Building Laws

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Republic of the Philippines

Professional Regulation Commission

Professional Regulatory Board for Architecture (PRBOA)
Architecture Licensure Exam


1. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than ____mm from the side and rear property lines.
A. 700 C. 750
B. 1000 D. 900

2. A portion of a yard for which the permitted limit of paving/hardscaping shall not exceed 50% of the area of the yard.
A. Open court C. Courtyard
B. Inner court D. Through court

3. As per PD 1096, how many percent of parking requirements may be provided if adequate public parking lots/multi-floor
garages are available within 200 meters of the proposed buildings/structures?
A. 20% C. 50%
B. 40% D. 30%

4. (Fire Code) There shall be no variation exceeding ____mm, in the width of treads or in height of risers in any flight.
A. 5 C. 3
B. 4 D. 6

5. As per PD 1096, what is the minimum width for access road to interior roads?
A. 3.40 C. 2.50
B. 3.20 D. 3.00

6. (Fire Code) For apartment buildings, corridors with a required capacity of more than 50 persons shall be sufficient
width to accommodate the required occupant load but have a width of not less than ____ centimeters.
A. 110 C. 111
B. 122 D. 112

7. Mandatory community facility provision for both economic and socialized housing project.
A. Convenience/retail center C. Tricycle terminal
B. Neighborhood multi-purpose center D. Elementary school

8. Except in Group A Occupancies, changes in floor elevations of less than ___ millimeters along any exit serving a tributary
occupant load of ten (10) or more shall be by means of ramp.
A. 400 C. 200
B. 500 D. 300

9. As per BP 220, minimum ceiling height for habitable rooms shall be measured from the finished floor line to the ceiling line.
Where ceilings are not provided, a minimum headroom clearance of ____ meters shall be provided.
A. 2.10 C. 2.00
B. 2.40 D. 2.70

10. As per BP 220, the minimum lot frontage in an interior lot for single detached housing shall be ___ meters.
A. 5 C. 3
B. 4 D. 6

11. An organized group of private firefighters recognized by the BFP, who have voluntarily formed themselves to perform fire
related activities.
A. Fire volunteer organization C. Fire marshals
B. Fire safety practitioners D. Fire brigade

12. Under BP 220, interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest public road and the right-of-way shall be
designated at interconnecting road with a minimum width of ___ meters.
A. 10 C. 12
B. 8 D. 14

13. (Fire Code) All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped with ___ millimeters valve each storey.
A. 38 C. 32
B. 34 D. 36

14. As per BP 220, the minimum lot frontage in regular lots for single detached housing shall be ___ meters.
A. 10 C. 12
B. 8 D. 6

15. Identification of potential hazards which includes risk evaluation that takes into account the likelihood of the hazard resulting in
a fire or explosion.
A. Fire assessment C. Hazard evaluation
B. Danger study D. Hazard assessment

16. (Fire Code) For child day care centers, travel distance between any room or intended as exit access and an exit shall not
exceed ____ meters.
A. 30.5 C. 30.0
B. 31.5 D. 31.0

17. Defined in the Fire Code as a building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exits or
fire escapes.
A. Fire trap C. Fire hazard
B. Dangerous building D. Fire zone

18. For buildings of more than two storeys in height, the minimum width of the rear or side court shall be increased at the rate of
____ millimeters for each additional storey up to the fourteenth storey.
A. 200 C. 100
B. 300 D. 400

19. What basic principle is applied in the basic planning requirements of BP 344 standards so that finding a person's way inside
and outside of a building or open space shall be made easy for everyone?
A. Reachability C. Accessibility
B. Orientation D. Usability

20. (Fire Code) Where the total occupant load of all storeys served by the stair is 2000 or more, the minimum width clear of all
obstructions shall be ____ millimeters.
A. 1240 C. 1420
B. 1210 D. 1120

21. (Fire Code) where permitted for individual occupancies, a maximum of ____ percent of the exits may discharge through areas
on the floor of discharge provided requirements are met.
A. 20 C. 50
B. 40 D. 30

22. As per BP 220, alley shall have a width of ____ meters intended to break a block and to serve both pedestrian and for
emergency purposes, both ends connecting to streets. It shall not be used as access to the property.
A. 2.0 C. 4.0
B. 3.0 D. 6.5

23. As per NBC, every corner building or solid fence on a public street or alley less than ____ meters in width shall be truncated at
the corner.
a. A. 3.00 C. 2.40
b. B. 4.00 D. 3.60

24. Minimum width of planning strip (for grass and shrubs) is ____ millimeters for each side of the RROW.
A. 200 C. 400
B. 100 D. 300

25. As per Fire Code, what is the minimum aisle width for less than 60 seats in places of assembly?
A. 0.83 m C. 1.12 m
B. 0.91 m D. 0.76 m

26. Secondary or support natural light and ventilation shaft/s (angular) with a clear distance of at least _____ meters shall
emanate from the front and rear perimeters of the building and shall traverse the entire depth of the basement; the angular
shaft/s shall be at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal, consistent with h the maximum Philippine solar angle.
A. 1.60 C. 1.20
B. 1.40 D. 1.80

27. As per fire code, emergency lighting shall be arranged to maintain a specified level of illumination in the event of failure of the
normal lighting for a period of at least____ hours in buildings more than 36.5 meters in height.
A. 2.0 C. 1.0
B. 1.5 D. 3.0

28. Types of construction allowed in a Highly Fire-Resistive Zone.

A. Types I, II & III C. Types IV & V only
B. Types III, IV & V D. Types II, III & IV

29. The building official shall refer one set of plans and specifications to the City/Municipal Fire Marshall (C/MFM) for his review
and recommendations with respect to fire safety and control requirements. The C/MFM shall submit his report and
recommendations to the Building Official within ___ working days from the date referral. Failure of the C/MFM to act within
said period shall mean that the plans and specifications conform to all requirements of the Fire Code of the
Philippines (FCP)
A. 10 C. 30
B. 15 D. 5

30. As per PD 1096, what is the minimum ceiling height of the second storey of a habitable room provided with artificial
A. 2.40 C. 3.20
B. 3.00 D. 2.70

31. (Fire Code) Rows of seats between aisles for places of assembly shall have not more than _____ seats.
A. 12 C. 7
B. 14 D. 16

32. A building permit may not be required for one of the following:
A. Alteration C. Addition
B. Repair D. Fire wall

33. As per BP 220, stairs shall have a minimum tread of ____ millimeters.
A. 250 C. 200
B. 280 D. 275
34. As per BP 220, what is the percentage allocation (percentage of gross area) for parks and playgrounds for 150 lots/ dwelling
units per hectare or less?
A. 1.5 C. 4.5
B. 3.5 D. 2.5

35. (Fire Code) Minimum door width for hospital nursing units?
A. 1.12 m C. 0.91 m
B. 1.22 m D. 1.02 m

36. As per BP 220, what is the minimum distance (in meters) between two buildings wherein the taller building has 3 or 4 storey?
A. 4 C. 7
B. 5 D. 6

37. (Fire Code) Exits shall be so arranged that the total length of travel from any point to reach an exit will not exceed _____
meters in any place of assembly for spaces not protected by approved, supervised sprinkler system.
A. 46 C. 45.8
B. 45 D. 48.5

38. (Fire Code) In housing projects, all reservoir or water tanks must provide ____ percent fire reserve over and above the
Average Daily Demand Supply (ADDS)
A. 20 C. 30
B. 40 D. 50

39. (Fire Code) Emergency lighting facilities shall be arranged to maintain the specified degree of illumination in the event of
failure of the normal lighting for a period of at least ____ hours
A. 3.0 C. 2.5
B. 1.5 D. 2.0

40. (Fire Code) Occupant load factor for a standing room or waiting space of a place of assembly. (Square meters per person)
A. 0.28 C. 0.82
B. 0.36 D. 0.48

41. Any physical change made on a building/structure to increase its value, utility and / or to improve its aesthetic quality?
A. Addition C. Renovation
B. Alteration D. Construction

42. As per PD 1096, what is the maximum distance of accessible parking area for the physically handicapped from facility being
A. 80 m C. 70 m
B. 90 m D. 60 m

43. The width of the arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street provided that in no case, shall an arcade be less
than _____ meters above the established sidewalk grade.
A. 2.70 C. 3.70
B. 3.20 D. 3.00

44. The umbrella agency for the national housing program of the government.

45. As per BP 344, ramps shall have a minimum clear width of ____ m.
A. 0.90 C. 1.50
B. 1.10 D. 1.20

46. A niche in a tomb or columbarium to accommodate an urn containing the ashes of a cremated body.
A. Vault C. Crematorium
B. Cinerarium D. Ossuary
47. If the building official has determined that the building/structure must be demolished, the Demolition Order shall require that
the building/structure be vacated within ____ days from the date of receipt of the order, that all required permits be secured
therefore within the same period from the date of the order, and that the demolition be completed within such reasonable time
as may be determined by the Building Official.
A. 15 C. 10
B. 20 D. 30

48. As per BP 344, what is the maximum distance between rest stops of turn- around spaces in walkways? (In meters)
A. 6 C. 5
B. 10 D. 12

49. Which is exempted from paying building permit fees?

A. Public markets C. Churches
B. Schools D. Museums

50. A dwelling on one lot containing separate living units for 3 or more families, usually provided with common access, services
and use of land?
A. Cluster housing C. Multi-family dwelling
B. Rowhouse D. Planned Unit Development

51. No obstruction should exist within the RROW / access streets servicing multiple housing of more that ____ units.
A. 75 C. 70
B. 65 D. 60

52. (Fire Code) Every exit shall have the word "EXIT" in plainly legible letters not less than ____ centimeters high with the
principal strokes of letters not less than ____ millimeters wide.
A. 15:17 C. 16:16
B. 14:18 D. 15:19

53. In case of sloping grade where the edges of the building footprint (AMBF) running perpendicular to the RROW has a
difference in elevation of less than ____ meters, the highest adjoining natural grade (ground surface) or finished grade
(sidewalk surface) shall be considered the established grade elevation.
A. 2 C. 3
B. 1 D. 4

54. (Fire Code) Where the total occupant load of all storeys served by the stair is fewer than 50, the minimum width clear of all
obstruction, shall be ____ millimeters.
A. 915 C. 812
B. 912 D. 922

55. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building/structure area and the inner edge of the sidewalk is
more than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a ____ meters fence is required.
A. 1.80 C. 1.50
B. 2.40 D. 3.00

56. As per BP 344, if water fountain is wall-mounted, the maximum height of the water fountain shall be ____ m. from the floor to
the rim
A. 0.90 C. 0.95
B. 0.80 D. 0.85

57. The vacant space left between the outermost face of the building/structure and the property line
A. Unpaved surface area C. Yard
B. Open space D. Setback

58. As per PD 1096, the parking requirements for mixed occupancies shall be the sum of ____ % of the dominant use and ____
% of each of the non-dominant use.
A. 50% : 100% C. 75% : 25%
B. 100% : 50% D. 25% : 75%

59. What is the minimum floor area for open market housing units as per PD 957? (In square meters)
A. 22 C. 54
B. 42 D. 30

60. The minimum number of accessible water closets on each floor level or on that part of a floor level accessible to the disabled
shall be ____, where the total number of water closets per set on that level is 20.
A. None C. Two
B. One D. Three

61. This is to be avoided in laying out streets

A. Dead ends C. Skew junctions
B. Winding roads D. Sloping roads

62. With standard seating, the spacing of rows of seats from back to back shall be not less than ____ millimeters.
A. 830 C. 820
B. 850 D. 840

63. The active principle of burning, characterized by the heat and light of combustion.
A. Ignition C. Flame
B. Fire D. Combustion

64. As per BP 220, in cases when the two sides of the building facing each other are blank walls, i.e. either there are no openings
or only minimal openings for comfort roos, the minimum distance between the building shall be ___ meters
A. 1.5 C. 3.0
B. 2.0 D. 2.5

65. A group of firefighters rendering firefighting activities in the premises of a public office
A. Government fire brigade C. Community fire brigade
B. Fire volunteer D. Fire marshall

66. The rise of every step in a stairway shall not exceed _____ millimeters and the run shall not be less than ____ millimeters.
A. 180 : 280 C. 200 : 200
B. 200 : 250 D. 180 : 300

67. What is the minimum doorway width under BP 344?

A. 0.90 m C. 1.00 m
B. 0.80 m D. 1.20 m

68. When the horizontal distance between the outermost face of the building/structure area and the inner edge of the sidewalk is
more than one-half (1/2) the height of the building, a ___ meters fence is required.
A. 1.80 m C. 1.50 m
B. 2.10 m D. 2.40 m

69. Railings where required, shall be built substantially strong and sturdy and shall not be less than ___ in height.
A. 1.10 meters C. 1.20 meters
B. 1.00 meter D. 0.90 meter

70. What is the minimum lot frontage of a regular lot for single-detached units as provided for in BP220?
A. 6 meters C. 8 meters
B. 4 meters D. 10 meters

71. Ground signs shall not exceed ___ meters in height above the street crown.
A. 7.00 C. 6.00
B. 4.00 D. 5.00
72. Who adopts the Land Use Plan after the HLURB approve it?
A. Office of the Mayor C. City/Municipal Planning Office
B. Sangguniang Panlunsod/Panlalawigan D. Office of the Building Official

73. A kind of open space defined under the Water Code and other laws that must be absolutely free of all forms of physical
obstructions that can negatively affect natural light and ventilation within such space or that can impede access to or the full
recreational use of such space by the general public.
A. Easement C. Right of way
B. Waterway D. Buffer

74. As per PD 1096, what is the maximum slope for the ramp joining the driveway to the sidewalk with a curb height of more than
A. 1/5 C. 1/3
B. 1/4 D. 1/8

75. As per PD 1096, what is the minimum width dimension of a court?

A. 3.00 C. 3.40
B. 2.40 D. 2.00

76. As per BP 344, if possible, gratings should never be located along walkways. When occurring along walkways, grating
openings shall not project more than ___ above the level of the walkway.
A. 2.5mm C. 8.5mm
B. 4.5mm D. 6.5mm

77. In case of two (2) adjacent buildings, adjacent signboards shall be placed at a distance of not less than___ meters from the
common boundary line.
A. 4.00 C. 3.00
B. 5.00 D. 2.00

78. Environmental Planning is the process of facilitating decision making to carry out land development with the consideration
given to the natural environment, social, political, economic and governance factors and provides a holistic framework to
achieve sustainable outcomes. What law does it apply?
A. RA 1308 C. RA 4110
B. RA 1364 D. RA 4374

79. It is an agency that assists the private developers to undertake low & middle income mass housing production.
A. NHA (National Housing Authority)
B. HLURB (Housing & Land Use Regulatory Board)
C. HIGC (Home Insurance & Guarantee Corporation)
D. NHC (National Housing Corporation)

80. The horizontal distance measured 90° from the outermost face of the building/structure to the property lines.
A. Yard C. Open space
B. Court D. Setback

81. Minimum horizontal clearance between the awning and the curb line. (in mm)
A. 200 C. 500
B. 400 D. 300

82. The distance between the street curb of the ingress/egress of a commercial lot/property (nearest the intersection) and the
straight curb of the intersection shall not be less than how many meters?
A. 150 C. 50
B. 100 D. 60

83. As per PD 1096, a wheelchair transfer area is required for every how many parking spaces in buildings/structures intended for
the use or occupancy of the handicapped?
A. 3 C. 6
B. 4 D. 2

84. A height clearance of not less than meters shall be provided below the lowest part of signs projecting over arcaded
A. 3.40 C. 5.30
B. 4.27 D. 5.00

85. Ladders leading to floors, stagings, or platforms shall extend at least mm above the level of such floors, stagings or
A. 600 C. 800
B. 900 D. 700

86. (Fire Code) Emergency rooms, operating rooms, intensive care units, delivery rooms and other similar facilities shall not be
located more than above or below the floor of exit discharge.
A. 3 storeys C. 1 storey
B. 2 storeys D. 4 storeys

87. What is the minimum ceiling height at the ground floor for a building with natural ventilation? ( in meters)
A. 2.10 C. 2.40
B. 2.70 D. 3.00

88. (Fire Code) The occupant load for which means of egress shall be provided for any floor shall be the maximum number of
persons intended to occupy that floor but not less than one (1) person for each square meters gross floor area for detention
and correctional occupancies.
A. 11.1 C. 11.2
B. 12.1 D. 12.2

89. A movable shelter supported entirely from an exterior wall of a building and of a type which can be retracted, folded, or
collapsed against the face of a supporting building.
A. Marquee C. Canopy
B. Awning D. Arcade structure

90. (Fire Code) The occupant load of educational buildings or any individual storey or section thereof for the purpose of
determining exits shall not be less than one person for each square meters of net area of shops, laboratories, and similar
vocational rooms.
A. 4.2 C. 4.8
B. 4.4 D. 4.6

91. As per BP 220, what is the minimum area for parks & playgrounds? ( In sqm)
A. 200 C. 50
B. 100 D. 150

92. (Fire Code) Exit access doors from hospital and nursing home sleeping rooms, diagnostic and treatment rooms or areas such
as X-ray, surgery and physical therapy, all doors between these spaces and the required exits, and all exit doors serving these
spaces shall be at least centimeters.
A. 122 C. 915
b. 717 D. 112

93. A standard truck or bus parking/loading slot must be computed at a minimum of

A. 3.5 x 14.0m C. 3.6 x 18.0m
B. 3.5 x 12.0m D. 3.6 x 12.0m

94. (Fire Code) What is the occupant load factor for a conference room?
A. 1.80 sqm/ person C. 1.70 sqm/ person
B. 1.40 sqm/ person D. 1.50 sqm/ person
95. A primary or main natural light and ventilation shaft (vertical) with a clear distance of at least ___meters shall be located at the
center of the building and shall traverse the entire combined height of the building above and below grade.
A. 1.80 C. 1.20
B. 3.00 D. 2.40

96. The minimum setback of dwelling unit both for economic and socialized housing project shall be ___meters at the rear.
A. 2.5 C. 1.5
B. 2.0 D. 3.0

97. Where the RROW is ___meters or less, no temporary walkway shall be allowed.
A. 6.00 C. 4.00
B. 3.00 D. 5.00

98. New physical development within a lot that is open for development, vacant, unutilized, development-committed or within other
lots that are similarly situated.
A. Rehabilitation C. Redevelopment
B. Retrofitting D. New development

99. Whenever the slope of the street does not exceed ___ the sidewalk grade shall follow the level or slope of the street.
A. 1/12 C. 1/16
B. 1/10 D. 1/14

100. (Fire Code) Liquids having a flash points below 37.8 °C

A. Corrosive Liquids C. Ignitable Liquids
B. Combustible Liquids D. Flammable Liquids

101. As per NBC, a building/structure which is located partly in one (1) fire zone and partly in another shall be considered to be in
the more highly restrictive fire zone, when more than ___ of its total floor area is located in such zone.
A. 2/3 C. 1/2
B. 1/3 D. ¼

102. Any qualified person, recognized by the BFP, engaged in, but not limited to, the design, construction, installation, repair and
maintenance, assessment, and rehabilitation of fire safety construction, suppression and control systems, protective and
warning systems and life safety related services, or employed as a safety officer of public and private
A. Fire marshall C. Fire Safety Enforcer
B. Fire safety practitioner D. Fire Safety Inspector

103. New free-standing and roof mounted off-premises signs or signboard structures along national and provincial roads shall have
a setback of ___at the front and ___ at the sides and rear.
A. 3.00m : 2.00m C. 5.00m : 3.00m
B. 3.00m : 3.00m D. 5.00m : 2.00m

104. No sign or sign structure shall project into any public alley below a height of 3.00 meter above established sidewalk grade, nor
project more than ___millimeters where the sign structure is located 3.00 meters to 4.50 meters above established sidewalk
A. 600 C. 400
B. 500 D. 300

105. Color for piping carrying steam.

A. Green C. Orange
B. Yellow D. Red

106. Footings for Group A Dwellings shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the load of the dwelling and shall be at least
___mm thick and 600mm below the surface of the ground.
A. 300 C. 200
B. 250 D. 350
107. (Fire Code) For places of assembly, the width of any exit access corridor serving 50 or more persons shall not be less than
A. 183 C. 112
B. 122 D. 146

108. Defined in the Fire Code as a vertical panel of non-combustible or fire resistive materials attached to and extending below the
bottom chord of the roof trusses to divide the underside of the roof into separate compartments so that heat and smoke will be
directed upwards to a roof vent.
A. Draft stop C. Curtain board
B. Fire stopper D. Fire damper

109. The total width of exits in meters shall not be less than the total occupant load served divided by ___. Such width of exits shall
be divided approximately equally among the separate exits.
A. 165 C. 155
B. 175 D. 185

110. Materials to be stored at or near construction sites shall be piled or stacked in an orderly manner to avoid toppling over or
being otherwise displaced. No materials shall be piled or stacked higher than __meters, except in yards or shed intended
especially for storage.
A. 3.00 C. 2.40
B. 1.80 D. 1.20

111. For buildings abutting on RROW/streets or alleys without sidewalk or provisions thereof, the signs/signboards shall not project
more than __from the outermost portion of the building/structure.
A. 1.00m C. 0.90m
B. 0.60m D. 1.20m

112. As per PD 1096, what is the minimum clear ceiling height for mezzanine floors above and below it?
A. 1.80 C. 1.90
B. 2.00 D. 2.10

113. The minimum road-right-of-way (RROW) width that services the lot on which the basement can be constructed should be at
least ___meters wide.
A. 14.00 C. 10.00
B. 9.00 D. 12.00

114. (Fire Code) For places of assembly, seats without dividing arms shall have their capacity determined by allowing
___centimeters per person.
A. 48 C. 52
B. 60 D. 45

115. As per BP 344, a level area of not less than how many meters shall be provided at the top and bottom of any ramp?
A. 1.80 C. 2.00
B. 1.60 D. 1.40

116. Combustible liquid is any liquid having a flash point at or above ____?
A. 36.5 °C C. 37.8 °C
B. 38.7 °C D. 35.6 °C

117. What the minimum floor area (in square meters) for economic housing units as provided for in BP 220?
A. 22 C. 18
B. 24 D. 26

118. For buildings abutting on RROW/streets or alleys without sidewalks or provisions thereof, the signs shall not project more than
__meter from the outermost portion of the building/structure.
A. 1.00 C. 0.60
B. 0.90 D. 0.30

119. A primary or main natural light and ventilation shaft (vertical) with a clear distance of at least ___meters shall be located at the
center of the building and shall traverse the entire combined height of the building above and below grade.
A. 1.80 C. 1.20
B. 2.40 D. 3.00

120. As per BP 220, the floor area authorized for non-residential use in multi-family dwellings, whether in the principal dwelling
structure or in any accessory building, shall not exceed ____% of the total residential area.
A. 25 C. 30
B. 20 D. 15

121. (Fire Code) Every aisle for places of assembly shall be not less than ____centimeters when serving seats on both sides.
A. 122 C. 121
B. 112 D. 110

122. (Fire Code) Escalator openings may be protected by this method, consisting of a combination of an automatic or smoke
detection system, automatic exhaust system and an automatic water.
A. Partial Enclosure Method C. Spray Nozzle Method
B. Fire Stopping Method D. Sprinkler Vent Method

123. As per BP 344, the comfortable clearance for knee and leg space under tables for wheelchair users in ___ m.
A. 0.75 C. 0.60
B. 0.70 D. 0.80

124. As per FC, the width of any means of egress shall not be less _____millimeters.
A. 1850 C. 1120
B. 715 D. 915

125. As per BP344, manual switches should be located no further than _______ m. from the latch side of the door.
A. 0.25 C. 0.20
B. 0.10 D. 0.15

126. (Fire Code) The occupant load of covered malls shall not be less than one person for each _____ square meters gross floor
A. 2.3 C. 2.6
B. 2.4 D. 2.8

127. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or because it lacks adequate exists or fire escapes.
A. Fire trap C. Hazardous building
B. Dangerous building D. Fire hazard

128. (Fire Code) Dwelling units in row apartments shall be separated from each other by partition walls having a fire resistance
rating of ___ hours. Such walls shall be constructed solidly and continuously from the ground to level one meter above the
ridge line of the roof.
A. 5 C. 4
B. 3 D. 2

129. Any visual or audible signal produced by a device or system to warm the occupants of the building or firefighting elements of
the presence or danger of fire to enable them to undertake immediate action to save life and property and to suppress the fire.
A. Fire alarm C. Emergency forces notification
B. Smoke detector D. Fire detector

130. Permit issued by the Building Official for activities being undertaken prior to or during the processing of the building permit.

A. Temporary permit C. Ancillary permit

B. Accessory permit D. Special permit
131. (Fire Code) Slide escapes, where permitted as required exists, shall be rated at one exit unit per slide, with rated travel
capacity of ___ persons per minute.
A. 40 C. 70
B. 60 D. 50

132. (Fire Code) The occupant load of mercantile buildings where part of the building used for mercantile purposes is at street floor
shall not be less than one person for each ____ square meters gross floor area.
A. 2.6 C. 2.8
B. 2.4 D. 2.2

133. Handrails shall be placed not less than ____ millimeters nor more than ____ millimeters above the nosing treads.
A. 700-800 C. 850-900
B. 800-900 D. 800-850

134. (Fire Code) Guards shall not be less than ____ centimeters high.
A. 106 C. 104
B. 102 D. 108

135. On non-arcaded RROW/streets, signs shall not extend more than ____ meters over the sidewalk and measured horizontally
from the wall line or building line.
A. 1.10 C. 1.40
B. 1.20 D. 1.00

136. (Fire Code) Fire extinguisher recommended for the protection of delicate electronic equipment.
A. Halogenated agent type C. Wet chemical type
B. Water based type D. Multi-purpose dry chemical type

137. The point of reference on the highest adjoining natural grade (ground surface), as established by the proper
government authority.
A. Sidewalk elevation C. Established grade elevation
B. Natural grade level D. Natural ground line

138. Under BP 220, minimum right of way width for minor road (in meters) ________
A. 6.5 C. 7.5
B. 4.5 D. 5.5

139. A passage hall or antechamber between the outer doors and the interior parts of a house or building.
A. Lobby C. Corridor
B. Vestibule D. Exit passageway

140. In order to aid visually impaired persons to readily determine whether a washroom is for men or for women, the signage for
men’s washroom shall be an equilateral triangle with vertex pointing upward, and those for women shall be a circle; the edges
of the triangle should be ____m. long as should be the diameter of the circle.
A. 0.20 C. 0.40
B. 0.10 D. 0.30

141. Outdoor display signs placed against the front exterior surface of the buildings shall not extend more than ____ millimeters
from the wall with its lowest portion not less than 3.00 meters above the sidewalk.
A. 400 C. 600
B. 300 D. 500

142. Piping carrying propane, butane and other gas which are heavier than air shall have what pipe color?
A. Yellow C. Red
B. Orange D. Green
143. For Basic R-2 and Basic R-3 uses or occupancies (for single family dwelling units only), up to ___% of the front yard abutting
the RROW may be paved/hardscaped, i.e., converted into a courtyard for carport use.
A. 40 C. 50
B. 20 D. 30

144. A rocket or liquid propellant which consists of combinations of fuels and oxidizers which ignite spontaneously on contact with
each other.
A. Combustible liquid C. Hypergolic fuel
B. Cryogenic D. Corrosive liquid

145. (Fire Code) When two exits or exit access doors are required, they shall be located at a distance from one another not less
than ____ of the length of the maximum over-all diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served, measured in a
straight line between the nearest edge of the exit doors or exit access doors.
A. 1/3 C. 1 /2
B. 1/5 D. 1 /4

146. (Fire Code) Corridors for hotels and dormitories, other than those in within individual guest rooms or individual guest suites,
shall be of sufficient width to accommodate the required occupant load and shall not be less than ____ centimeters.
A. 110 C. 183
B. 165 D. 112

147. (Fire Code) The number of revolving doors used as exit doors shall not exceed the number of swinging doors used as exit
doors within ____ meters except when revolving doors may serve as exits without adjacent swinging doors for street floor
elevator lobbies, if no stairways or doors from other parts of the building discharge through the lobby, and the lobby has no
occupancy other than as a means of travel between elevators and street.
A. 6.0 C. 3.1
B. 3.0 D. 6.1

148. (Fire Code) For places of assembly, the spacing of rows of seats from back to back shall be not less than ____ cm.
A. 83 C. 84
B. 85 D. 86

149. (Fire Code) For mercantile occupancies, in no case shall aisle be less than ____ centimeters in clear width.
A. 90 C. 80
B. 100 D. 112

150. A height clearance of not less than ____ meters measured from the finished road surface shall be provided below the lowest
part of such signs projecting over sidewalks on buildings without arcades and a clearance of not less than ____ meters shall
be provided below the lowest part of such signs projecting over arcaded RROW/streets.
A. 2.40 ; 6.00 C. 3.00 ; 5.00
B. 2.40 ; 5.00 D. 3.00; 6.00

151. A court bounded on two opposite sides by building lines with the other opposite sides bounded by other open spaces whether
public or private.
A. Inner court C. Courtyard
B. Open court D. Through court

152. As per BP220, rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free area of openings equal to at least
___% of the floor area of the room.
A. 20 C. 30
B. 40 D. 10

153. A person who voluntarily enters into firefighting service through a Fire Volunteer Organization (FVO) and undergoes the same
discipline as that of BFP firefighters.
A. Fire Marshall C. Fire volunteer
B. Fire brigade D. Fire safety practitioner
154. Portions of a building/structure included between the uppermost surface of any floor and the uppermost surface of the next
floor above or below it.
A. Storey C. Elevation
B. Building height D. Floor to floor height

155. As per PD 1096, what is the range of slope of the entry ramp of the driveway connecting the roadway surface to the sidewalk
A. 1/3 to 1 /4 C. 1/2 to 1/3
B. 1/3 to 1/5 D. 1/2 to 1 /4

156. (Fire Code) For both mechanical ventilation and pressurized stair enclosure systems, the activation of the systems shall be
initiated by a smoke detector installed in an approved location within ___ meters of the entrance to the smoke proof enclosure.
A. 4 C. 3
B. 5 D. 2

157. As per BP220, the firewall shall extend horizontally up to a minimum distance of ___ meter beyond the outermost edge of the
abutting living units.
A. 0.30 C. 0.40
B. 0.50 D. 0.60

158. (Fire Code) Automatic fire department notification through central station accredited by the BFP shall be mandatory except
this type of occupancy.
A. 3-storey apartment C. Malls
B. Hospitals D. High rise buildings

159. A permanent roofed structure above a door attached to and supported by the building and projecting over a wall or sidewalk.
A. Canopy C. Arcade structure
B. Covered sidewalk D. Awning

160. As per BP 344, the comfortable reach of persons confined to wheelchair is from ___ m to ___ m above the floor.
A. 0.70 m to 1.20 m C. 0.50 m to 1.30 m
B. 0.60 m to 1.40 m D. 0.80 m to 1.10 m

161. Fences shall entirely enclose the construction/demolition site and shall be erected on the building side of sidewalks or
walkways shall be made of approved materials, not less than ___ meters in height above the curb line.
A. 1.20 C. 1.80
B. 2.40 D. 3.00

162. (Fide Code) A ramp shall be permitted as component in a means of egress with a maximum slope of ___.
A. 1:48 C. 1.10
B. 1.12 D. 1.20

163. The minimum distance of new signs or signboard structures shall be ___ apart.
A. 40 meters C. 100 meters
B. 4 meters D. 20 meters

164. As per BP 220, stairs shall have a minimum tread of ____ millimeters.
a. A. 250 C. 200
b. B. 280 D. 275

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