influenced by each other person.” ( )
Importance of Group
An individual has physical and mental limitation therefore it cannot do well that why
a group can better combine skill and knowledge e. g.
1. Better end result in terms of speed, efficiency and quality.
2. Some task require mixture of all skills
3. Task require coordination of activities.
4. Better result in terms of Synergy 2+2=5
5. Generating idea and energies in group give greater outcome then working
individually. ()
Types of Group

Types of Group

Formal Group Informal Group

Formal group will be consciously organized, for
a task which they are held responsible- they
are task oriented, and become teams.
Although many people enjoy working in teams,
their popularity in the work place arises
because of their effectiveness in fulfilling the
organization’s work

Informal groups will invariably be present in

any organization. Informal groups include
workplace cliques, and networks of people
who regularly get together to exchange
information or groups of ‘mates’ who
socialize outside work. They have a
constantly fluctuating membership and
Q1: Synergy describes the phenomenon where:
A. Collaboration leads to high levels of output
B. More energy is output than is input
C. Sun spots drive turbulent business conditions on earth
D. 2+2=5

Q1 : D
The combined activity of separate entities has a greater effect
than the sum of the activities of each entity working alone.
Q2: When two or more people or organizations combine their efforts, they can accomplish
more together than they can separately. They can get more done working together than they
can working apart.
Which term is concerned among the given Concepts
A. Union is strength
B. Individualism
C. Collectivism
D. Synergy

Q2: D_ Synergy
Teams A team is more than a group. It has joint objective and accountability
and may be set up by organization under the supervision or coaching
of a team leader.

A team is a ‘small number of people

with complementary skills
who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals and
for which they hold themselves mutually accountable’.

Group Team
1- People accommodate each other 1- There is more openness and trust
People negotiate Feeling are expressed more freely
2- Politics are common and wide spread, 2- Conflict are worked out
even it has leadership but based on Decision are by consensus.
3- Objective may be modified, due 3- There are common and shared
common interest or common purpose objective means specific goals.
which is regularly changed
4- The process issues are often hidden 4- Process Issues are part of the work.
5- Weak organization of work, even 5- Better organization (synergy) of
sense of identity and loyalty is there work- Complex Problems.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

The group is not yet a group, simply a collection of individuals. At this stage, the
purpose of the group is discussed along with its title, composition, leadership and life-
span. Individuals will be keen to establish their personal identities in the group and
make some impression on others. Important mechanisms include developing trust,
finding similarities, and norms. Team members become acquainted with each other,
information is exchanged. They determine each team member's strengths and assign
roles and responsibilities.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

Groups members are collected in this stage attitude and behaviors are accepted &
Rejected, group members. In the other words, the members start sharing their views,
ideas attitudes and behavior with each other which sometimes results in conflict among
the members due to which this stage is refereed to as “storming”. The team s a whole at
this point still needs top be led as there is competition between the team members for
their roles. The team members start building trust for each other during this stage. If the
team passes through this stage successfully, it will emerge as a very strong and
productive team.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

Individual members become clear on what their roles and responsibilities are. In
addition, rules, values, acceptable behaviours and work styles start to get established for
the team. The level of reliance on a leader decreases significantly.
At this stage the team is function as a cohesive whole with no interference or
participation form the leader. The problems related to conflicts and adjustments
amongst team members are resolved at this stage. The team is focused, and works
towards achieving all goals and objectives.
Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development

A new "dorming" stage as the group gets complacent or"adjourning" as the group
successfully reaches its goal and completes its work and the progress become
static.This is the dangerous stage, the team has become complacent and lost interest,
its sole concern is self preservation.
Q3: Which is the stage of team development during which the efficiency of work
will be at the lowermost point according to Tuckman?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing

Q3: B
Q4: The fifth stage which has been later additional to Tuckman's four stages
of team development is:
A. Warming
B. Reforming
C. Dorming
D. Leading

Q4: C
Q5: At the Shafique Bros factory, a project team has been put
together by management. In the team factions are emerging, not
only around different ideas, but around three dominating
members who always seem to disagree.
At what stage of Tuckman’s group development model is this
A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
D Performing

Q5 : B
Dorming & Group Think

A very cohesive group can become blinkered to outside

information and feedback, to the point where its decision-
making processes are dangerously distorted. Irving Janis
describe this phenomenon as ‘Group Think’.
Symptoms of Group Think.
Resistance to criticism, contradiction to new information.
 A tendency to stereotype all outsiders as competitors or
 A sense of blinding towards the group to problems and
Solution is Group Polarization
Consider the outside opinion, information
and criticism.
Get knowledge and consider suggestion
from the outsiders.
Group Cohesion (Group Behaviour)

Cohesiveness is strong team spirit; a cohesive group

is one in which the members react as a part of the
group rather than as individual. There is the strong
ability of group members to stick together, and the
ability of the group to attract new members.
The elements required to make a cohesive group could include;
The leader should use an appropriate leadership style in order to promote
co-operation and to motivate individuals towards the takes and ensure
that work is properly organized.
•Creating a climate of communication and mutual trust.
•Creating a climate in which people speak their minds
2- Right Mix of Skills
A mixed balance of individuals each able to perform the role required.
3- Clear & Commitment to Share Goals
The task must be clearly defined and every one must understand their
contribution to the task.
4- Team Identity
The sense of being a team.
5- Team Solidarity
Loyalty to group, so that team
members put in extra effort for the
group and in support of its norms
and values
48FTC12: The factors required to make a cohesive group are
best represented in which of the following?
A. Right mix of skills/Leadership/Clear objectives
B. Negotiation/Dealing with challenging tasks/Shared
C. Shared values/Preference for formal meetings
D. Determination/Empathy/Emphasis on following rules

48FTC12: A
The other factors required for a cohesive group are a
commitment to shared goals, team identity and team solidarity.
Advantages of Cohesive Group

1- Atmosphere An effective, cohesive group will work in an informal,

relaxed atmosphere
2- Participation The group will discuss the work and will participate
in the decision-making.
3- Commitment As result of effective communication and
acceptance of the objective, there will be a high
degree of commitment and desire to complete the
4- Progress The group monitors its progress and quality, always
trying to perform better.
5- Support & There will be a good understanding between group
Communication members.
4Ch12BPP11old: Which of the following would worsen group think,
rather than restrain it?
A Actively encouraging self-criticism
B Paying more attention to group maintenance
C Welcoming outside ideas and criticisms

4Ch12BPP11: B
Rationale: Excessive attention to group maintenance and solidarity
is what leads to group think in the first place. The other strategies
are ways to control the tendency.
Belbin’s Team Role Theory
Action Oriented Roles

1- Shaper:- (Challenging, Dynamic, Thrive on Pressure)

A very dominant unpredictable and extrovert person. A task focused
individual who is committed and acts as a force, of action within the team.
Usually ‘shapes’ the behaviour of others by encouraging them to work
under pressure towards achieving the team objectives.
2- Implementer:- (Discipline, Reliable, Conservative and Efficient)
Acts as an administrator and organizer by forming ideas into practical
actions. Sometime he could be inflexible or resistant to change.
3- Completer / Finisher:- (Painstaking, Conscientious, Anxious)
Focuses on ensuring that work is finished within prescribed time limits and
is as error free as possible. He is more interested in details and more
concerned about urgency and follow-through. He is reluctant to involve
other in his own task. He always tries to push the team to meet the targets,
due to which he is less popular in the team.
Belbin’s Team Role Theory
People Oriented Role

1- Coordinator / Leader :- (Mature, Confident, a good Chairman)

He focuses on delegating roles, promoting decision making and
coordinating the efforts of other team members. He could be seen as
2- Teamworker:- (Cooperative, Mild, Perceptive and Diplomatic)
Focuses on ensuring that the team functions effectively through building
relationships as a whole so that personal conflicts an tensions between
individual members are minimized. He is noticed only during his
absenteeism. He is very popular with the team and could face difficulties in
taking decisions.
3- Resource Investigator:- (Extrovert, Enthusiastic, Communicative)
Focuses on negotiating for the team with outside parties and obtaining any
resources but not idea the team may need. He is popular I the team. He
could be over-optimistic but might lose interest with passage of time.

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