The Mathematics of Dilution Chatterjee2014

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Homeopathy (2014) 103, 143e146

Ó 2013 The Faculty of Homeopathy, available online at


The mathematics of dilution

Barun Kumar Chatterjee*

Department of Physics, Bose Institute, 93/1 A.P.C. Road, Kolkata 700009, India

The major objection to homeopathic medicine is that the doses of medicine prescribed in
some cases are too dilute for any active ingredient to be present. The medicines would
hence be rendered inactive, necessitating novel explanations for the action. A further ex-
amination of dilution in the light of the Langmuir equation shows that homeopathic
medicines may not be as dilute as a simplistic application of Avogadro’s Principle sug-
gests, due to surface effects. Homeopathy (2014) 103, 143e146.

Keywords: Homeopathy; Ultramolecular dilution; Langmuir equation; Surface


Introduction monolayer of molecules is adsorbed in dynamical equilib-

rium with those in solution. The equilibrium between the
Homeopathic medicines are in use in large parts of the adsorbed state and the dissolved state results in an initial
world and evidence for their effects is well proven in-vitro.1 linear rise in the adsorbed number with the concentration
The major criticism to homeopathic medicine is that it em- of the dissolved molecule, later reaching a saturation.
ploys dilutions like 60X (60D or 30C) where the concentra- The model is not specific to the type of the molecule of
tion of the active ingredient is 1060 times the original the active ingredient or the solvent. The goal of this model
concentration. If one assumes the presence of 1 M of the is to help reconcile some recent observations of unexpected
active ingredient in the mother tincture then the probability higher concentrations at high dilutions.
that one molecule of the active ingredient will be present in
a liter of 30C solution would be 6  1037, which is fantas-
tically dilute. Arnica 30C, the alcoholic extract of Arnica Dilutions
Montana (containing helenalin amongst other compounds
When a solution is recursively diluted, it involves the
as an active ingredient) diluted 1060 times is used for its
mixing of v liter of the solution with concentration cn1
anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. Assuming
moles/liter and mixing V liter of the solvent to give about
that mother tincture contained 262.3 g of helenalin in a liter
v + V liter of the solution with a concentration cn. This pro-
of alcohol, the probability to find one molecule of helenalin
cess assumes the additivity of volumes, which is strictly
in 1 ml of Arnica 30C would be 6  1040.
valid for ideal solutions, is roughly valid for small concen-
Various attempts have been made to reconcile the action
trations cn1 of solute.
of the drugs at such super-Avogadro dilutions.2e12
The molecules of the active ingredient would not only be
Recently however, experimental evidences12,13 show that
dispersed through the bulk of the solvent (both homoge-
more than the expected amount of active materials are
neously and/or by nanostructures) but would also be present
present at extreme dilutions in solutions.
on the free surface (solventevapor interface) and the sol-
Here, a minimal mathematical model of dilutions has
ventesolid interface. Molecules of the active ingredient
been presented, where the role of interfaces on dilution
are physiadsorbed onto the surface in equilibrium.14 The
has been taken into account. Avogadro’s law is not ques-
iterative-dilution could proceed in the following two
tioned, simply the role of surfaces on dilution is stressed.
ways: (a) the mixing container is not reused (Hahnemannian
The Langmuir adsorption model14 is invoked, where a
method of dilution), where a v amount of solution is poured
into V volume of solvent, succussed and from it a volume v is
poured into the next container of V volume of solvent and
*Correspondence: BK Chatterjee, Department of Physics, Bose this process is repeated, or (b) the mixing container is reused
Institute, 93/1 A.P.C. Road, Kolkata 700009, India. (Korsakovian method of dilution), and in it Vamount of sol-
Received 10 May 2013; revised 6 November 2013; accepted 28 vent is added to an initial volume v of the solution, succussed
November 2013 and the a volume V is poured off, and this process is
Mathematics of dilution
BK Chatterjee
repeated. Equilibrium is assumed at all stages. The two pro- which gives
cesses are treated in the following two subsections.
cn ¼ c0 mn : (8)
(a) Situation where the mixing container is not reused
(Hahnemannian method of dilution) If f < Ql0 /(Ql + K(a + b)) then m > f and the dilution is
slower than perceived. If one uses v = 1 cm3, V = 9 cm3,
In this process, where the glassware is changed at each
a = 50.8 cm2, A = 4.5 cm2, K = Q = 0.07 (value of Q calcu-
dilutional step, assuming that the surface density of the
lated from the data by Chang et al.15 for sodium dodecyl sul-
active ingredient for the solventesolid interface is sn and
fate (SDS) in 0.5 M NaCl solution; it is assumed that K = Q),
that on the free surface it is tn, we have,
a0 = 50.3 cm2, a00 = 0.02 cm2, a = 5.1 cm1, b = 0.45 cm1,
cn ðv þ VÞ þ t n a0 þ sn ða þ AÞ ¼ cn1 v þ t n1 ða0 þ a00 Þ: l = 5.027 cm1, l0 = 5.028 cm1 one gets m = 0.26. This
(1) would imply that a 30C dilution is effectively a 17C dilution.
(b) Situation where the mixing container is reused (Kor-
where, a is the original liquidesolid interface area, A is the sakovian method of dilution)
liquidesolid interface area after the solvent is added, a0 is the
solution-vapor surface area when at rest and a00 is the in- In this process, where a single piece of glassware is used
crease in the solution-vapor surface area when being poured. throughout the process of dilution, assuming that the sur-
Ignoring s and t one gets the usual exponential decay of face density of the active ingredient for the solventesolid
concentration as interface is sn and that on the free surface it is tn, we have,
cn ¼ c0 f n (2)
cn ðv þ VÞ þ t n a0 þ sn ða þ AÞ
which for f = 0.1 gives cn = c010n as expected. ¼ cn1 v þ t n1 ða0 þ a00 Þ þ sn1 a (9)
One simple model for s and t would be to assume that
the molecules on the surface are in dynamic equilibrium where, a is the original liquidesolid interface area, A is the
with those in the bulk of the solvent. When the solute liquidesolid interface area after the solvent is added, a0 is the
molecules adsorbed on the surface are in dynamic equi- solution-vapor surface area when at rest and a00 is the in-
librium with those in solution, the adsorbed number den- crease in the solution-vapor surface area when being poured.
sity (s) of solute molecules and the dissolved This equation can be rewritten as
concentration (c) are related by the Langmuir adsorption
isotherm14 v t n1 ða0 þ a00 Þ t n a0 a
cn ¼ cn1 þ  þ sn1
vþV vþV vþV vþV
smax bc ða þ AÞ
s¼ (3)  sn
1 þ bc vþV
which is dependent on the temperature T. At very low con- (10)
which can be written as
centrations (which is true for the dilutions discussed here)
the Langmuir equation can be reduced to s = smaxbc/ cn ¼ cn1 f þ t n1 l0  t n l þ sn1 a  sn ða þ bÞ (11)
(1 + bc) z Kc, where b is a function of temperature. The
equilibrium constants can hence be written as where

sn a A a0
¼ KðTÞ (4) a¼ ; b¼ ; l¼ ;
cn vþV vþV vþV
and a0 þ a00 v
l0 ¼ .l and f ¼ \1:
tn vþV vþV
¼ QðTÞ (5)
One may rewrite Eq. (11) as
where K and Q are equilibrium constants, which are func-
tions of temperature. Eq. (1) can hence be rewritten as cn ¼ c0 f n þ t 0 l0 f n1 þ ðl0  f lÞ t k f n1k  t n l
cn þ Qcn l þ Kcn ða þ bÞ ¼ cn1 f þ Qcn1 l0 : (6)
where X
þ s0 af n1 þ ða  ða þ bÞf Þ sk f n1k
a A a k¼1
a¼ ; b¼ ; l¼ ;
vþV vþV vþV  sn ða þ bÞ (12)
a0 þ a00 v
l0 ¼ .l and f ¼ \1: which can be solved, if the values of s and t are known.
vþV vþV
From the Langmuir adsorption isotherm at high dilutions
This enables one to write as in the previous case, one gets
f þ Ql0 cn ðv þ VÞ þ Qcn a0 þ Kcn ða þ AÞ
cn ¼ cn1 ¼ cn1 m (7)
1 þ Ql þ Kða þ bÞ ¼ cn1 v þ Qcn1 ða0 þ a00 Þ þ Kcn1 a (13)

Mathematics of dilution
BK Chatterjee
which gives which would have similar mathematical ramifications).
  The main thrust of this work is to show that the effect of
f þ Ql0 þ Ka the surface on dilution would may result in concentrations
cn ¼ cn1 ¼ cn1 g (14)
1 þ Ql þ Kða þ bÞ much larger than what is naively perceived. One may also
which gives note here that the equilibrium constant K would depend on
cn ¼ c0 g n : (15) the mixing container (whether it is glass, stainless steel,
quartz) as different materials and different active ingredi-
If f < (Ql0 + Ka)/(Ql + K(a + b)) then g > f and the dilu- ents and solvents would have different values of K and
tion is slower than perceived. If one uses v = 1 cm3, Q. For multicomponent mixtures, unless the equilibrium
V = 9 cm3, a = 50.8 cm2, A = 4.5 cm2, K = Q = 0.07 constants are comparable, the ratio of the mole fraction
(from the data by Chang et al.15 as discussed in previous of the components would keep changing with dilutions.
section), a0 = 50.3 cm2, a00 = 0.02 cm2, a = 5.1 cm1, The material of the containers also plays a role in the gen-
b = 0.45 cm1, l = 5.027 cm1, l0 = 5.028 cm1 one eration of nanoparticles.16
gets g = 0.46. This would imply that a 30C dilution is effec- A proper and accurate measurement of concentration of
tively a 9C dilution. active ingredient is needed before considering a certain
dilution beyond the Avogadro limit. The function of suc-
cussion, its role in establishing equilibrium or in the forma-
Dilutions of multicomponent mixtures tion of nanostructures,13,17,18 and conformational changes,
For multicomponent mixtures, the effect of all surfaces if any, of macromolecules at large dilutions need to be
would be to change the composition of the mixtures unless understood separately.
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Mathematics of dilution
BK Chatterjee
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