Group 3 - Final

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Topic: How to make customers love you

Supervisor: Tran Trung Dung

Class: 232 ENPR 54110
Subject: Business English 2.3
Group: 3

No Name Task Teacher’s evalution

15 Phạm Thị Hương Giang MC 1

54 Nguyễn Đình Tú MC 2

26 Phạm Thị Ngọc Lan Customer 1

50 Bùi Thị Trang Customer 2

30 Hoàng Thị Phương Minh CEO

51 Đỗ Thanh Thùy CCO

55 Lương Thị Bình Yên CLO

16 Nguyễn Ngọc Hà Seller + Journalist 2

42 Nguyễn Yến Nhi Journalist 1

I. Scene 1: Tet Booth Fair.....................................................................1
II. Scene 2: Internal Company Meeting................................................3
III. Scene 3: Press Conference Highlights............................................4

MC Hương Giang: In a shocking incident at the Tet Booth Fair 2011, Nguyen Thi Binh
Minh, a consumer in Hanoi, purchased and opened a bottle of Splash orange juice, the
orange juice brand of Coca-Cola. However, inside it, she discovered a small shard of
glass. Thus, Binh Minh reported the incident to the authorities.

I. Scene 1: Tet Booth Fair

MC Đình Tú: While shopping for Tet preparations, two friends, stumble upon Coca-
Cola's booth. Excitedly purchasing a orange juice product named Splash, their joy turns
to concern as glass fragments are found in the orange juice, prompting them to report the
Lan - Customer: Oh, Hello I’m Lan
Trang - Customer: Oh my friend, how are you? What are you doing here?
Lan - Customer: I’m buying some stuff for mom. Not yet.
Trang - Customer: Have you made any plans for Tet yet?
Lan - Customer: Not yet, I have to keep cleaning the house all day during the Tet
holidays. It’s so boring. Actually, I don’t want to do this work repeatedly hahaz...
Trang - Customer: Me too, I have to do a ton of things from sweeping the house, wiping
tables and chairs to washing dishes bla bla bla …
Lan Customer: Hey, …. Look at this (point out). Why is it so crowded??
Trang - Customer: I think it is the Tet booth fair of 2011. Ohh, why don’t we join it?
Lan - Customer: Yessss, Let’s go
“Coca-Cola booth fair”

Ngọc Hà - Seller: Welcome to Coca Splash booth fair. This is our flagship product
launched only during this Tet holiday with only 200,000 designs sold on the Vietnamese
market. The orange color represents luck and freshness for a brilliant new year to come.
Do you want to try it?
Lan - Customer: It’s so charming with the orange color. How much does it cost?
Ngọc Hà - Seller: Of course. “Give me a can of Coca-Cola” . Here you are. It’s 8
thousands VND
Lan - Customer: “whisper in the ear”. Women 2: It’s cheaper than buying in the store.
Trang - Customer: Give me 2 cans, please.
Ngọc hà - Seller (smile): Yes, lady. Here you are. Let’s try it and give me some
Trang - Customer: “Open the can and drink”. Wow, so refreshing. “After drinking it, I
felt nervous and looked at the can, then asked”
Trang - Customer: But there's something white and pointed here. Can you see it?
Lan - Customer: What problem? Let me see. "Get it out'' Omg it’s a piece of glass.
Trang - Customer: Omg, what should we do now?
Lan - Customer: Let’s report it. (speak to sellers). Where is the owner of this shop?
Ngọc Hà - Seller: It's me. How can I help you?
Lan - Customer: Why do your drinks contain glass fragments? How are you going to
address it?
Ngọc Hà - Seller: Let’s me see. On behalf of the brand, I sincerely apologize for what
happened. We would like to request your permission to recall your product for
examination As soon as we get precise testing results, we will let you know. We hope
you can forgive us for this unexpected incident.
Trang - Customer: Forgive? What? No, we can not. I will livestream and post it to
Facebooks, TikTok, and Instagram.
Lan - Customer: How could such a well-known brand make such a mistake that could
endanger users' lives? It is unacceptable

Ngọc Hà - Seller: I'm sorry. This incident is not expected by anyone. So, please calm
down. We will give a satisfactory response to the matter.
2 Customer: We can not accept (hand holding phone to record, everyone outside also
*Ngọc Hà- Seller (confused): Do not know how to solve it. Pick up the phone and call
the company....

II. Scene 2: Internal Company Meeting

Hương Giang - MC: Coca-Cola responds promptly, recalling approximately 10,000

orange juice products. An internal meeting is convened to address the situation, where the
company leaders reveal an error during the bottling process as the cause of the glass
Phương Minh - CEO: Good morning, everyone. I believe you're all aware of the
incident involving a piece of glass found in a bottle of Splash orange juice in Hanoi.
Thanh Thùy - CCO: Yes, Mrs Phương Minh. It's crucial that we address this promptly
and transparently to mitigate any potential damage to our brand.
Bình Yên - CLO: I've reviewed the initial findings from the authorities. They've
determined that the glass shard was a result of a manufacturing error. We need to decide
on our action.
Phương Minh - CEO: First and foremost, let's express our sincere concern for Mrs. Binh
Minh's safety. We should reach out to her directly to offer our apologies and assurance
that we're taking this matter seriously.
Thanh Thùy - CCO: Absolutely, Mrs Phương Minh. I'll draft a heartfelt statement for
you to release to the public, emphasizing our commitment to consumer safety and the
immediate steps we're taking to address the issue.

Bình Yên - CLO: We should also initiate a product recall for the affected batch of
Splash orange juice. It's in our best interest to act proactively and show that we prioritize
our consumers' well-being.
Phương Minh - CEO: I agreed. Let's get that recall process started immediately. Mrs.
Thuy, ensure that our communication regarding the recall is clear and easily accessible to
the public.
Thanh Thùy - CCO: I'll work with the PR team to draft a press release and coordinate
with our customer service team for a helpline or online portal where consumers can get
more information or report any similar incidents.
Bình Yên - CLO: On the legal side, we should be prepared for potential lawsuits. I
recommend collaborating with a legal team to handle Mrs Binh Minh's case and to
establish a strategy for any subsequent legal matters.
Phương Minh - CEO: Mrs Bình Yên, please make sure our legal response is aligned
with our commitment to transparency. We need to learn from this incident and take all
necessary precautions to prevent a recurrence.
Bình Yên - CLO: Understood, Mrs Phương Minh. I'll work closely with our legal team
to ensure we handle this appropriately.
Phương Minh - CEO: Thank you, everyone. Let's move swiftly on this, keeping the
safety and satisfaction of our consumers at the forefront.

III. Scene 3: Press Conference Highlights.

Đình Tú - MC: At a press conference attended by journalists, Coca-Cola's General

Director and company representatives provided crucial information. Coca-Cola
acknowledges the gravity of the situation and emphasizes transparency and accountability
in resolving the issue.
Phương Minh - CEO: Good morning, everyone. My name is Phuong Minh. I’m a CEO
as well as a Vietnamese representative for Coca Cola. Thank you for taking the time to

attend our press conference today. Today, we will answer all the questions related to the
incident happening in Hanoi lastweek about finding pieces of glass in our orange juice
Thanh Thùy - CCO: We are aware that, as of late, reports regarding Coca-Cola's orange
juice products including glass shards have surfaced in various publications and on social
media platforms. We would want to use this news conference to discuss this information
since we are quite worried about it.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: Hello, I am Yen Nhi, a reporter for Tuoi Tre newspaper. Please
explain the company's initial response to the news that it had found glass pieces in orange
juice bottles.
Phương Minh - CEO: Immediately after we received feedback from some customers
about finding glass pieces in our orange juice products. We have checked and verified
this information. The results showed that some of our orange juice products were
contaminated with glass fragments.
Ngọc Hà - Journalist: I am Ngoc Ha, working at VnExpress newspaper. Can the
corporation thus explain the glass fragment issue involving orange juice products?
Bình Yên - CLO: According to the latest investigation by the inspector, the cause of this
incident was an error during the bottling process. When the orange juice bottle was filled
with orange juice, a small piece of glass fell into the bottle. And we are making a few
hypotheses about the above issue.
Ngọc Hà - Journalist: This is an issue that is attracting a lot of people's attention. So was
it a mistake in the manufacturing or packaging process that caused this problem? Please
explain more clearly from the company.
Bình Yên - CLO: According to the investigation, there are two cases: The first is due to
glass bottles being cracked or broken during transportation and storage. It can also be due
to dirty bottling tools and glass fragments.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: Does the company think it needs to make more assumptions and
take concrete action to appease public opinion?

Phương Minh - CEO: NO. We immediately recalled all related orange juice products.
At the same time, we have also inspected all product lines and products currently
circulating on the market to ensure that there are no defective products. We commit to
working closely with the authorities to resolve the matter quickly and thoroughly.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: Do consumers who find glass fragments in Coca-Cola products
receive compensation, may I ask?
Thanh Thùy - CCO: In compliance with the law, we will reimburse clients who find
glass fragments in their merchandise.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: Can you tell us specifically the number of orange juice products
Thanh Thùy - CCO: We have recalled approximately 10,000 orange juice products.
Ngọc Hà - Journalist: So what support does Coca-Cola plan to provide to customers
who have purchased orange juice products with glass fragments?
Thanh Thùy - CCO: We will refund or exchange products for customers who have
purchased orange juice products with glass fragments. Customers can contact Coca Coca-
Cola hotline at 18001503 for support.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: What steps does the business take to guarantee the quality of its
products going forward?
Bình Yên - CLO: We deeply regret any anxiety caused by this incident, and we want to
reassure everyone that we have implemented comprehensive measures to prevent such
occurrences in the future. We are conducting a detailed examination of production lines,
equipment, and quality control protocols.
Moreover, increased scrutiny of inspection procedures to minimize the risk of foreign
objects entering products. At the same time, we also put in place measures to train and
raise awareness for employees, emphasizing the importance of compliance with strict
quality standards.
By taking these measures, we aim to prevent similar incidents and maintain the trust of
our consumers. We remain dedicated to delivering products of the highest quality and

safety standards. We appreciate the ongoing support of our customers and the vigilance
of the press in holding us accountable.
Yến Nhi - Journalist: We appreciate your time in responding to our inquiries.
Hương Giang - MC: Coca-Cola assures the public of its commitment to consumer
safety, providing refunds or exchanges for affected customers and implementing stringent
measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
Đình Tú - MC: The Coca - Cola scandal with Splash remains a cautionary tale for
businesses operating in a globalized world. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining
strictly control standards and the potential consequences of failing to do so.
Above is today's entire news. Thank you for listening.


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