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Question 1


The history of the internet started with the development of electrotonic computers in the 1950s.
In early 60s, a professor named Leonard Weinrocks first sent a message with ARPAnet from a
laboratory at University of California to another computer within the laboratory. This then
triggered the US military into developing a better network by joining together several networks
into one network. This eventually gave birth to the most widely used definition of the internet, a
global connection of interconnected networks. Today the internet has become a necessary rather
than luxury.

The internet is so far one of the greatest inventions of all time. the internet has made all possible
for us to do lots of things. people can shop in online stores like eBay, communicate with friends
and family and friends via skype or Facebook, watch the latest videos on YouTube, blog and
make money from it and so much more.
The internet
Benefits Demerits
Unlimited communication Spam mail
Abundant information resources
Online services and E-commerce Leakage of private information
And so many more

Crazy facts about internet

Ever since the birth of the internet, fie sharing was a problem for the authorities that managed it. In
1989 McGill University shutdown their FTP indexing site after finding out that it was responsible for half
of the internet traffic from America into Canada. fortunately, a number of similar file indexing had
already been made

The first webcam was deployed at Cambridge university computer lab -its sole purpose to monitor a
particular coffee maker and hence avoid wasted trips to an empty pot. The technology behind the
internet began in the 1960s at MIT. the first massage ever to be transmitted was LOG …why?

−b ± √ b2−4 ac

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