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20x Cals peusny pep Sensi Beas Ssh Akhbar El Final-Term ‘Third Year Yon Beam Mechanical se ON —suarelys)\ nom /S Academy Management Allowed Computer ‘& Marketing ‘Time: 2 Science (Course Code) Houra Department ‘otal Marks: 35 Answer the following questions: 1) Getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. a) Management c) Effectiveness. b) Efficiency. d) Planning 2) Of the management functions. 7 a) Management ©) Efficiency. b) Efficiency. d) Planning 3) Doing the right things. a) Management c) Efficiency. b) Effectiveness. d) Planning. 4) The process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, with and through other people. a) Management c) Effectiveness. c) Effectiveness. 4) Planning. 5) Knowledge and proficiency in a specific field. a) Executive skills. c) Technical skills. b) Human skills. 4) Conceptual skills, 6) Ability to think and conceptualize, abstract and complex situations. a) Executive skills c) Technical skills. b) Human skills, d) Conceptual skills. 7) Monitoring, comparing, and correcting work. a) Controlling. c) Leading. b) Organizing. d) Planning. 8) The Well-Written Goals characteristics are a) Measurable c) Depends on outcomes. b) Attainable d) All of the above. 9) Plans that encompass a particular operational area. a) Operational c) Standing plans. b) Strategic. d) Single-use. 10) Types of plans are. a) Long-term & Short term c) Strategic & Operational. b) Directional & Specific. d) All of the above. Examiner Page lof 11) Challenge the status, create visions 0} a) Manager b) Boss. 12) Control Process. a) Taking Managerial Action. | b) Comparing Managerial Action. 13) Types of Goals. a) Economic b) Strategic. 14) Managers Plan for. a) Provides direction b) Reduces uncertainty. the future, and Inspire members. c) Leader. d) All of the above. c) Taking Managerial Action. d) All of the above. ©) Social. d) All of the above. c) Minimizes waste. d) All of the above. 15) Advantages of functional departmentalization. a) In-depth specialization. b) Coordination within Process. 16) Marketing Information System Consi a) Internal Records. b) Marketing Intelligence. c) Taking Managerial Action. d) All of the above. ists of. c) Marketing research. d) Alll of the above. ¢) ing. d) All of the above. 18) Decision Support System functions include models and tools. a) Exception reporting. 5) Parsto analysis. 19} Goals of Marketing Information Sys‘ a) Analyzing Market structure, b) Selecting Market Opportunities. c) Forecasting models. 4) All of the above. tem. c) Developing Market strategies. d) All of the above. 20) ‘Goals of Marketing Information System. a) Planning Market Tactics. b) Developing Market strategies. 21) Product Life cycle, a) Introduction or R&D. b) Growth & Maturity. 22) Market Skimming for new Product, a) Setting a High Price. b) Setting a Low Price, 23) iMlarket Penetration. a) Setting a High Price. b) Setting a Low Price, E ©} Implementing & Controlting Market Efforts. ) All of the above. ¢) Extension & Development. d) All of the above. c) Setting a Competitors Price, d) All of the aaa ae c) Setting a Competitors Pri 4) All of the above. er xaminer Page 2 of 8 24) From Product Mix-P: a) Product Line Pricing b) Optional-Product, 25) Other Price Adjustment a) Geographical Pricing, b) Optional-Product. 26) Types of consumer markets, a) Food and beverages. b) Retail & Transportation, Strategies, Ticing Strategies, ©) Captive-Product. d) All of the above. ©) Captive-Product Pricing. 4) All of the above. c) Consumer products. d) All of the above. 27) Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior, a) Cultural. b) Personal. 28) Social factor consists of. a) Groups memberships & Ref. b) Family, Husband & Influencer. 29) Lifestyle Identification are... a) Activities. b) Interests. 30) Psychological factor consists of. a) Motivation. b) Perception & Learning. 31) From the buyer decision process. a) Need Recognition, b) Information Search, 32) From the Social factors a) Roles and Status b) Information Search. 33) Consumer Behavior affected by a) Retail & Transportation. b) Cultural. c) Social. d) All of the above. c) Roles and Status. 4) All of the above. ©) Opinions. d) All of the above. ¢) Beliefs &Attitudes. 4) All of the above. c) Evaluation of Alternatives. d) All of the above. c) Evaluation of Altematives. d) All of the above. c) Consumer products. d) All of the above. 34) Counted from the market Eeyeuoloeic factor a) Retail & Transportation. b) Motivation 35) Product Life cycle. a) Market Skimming. b) Market Penetration. Consumer products. @ All of the above. c) Extension & Development. 4) All of the above. Best Wishes, Examiner Page 8 of 8 na ANp i ter Alchbar El Yom Academy wt C2 AAW) third Your Compt 2 BH Computer Science ee) Allowed Time: SHours ‘Department at row cE ‘Total Marka: ‘GO : Database Systems — January2022 Final Exam —= —= Question 1 (18 Marks: ) 'A) Consider the following database design requirements : @ Consider an entity called PRODUCT. Suppose there are two possible types of. products* ‘VIDEOS: and BOOKS. Both of those types of products have a Name attribute and a unique Product ID. Ta addition, videos have aruaning time, @ rating, and one or more stars, Books have one oF move cothore, an ISBN number and a category (euch as fiction, nonfiction, ete). A product must be either a video or a book, and can be only one of these. All books are related to a sopayate entity type called PUBLISHER (a publisher ean publish any number of books but each boc ean only be published by one publisher), All products of any kind are housed in some WAREHOUSE (again a separate eptity), euch that a product can be housed in any numberof warthanses, and a Swprehouse Gan house any number of products Draw an EER diagram tonshow,this, Include all attributes and relationships at their appropriate level, and draw the appropiata constrainés. Alco, include in your drawing appropristesubtype discriminators. aged B) Assume we have the following application that models soccer teams, the games they play, and the «- platyend in each team. In tht ddBiy#f, We'want to captute the following: cd ie We havea set ofteams, each team has an ID (unique identifier), name, main stadium, and to 2 whiab city this team belongs. u <1 cap = Each team has many playets, and edeh player belongs to-one team. Each player has @-humber (uniquesidentifier), name, DoB, staf year, and shirt number thathe uses. ts * - + Teams play matches, in each niatchithere is a host team and a guest team. The match takes place in the stadium of the host team! ( i ¢ = + For each match we need to keop track’of the following; * ae The date on which the game ts played, o The final result of the match ‘0 The players participated ini thematch. Mok For each player, how many goalshe'svoted, whether or not he took yellow catd, and whether or not he took red card. com : o During the match, one player may substitute another player, We want to capture this substitution and the time at whivh it taik place. + Each match has exactly three referees. For each referee we have an ID {unique identifier), name, DoB, years of experience. Gne referee is the main referee and the other two are assistant referee, aun ' , © Drawan ER diagram to show this, Include all attributes and relationships at their appropriate level, and draw the appropriate ciitistttiints. Also, include in ydbr drawitg appropriate subtype discriminators. \) % , AMP ye, Dr Khaitd-BadranPage 1 of 4. uestion 3 (18 marks Design this table to be i , Qed, ged For each stage show the RerDesign this table to be in the 1, 294, 94 Normal formal successivel ively. For ench stag: targeted Functional dependen _ tae neies, the new Table(s)’s fields and keys, Draw the original Correct ERD (Prolec, | Projea | Emainas employee | Departs | Depaime | Howry memogee Suda | No tama | oto. | mtneme | fate 2500 ¢ andthree year employer Build Expert system using set of Rules operation to satisfy the loan or not? — CHS ENF nods Course name: Computer Ar Time allowed: 3H_ Total Grad=60 pages ‘Akhbar Elyom Academy Department of CIS and CES Fiecterm Correctivelsxam.Jon.2021 samara aioe, Examniner {DF Hussein Omran Question 1 ; F ; . tetion detail structure -Von Neumann architecture? And state process of IAS jth examples for CISC (complex 2- State Opeode types and operand address types W' Instruction Set of computer)? a +3. What is the difference between single and multiple buses? Why using arbiter? 4. What are the common characteristics of Reduced Instruction Set Architectures RISC? 5 Consider execution ofa program result in execution 1 million instruction’ processor with 900 MHz, The program consists of four main major types of load, had, sub, and store with CPI each given by 2,3,4,5 respectively ‘and percent for each truction given by 70, 20,15,20 (%); Find the performance of processor? i following items with drawing if possible? Question 2 cplain the difference between each of a. RAM and ROM b. (DDR SDRAM) and (EEPROM)? ¢. (Centralized arbiter) and (Distributed arbiter)? d. (Cash memory) and (Main memory) ? €. Direct mapping and Set associative mapping? 2. Write assembly program using one, two and three address execute Y= (A*BY(C-D)? 3+ How many blocks in main memory with capacity 64 MB for 8 bit per word and with, block size 16 KB? Then find how many bits to address the main memory? 4. Main memory has 32 K word with 8 bits per word in interleaving address implemented if each module have 8KB find a. How many modules/bank used to implement memory? b. Draw address format for memory with showing start and end address to module? c. Ifmemory address as 528D has a fault, Determine the memory bank address and the address of the word in the bank/module? ee juestion 3 1- Consider a 4-way set associative mapped cache with block size 4 KB. The size of main memory is 16 GB and there are 10 bits in the tag. Find-Size of cache memory and Tag directory size? ay 2- explain the following using drawing ~4-1 ‘a. Micro operation b. Fetch operation with timing, c¢. Cash memory operation d, Set associative mapping? ea i 3- Write assembly program that search for values in array. (2,6,4,8, 10,3,5,7,9,20] When matching value is found, display its location. Otherwise, displays message not found?, Good luck j =] PF veo no gal aoe a er Lf ees _ cto prere wow pee [ Akhbar El yom Academy —]—~xanus__| Course camara mT orels "3" ef otal Grad=70 Department of CIS “3” exey allow Hr Total Ss oF st term CortectiveExam = Why using Knowledge Representation? And state Methods for KR? >. What are types and operations of intelligent agents with drawing? sin search method, state with briefly explanation solving problem steps and algorithm? 4- State with brief explanation components of intelligence? A B, Problem: Maze Traversal problem to start from square A3 to end & at square E2, one step at a time avoiding black squares —draw the, E search chart using A’ algorithm? 4.2044 3 Question Two (30 grade) A. solve 1. Wha we mean by predicative, Inference, and resolution? 2. Explain Expert system component with drawing to manipulate problem? 3, Brief explain Genetic Algorithm processes in problem solution? 4. Represent following in first order predicative then Write what inferenced from it? a) Wilma took day off from work and comes in next day with sunburn. You infer that? g. You infer? b) Child is playing in her bedroom and you hear a crash and then c B, Using semantic net, represent following knowledge in hierarchy representation 1+ Living things (can breathe, move, eat, reproduce) Plants (need water, soil, light) grain fruits 3- Animals 4- Birds(lay eggs) 3- Mammals (give birth) 6- Human(think) T- farmer(live in a farm) 8+ civilized(live in a city) ‘Then infers who the farmer i C. Sliding block puzzle described as a set of 3*3 Board out of which 8 blocks are having tiles bearing number from Ito 8. One space is left blank. The tile adjacent to blank space can move into it, The movement of tile is any one tile movement by one space in any direction if space is blank Solve Use A* algorithm method to reach the goal? [a 2 3 2 4/3 4 5 dale 6/7] 24 GALS: Goal state Initial state Question Three (20 grade) A, Translate to predicate first order logic 1. “All students that study discrete math are good at logic 2. “Marcus is a man” 3. All students that study discrete math are good at logic. 4, “No students are allowed to carry guns” 5. If Joe takes umbrella then he does not get wet and if it does not rain joe does not get wet Zone fant : CN al 219) bs S pre qm Course name#/Database ~ Final Term :Exam September 2021 Time allowed: 180 minutes Number of pages:3 | Akhbar El yom Academy Department: |}Comp.SC 3" year Mark jon L A) Consider the following database design requirements ¢ © Consider an entity called PRODUCT. Suppose there are © products: VIDEOS and BOOKS. Both of these types of products have vrribute and a unique Product ID. In addition, videos have a running fine & rating, at one or more stars. Books have one or more authors, an ISBN numbet, and a category (such as fiction, nonfiction, efc.). A product must be either a video or @ Tene ead can be only one of these. All books are related to a separate entity IYP© called PUBLISHER (a publisher can publish any number of books but each book can only be published by one publisher), All products of any kind ars housed in some WAREHOUSE (again a separate entity), such that a product can be housed in any timber of warehouses, and a warehouse can house any number of products: © Draw an EER diagram to show this. Include all attributes and relationships ot their appropriate level, and draw the appropriate constraints. ‘Also, include in your drawing appropriate subtype discriminators, wing application that models soccer teams, the games they play, and the players in each team. In the design, we want to capture the following: pWe have a set of teams, each team has an ID (unique identifier), name, main stadium, and to which city this team belongs. + Each team has many players, and each player a number (unique identifier), name, DoB, start year, + Teams play matches, in each match there is a host te takes place in the stadium of the host team. + For each match we need to keep track of the following: ‘0 The date on which the game is played o The final result of the match o The players participated in the match. For each player, how many goals he scored, whether or not he took yellow card, and whether or not he took red card. During the match, one player may substitute another player. We want to capture this substitution and the time at which it took place, “= Each math has exactly three referees, For each referee We have an ID (unique identifier), name, DoB, years of experience, One referee is the main referee and the other two are assistant referee. @ Draw an ER diagram to show this. Include all attributes and relationships at their appropriate level, and draw the appropriate constraints, Also, include in your drawing appropriate subtype discriminators. Ws PTO wo possible ty! a Name B) Assume we have the follo belongs to one team. Each player has and shirt number that he uses. am and a guest team. The match Question 2 (18 Marks) i ch table 'A)Conwvert the following E/R diagram in into relational model showing the fields of ea ASSUME Any Missing PRIMARY Key Question 3 (18 marks ) ‘a) Define what is meant by normalization? Show e3 e lies in this table, 3 Baas avis ote inthe 1°. 3" Normal formal successively. For each stage show the targeted Functional dependencies, the new Table(s)’s fields and keys [eid Pee 9 Saparime | Hour jek | Praiect | profeet spears | Oe | Fist | "rite | wentosr | tuaget mee: | ne BE penatene | Hoe ant Ta | Panaions weno ferns] Pai 3 Le en = Toa F 1 fess eee mcrae ba 00 as re Se ran eee i Ta | 1886 SSS] a werin z seiwces | H Mar ‘ae | donate | 2550 Steer | aManin {Sitar | i700 Sate | H Martin i320 Tae —] — Sa vik Suen | aE sao | “Taabere | tas | bataase 2525 Resear | lewis | 152s6 | SACO} Paws | — to 7 1F38 FT TRS | Klewis | 12250 | S10654 |e sames | — Looe R188 Question 4 (18 marks ) a) Deduce ERD and Relational Schema for tables in Q3 . b) Write the SQL statements that define the relational schema (tables) for this database. Assume appropriate Data types. Be sure to define appropriate keys and foreign key constraints. ©) Write SQL Statements to Do the fallowing tasks: * INSERT the first row in table tb/Event * DELETE Events that happened in Category Politics + UPDATE Swnmary Filed for Australia to be ‘New Land? Question 5 (18 marks ) For the following structure Write SQL Statements to Do the following tasks: Employee Ename hiredate | deptno sal comm job: mgr Dept Deptno | deptname 2) Display the names of all employees with an “A! in their name. b) Display the names and hire dates of all employees hired in 1981 or 1982 ©) Display the department number. total salary payout and total commission payout for each department that pays at least one emplayee commission. 4) Display a list ofall departments with the count of employees in each department. ¢) Display the department number and number of clerks (job) in each department, 5. Display the department number and total salary of employees in each department that employs four or more people. 8) Display the names of each employee with the name of his/her boss 4) Display the names of ALL employees with the total they have earned (ie. salary plus commission). 3} Display the names ofall employees who work in a department that employs an analyst. GOOD LUC a8 AL _x. PIO Pees] eae! . Nae) Cor 2 ee p98 j= yous/> gerbe eqepatsl sua LOM ADEN AKHPAR ELYOM Academy First Term Exam eee a Computer Science and 2020/2021 yoyed time: 3 Hours Logic ‘Total Marks: 60 Information Technology 27 january, 2024 Department Question 120 MCOs with 20 Marks): g Language Is Used? 1 - What are the Sector Where Prolog Programmin} a. Automated reasoning b. Machine leaning ¢. Robot planning d. all of the above 2 - dog("Buddy’, likes('Buddy', toast)). - This statement is a, Rule & Horn Clause . Fact & Horn Clause ¢. Hom Clause with Head and body d. Not a Horn clause 3.- Which one of the following is not a variable? a. X_yz b.g 23A | yet dB & Cboth 4.— Which one from the options would return true/yes for given prolog program? boy (ohn,123). girl(jane,234). student(john,123). a. 2 girl(jane,x). b, 2- boy(‘john',123). ¢. All of above d. None of above 5A prolog query can be made up of only two subgoals a, TRUE b. FALSE 6 = In Prolog It Is Said That Program And Data Are The Same Thing? a, TRUE b. FALSE Programming

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