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Brgy. Minuyan Proper, City of San Jose Del Monte


Name: Balagtas, Maureen F. Year And Section: 2A
EBPE 133
Comprehensive Task # No. 2 Instructor: April Anne E. Francisco


1. A softball batter was struck with a pitched ball directly in the orbit of the right eye and fell immediately

to the ground. The physical education teacher ran to the player to examine the eye. There was some immediate
swelling and discoloration around the orbit; however, the eye appeared to be normal. The player insisted that he was
fine and told the teacher that he could continue to bat. After the game, the teacher told the athlete to go back to his
room, put ice on his eye, and check in tomorrow. That night the softball player began to hemorrhage into the anterior
chamber of the eye and suffered irreparable damage to his eye.

Question: An ophthalmologist stated that if the athlete’s eye had been examined immediately after injury, the
bleeding could have been controlled and the athlete would not have suffered any damage to his vision. If the athlete
brings a lawsuit against the physical education teacher, what must he prove to win a judgment?

 To win a judgment against the physical education teacher in this scenario, the athlete would likely need to prove
several elements, including:

a. Duty of Care

b. Breach of Duty

c. Causation

d. Damages

In summary, to succeed in a lawsuit against the physical education teacher, the athlete must prove that the teacher had
a duty of care, breached that duty, directly caused or significantly contributed to the harm suffered by the athlete, and
that the athlete suffered damages as a result of the breach.

2. An administrative assistant is cleaning out a filing cabinet with records from past teams and decides to throw some
older medical files away. Concern is expressed about how long these files should be maintained for legal purposes.

Question: What is the statute of limitations for a minor to file suit?

 The statute of limitations for a minor to file a lawsuit can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of case
involved. In many places, including the United States, the statute of limitations for minors is often extended
beyond the usual time frame allowed for adults. This extension is to ensure that minors have the opportunity to
pursue legal action after reaching the age of majority.

3. During a high school gymnastics meet, a gymnast fell off the uneven parallel bars, landing on her forearm.

The coach suspected a fracture and decided an X-ray was needed. The gymnast’s parents have general health
insurance through a PPO, but because the gymnast was in severe pain, she was sent to the nearest emergency room to
be treated. Unfortunately, the emergency facility was not on the list of preferred providers, so the insurance company
denied the claim. The coach assured the parents that the school would take care of whatever medical costs were not
covered by their insurance policy.

Question: Because the PPO denied the claim, what type of insurance policy should the school carry to cover the
medical costs?

 To cover medical costs in situations where a claim might be denied by a primary insurance provider like a PPO
(Preferred Provider Organization), schools often carry secondary insurance policies or additional coverage types.
Here are a few options:

a. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance

b. Medical Payments Coverage
c. Accident Insurance
d. School Sports Insurance
e. Catastrophic Medical Insurance
It's essential for schools to carefully review their insurance coverage and consider the specific risks associated
with their activities to ensure adequate protection for medical expenses in case of denied claims or other
coverage gaps. Consulting with an insurance agent or broker specializing in school insurance can help identify
the most appropriate coverage options.

4. A track athlete constantly complains of tightness in her lower extremities during workouts. She states that she has a
difficult time during her warm-up and cannot seem to “get loose” until her workout is almost complete. She feels that
she is always on the verge of “pulling a muscle.”

Question: What should be recommended as a specific warm-up routine that this athlete should consistently perform
before she begins her workout?

 For an athlete who has suffered an eye injury and needs to ensure proper warm-up before workouts, it's crucial to
focus on routines that enhance overall body circulation, flexibility, and coordination while minimizing strain on
the injured area. Here's a recommended warm-up routine:

a. General Cardiovascular Warm-Up:

b. Dynamic Stretching
c. Core Activation
d. Balance and Proprioception
e. Sport-Specific Movements
f. Eye-Focused Exercises

g. Mindful Breathing
h. Gradual Progression

Remind the athlete to listen to their body and modify exercises as needed, especially considering the recent eye
injury. If there's any discomfort or worsening of symptoms, they should stop immediately and seek medical attention.

5. A swimmer has been engaged in an off-season weight-training program to increase her muscular strength and
endurance. Although she has seen some improvement in her strength, she is concerned that she also seems to be
losing flexibility in her shoulders, which she feels is critical to her performance as a swimmer. She has also noticed
that her muscles are hypertrophying to some degree and is worried that that may be causing her to lose flexibility. She
has just about decided to abandon her weight training program altogether.
Question: What can be recommended that will allow her to continue to improve her muscular strength and endurance
while maintaining or perhaps even improving her flexibility?

 To continue improving muscular strength and endurance while maintaining or improving flexibility, a well-
rounded fitness program incorporating a variety of exercises and techniques is essential. Here's a recommended

a. Resistance Training
b. Progressive Overload
c. Flexibility Training
d. Yoga or Pilates
e. Foam Rolling and Self-Myofascial Release (SMR)
f. Active Recovery
g. Proper Nutrition and Hydration
h. Listen to the Body

By incorporating these recommendations into her fitness routine, the athlete can continue to improve muscular
strength and endurance while maintaining or enhancing flexibility, ultimately supporting overall physical health
and performance.

6. A high school shot-putter has been working intensely on weight training to improve his muscular power. In
particular, he has been concentrating on lifting extremely heavy free weights using a low number of repetitions (three
sets of six to eight reps). Although his strength has improved significantly over the last several months, he is not
seeing the same degree of improvement in his throws even though his technique is very good.

Question: The athlete is frustrated with his performance and wants to know if he can add anything to his training
program that might enhance his performance.

 If the athlete is frustrated with his performance and seeking ways to enhance it, there are several strategies he can
consider incorporating into his training program:
a. Sports-Specific Skill Training
b. Strength and Conditioning
c. Speed and Agility Training
d. Mental Skills Training
e. Nutrition and Hydration

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