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Critical Analysis Essay

"Companies Changing Up Business Strategies Amid COVID-19”

Members: Group 01

Leader: Alyanna Jane David

Iya Jireh Ballesteros

Liane Sherrie Paula Ong

Angel Chloe Delicana

Joana Luisa Tambot

Angela Cohleen Antonio

Anton Sebastian Amaba

Bench Andrew Mercado

“Companies Changing Up Business Strategies Amid Covid-19”

Prominent American writer James Baldwin notably said, "Not everything that is faced
can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." Changes are the only
thing that makes something everlasting. The insightful statement captures a basic
reality about change: it is inevitable persistent, and frequently demands a response.
With the speed at which technology is developing, the globalized business environment,
and unexpected challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, the capacity to effectively
oversee change has become essential for existence in the modern business
environment. Risks are incurred when making decisions to adapt to the constant
changes. The documentary "Companies Changing Up Business Strategies Amid Covid-
19," which primarily features the Singapore-based AVS Technologies company,
provides compelling evidence that strengthens the latter assertions. Variations in the
corporate landscape give rise to the difficult risk of pivoting. The only way to survive in
the dangerous environment that surrounds enterprises is to cope with the changing
circumstances, which cannot be controlled or influenced by anyone. The pandemic was
seen as the greatest obstacle for businesspeople. Kelvin Mun, the general manager,
had believed that their family-owned, profitable printing company, which had been in
operation for thirty years, could never fail and would swiftly transform into a hygiene-
focused enterprise in just three weeks. Considering two options appears less likely to be
the answer when it comes to facing the drastic shifts that businesses had to go through
in order to survive and prosper in the new normal. Instead, a business pivot became the
only way to succeed in times of uncertainty.

The acclaimed psychologist Abraham Maslow famously proposed that people always
have two fundamental options to choose from: moving ahead toward progress or turning
inside into safety. In the context of business decision-making, this choice-discontinuity is
highly relevant, especially in turbulent and unpredictable times. The documentary titled
"Companies Changing Up Business Strategies Amid COVID-19" presents an engaging
case study that illuminates the adaptable tactics utilized by enterprises facing
unparalleled challenges. AVS Technologies, a family-run printing business, was forced
to make a difficult decision when the epidemic caused the market for conventional
printing materials to decline sharply. Maslow's theory is best illustrated by the
company's response to this existential threat, which was to quickly change its business
strategy in order to meet the increasing demand for hygiene products. when the
dangerous choice to adjust to the shift to the new normal manner of doing business
bypassed the opportunity to take a step back for safety. The author clearly explained
how the AVS Technologies company dealt with the challenges of changing business
cycles and the possible effects on future economic resilience by telling the story of the
significant transition in a narrative and descriptive manner that was easy for viewers to
understand and that provided an ordered flow of events, procedures, and changes that
took place.

AVS Technologies ventured into an entirely frontier sector. They didn't anticipate the
shift that may either permanently harm or greatly expand their company since they were
too at ease with the prosperous operations of their corporation. The documentary's
creator, the channel "CNA Insider," used statistics to give a precise, numerical
assessment of the effect of COVID-19 on the conventional business sector. As the
epidemic struck the 2.5 trillion-dollar global trade show business, 70% of events in
Singapore, including conferences and exhibits, were canceled, according to research-
based statistics from the documentary. The crisis's breakthrough had a detrimental
effect on AVS Technologies, which had previously provided the aforementioned industry
with banners, posters, and other traditional materials like fine art printing. As a result,
the printing industry's demand shrank while the hygiene-focused sector saw a boom,
with 2.9 billion liters of sanitizer and 89 million masks sold to healthcare workers in just
one month. It is difficult to recognize impending danger when you are too at ease in the
environment. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. The company AVS
Technologies decided to take a risk and try something new right away. In order to thrive
in the corporate world, taking chances is a necessary strategy. Frederick Wilcox once
remarked, "Progress always involves risks." Serial entrepreneur Kartik Jobanputra
stated that one of the biggest advantages of taking a risk is that it may lead to new
chances. However, one way to stall growth is to take chances without careful
forethought. Taking risks without enough preparation can have unfavorable effects like
failure, disappointment, and financial loss. Similar to how Nokia failed to develop and
adjust to the growing popularity of smartphones starting in 2008 because they were
overly at ease with their brand in society. Their decision-making and risk-taking without
the proper planning technique have caused their products to become less competitive
and have delayed their competence.

Given AVS Technologies' rushed decision to proceed forward, making investments

carried a risk of having to take money out of their pocket, which might either be
successful or result in bankruptcy. The aforementioned business bought three machines
with one million Singapore dollars to start making face masks for potential customers.
The documentary's author stressed how frightening and significant the danger they
were taking was, as well as how unaccustomed they were to the shift in machinery, time
management, and the manufacturing process. Gradually, the ramifications of the risk
became accustomed to the new normal. Professor Mauro Guillen said that pivoting is
irreversible. The author emphasized and provided a thorough knowledge of the latter's
perceptive advice regarding the various company pivoting tactics. According to a
professor at the University of Pennsylvania, entities can no longer operate in the same
way after pivoting. They must make the most of every resource at their disposal to
satisfy the resulting pent-up demand both during and after the economic breakthrough
brought about by business pivoting. The documentary's author described in detail how
AVS Technologies adjusted to a new setting in less than a month. Not providing the
audience with enough details to understand the trial-and-error scenarios, the logical
progression of events, or the tactics the company had to implement to transition into a
new industry. The target audience would have relied more on a clear explanation of the
events that transpired in the month prior to AVS Technologies settling into their new
firm, even if there were instances highlighted of the company struggling in the initial

A professor from Pennsylvania claims that multiple firm perspectives existed throughout
pivoting. In addition, the documentary's writer offered an alternative explanation of
Unilever's response to the pandemic's outbreak. After providing a thoughtful summary
of the circumstances surrounding AVS Technologies, the author skillfully moved from
AVS Technologies to Unilever, inserting a fresh take on pivoting from Unilever. The
introduction of Unilever International's pre-pandemic industry was emphasized by the
author. It included perceptive details about commercials featuring Unilever's hygiene
product advertisements that were in circulation. According to Unilever's Chief Marketing
Officer, they had to use a strategy that has historically worked for them—going beyond
the supermarket. The documentary discussed how Unilever, a long-standing global
brand, had to repurpose its resources for beneficial and environmental uses in order to
compete with AVS Technologies. In order to hold the proof supporting the good
innovation made by Unilever to meet the sought-after desire of persons in the
pandemic, the author provided an article that encourages the audience to rely more on
the authenticity of the statements and claims made. A business article about the
benefits of innovation states that efficiencies, growth, and increased competitive
advantage, as well as enhanced reputation, are some of the benefits of innovation in
business, which aligns with the author's assertion that repurposing existing raw
materials is a productive pivoting strategy.

As AVS Technologies stuck with their decision and risked everything for their primary
goal of reaching the market, their curiosity, perplexity, and regrets gave way to
resilience. The documentary depicted the important progression of events from the
beginning of AVS technologies' manufacture to the progressive improvement of the
brand's advertising techniques. They gradually restored their brand by making the most
of their tools to reach a larger audience and raise people's knowledge of it through
social media penetration. During the epidemic, emphasis was placed on how important
online reviews were, particularly for emerging brands looking to develop and improve
their goods and services. Providing the market with what it most needs while you turn a
profit is one of the golden rules of business. Prioritizing client happiness is essential to
keeping customers loyal. Giving consumer's worth and value in a way that allows them
to contribute to product creation is essential to satisfying customers, as the
documentary demonstrated. How AVS Technologies introduced new goods, enhanced
their packaging method, and gradually expanded to meet consumer expectations. Being
able to identify problems and find solutions is one of the skills needed to be a successful
entrepreneur. In the same way that an article defines entrepreneurs as creative problem
solvers who give answers through inventive companies that take advantage of

One drawback of pivoting is having to venture into something new and not being able to
supply ongoing adjustments for growth. AVS Technologies and Unilever, whose
approaches to business pivoting were completely different, are depicted in a scenario
that contradicts reality, yet they were both able to achieve success, particularly during
the epidemic. The author of the documentary focused on AVS Technologies' astute
decision to launch a new product, "face shields," into the market. This led to intensive
distribution, which occurs when a product becomes widely necessary and penetrates
the market deeply. The author also highlighted Unilever's involvement in a task that was
usually beyond their competence. Consumers are looking for consistency in the
corporate sector. However, advancements are crucial for businesses because of how
quickly human preferences change. A LinkedIn article about the significance of industry
development states that a company's ability to grow is essential to its long-term
existence. Businesses need growth to recognize new opportunities, break into untapped
markets, and increase the scope of their offerings. Taking a risk could result in
development or delay. Within the documentary, the peril of changing course in the face
of COVID-19 had a significant influence on how businesses such as AVS Technologies
and Unilever International managed to weather the perilous innovation and
development challenges.

The question, "What happens to businesses after the pandemic?" kept coming up.". In
light of the latter's obvious explanation, the documentary's last recommendations
address how companies might lower their chances of losing all of the demand profit that
has built up during the pandemic. Lao Tzu, a philosopher, famously observed that our
deeds form our habits. The documentary's last takeaway played a crucial part in
illustrating the main takeaway from the educational film. To avoid wasting the effort of
changing course, the program showed viewers how to help one another normalize the
use of hygiene-focused items even after the pandemic has passed. This shows viewers
a clear picture of what can happen in the future when people's behaviors become
normal years after the pandemic. The author presented instances of how we may use
the normalizing of utilizing necessities as commonplace behaviors in the contemporary
world to continue emphasizing to people the importance of the epidemic.

Businesses change course in response to shifting consumer demand. For example,

during the pandemic, face masks and hand sanitizer demand surged. Some firms saw
this as a chance to change course and start producing items that are in demand or
trendy. Businesses such as AVS Technologies and Unilever were able to successfully
reorient their operations by concentrating on manufacturing the necessities for the
ongoing epidemic. Turning a firm around is difficult; it takes a lot of new resources,
employable talents, and timely delivery to catch up with what the market demands. AVS
Technologies and Unilever emphasize their involvement in preserving and sustaining
their operations during turbulent times. By meeting market demands and meeting those
needs for pivoting your business, they assist you to gain profitability and address risks.
Businesses should prepare before implementing a company pivot. To ensure the
success of the pivot, extensive research is needed, and companies must also be on the
lookout for any potential flaws or hazards that may arise.

The documentary, which provides in-depth insights into the effects of COVID-19 on
businesses, seems to belong in the informative genre. It provides detailed research and
case studies that show how different companies handled the difficulties brought up by
the epidemic. Through the presentation of tactics used and opportunities grabbed the
documentary offers a thorough understanding of how companies adjusted to
extraordinary situations. Its in-depth analysis highlights the businesses' tenacity and
inventiveness during this turbulent time. All things considered; it is a useful tool for
comprehending the complex effects of the pandemic on the corporate environment. For
anyone interested in company dynamics during crises, it's a compelling film because of
its emphasis on real-life instances. The author aimed to depict the significant disruption
to society caused by the pandemic. Viewers were taken inside the experiences of
businesses negotiating this challenging environment through the documentary. It
expertly illustrated how some businesses capitalized on the crisis and innovated to meet
new demands in society. Through the display of these flexible solutions, the movie
sheds light on the difficulties encountered while simultaneously emphasizing the ability
and resourcefulness of companies to persevere through difficult circumstances. All
things considered, it provided a detailed account of how companies both weathered and
benefited from the disruptions caused by the epidemic, offering insightful information on
the dynamics of crisis management and adaptability. The storyline of it did a good job of
highlighting how the epidemic changed the face of business. In spite of its complexity,
the documentary was thorough and educational, appealing to those who wanted a more
in-depth look. The goal was for the audience to understand how businesses managed
to adapt to changing market conditions and meet customer needs. The documentary
has a wide range of effects on viewers. It inspired many by demonstrating how quickly
companies can adjust to unforeseen events. The documentary also offers a
contemplation on the transformational potential of hardship, stressing the potential
hazards as well as the opportunity for development and progress. When it comes to
visualization, the author uses strong images to convey a sense of development and
evolution scenes showing how production facilities have changed over time, from
crowded printing presses to clean manufacturing settings. Moreover, close-ups of
machinery highlighted the commitment needed to produce necessary hygiene items.
The documentary's vocabulary was descriptive and gave off an air of importance and
urgency. Furthermore, the narrative gains credibility from the utilization of data and
figures. The author invites contemplation on adaptation, resilience, and invention.

The CNA Insider documentary "Companies Changing Up Business Strategies Amid

COVID-19 | Business Unusual" emphasizes how the pandemic has had a major impact
on businesses and how these changes have been necessary. Instances like AVS
Technologies and Unilever illustrate how companies have surmounted challenges like
declining sales and disrupted supply chains by concentrating on needs like face masks
and hand sanitizers. These strategic adjustments, when combined with initiatives to
increase online visibility and diversify product offerings, not only ensured business
continuity but also satisfied significant needs throughout the epidemic. The film does a
great job of showing how firms have adapted and persevered in the face of the new
normal, leading to better consumer safety and profitability in the end. The present-day
successful companies are defined by their capacity to adjust to the ever-shifting
corporate environment. As James Baldwin so eloquently observed, change is
inescapable and must be welcomed head-on to promote resilience and advancement in
development. Adaptive techniques can be innovative when used in reaction to
disruptive factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, as exemplified by the case of AVS
Technologies. In an unpredictable world, organizations that see change as an
opportunity rather than a danger do not just survive but thrive. To be relevant and
achieve sustainable growth, businesses need to cultivate a culture of adaptability,
creativity, and strategic foresight in an increasingly tumultuous and uncertain world.

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Laverty, M., & Littel, C. (2020, January 16). 6.1 Problem solving to find entrepreneurial
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