Essay Plastic Pollution

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Plastic pollution:
1) global problem, non-biodegradable – cant break down from microplastics
2) severe threat to: the environment, wildlife [block digestive systems, suffocating: starve to
death, destroying habitats], human health, marine life and ecosystems.
3) accumulation in waterbodies (oceans, rivers, and landfills). 8M metric ton every year.

1) Contributors: Plastic bags, straws, bottles, food containers because cheap, durable, lightweight
2) Inappropriate Disposal
3) SUPs: used once e.g., straws, plastic bags, and plastic water bottles. most found in oceans &

1) Leach harmful chemicals in environment, add to greenhouse gas.

2) damage soil & plants grasslands

3) Release Bisphenol, phthalates in food.

4) Reproductive Abnormalities, Cancer

5) Air quality when burned

1) United Nations has launched the "Beat Plastic Pollution" campaign to raise awareness and
promote actions that can help address the problem.
1.1 encourage individuals, businesses, and governments reduce consumption, use
alternatives SUPs. Educate the harmful effects of plastic pollution.
2) People:
2.1 Recycling, Reusing
2.2 Alternatives: Cloth Bags, Metal water bottles, and coffee cups, refusing plastic straws
and cutlery when eating out, carrying reusable utensils.
3) Cooperates:
3.1 reduce the amount of plastic packaging.
3.2 invest in research for alternatives to plastic & waste reduction.
3.3 work with their suppliers to reduce plastic packaging used in the supply chain.

4) Government:

4.1 implementing policies and regulations

4.2 impose taxes on plastic products to discourage their use.

4.3 also invest in research and development of new, sustainable materials to replace plastics.

5) Education: create a culture of sustainability and encourage

1) plastic pollution: global problem requires urgent action
2) "Beat Plastic Pollution" campaign - raise awareness about the issue and promote actions.
3) By:
3.1 reducing our use of single-use plastics
3.2 adopting more sustainable practices
3.3 promoting education and awareness, we can make a significant contribution to reducing
plastic pollution and protecting our planet for future generations.

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