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Counseling News You Can Use

Now that we are reaching towards the end of the semester, here are some important things to

- Credit recovery bootcamp will happen on (You will need to register a day
o December 16th 2:30pm-6pm
o December 17th – 9am – 3pm
o January 6th – from 2:30 – 6pm
o January 7th from 9am – 3pm
- If you have not paid for credit recovery yet, please and go ahead and do so on MyPaymentsPlus. The
failing grade needs to fall between 50-69%.
o It will be $50 to participate for the year (this includes the bootcamp)
o An additional $25 dollars IF the student is on their 2nd attempt for the same subject
- For more information, an email was sent out with more information. Below are emails you can
contact for additional questions or concerns:
- End of Semester Credit Check!
o It is important to review your credits to see if you are on track for graduation
 You can find this on your StudentVue.
o Essentially, you need a certain number of credits to be considered a certain grade level/on
track for graduation. Below is how it is broken down.
 12th – 17 credits, 20+ after 1st semester
 11th – 11 credits, 14+ after 1st semester
 10th – 5 credits, 8+ after 1st semester
 9th – 3+ after 1st semester
- Quick tips
o Only concern yourself with things that are in your control. The more you worry about things
outside your control, the higher your anxiety and stress becomes.

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