OD Assignment

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Create a crisis:
o Example: In a manufacturing company, deliberately delay addressing a known
quality control issue. Allow defective products to reach customers, causing a
significant financial loss and damaging the company's reputation.
2. Eliminate obvious excess:
o Example: A tech company identifies that it maintains several underutilized office
spaces around the world. They decide to downsize and consolidate office
locations, reducing overhead costs and eliminating unnecessary facilities.
3. Set unattainable targets:
o Example: A retail chain sets extremely ambitious sales targets for each store, well
above industry averages. This forces managers to reevaluate and overhaul their
current business strategies to meet these challenging goals.
4. Measure broader business performance:
o Example: Instead of solely focusing on individual departmental targets, a
multinational corporation shifts to a balanced scorecard approach. They start
evaluating each division based on overall company goals, including financial
performance, customer satisfaction, and sustainability metrics.
5. Increase transparency with data:
o Example: A software development company starts regularly sharing detailed
customer feedback reports with all employees. This includes not only positive
comments but also areas where customers feel the product falls short compared to
6. Engage with dissatisfied stakeholders:
o Example: An e-commerce company encourages its management team to
proactively reach out to unsatisfied customers, suppliers facing challenges, and
shareholders expressing concerns. This direct feedback helps the company
address issues and build stronger relationships.
7. Inject relevant data and honest discussion:
o Example: A struggling retail chain hires external consultants to conduct a
comprehensive review of their operations. The consultants provide unbiased data
on areas of improvement, which is then used to facilitate candid discussions
during management meetings.
8. Promote honest communication:
o Example: The CEO of a financial institution starts addressing the company's
challenges openly in internal communications. Company newsletters and senior
management speeches now include discussions about market pressures, regulatory
changes, and the need for strategic shifts.
9. Highlight opportunities and limitations:
o Example: A pharmaceutical company, facing increasing competition, emphasizes
the potential of groundbreaking research projects in their pipeline. However, they
also candidly acknowledge their current resource constraints and the need for
efficiency improvements to capitalize on these opportunities.

These examples illustrate how each point can be applied in the context of organizational
development and change management within different business activities.

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