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State of Connecticut

Situation Report
Department of Emergency Services
Dannel P. Malloy, Governor & Public Protection

Winter Storm October 29, 2011

Report Period: October 30, 2011 2200 hrs – October 31, 2011 0630 Hrs
Situation Report #10

State Emergency Operations Center Activation Level: Full Activation

On Saturday October 29, 2011 at 2:00pm Governor Dannel Malloy activated the State Emergency Operations Center.
The State EOC is fully staffed with additional partners. Governor Malloy authorized the establishment of the
Interagency Debris Management Task Force, consisting of DESPP, DEMHS, DEEP, DOT, DAS, State Contractors and
other agencies as needed.

Statewide, road conditions have improved however debris continues to be a problem. Major power outages exist.
Local entities are opening shelters as needed and engaged in providing other public services. Commodities, Mass
Care & Sheltering, Fuel and Communications Restoration Task Forces have been established. Two storm related
traffic collision fatalities have occurred, one in Hebron, one in Hartford.

Weather Report 10/31/11

Bright sunshine is forecasted with average daytime and nighttime temperatures from Monday through Thursday in
the upper 40’s to low 50’s during the days and in the upper 20’s to low 30’s at night. As much as 20 inches of snow
was deposited in the northwest section of the state.

Emergency Support Function (ESF) Reports

ESF 1 - Transportation
Department of Transportation
CTTransit Waterbury bus service will resume on Monday morning. There may be route cancellations, and will likely
be several shortened routes or route cancellations due to remaining low-hanging or downed wires. Final details will
be released early on Monday morning. Consult at that time for details of the route deviations.
Connecticut Train Services - Monday, October 31, 2011
Regular weekday train service will be operated on the New Haven main line (between New Haven and Grand Central
Terminal), New Canaan Branch and Shore Line East.
Substitute bus service will replace train service on the Danbury and Waterbury Branches.
Amtrak has indicated that intercity service between Boston and New York will operate a normal weekday service.
Due to numerous operating issues and utility outages on the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield line, Amtrak is still
reviewing service options.
Status of Current Service
New Haven main line and New Canaan Branch train service continues to operate on a regular Sunday schedule.
Substitute bus service has replaced regular Sunday train service on the Danbury and Waterbury Branches.
Shore Line East train service continues to operate on a regular Sunday schedule.
Amtrak intercity service is experiencing delays. There currently is no service on the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield
Airport is back to full operation.
Glycol farm is functional.
Air traffic control is working on handheld radios which may cause minor delays.

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Highway Operations reopens at 0400 hrs
DOT Garage employees report at 0600 hrs
80 different locations on state roadways have closures
ESF 2 – Communications
Public Safety Communications
- Municipal situation reports continue to be monitored for public safety communication system issues.
No direct request for assistance received as of time of this report. One indirect report addressed.
Waiting for more information.
- DESPP/CTS reporting 28 sites on backup generator power, one site on a deployable generator and 4
troops on troop generators. DESPP HQ remains on generator.
- Multiple CSP Troop telephones remains out of service due to a reported phone carrier outage. This issue
is moving between troops.
- 5 Municipal 911 systems reported re-routed due to reported phone carrier outages. 2 sites have
generators in route.
Public Communications
- One request remains for assistance with restoral of internet service to an EOC pending receipt of
additional information from requestor.
- We are experiencing an increase in requests for generators to power SLC’s.
- Additionally, due to reports of widespread tree damage, increase in “backhaul” connectivity troubles
- Communications established with commercial wireless carriers, wireline providers, and VoIP providers.
- Anticipate fueling of generator to be a concern among the EFS2 community
- Second meeting of Telecommunications Task Force completed.
- Task force will reconvene at 1000 tomorrow
- Providers are conducting reconnaissance on their systems and are beginning to report back. Anticipate
all entities to report before tomorrow meeting.
- Debris will be a challenge in the restoration of power. It had been reported that the damage from the
storm is 5 times that of Irene
Communications continued with DHS/Office of Emergency Communications.
DAS BEST staff is providing support with the Governor's and the DEMHS websites and configured and has
delivered 10 laptops to the State EOC.

ESF 3 – Public Works and Engineering

State and local entities continue to address road and debris conditions.

ESF 4 - Firefighting
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Commission of Fire Prevention and Control
A fire occurred in New Fairfield. The fire department had access issues due to downed power lines and trees. DOT
agreed to respond with C.I. & P., however C.L. & P. did not initially respond and said to call 9-1-1. The Town Police
Department identified themselves as emergency services and C.L. P. still did not respond. The State EOC C.L. & P.
representative tried to get a response for a field crew to avail.

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ESF5 – Emergency Management

The following Task Forces are being established: Debris, Commodities, Fuel, Communication Restoration, and others
as appropriate. A FEMA IMAT request is being made to assist with response and recovery operations. The request
was granted and FEMA staff has arrived at the EOC.
EOCs OPEN (45) CERT Team Activations (22) Local State of Emergency Declarations (13)
Canton East Hartford Seymour
Durham Vernon Somers
Windsor Locks Wolcott Berlin
New Canaan Plainville Enfield
Colchester Bolton Plymouth
Wethersfield Wilton Morris
East Hartford Bristol Watertown
Kent Enfield Hartford
Cornwall Prospect Meriden
Middlebury Bethel Durham
Glastonbury Granby Haddam
Goshen Ridgefield Sprague
Hartford Windsor Locks Bolton
Westport (monitor) Southington
Danbury Redding
Waterbury East Haddam
Stamford Hamden
Greenwich (monitor) Haddam
Ellington Orange
Lebanon Fairfield
Seymour West Haven
Shelton Ellington
East Granby New Milford
South Windsor
Guilford -partial
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East Haddam

The FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer is on site with other members of FEMA Incident Management Team.

Region 1 –Assisted the City of Shelton (Region 2) with mutual aid shelter assistance
Region 2 – Meriden- Parking Ban in effect
Region 3 – State of Emergency Declarations: Bolton (new), 20 shelters opened, 21 EOCs opened, 10 Cert Activations,
1 MRC activation
Region 4 – Requests for State Assistance have been submitted to State EOC. New State of Emergency Sprague
Region 5 – Roxbury – Almost all roads are impassable, Woodbury EOC generator out of service. Civil Air Patrol is
assisting with the New Fairfield Shelter.

ESF6 – Mass Care, Housing and Human Services

Numerous municipalities have declared emergencies. 39 shelters have opened at this writing. Known populations
were low during the night but are expected to rise today. While some shelters are closing it is forecasted that more
will open and that there will be a significant need for daytime warming centers. The state has activated the food
commodities team to plan for releasing USDA food to schools to use as community centers. They are forecasting a
power outage up to a week.
A Mass Care and Sheltering Task Force have been established with Len Guercia as the lead.
Shelters Open (46) MRC Activation (3)
Bantam Middletown
Beacon Falls Fairfield
Berlin Weston
East Hartford
East Hartland
East Windsor

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Meriden (3)
New Canaan
New Fairfield
Ridgefield (2)
Rocky Hill
South Windsor
Warren (Warming Center open)
ESF8 – Public Health and Medical Services
Department of Public Health

Here is the DPH Desk Sit Report information for the 03:30 hour Sit Stat Report
The following hospitals are presently on generator power

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Johnson Memorial Hospital
Middlesex Hospital
Charlotte Hungerford and New Milford show on WEBEOC they are off generators. Email has been sent to them to
Statewide Skilled Nursing Facilities are still being contacted to re-verify their operational status and or potential
Received call from Region 3 ESF#8 requesting better public education and communication regarding the need for
individuals who are medication dependent to bring their medications with them. There is no provision in a municipal
shelter to provide or replace medications.
Middlesex Hospital reports at 22:57 hours that they have some staff shortages. Members of their staff are reporting
difficulty in coming to work as a result they have a staffing shortage of RNs and PCPs. They are attempting address
the issue presently and will keep us advised.
John Dempsey Hospital emergency department has oxygen dependent patients brought in by ambulance.
St Francis has home oxygen dependent patients presently in the same situation.
Charlotte Hungerford has some oxygen dependent patients but is working with home health care providers.
Bristol Hospital has agreed to temporally house home oxygen dependent patients.
ESF11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Nothing new to report.
ESF12 - Energy
United Illuminating
13 UI Crews
UI: 6 crews to start @ 6:00 am; 5 crews to start at 12:00 pm; 12 crews to start at 3:00 pm
Contractor: 34 Thirau crews to start @ 6:00 am, 10 Green Mountain Power Mutual Assistance crews to start @
10:00 am
Overnight: 5 crews
Today: 10 Lewis Tree crews (CT) to start @ 6:00 am; 12 Lewis Tree crews (OH) to start @ 10:00 am
6 UI crews
0 Contractor crews
UI: 15 crews to start @ 6:00 am; 6 crews to start @ 7:30 am
Contractor: 15 Osmose crews to start @ 6:00 am
Overnight: 22 crews
Today: 10-12 UG crews to start @ 6:00 am; 6-7 Standard Field crews to start 6:00-7:00 am
Customer Outage Information:
Customers without power: 751,202

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% of total customers: 60%
Number of trouble spots: 14,518
Peak outages were about 831,000
As of 8:45 p.m., we had restored more than 110,000 customers
We worked to coordinate with the towns to provide every town with the following:
- address emergency situations
- at least one crew to facilitate the removal of our facilities so towns can reopen roads
- a town liaison in the town EOCs
As we work to restore the majority of customers within seven days, there may be customers in hardest hit areas
where outages could last longer. We are continuing damage assessments and are working with town leaders on
emergency response activities. As on location assessments are completed, we will use that information as the basis
for restoration projections. We are working around the clock and will have additional support from other utilities.
ESF13 – Public Safety and Security
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection
10/30/11 at 2200 to 10/31/11 at 0600 hours.
Calls for Service: 444
Accidents: 19
Accidents with Injuries: 02
Fatalities: 0
Motorist Assists: 28
Non-Reportable: 368
Troop A, Troop B, Troop C, Troop D, Troop E, Troop F, Troop G, Troop H, Troop I, Troop K, Troop L, Troop W:
Major highways are now experiencing dry travel lanes and are able to facilitate normal traffic flow.
Major Highway Corridors:
Merritt Parkway N/B at exit 40 Norwalk closed due to jack knifed TT Unit across all lanes.
Secondary State Roadways:
Numerous statewide closures due to down trees and power lines especially in the northwest sections of the state.
Weather Related Activity:
Many trees and power lines remain down resulting in continued road closures throughout the state.
Significant Active Incidents:
HQ, Forensic Lab,Troop B and Troop C operating on generator power and there is no restoration update from CL& P
to report.
Phone Issues: Troop C 911 calls being routed to to Troop K. Troop I 911 and Admin. lines being routed to Troop A.
Troop W lines being routed to HQ.

Running Event Totals:

10/29/11 at 1200 hours through 10/31/11, at 0600 hours
Calls for Service: 3340
Accidents: 477
Accidents with Injuries: 46
Fatalities: 02
Motorist Assists: 514
Non-Reportable: 2689

We still have a few facilities without power, and they are running on generator power.
No staffing issues.

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Coordinated with Judicial on several courts which will be closed on 10/31/11, and no inmates are required for
appearance. All facilities notified.
Assisting Red Cross with access to cots stored at correctional facilities.

Connecticut Military
Supporting Town of Tolland with 1-60kw generator

Misc. Support Functions

Info Line (2-1-1)
Call volume continues to be extremely heavy.
Call center running on backup generator power.
Approximately 300 inquiries so far.
Most calls are for power outage and shelter.

Red Cross
There are current 31 open shelters. This number is fluid and is changing rapidly.
Red Cross personnel to man the shelter are experiencing difficult traveling to the shelters. Consequently, the Red
Cross is encouraging cities to rely on regional sheltering centers.
Regional Red Cross Shelters are opened in Colchester, Mansfield, and Willington

Department of Consumer Protection

An agency representative is at the State EOC and is preparing to assist other ESF functions as needed.

End of report. Next update to be issued at 1030 hrs

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