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` Department of Education

Division of Malabon City

Arellano University - Elisa Esguerra Campus

Senior High School Department


A Business Plan Presented To Arellano University – Elisa Esguerra Campus

Gen Luna St. Bayan – Bayanan, Malabon City

Entrepreneurship Math (Grade 12- Second Semester)


Castil Marjory
Olveda Kc
Perante Queen Czyrille
Pultam, Charee
Ramirez, Shelley Mae
Romano, CJovelyn SEdison Charles Suycano
Derick Torres, Mark

Ms. Leny Gulbeuna


CHAPTER II: Business Goal
a. Mission
b. Vision

Chapter III: Opportunity Analysis

a. SWOT Analysis

CHAPTER IV: Business Proponents

CHAPTER V: Market Analysis
a. Target Market
b. Market Needs
c. Competition

CHAPTER VI: Operating Plan

a. Operating Functions
CHAPTER VII: Marketing and Sales Plan
a. Promotion Strategy

CHAPTER VIII: Financial Plan

a. Start-up Summary (Financial Statement)
l. Executive Summary

The Fluffy Oreo is a unique product unlike any other snacks that was existing, our
company/product wants to satisfy our customers cravings on its finest. It can also help to
lighten everyone's mood while they are busy or on go. One of the aims of our product is
to take their cravings and satisfaction to another level, with our product we will make
way to our customers' hearts.

The company will use any kinds of social media platforms to promote our product so that
it can reach more and most people by sharing some mouth-watering pictures of our
product. We will be also giving free samples to the customers so that they can taste our
product and thought of how it is different and exceptional to other kinds of snack
products that they are used to. In this way we can also attract people to buy our product.

Other leading snack companies on the market usually sell their products at high price and
some people can't afford their prices. Our company aims to sell our products as low as
possible so that it can be accessible and affordable to our dear customers. Since snacks
are almost part of everydays life of some of us, the target market will be children to
adults, aging 7 years old and above, from any income families or groups of the
community, health conscious and snack loving consumers.


To be recognize as a districtive brand of fresh, unique, and quality
desserts offered to costumers, at the most reasonable price for a
refreshing, filling and totally satisfying desserts.

We at " Fluffy Oreo " takes cultious steps to ensure that all our
desserts reach our costumers in the best and fresh conditons.
Absolutely afordable to all generate the optimum value.

- good quality of food
- large distribution
- fast serving to customers
- brand trust
- strong association with chocolate

- High Cost of Ingredients
- limited target group
- competition is high
- criticisms
- internal competition

- growth potential in emerging
- helping economy
- increase in demand
- attracting children
- limited offers with different schemes

- competition
- not so healthy ingredients
- lack of recognition in remote areas

Ramirez, Shelley

Salona, Edison Charles


Perante, Queen Czyrille Romano,Cristine


Olveda KC Pultam, Charee


Suycano, Derick Torres, Mark Castil, Marjory Romano, Jovelyn

V. Market Analysis

A. Target Market

The locale of our business are surrounded with students and common crowded places that whom just
passing by and wanting some snacks on-the-go. The target customers will be students who are going to
school or going home, since they are the ones who are usually looking for treats to munch while on their
way home as well as passer by like adults and kids which is quite usual on crowded places, our Fluffy
Oreos will always satisfy everyone's cravings, both for adult and young people.

B. Market Needs

• Price
- Consumers usually seeks for products that has excellent quality while being budget friendly, low price
and high quality means more new customers and demands.

• Convenience

- Our company knows all things that might gone out of hand and in order to bring more convenience and
quality service and products to our customers, we are managing our customer care services for any
suggestions and questions for them to reach us in the most easiest way, we also add our better systems for
them to order our services or products easily in just one call, we are fully aware of possibilities so we
make sure that our customers will get the best and exquisite experience in convenience to our services and
products for them to enjoy and for us to be entrusted with.

• Food Products

- Consumers usually wanting snacks as their go-to when watching movies or going outside for a walk and
so forth. We as innovators adjusted for them to enjoy our delightful and delicious fluffy oreos, the
uniqueness of the product also can pique customers attention as per saying " curiousity kills the cat ", it
may have less nutritional value but the taste and quality usually shines above all, comparing to the market
they have their own choices for their own product as the only thing our company standing off iis the our
pledged to serve the customer what they deserve and it is for them to get the best service or product they
will be wanting.
• Competition
- As a start-up business we cant escape competition between other companies that we are on the same
category, with our best choices of locations which will be reasonable for our business to rise to the top,
we are well aware that we will be encountering the competence which will be common but all we know is
we can innovate more, and serve better for our beloved customers.
To ensure the daily success of Fluffy Oreo that can help your daily life, our business takes a lot of effort.


Ms. Shelley Mae Ramirez will be the manager of the start-up business, she will be leading our
company with the rest of our workforce which will also play their roles professionally, to
ensure quality service or product that we are gladly providing the customers, we will have a
daily basis of collecting reports day by day to ensure the quality was it is the same as they had

Mr. Edison Charles Salonga will act as the assistant manager of our company which will be the
second in hand of the manager, he will also play the important role of checking the datas
going through the company.

Ms. Queen Cyrille Perante and Christine Romano will share in the seat of being accountant,
with two persons consisting our accounting team, we can ensure our financial statements,
expenses, will be stable and accurately documented in time and in orderly.

Ms. Charee Pultam and Ms. KC Olveda will be the managing the kitchen, they will be the chefs
to ensure the quality of our product is always at the excellent quality to satisfy their cravings
for our most beloved customers.

Mr. Mark Torres with Ms. Marjory Castil, Ms. Jovelyn Romano, and Mr. Derick Suycano will be
the ones incharge on our customer service, they will be the crews to ensure that our customer
service will never lack and is always at the best and satisfying as possible on their field.


We call this product as Fluffy Oreo, that we came up to this idea. Because everyone loves dessert and
brownies are popular never-ending trend. It is a dessert that never gets old. It's everyone favorite and we
have the idea to put it the dough and make it round then deep fried it. So it is appetizing and many

The fudgee brownies only cost Php 5.00 because we taught it is affordable to our costumers and also the
ingredients are not so expensive.

The first thing we do is personal selling and door to door.

In this day and age promotion is the best way to attract customers.


Utilities (Gas, Electricity, Water)
Brngy. Business Permit/Per Year
Selling Price


The plan for Pride Oreo for one month is shown in the financial statement below. 30 packs of oreo
cookies will be produced monthly according to the business plan. The prices listed below are what our
product sells for. The business anticipated monthly expenses and anticipated monthly profit are shown


Ingredients 257 5,140

Rent 1,200 1,200

Packaging 30 each/10 pcs 300

Utilities 2,534 2,534

Labor 560 11,200

Business Permit per year 100 2,000

Total 22,374

Selling price 150 22,524

Profit = 1,220

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