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•!• '811«•re is ,w pa>nnant'11I plai-, i11 th~ tt·m /d /t1r " I maJh ..

/J.AI' ,,,,., , lua"J to th.Ji,,, llllath, . I 1 '1naJict •.•• It may

. llltllu-aJ hrau~, but tlw is j ust as tru~ of
ieJJJ.JjJ ®JJ,Ain.d; " "' WIJJ •F4 I.JiJLJw q,,i11 wluit w~ mnm by a
~ pl'( Vt,JI IJS /um, rt uguisilJg
:b.,i~.1,.;J,J41,J;JJI fP,.t:).elIJJ. ifJJ&I ~I~
o,u •·MAJ ~" r,M it. - G. II. IIARD l' ·❖
i: .. U LU.vu1!W .~t81ion

Recall that the notion of relations and functions, domain,

co':ciomain and range have been introduced in Class XI
along with different types of specific real valued functions
and their graphs. The concept of the tenn ·relation' in
mathematics has been drawn from the meaning of relation
in English language, according to which two objects or
quantities are related if there is a recognisable connection
or link between the two objects or quantities. Let A be
the set of students of Class XII of a school and B be the
set of students of Class XI of the same school.' Then son 1e
of the examples of relations from A to B are
(i) {{a', b) E Ax B: a is brother of b}, Lcjt vn•: _) ir: .:h l.:t
(1i) {(a, b) E A x B: a is sister of b}, ( l ~t13-H,51J,

(Iii) {(a, b) E A x B: age of a is greater than age of b J,

(iv) {(a, b) E Ax B: total marks obtained by a in the fin ul txami'l,:t:c ,; :-, :,·:,, :· .1 ,
the total marks obtained by b in the final examination J,
(v) {(a, b) E A x B: a lives in the same locality as b} . Ho\\ev~r, ab~tructin~ t ,·, ,
this, we tlefine mathemaf.c~Jy a relation R from A to 8 as an arbitrar~ sub~"•'
of Ax B.
If (a, b) e R, we say that a is related to b under the relation R ~nd we w1 it..; .
a Rb. In general, {a, b) E R, we do not bother whether there i~ a recogni~al:i
~onnection or link between a and b. As seen in Class XI, functions ~re ~;:>ecial kiu:1 ,./·
In this chapter, we will study different types of relations and funu ion~, composition
of functions, invertible functions and binary operatiofil.

. u,: kn
l 2 1, -- r" J1 1 ,t1ouJd m,
t tud y dif ferent types of rela tm ns. "e ow that .,
• .• ' . - 1,.
11"'e o s lwr
In this secuon we .wo bse t f A x A Th us the empty set (f, and A x A are
. .
relaboo ml a.
set ~ .l
extreme re aboos. rv1 1 Ml
lus.. ~tiC:
• ,
com ide ; a relation R in the set A= (· I,
set as no pru
r (a,
2, 3, 4} given b;
th d. •
ec on Itiei
.....: · the em pty ,

R = ((a b): a - b = lo} . 1rn s 1s b) : I a _ b I ~ OJ is the whole set Ax A, as aU pairi

• ~ b ='10_Similarly, R' = ((a , the
A satis(y I a _ b I .? o. Th ese two extreme examples lead us to
(a. b) in Ax
followllldefinilioM. is called empty relation, if no ele
ment of A i1
, ., A rea ao n R in a set A

related to any element of A, i.e., R = ♦

c A x A.
tion R in a set A is called universal relatinn, if each element of;
• A rela
'e-ttn •l (l'l z R = A x A.
is related to every clement of A, i.e., J triv ia
the emptY relation and the uni ~~ ~lati°.~ are some times call_:<
ation ~
Let A be the ~ of all students
of a boys school. Show that the rel
of b} is the ·empty relation and R'
= {(a, b) : the
in Agi ~~y R = {(a, b): a is sister
b is less than 3 meters} is the
universal relation.
difJereace betwe en hei ght s of a and
of 311)
student of the school can be sister
Since the school is boys school, no pty relation. It is aisr
♦, showing that R is the em
-.l en t of die school. Hence, R = school has to be
heights of any two students of the
obvious dial the difference between n.
s dla o 3 me ters . Th is sho ws tha t R' = A x A is the universal relatio
a relation, namely
,,..Ma ~ In Class XI, we hav
e seen two ways of representing
c1 However, a relation R in the ~
{ I, 2, 3, 4,:
__ _, ·• • id 1111 d !llt bililds me dro
, b) : I,= a + 1} is also exp ressed as a R b if and only ff
W d by Rs {(a en convenient.
h = a + I by many authors. We ma
y also use this notation, as and wh
Rb .
• (a, b) E R. we say that a is
related to band we denote it as a
~ Ille lt ~ t rela tion ~ wh ich plays a significant role in Mathematicse
• • O. mo
ivllenco relation, we first consider
eq ,u~ ,,c e rda tio ,,. To study equ
·types ex m1ttom. namely reflexi
ve, sy m ~ and INDsitive.
A is~
Dtf tru twn 3A mation Ri na aet
(i) r,/kliive, if (a, a) e R. tw -..
y • • A.
•"'f)l,es that ,~ ) » _
(ii) symMe tric , if (a1, ~J f; ft.1 \!,, "1 ~ -i"' for aij a , a E
(in) .. . tha ' 2 .
ve, 1
· f (a1, a2) E R aac t (~. • )E R irn nJw
R, for all a 1, ar
transm -' ~ 1 (a,, 3
4 )€
a3 e A.

J)d°iuuiuu A relation R in a set A is said to
be an equivalence relation if R is
reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
Ra relation in T given by
~ npl,•.? Let T be the set of all triangles in a plane wjth
R 1s an equivalence relation .
R = {(T 1, T2): T 1 is congruent to T2 } . Show that
is congruent to itse lf. Further,
Solution R is reflexive, since every triangle
ruent to T 1 => {T2, T 1) E R. Hence,
{T 1, T2) E R => T1 is congment to T2 => T2 is cong
R is symmetric. Moreover, (T 1, T2), {T2, T3) E R
=> T 1 is congruent to T2 and T2 is
E R. Therefore, R is an equivalence
congruent to T3 => T congruent to T3 => {T 1, TJ)
R be the relation i~ L def in~ as
/ ampl~ ~\ Let L be the set of all lines in a plane and
that R is symmetnc but neither
R = {{L 1, L 2) : L, is perpendicular to L). Show
reflexive nor transitive.
perpendicular to itself, i.e., (Li,. L,)
Solution R is not reflexive ' as a line L I can not be
- - - - - - L3
E R. R is symmetric as (L 1, L2) E R
=> L 1 is perpendicular to L2
L is perpendicular to L,

(L2, LI) E R. ------L,

r to L2 and Fig 1.1
R is not transitive. Indeed, if L1 is perpendicula
endicular to .
L2 is perpendicular to L3, then L1 can never be perp
, L ) E R. :·
, L ) E R, (L , L ) E R but (L 1
L 3• In fact, L 1 is parallel to L3, i.e., (L 1 2 2 3 3

· / , .am plt 4 Show that the relation R in the

set {1, 2, 3} given by R = { (1, 1), rJ,, 2),
ic nor transitive.
(3, 3), (1, 2), (2, 3)} is reflexive but neither symmetr
3) lie in R. Also, R is not symmetric,
Solution R is reflexive, since (1, I), (2, 2) and (3,
itive, as (1, 2) E Ran d (2, 3) E R
as (1, 2) e- R but (2, 1) E R. Similarly, R is not trans
but (1, 3) E R.
t,.xamplt! 5 Show that the relation R in the set Z
of integers given by
R = {(a, b): 2 divides a - b}

is an equivalence relation.
a E Z. Further, if (a, b) E R, then
S~t ion R is reflexive, as 2 divides (a - a) for all
(b, a) E R, which shows that R is
Yclivides a - b. Therefore, 2 divides b - a. Hence, by
E R, then a-b and b- care divisible
symmetric. S~ ly, if (a, b) E R '.1°d (b, c) ·
+ (b - c) 1s. even (Why?) So' (a - C) IS· di · 'ble by 2 . This
2. Now, a - c. - (a - • b)
. • • VlSI
relation in Z.
shows that R is transitive. Thus, R is an equivalence

In E,iample 5, note that all even mtegerc; are related to zero, as (0, ± 2), (0, ± 4)
etc., lie in Rand no odd integer is related to 0. as (0, ± I ). (0, :t 3) etc., do not lie in R.
Similarly, all odd intege~ are related to one and no even integer is related to one.
Thetefore. the set E of all even integerc; and the c;et O of all odd integers are su~ts of
Z satisfying following conditionc;
(i) All elementc; of E are related to each other and all elements of O are related to

each other
(Ii) No element of E i~ related to any element of O and vice-versa.
(iii) E and O are disjoi nt and Z = E u 0 .
The subset E i11 called the equivalenceclass containing zero and is denoted by
[OJ. Similarly. 0 i11 the equivalence class containing 1 and is denoted by [ 1]. Note that
[OJ • fl). [OJ = [2r] and I I] = [2r + I], r E z. lnfact, what we have seen above is true
for an arbitrary equivalence relation R in a set X. Given an arbitrary equivalence
rrlation R in an arbitrary set X, R divides X into mutually disjoint subsets A; called
partiuonsor subdjvisions of X satisfying :
(i) all elements of A, are related to each other, for all i.
(ii) no element of A, is related to any element of A.,
i # j.
(iii) u A =X and A n A =
I J t!\
'I'• i # 1·•
The ,ubscts A, are called equivalence classes. The interesting part of the situation
Ui that we can go reverse also. For example, consider a subdivision of the set z given

by tbrrie m•••ally disjoint subsets A1, ~ and A3 whose union is z with

A, = {x E Z : x is a multiple of 3} = { ... , _ 6, _ 3, 0, 3, 6, ... }
A, = (x E Z : x - I is a multiple of 3} = { ... , _ 5, _ 2, I, 41 7, ... }
~ = {x E Z : x - 2 is a multiple of 3} = { ..., _ 4, _ 1 2 5 8
Defi- lati ' ' ' ' ... }
.... 1 re OD R in Z given b R - { ( b · .
lrJUIDeDtl t.1milar lO those used in E:am ~ 5a, ) : 3 d1v1des a - b}. Following the
nuaoo AliO . p e , we can show that R . .
ts an eqwvaleoce
. . . , Ai coincides with the set of aJI inte .10 .
OOl8C~ with the 11et of all · . gers Z which are related to zero A
of aJJ integers wh1ch are related tO l • ' '"2
iCl mt.egen m Z which are related to 2 Th and AJ coincides with the
In fact, Ai .. l3rJ, A1 • 13r + JJ and A 13 . us, A1 = [OJ, ~ = f I] and A3 = [2].
J : r + 2.1, for aJI r e z
I ~~, " Lei R be the rehu1011 d ti . .
R c: {(o, bJ . bof.h" and b e med tn the set A = 11 2
relation Furtl h iU'C e11Jier odd or even} Sh , ' 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} by
. 1er, s ow tlutt all rhe I . ow that R is an . al
ome,, and all 1J1e el . . e ements of the subset ( I 3 c eqwv ence
I ementb of rJle subset 12 ' ' J, 7} are related t h
e emenr of lhe sub~1 ! l 3 5 7 J . ' 4, 6 J are related to . o eac
' • • 1b related 10 any ele each other, but no
ment of the subset {2, 4, 6}.
S 5

d or even, so
any eJeme nr a in A. ho th a and n mu~t he either od
~.,,,.,, "" Given and h mu ~t he either odd or
rth er, ( a, h) F=- R ~ hoth a
that (a, a) E R. Fu
ancf ( h. , ) ,= R ~ ~11 e-leme
ntq n. h, r, must be
Sim ila rly, (a. h) r- R
:=> (b. a) E R. r . R jq an rr,111 al,,. refit.i
on .
;;Jy ~ ( a. , ) f R f-fenc
either even or odd simultaneo,ic reJAte rl to eac h other. a, all the
I 1. l , ' · 7 J are
Further, al] the element~ of me nt~ of the quh,et (2, 4. 6) are ref
ated to
ila rly . all the ele
of thi s subset are odd. Sim ele me nt of the ~u h~ t ( J, l , 5. 1} CM
m are eve n AJc ;;o, no
each other. as aJI of the nts 0f ( I. 1, 5. 7 J are odd. while
related to an y eleme nt of I 2. 4. 6 J. a~ ele me
of {2. 4, 6} are even.

1J.:~ •·Hr
fS'4. , ,i1
tric and
eth er eac h of the foJ Jow ing relations are reflexi ve, symme
-f/ Detennine wh
3, J4 J defined as
~ 'ke lat ion R in the set A = ( l, 2, 3, .... J
R = ((x,. y) : 3x - y =0 J

natural numbers defined as

( ~elation R in the set N of
\., R = { (x, y) : y = x + 5 and x <
3, 4, 5, 6} as
~ elation R in the set A= {1, 2,
R = ((x, y) : y is divisible by

Z of all integers defined as

~ la ti o n R in the set r}
R = ((x, y) : x- y is an intege
e given by
ion R in the set A of bw nan beings in a town at a particular tim
~ Re lat
same place} P-. 1 { 1 J
j.a} R = {(x. y) : x and y work at the
e locality} P-.. 1 ( , -r
{f)J R = ( (x. y) : x and y live in the sam
{c) R = ( (x. y) : x is exact
ly 7 cm taJler than y}

(d) R = {(x, y) : x ~s wife of y J

(e) R = {(x. y) : xis father of y } as
tha t the relati on R in the set R of reaJ numbers, defined
Show r transitive.
2 is neither reflexi~e nor symmetric no
" / = {(a, b) : a s b }
6} as
fined rn the set ( I, 2, 3, 4, .5,
~ eek wberher the relation R de .
ive , symmetric or transjtive.
- y = {(a . b) : b = a+ J} is reflex
fined as R = f (a, b) : a S b} , is reflexive
how that the relation R in R de
~ siti ve but not symmetric .
R in R defined by R = ((a, b) : a S b3} is reflexive,
Check whether the rel ation
symmetric or transitive.

J 3 } gi ven by R = ((1, 2) ' (2' lJ)

{ ' 2' i,
,cs he se t an si tiv e.
8M ~r . 11 R in t
~~ 1H
no r f 11 th e t,o ok s in a library of aC /
Jauo ri>fle~;ve A O 8
' (, ~ w •"U Is' the ,e ;mer, ..,
nu m be r o f pages} is an eq,J' a/e
in the set 'V n ,
6 ho etric t,ut renelBt1.on R d v have same ~

/ ;C ,
•• , w111 .- ((1, V) .
. .r an .
( 1 2 3' 4' 5 J g
iv en by
tA - , ' · s
: f 1 ,·v 11 b)' R -
g don.
mat the. _ bl is even ,
· the se. - 11nuivalence relat1on . how th a/Jth
re lBtion R JO } 1s an "" 'I
b o th e r an d all th
1ements of {2 4 e
to any element ~ , 4i
ir,. j
7( 1
8fll related to ei;c
R ~ ((o. I,~- 5) r no element o
{ :e1ement.r; o Bu
, 1
,' 3'
t A
5 )
re la
. <
. ,
0 - x ~ 12}' ven b,Y
. R in th
itlated ro eacho(of her.
h the rela n tto
o f 4J
(Y ~?"i)th al eac . I - bl is a multiple
v .b1R .c: (( a, b) . a to 1 in each ~
{( b) · a = h } p· d the set o f all elements related
~ R ~ alen a, · . n. m
ce relatio . ,
)' Ill oqwv : .
tion. W ch is
a rela hi ..
.~~, an exampJe of
ric bu t ne ith er refle~ ive nor trans1t1~e.
~symmet metnc.
iv e bu t ne ith er reflexive nor sym
•~ Tr an sit
m m et ric bu t not transitive.
Reflexi ve and sy
ef lexi ve and tra ns itive but not symmetri
tra ns itive but not reflexive.
) ~ Syin m et ric an d
o f p o in ts in a p la n e given by
the se t A
the relation R in as the distance of rhe
) /~ o w that e or ig in is sa m e
R = {(P, Q) : distance
of the point P from th ur ther, show that the se
t of
/ lenc e re la tio n. F
point Q from the orig
in}, is an equiva g thro ug h P with origin as
ci rc le pa ss in
ints related to a poin
t P ~ (0, 0) is the
all po
, v.:tte. the set A o f al l tria ng le s as R = ((T, , T-) : T,
' ·~~ ila _that thTe relation R. defmed in
} . C on side r th re e righ t angle trianglesT,
lU im r to
2 • equivalenc
15 e relation. hi ch
\ iJh . T , with sides 6, 8, JO. W
'". ;::,!:J. T, widi side
I Tl' T2and T3 are. re
s 5, 12 ,
13 an d
/ Sho
. w that die relation
R defint.d th
P aod P2 have same num r of side8 }• JS
be ~n e se t A o f aJ J po lygons as R = ((P · (he·,, P1
hat 15d5·1

an eq ui valence relation. W
. A ,..._~J to th . ·
T with sides 3, 4 and as
I aU e ~ Ill re&QIC.( gle tr ia ng le
Let . e na ht an . .
L be the ie t of aJJ li nesmXYpJ the rela tJ on m L de. finef1.nd
,L ) · L .
R• t<L 2 •• 1 Ii PlraJleJ to L J an that R , e an d R be
the le t ct hncs re1 ... _... 2 • Show ts an equivalenc
e reJaaon.
all '4IICQ to the
rlftC y : 2x + 4

IS . Let R be the relation in the set {I , 2, 3.

4} given by R = ( ( I . 2). (2. 2), ( 1, I ). (4.4),
(1 , 3), (3, 3), (3, 2) }. Choose the correct answ

(A) R is reflexi ve and symmetric but not

tran siti ve.
~ R is reflexive and tran sitive but not sym

(C)R is symmetric and tran sitive but not reflexive .

(D) R is an equivalence relation.
2, b > 6 }. Choose
Let R be the relation in the set N given by R = {(a, b) : a= b -
16. ·
the correct answer.
J.;r() (2, 4) ER (r (3, 8) ER (~ , 8) ER (JiV (8, 7) E R

I..' I~ pt>, ut f mu 1~011~

tions like identity function , constant
The notion of a function along with some special func
function, polynomial function, rational function,
modulus function, signum function etc.
along with their graphs have been given in Clas
s XI.
of two functions have also been
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
nt importance in mathematics and
studied. As the concept of function is of paramou
nd our study about function from
among other disciplines as well, we would like to exte
ld like to study different types of
where we finished earlier. In this section, we wou
following diagrams.
Consider the functions fi,/2,/2 and/4 given by the
elements of X 1under the function
In Fig 1.2, we observe that the images of distinct
I and 2 of X1 under /2 is same,
I,_ are distinct, but the image of two distinct elements
and fin X 2 which are not images of
,namely b. Further, there are some elements like e
are images of some elements of X 1
any element of X 1 underfi, while all elements of X 3

wing definitions:
underh· The above observations lead to the follo
•t· ~ A fun ctio n/: X ➔ Y is defined
to be one-one (or injective), if the
I)f filnJ JOD ;, for every x1, x2 e X, f(.,) =
imape-of d.iarinct elements of X under /are distinct, i.e.,
/(x2) implies x, = x2• Otherwise, f is called many-on
the function .I; and / 3
The functionfi and Fig 1.2 (i) and (iv) are one-one and
in Fig 1.2 (ii) and (iii) are many-one.
rlrti nition ft A function/ : X ➔ Y is said to be
onto (or surjective), if every ~lement
i.e., for every y E Y, there exists an
of Y is the image of some element of X under J;
\ \
element x in X such that/(.t) = y. ·
The function.'3 and/4 ~ Fig 1.2 (iii), (iv) are onto
and the function.t; in Fig 1.2 (i) is
not onto as elements e, f m X 2 are not the image
of any element in x under J, •
1 1
Since for any two distinct elements x 1 and x2 in [o 7t]
. .
, sm x 1 '# sm x2 an

cos x1 # cos Xz, both/ and g must be one-one. But (f + g) (0) = sin O + cos O = 1 and

(J + g>(i J= sin~ +cos; = l . Therefore,f+ gis not or1e-one.

A1Hcellaneo,n I , , re,·, 011 ( '1, 1 t , /

l Let/ : R ➔ R be defined as/(x) = I Ox+ 7. Find the function g : R ➔ R such

that g oJ = f O g = IR.
~ / : W ➔ W be defined as f(n) = n - I, if n i:5 odd and /(n) = n + l , if n is
even. Show that f is invertible. Find the inverse off Here. W is the set of all
w~Qle numbers .
3. If J: R ➔ R is defined by ./{x ) = x2 - 3x + 2, fi nd f (J(x)).

R ➔ {xe R:-1 <x< I) defined by

~ / .

¥ thatthef unctton f: f(x ) = L ; I ~

J ~ one one and onto function .

¥ how that the function /: R ➔ R given by f(x) =x-' is injective.
6 Give examples of two function s f : N ➔ Z and g : Z ➔ Z such that g o f is
injective but g is not injective .
(Hint : Consider f(x) =x and g(x) = lxl).
7 Give examples of two functions f: N ➔ N and g : N ➔ N such that g o f is onto
but/ is not onto.

x-Iif x>I
(Hint: Consider f (x) =x + I and g(x) = { 1 if x =1

/ Given a non empty set X, consider P(X) which is the set of all subsets of X.
JI •


. R · P(X) as follows:
Define the relation m . B R an equivalence relinl..
. ) ARB if and only tf Ac · Is ~~
For subsets A. B m P(X ·
00 P(X)? Justify your answer. . . * . P(X) x P(X) 4 I>,,..
x ider the bmary operation · • 1~
Given a non-empty set . cons B in P(X). where P(X) is the power set of~
~ given by A * B = A n B V A. · d X · th nly inv ;i.
/ \.J Show that X is the identity element for thi ~ op:ration an ts e o eni!.I
\) element in P(X) with respect to the operation . .
('\, ✓-~the number of all onto functions from the set {1, 2, 3, ... ' n } _to itself.
vy Le~s_~.{a. b. c) and T ~ {I, 2, 3) . Find f · ' of the foUowing funct:ions F frll!li I
to T, if 1t extsts.
:""'- , ~ F ={(a , ~), (b, 2), (c'. l)} (ii) F = {(a, 2), (b_' 1), (c, l )}
, )~ Consider the bmary operations * : R x R ➔ R and o . R x R ➔ R defined a
a *b = la - bf--8.nq a o b = a, Va, b e R. Show that * is commutative but oo
associative, o is associative but not commutative. Further, show that \:/ a, b, c e II
a* c) = (a * b) o (a * c). [If it is so, we say that the operation * clistribura
er the operation o]. Does o distribute over *? Justify your answer.
Given a non-empty set X , let * : P(X) x P(X) ➔ P (X) be defined ai
A * B = (A - B) u (B - A), VA, B e P(X). Show that the empty set q> is the
iden · for the operation * and all the elements A of P(X) are invertible witl!

·, ·
/ = A. (Hint : (A - cp) u (cp - A) = A and. (A - A) u (A - A) = A * A= a,).
'l{_ A ~ Define a binary operation* on the set {Q, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} as
{a+b, . i;a+b<6
L a*b=
. a + bL 6 if a+ b ~ 6
Show that zero is the identity for this operation and each ele -;;;;a of the sef
. _,,,/ is invertible with 6- a being the inverse of a. ~ a*
V5 Let A= {- 1, 0, 1, 2}, B = {- 4, - 2, 0, 2} and/, g: A ➔ B be functions defined

by f(x) = x 2 - x, x EA and g(x)=21 ~-.-.½l-1, x e A. Are / and g equal'!

Justify your answer. (Hint: One may note that two functions f: A ➔ B and
g : A ➔ B such that.f(a) = g(a) Va e A, are called equal fun~tions) .
6. Let A := { I, 2, 3} . Then number of relations containing ( l, 2) and ( l. 3) which~

u, reflexive and symmetric but not transitive is

✓A I (8) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Let A = {I, 2, 3} . Then number of equivalence relations containing ( l, 2) is
(A) 1 JB) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

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