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* ARCHITECTURE LICENSURE EXAMINATION THE STUDIO MASTER RUNDDY D. RAMILO Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, UTM Master of Science in Construction Management, UE Bachelor of Science in Architecture, (Scholar) NU Registered and Licensed Architect (Phils) Intemational Hospitality Design Consultant Review Director, ArcStudio Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture Review Specialist, Architecture Licensure Examination Review Specialist, Interior Design Licensure Examination Doctorate Researcher, National University of Singapore (2008-2009) Doctorate Researcher, Deakin University Australia (2009-2011) Professorial Lecturer for Master of Architecture, U of San Carlos. Former Lecturer, Adamson University Former Lecturer, Far Eastern University Former Lecturer, National University Managing Director, international Design Associales Former Associate, AEDAS Singapore Convention Speaker, UAP National Convention (2010) Congress Speaker, UAPSA Congress (2013) Convention Speaker, UAP Area C1 National Architecture Week (2009) Chartered President, United Architects of the Philippines-Singapore Member, American Institute of Architects Intemational Member, Singapore Institute of Architects Member, Interior Design Confederation of Singapore ‘international Referred Journal and Scientific Papers Published Intemational Journal of Architectural Computing Computer Aided Design, Elsevier Arab Society of Computer Aided Architectural Design Frontiers of Architectural Research, Elsevier International Journal of Information ‘Technology and Business Management Intemational Journal of Engineering Research of Science and Technology DISCLAIMER This book is a compilation of materials, information, pictures, journals, books, magazines, interet, and other sources of publications for the Purpose of further studying architecture for licensure examination. ArcStudio, its offices, members and lecturers assumes no liability whatsoever and do not claim any express or implied authorship, patents relating fo all contents found herein. Some contents herein may be claim by the rightful owners. This material should be read with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically analyzed. Errors and or corrections should be immediately reported to ArcStudio. TABLE OF CONTENTS Professional Practice & Building Laws. History of Architecture. Theory of Architecture Urban Planning, Building Technology Structural Conceptualization Building Utilities, Architectural Design and Site Planning 134 310 3m 438 627 701 845, PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND BUILDING LAWS RA 9266 - ARCHITECTURE ACT OF 2004 ‘A. DEFINITION OF ARCHITECT Professionally and academically qualified, registered and licensed person who is responsible for advocating the fair and sustainable development, welfare and cultural expression of society's habitat in terms of space, forms and historical context 1. ‘ARCHITECT-OF-RECORD” ~- responsible for the total design of the project and who shall assume the civil ability for the plans, specifications and contract documents he/she has signed and sealed 2. “ARCHITECT-IN-CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION” - responsible and liable for the construction supervision of the project. 3. “CONSULTING ARCHITECT" ~ with exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architecture: B. GENERAL PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE * Planning and architectural designing ‘* Structural Conceptualization * Specifying, supervising and giving general administration and responsible direction to construction of buildings and building environments * Coordination ofall the processes which enter into the production of @ complete building or structure * Preliminary studies of plans, consultations, specifications, conferences, evaluations, investigations, contract documents and oral advice and directions C. SCOPE OF PRACTICE OF ARCHITECTURE (REFER TO SPP DOCUMENTS ~ ARCHITECT'S NATIONAL CODE) D. PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD OF ARCHITECTURE (PRBOA) 41. Composition -Composed of a chairman and two (2) members appointed by the President of the Philippines with three (3) years term of office 2. Qualifications a. Philippine citizen and resident b. BS Architecture graduate (CHED recognized) ©. Active practitioner of architecture for atleast ten (10) years 4. Not a faculty member of any educational facil where architecture is taught . Never been convicted {Not an elective officer of |APOA and other Professional Organization of Architects 2 3. Powers and Functions a. Prescribe and adopt the “IRR of RA 9266" b. Supervise the registration, licensure and practice of architects ¢. Administer oaths of RA 9266 4, Issue, suspend, revoke, or reinstate the Certificate e. Adopt an offcial seal of the Board {. Monitor the conditions affecting the practice of architecture and adopt such measures for the enhancement and maintenance of high professional, ethical and technical standards of the profession. 9. Prescribe and/or adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct and standards of Professional Practice. h, Hear and decide administrative cases involving violations of R.A. No. 9266, the “IRR of the Architecture Act of 2004”, the Code of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Professional Practice, Prescribe guidelines for the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) j. Prepare, adopt, issue or amend the syllabi of the subjects for examinations k. Approve, issue, limit or cancel temporary or special permit to practice architecture \. Ensure that all higher educational instruction and otferings of architecture comply with the policies, standards and requirements of the course prescribed by the CHED in the areas of curriculum, faculty, library and facilities 1m, To adopt a program for the full computerization of the licensure examination 1. Discharge such other duties and functions as may be deemed necessary forthe enhancement of the architecture profession and the upgrading, development and growth of the architecture education 4, Annual Report -- The PRBoA shall submit annual report to the commission ofits proceedings during the year E, ARCHITECTURE LICENSURE EXAMINATION 1. Qualifications a. Filipino citizen or a citizen of a foreign country qualified to take the examination b, Good moral character; c. BS Architecture graduate with specific record of at least two (2) years or equivalent hours of diversified architectural experience duly certified by a registeredficensed architect 4. Not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude. 3 €. The following documents shall be submitted in support of the above requirements: ‘* Birth Cerificate (NSO) with Security Paper * Marriage Contract in NSO Security Paper for married female applicants * College Diploma with indication therein of date of graduation and Special Order Number unless it is not required * Transcript of Records with indication therein of date of graduation and Special Order Number unless itis not required Accomplished Diversified Training (OT Form 001) ‘Accomplished Diversified Training (OT Form 002) Achitect-Mentor Afidavit Photocopy of Architect-Mentor's valid PRC ID, * Professional Tax Receipt and |APOA number % NBI Clearance (6 months) Other documents the Board may require. 2. Subjects a, Day One — Part One (30%) © History of Architecture + Theory of Architecture © Architectural Practice * Theory and Principles of Planning , Day One — Part Two (30%) © Structural Design * Building Materials and Methods of Construction * Utilities . Day Two - Urban Design, Architectural Interiors, * Architectural Design and Site Planning (40%) 3. Rating ~ Weighted general average of seventy percent (70%), with no grade lower than fity percent (50% in any given subjects. 4. Oath, Certificate of Registration and PRC ID a b °. Al ALE passers are required to take an oath of profession prior to entering upon the practice of profession PRC ID is valid for three (3) years Cerificate of Registration, PRC ID and PTR number shall be indicated on the documents he/she signs, uses or issues Validty of COR and PRC ID may be suspended or revoked fortwo (2) years if found guilty of any Violation in the profession. F, CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) a, To promote public interest and to safeguard life, health and property, all practicing architects shall maintain a program of continuing professional development b. IAPOA shall have the responsibility of developing a continuing professional development program for architects. ¢. Aprogram of CPD shall be maintained through an overall CPD program for architects d. Developed by the United Architects of the Philippines, Inc. G. OTHERS 4. Definition of Terms in IRR of RA 9266 (44 Terminologies) 2. Acronyms and Laws 3. Government Agencies involved 4, Prohibition in Practice and its corresponding fine 5, Difference of Sole Proprietorship, Firm, Corporation or 4, Association 6. Reciprocity ‘SPP DOCUMENTS ~ ARCHITECT'S NATIONAL CODE STANDARDS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE - CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT ‘An architect acts as professional adviser to his/her Client and his/her advice must be unprejudiced ‘An architect also acts as the middle man between Client and Contractor and must act with entire impartiality ‘An architect has moral responsibilities to his/her professional associates and subordinates, to hisiher contractor, to hisiher manufacturers, dealers and suppliers, and to che public These duties and responsibilities cannot be property discharged unless his/her motives, conduct, sense of moral values, sensitivity, and ability are such as to command respect and confidence. ‘A. RESPONSIBILITIES TO PUBLIC 4, Respect and conserve the natural, historic and cultural heritage of the commurity 2. Promote the interest of professional organization and share technical information with other design professions and the construction industry. 3, Abides by and observe the laws and regulations. 4. Shall not use paid advertisements nor misleading publicity. 5. Shall not solicit in histher name, advertisements or other support towards the cost of any publication presenting histher work 6. Shall not deceive the public as to his/her professional competence, nor claim any professional specialization unless supported by academic qualification 7. May exhibit hisier professional shingle outside his/her office in a modest manner. B. RESPONSIBILITIES TO CLIENT 41. Shall introduce the services heishe is able to perform 2, Shall explain the exact nature and scope of his/her services and properly inform the Client of the corresponding professional fees. 3. Shall advise against proceeding with any project whose practicability may be questionable due to financial or legal important andlor exigent conditions. 4. Shall explain the conditional character of estimates. 5. Shall consider the needs and stipulation of his/her Client and the effects of his/her work upon the life and well-being of the public and the community as a who 6. Shall bill based upon the Basic Minimum Fee prescribed under the "Standards of Professional Practice.” 7. Shall undertake the construction of a project even when the plans were prepared by him/her. 8. Shall be compensated for his/her services solely through his/her professional fee billed directly to the Client 9. Shall be free in his/her investments and business relations outside of his/her profession {rom any financial or personal interests. 10. Shall include in his/her agreement with the Client a clause providing for negotiation, mediation/conciliation andlor arbitration as altemative methods forthe settlement of disputes. 11. Shall cary out his/her professional work without undue delay and within an agreed reason able time limit. 12. Shall keep the Client informed at al times of the progress ofthe projec. C. RESPONSIBILITIES TO CONTRACTOR 1. Shall give the Contractor clear, definite, and consistent information in all pertinent contract documents, 2. Shall not knowingly call upon the Contractor to correct or remedy oversights or errors in the Contract Document to the Contractor's or the Owner's financial disadvantage. 3. Shall reject or condemn material, equipment, or workmanship which is not in conformity with the Contract Documents. 4. Shall reject any offer of free professional engineering or allied design servcels, or receive any substantial ad, gifts, commissions, or favors from any Contractor or Subcontractor. 5. Shall promptly inspect each phase of the work completed and if found according lo the terms ‘of the Contract Documents, issue the corresponding Certificates of Payment and the Final Certificate of Completion, respectively, to the Contractor. D. RESPONSIBILITIES TO MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS AND AGENTS 1. Shall not solict free professional services when these are accompanied by an obligation detrimental tothe best interest of the Client 2. Shall not seek commissions, discounts, fees, gifts, or favors from agents or firs handling building materials or equipment which may place him/her in a reciprocal frame of mind. E. RELATION TO COLLEAGUES AND SUBORDINATES 1 2. 3, 10, 1, 12 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20. 2 23, |. Shall not render professional services without a professional service agreement. Shall abide by the Basic Minimum Fee prescribed under the "Standards of Professional Practice’. Shall not enter as competitor in any Architectural Competition when he/she has direct involvement in the formulation ofthe Program. Shall not solicit any project already known to hinvher as previously committed to another Architect, Shall not undertake a commission for which he/she knows that another Architect has been previously employed unless helshe notifies me other Architect of the fact in writing Shall not undertake a commission for additions, rehabilitation, or remodeling of any erected structure undertaken previously by another Architect without duly notifying him of the contemplated project even when the ClientOwner is no longer the same. Shall refrain from associating himself/herself withthe use of histher name by any enterprise that may negatively affect himseltherseif or the architectural profession Shall not affix his/her signature and seal to any plans or professional documents prepared by other persons or entities and not done under his/her direct personal supervision. Shall provide employees and subordinates with 2 suitable work environment, compensate them fairly, and facilitate their professional advancement. Shall tutor and mentor the young aspirants towards the ideals, functions, duties, and responsibilities leading to the ethical practice of the architectural profession, Shall unselfishly give his/her share in the transfer of technical knowledge and experience. Shall unselfishly give his/her time and effort to the advancement of the profession thru his/her active and personal commitment and involvement with IAPOA. Shall ensure that the conduct of his/her professional practice abides by appropriate and effective internal procedures, Shall neither appropriate the intellectual property of, nor unduly take advantage of the ideas of another architect without express authority from the originating architect Shall build his/her professional reputation on the merits of his/her own service and performance and shall strive to continuously update histher professional know-how. Shall not quote a fee without first receiving an offical invitation for him/her to do so Shall not undertake professional work unless the parties shall have clearly agreed in writing to the terms. Shall continue to raise the standards of aesthetic excellence, functional logic, architectural education, research, training, and practice Shall promote the allied arts and contribute to the knowledge and capability ofthe construction industry. If helshe possesses substantial information which leads to a reasonable belie that another Architect has committed a violation ofthis Code, shal file a formal complaint with the designated body If he/she is leaving his/her Architect-Employer shall not, without the permission of the latter, take with him/her designs, drawings, data, or other relevant materials even if personally performed by him/her. Shall not discriminate on grounds of race, national origin, age, gender, marital status, religion, or any disability which would hinder the performance of hishher professional work ‘SPP DOCUMENT ~ SELECTION OF THE ARCHITECT A. DIRECT SELECTION 1. Reputation 2. Personal Acquaintance (Connections) 3. Recommendations B. COMPARATIVE SELECTION 4. Invitation 2. Pre-qualification 3. Interview 4. Verification 5. Evaluation and Ranking 6. Negotiation C. DESIGN COMPETITIONS ‘SPP DOCUMENT ~ METHODS OF COMPENSATION ‘A. PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST Usually, the Minimum Basic Fee is used for this type of compensation B. MULTIPLE DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSES Applicable to non-creative work onsultant's rate / hour echnical staff's rate / hour R= Reimbursable expenses Direct Cost = AN+ CN+ TN Fee = Direct Cost x Multiplier TOTAL COST = Fee +R C. PROFESSIONAL FEE plus EXPENSES D. LUMP SUM or FIXED FEE E. PER DIEM plus REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 1. Attend Board Meetings or Conferences 2. Ocular inspections F, MIXED METHOD COMPENSATION SPP DOCUMENT 201 ~ PRE-DESIGN SERVICES NON CREATIVE - no design and construction 41. Consultation 2, Pre-Feasiblty Studies and Feasibility Studies 3, Site Selection and Analysis 4, Site Utilization and Land-use Studies 5. Architectural Research 6. Architectural Programming 7. Space Planning 8. Space Management Studies 9. Value Management 10. Design Brief Preparation 11. Promotional Services SPP DOCUMENT 202 - REGULAR DESIGN SERVICES A. Project Definition Phase 1, Consults for concepts and related requirements 2. Gathers information 3. Reviews owner's space requirements 4. Prepares initial statement of Probable Construction Cost B, Schematic Design Phase 1. Evaluates Owner's program, schedule, budget and project deliveries 2. Prepares schematic design and perspectives 3. Submits Probable Construction Cost C. Design Development Phase 1. Prepares DD documents / drawings ~ plans, elevations, sections 2. Outline specication 3. Construction system 4. Submits further statement of Probable Construction Cost D. Contract Document Phase 1. Prepares and furnishes seven (7) sets ofall contract documents a. Construction drawings b. Specifications ¢. General Conditions 2. Informs owner of any adjustments in Probable Construction Cost 3. Assists the owner in fing the required documents for permits E. Bidding and Negotiation Phase 1. Prepares Bid Documents 2. Assists the Owner in establishing list of Contractors F. Construction Phase 41. Makes decision on all claims relating to execution of work 2, Prepares change orders, gives written guarantees 3, Makes periodic visit to site 4. Issues certificates to contractor PAYMENT SCHEDULE The new schedule of payment is not yet approved, however the SPP 2010 stated that the cent should pay the architect 90% of MBF once the drawings and specification is already done. 10 ‘A. PROJECT CLASSIFICATION AND MINIMUM BASIC FEE GROUP DEFINITION MINIMUM BASIC FEE GROUP DEFINITION MINIMUM BASIC FEE imple (Hangars) ‘Without partitions | PSOM & less 6% M-oderate (Art Galleries) | With partitions PSOM & less 7% E-xceptional (Aquariums) | Requires Consultants | P50M & less 8% R-esidences ‘Single Detached or Duplex 10% of Proj. Const. Cost ‘M-onumental Buildings (Expositions, Mausoleums, Memorials) Requires Concepts 12% of Proj. Const. Cost R-epetitive Buildings Construction of Similar Structures 1” Structure — MBF 2 Structure ~ 80% of BF Structure ~ 60% of BF Succeeding ~ 40% of BF Construction of several residential units 2 Unit = 10% MBF =A 2to 10 Units = A+ (60% of MBF xN) = 8. 11 and above = B + (30% of MBF x N) ; where N= no. of units E-xtensive Detailing Design of detailed Parts of appurtenances, special fittings, etc. 115% of Proj. Const. Cost ‘A-iterations and ‘Structures belonging MBF + 50% of MBF witness Additions to Groups 1 to 5 ‘Consutations and Technical matters, | P200, P500 Arbitration service as an expert 1" ‘SPP DOCUMENT 203 - SPECIALIZED ALLIED SERVICES 1. Architectural interiors (Al) 2. Acoustic Design 3. Architectural Lighting Layout and Design 4, Site Development Planning (SDP) 5, Site and Physical Planning Services 6. Comprehensive Development Planning 7. Historic and Cultural Heritage Conservation and Planning 8. Security Evaluation and Planning 8. Building Systems and Design 10. Faxilties Maintenance Support 11. Building Testing and Commissioning 412, Building Environmental Certtication 13. Forensic Architecture 414. Building Appraisal 16, Structural Conceptualization 16. Preliminary Services 17. Contract Documentation and Review 18. Post-Design Services 19. Dispute Avoidance and Resolution 20. Architectural Research Methods 21. Special Building / Facility Planning and Design 22. Building Components 23, Management of Architectural ‘SPP DOCUMENT 204A ~ FULLTIME SUPERVISION SERVICES 1. Quality Control 2. Evaluation and Construction Work 3. Keeping of Records, Reports and Contract Documents 4. Conduct regular coordination and inspection 5, Accompany all representatives / inspectors during inspection ‘SPP DOCUMENT 2048 ~ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 1. Coordination and Supervision 2. Cost and Time Control 3. Quality Control of Work 4. Keeping of Records ‘SPP DOCUMENT 205 - POST-CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ‘A. BUILDINGMAINTENANCE 1, Maintenance of building systems 2. Formulates and enforces rules for proper use of building and its facilities 3. Monitor security services 4, Mainienance and upkeep services B. GROUNDS and LANDSCAPING ADMINISTRATION 12 4. Supervise landscape contractors and gardeners 2. Maintain orderly entrances, exits and parking areas 3. Maintain streets, walkways and ramps C. BUILDING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4. Assists that all equipment are properly maintained and in good working condition D, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT and MANAGEMENT 1. Innovate schemes to maximize building occupancy 2. Bll tenants for rentals and utilities E. POST-CONSTRUCTION EVALUATION 1, Evaluate use of Faciliy 2, Determine effectiveness of building systems and materials 3. Functionaity ofthe building plans 4, Study of functionality and effectiveness of the design ‘SPP DOCUMENT 206 - COMPREHENSIVE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ‘A. COMPREHENSIVE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES 1. Range of professional services that covers Pre-design, Design, Specialized Allied, Construction and Post Construction Services 2. Plan, program and monitor the project from beginning to end B, PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1, Management of activities over and above the normal architectural and engineering services from pre-design to construction phase 2, Objective is to have control overtime, cost and quality ‘SPP DOCUMENT 207 - DESIGN-BUILD SERVICES ‘A. DESIGN-BUILD BY ADMINISTRATION 1. Projectis constructed under the direct and sole responsibilty ofthe Architect, 2. Allcosts of labor and materials are paid directly by the client 3. The estimate may be guaranteed only on a range of ten percent (10%) plus or minus the estimate 4, Architect appoints staff / personnel required and salaries are paid by client 5. Cost ofall permits and licenses are paid by client 6, Professional Fee of the architect is seven percent (7%) ofthe Project Construction Cost IN ADDITION to the Architect's Fee for the Regular Design Services B. DESIGN-BUILD ON GUARANTEED MAXIMUM COST 4. Same services as by administration 2, Payment is by Lump Sum 3, Architect does not advance any amount to buy materials or pay labor 3 4. Savings on the cost is divided equally between the client and architect 5. If guaranteed maximum cost is exceeded by not more than ten percent (10%), itis divided equally between the client and architect 6. Architect pays forall ofthe excess ofthe ten percent (10%) of maximum cost 7. Professional fee is either ten percent (10%) ofthe Project Construction Cost or is already incorporated in the Guaranteed Maximum Cost SPP DOCUMENT 208 - PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL CONSULTING SERVICES (PACS) ‘A. RATIONALE 1, To strengthen and enhance the participation of Filipino Professionals in national development and to protect their rights in accordance to existing laws 2. To maximize and enforce the full utilization of the services of Filipino Professional Consultant (FPC) which can minimize the importation of foreign expertise B. SCOPE 1. Program | project conceptualization 2. Rendering of technical advice, consultation or counseling 3. Preparation of schematic-level 4, Teaching, lecturing, coaching and mentoring 5. Research and development 8. Documentation 7. Pre-investment studies 8. Marketing and promotional studies 9. Land-use and development planning 10. Site selection and analysis 11. Construction 12, Project / Construction management or administration 13. Post-construction evaluation 14. Monitoring and evaluation 18. Training, capability building and CPE 16, Capital Investment Planning C. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Registered and licensed Philippine-cilizen Architect 2. If as a firm’ corporation! sole proprietorship, etc ~ must possess a valid Certificat to operate as a registered architectural firm 3. Must have minimum years of active and relevant professional training a experience 4. Endorsed and certified by the IAPOA 5. Has never been convicted SPP DOCUMENT 301 - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF A CONTRACT |testablishes the relationship between: Owner-Architect, Owner- Contractor(s), and Contractor- Architect. It stipulates the norms by which the contractor shall perform his work in accordance with the current trends in the practice of Architecture. 4 ‘SECTION 4. DEFINITION AND DOCUMENTS Drawings and Specifications a. As-built b. Detaled Drawings «. Shop Drawings 4, Working Drawings 9 SETS OF BLUEPRINTS “7 copies are free of charge and the succeeding copies are payable. 1 set - office ofthe building offical 1 set - contractor 1 set - owner 1 set - fre department 1 set - homeowner association 1 set - security of homeowner association 1 set- site | Only the architect can use the copy at the site. 1 May cause “termination” of the contractor in case of lost or mishandled. aWel-kept at the site (Protected by electrical tape, binded by wood and ‘screw and supported by acetate cover Contlicts on drawings and specifications or text Specifications or text will prevail AIF not stated on drawings and specification, the contracter has the right to do it in the most expensive manner, still the materials have to be approved by the architect. ‘SECTION 2. LAWS, REGULATIONS, SITE CONDITIONS, PERMITS AND TAXES 1, Laws 2. Regulations 3, Site Conditions 4, Permits Contractor shall be solely responsible for all necessary permits and licenses 5, Taxes 6. Insurance a. Life insurance b. Property insurance 7. Survey + actual verification of size of the lots at the cost ofthe owner ~re-survey when problem occur but at his own expense 8 ‘SECTION 3, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 1. EQUIPMENT ~ written on quotation submitted by the contractor must comply with actual usage 2. MATERIALS ~ should foliow what is written on specifications SECTION 4. PREMISES AND TEMPORARY FACILITIES Temporary Facilities 1. Warehouse 2. Bankhouse or barracks 3. Office for the design and construction team 4. Utilities 5. Access 6. Trial usage 7. Enclosures 8, Signages ~“faling debris” = “park at your own risk” SECTION 6. LABOR, WORK AND PAYMENTS A. LABOR 1. Quantity ~ Number of workers, decrease the workers when construction is almost finish 2. Quality ~ proper work designation such as painter, carpenter, steel man, etc 8. WORK Based on specifications and plans ~ include ‘iquidated damages’ which means delayed construction to be deducted to the fee. a, Working days ~ Monday to Friday ». Calendar days ~ number of days including Saturday, Sunday and holidays C. PAYMENT No payment shall be made without the approval of the architect, Notes: + Duration starts counting 7 days after the acceptance of NTP * ‘notice to proceed’. * Within 7 days: mobilization and materials were prepared * Immediately means § days + s:curve - allowable deficiency is 10% 16 CONTRACTOR 1. Certificate of completion (partial) 2. Request for Inspection 3.Biling 4. Certificate of Non-Financial When accepted and approved, the architect furnish certificates to the owner: 1. Certificate of acceptance 2. Certificate of payment Notes: Contractor may not be paid til 90 days before he go to court ‘© Substantial completion (98%): the contractor may e paid 100% SECTION 8. SUSPENSION OF WORK People who can suspend work: owner and contractor ‘A. OWNER 4, Bankruptcy — deciared by BIR 2. Insubordination — not following orders 3, Non payment B. CONTRACTOR 41, Government stoppage of work 2. Non action of request a, drawings b. materials ¢. inspection 3, Non payment of workers or materials RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIABILITIES OF CONTRACTOR AND OWNER ‘A. CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE AND BONDS. 4. Liability Insurance 2.Fire Insurance 3, Performance Bond and Payment Bond a. Prior to signing ofthe contract, 15% of the Contractual amount b. Will be released after the expiration of two (2) months from the final acceptance of the work and only after the contractor furnished the owner a Guarantee Bond 4, Guarantee Bond 2. 30% of the Total Contract Cost b. Period of one (1) year commencing from the date of acceptance as a guarantee that all materials and workmanship installed under contract are of good qualiy 7 NOTES INVOLVING NUMBERS: 5 days ~ means immediately 7 days —NTP ‘notice to proceed’ 10 days - request for materials and drawings ~ notice (stop, begin or resume) 15 days - money matters (request for inspection, payments, salary and wages) 30 days - arbitration 90 days — government stoppage 120 days — Building Permit (stoppage) 365 days - Building Permit (without construction) ~3 consecutive board examination failures, — guaranteed bond ~ reinstatement 3 years ~ renewal of license 15 years — liability of architect to his project SUMMARY OF BP 344 -- ACCESSIBILITY LAW DISABLED PERSONS 1. confinement to wheelchair 2. difficulty in walking 3. total impairment of hearing or sight 4. impairment due to aging 5, mental impairment WHEELCHAIR Length 1.10 to 1.30 meters Width 0.60 to 0.75 meters Turning space 1.50 meters Reach 0.70 to 1.20 meters above floor Clear space under table 0.75 meters 18 PARKING SLOTS Width 3.70 with1.20 walkway 50 to 100 slots 1 slot SEATING PROVISIONS IN PLACES OF ASSEMBLY 4-50 persons 2seats 51-300 persons 4 seats 301-500 persons 6 seats Increase of 100 +1 seat PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION regular buses 5 seats frst class/ aircon 4 seats passenger airplane 4 seats passenger train 6 seats jeepney 2seats ships 20 mins before embarkation ‘thr after arrival DROPPED CURB Width 0.90 m min Gradient 1172 max Cross gradient 41:20 max- to avoid water Lowest portion 0.025 m max CURB CUT-OUTS Width 0.90 m min Gradient 4:12 max WALKWAYS Width 4.20.m min Gradient 1:20 oF 5% max 19 Cross gradient 1:100 Lengthy walkways width of 1.50m x 1.90m rest stop max dist 12.00 m HANDRAIL IN STAIRS, RAMPS & DROPPED CURBS Height 0.70 - 0.90 m above steps or ramps 1,00 to 1.06 m at great heights Extension of railing 030m RAMPS Clear width 4.20m Gradient 112 Length 6.00 m max Landings 41.50 min Level area top & bottom 1.80 m min SIGNS ON DOORS & WALLS Height 1.40- 1.60.m Emboss 1.0mm Doors Width 0.80 m min Clear level space 1.50 mor 1.20 m Door knobs 0.82m-1.06m 0.90 m prefered CORRIDORS 4.20m min SWITCHES From edge of door 0.20 m Height 1.20 m - 1.30 m WASHROOMS & STORAGE Stall 1.70mx 1.80 m Tuming space 4.50 m No of water closets for disabled 1:20 +1 if greater than 20 Height of water closet 0.45 m Flush 4.20m Max height of lavatories 0.80 m Knee recess height 0.60 m-0.70m depth 050m Handrail 0.80 m Urinal height 0.48 m Tumabouts 1.50 mx 1.50 m 20 ELEVATORS Distance from entrance 30.00 m max Min dimension (Car) 4.10 mx 1.40. m Button heights 0.90 m- 1.20m UAP DOCUMENT 301: GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS CONTRACT DOCUMENTS — consists ofthe following 1. Agreement 2. General conditions 3. Special provisions 4. Specifications 5. Drawings ‘OWNER - person ordering the project for execution ARCHITECT — commissioned by the owner ENGINEER - person so named in he contract document PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE - full ime construction inspector hired by owner assisting in the supervision ofthe work CONTRACTOR - person or frm whose proposal has been accepted & contract awarded SUB-CONTRACTOR - having direct contact with contractor, acts in behalf of the contractor in executing any part of the contract SURETY ~ person, firm, or corporation providing guarantee for contractor's bonds PROPOSAL - offer of a bidder PROPOSAL BOND - cashier's check or surety bond with the proposal submitted by the bidder to guarantee that the bidder will enter into the contract. PERFORMANCE BOND - (15%) approved form of security furnished by the contractor as a {uarantee to execute workin accordance with terms of the contract. PAYMENT BOND - (15%) approved form of security furnished by the contractor as guarantee to pay all obligations arising from the contract GUARANTEE BOND - (15%) approved form of securiy furnished by the contractor to guarantee to the quality of materials and workmanship performed. AGREEMENT - contract between owner and contractor undertaking the project ADVERTISEMENT/ INVITATION TO BID ~ notice or invitation issued to bidders giving information of the magnitude and extent ofthe project, nature, etc BID BULLETIN — additional information on contract documents INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS - list of instructions on preparation & conditions for award of contract DRAWINGS - graphical representation of work GENERAL CONDITIONS - printed documents stipulating procedural and administrative aspects of the contract SPECIAL PROVISIONS ~ instructions that supplement or modify drawings, specs, & general Conditions of the contract SPECIFICATIONS — written or printed description of work describing qualities of materials and mode of construction 2 * SUPPLEMENTARY SPECS ~ addi! info issued as an addition or amendment to provisions of specs. * SCHEDULE OF MATERIALS AND FINISHES - ouline specs enumerating type and trade names of materials used * BREAKDOWN OF WORK AND CORRESPONDING VALUES - list of work and corresponding value in materials & labor including profit and overhead allowance. * WRITTEN NOTICE - info, advice or notification pertinent tothe project * ACT OF GOD/ FORCE MAJEURE - catastrophes, phenomena of nature, misfortunes and accidents which human prudence cannot foresee or prevent. + TIME LIMITS - duration of time allowed by the contract for project completion + LOCAL LAWS — laws, ordinances, and government regulations applicable to the project * WORK ~ includes labor and materials, equipment, transportation, faculties necessary for completion of the project FURNISH - ‘purchase andior fabricate and deliver to the jobsite” INSTALL ~ build in, mount in positions, connect or apply PROVIDE - “furnish and insta" SECTION 2: EXECUTION, CORRELATION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS ‘+ Documents signed in quintuplicate by owner and contactor duly witnessed. ‘+ Intent of contract documents — prescribe the complete work ~ Intention is to include labor, materials, equipment and transportation necessary for completion and Execution ‘+ Specs shall take control in discrepancies in drawings and specs. * Any discrepancies, errors and omissions shall be reported to the architect or engineer. Any work done involving errors are the contractors risk. * Architect or engineer shall furnish addtional detail drawings and instructions consistent to contract documents. * Contractor and architect and engineer shall jointly prepare a schedule in accordance to progress of work, * Contractor shall keep a copy of all drawings, specs, breakdown of work, and schedule of constructions work, instructions at the site. * Drawings, specs, and models are property of the architect and are to be returned at completion of work and before final payment to the contractor is made ARTICLE 3: DRAWINGS AND SPECS. * Owner shall furnish contractor 3 sets of drawings and specs for free. * Drawings and mode's must cooperate with specs to form as part of the contract documents. Figures are to be followed in preference to measurement and scale. * The contractor shail explain and verify any doubt as fo the meaning of the drawings and specs. 1. If there is @ confict in both drawings and specs, the contractor, with the architect's permission, shall submit to the owner proposals as to which method or material is required, 2 If the les expensive work is done, the contractor shall credit the owner the amount equivalent tothe difference of the expensive and less expensive work 2. The contractor must frst refer tothe architect before proceeding with the work * Discrepancies in figures, drawings must be referred to the architect before any adjustment be made by the contractor. The decision of the architect will govern and must be followed by the contractor. ARTICLE 4: DETAIL DRAWINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS, ‘* Supplementary drawings and instructions shall be promptly supplied by the architect and must conform to contract documents. Contractor shall do no work without proper drawings and instructions * Contractor and architect shail prepare a schedule a when detail drawings will be required. ARTICLE 5: SHOP DRAWINGS * Contractor shall prepare at his own expense and submit 2 copies of all shop drawings to the architect, who will make the necessary corrections, and file the corrected copies. Contractor shall check drawings before submitting to sub-contractors. Shop drawings shall represent 1, Working and erection dimension 2. Arrangements and sectional views 3. Necessary details 4, Kinds of materials and finishes © Shop Drawings shall be dated and contain: 4, Name of project 2. Descriptive names of equipment, materials and classified item numbers 3. Location at which materials or equipment are to be installed * Drawings shail be accompanied by a letter of transmittal containing name of project, contractor, number of drawings, tites and other pertinent data © Contractor shall submit 3 sets of prints of shop drawings to the architect for approval. 1 copy shall be returned to the contractor with necessary corrections. 1. Contractor shall make corrections and resubmit until approved by the architect. 2. Contractor shall insert date of approval on tracings and furnish the architect with 3 additional prints of approved drawings. 3. No work be done without architect's approval. 4, Contractor shall mention specific variations of shop drawings from contract documents in his letter of submit © Contractor is responsible for accuracy of shop drawings. 2 ‘SECTION 2: LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND SITE CONDITIONS ARTICLE 6: LAWS, REGULATIONS, AND SITE CONDITIONS ‘* Contractor shall comply with all laws and regulations governing the project. If ever he resists without the knowledge of the architect, he shall bear the consequences. * Before bidding, the contractor must visit the site and make estimates of facilities and difficulties * attending to the scope of work and its execution. ARTICLE 7: PERMITS, TAXES AND SURVEYS * All permits and licenses necessary shall be secured and fees paid by the contractor but may be reimbursed from the owner. Contractor is responsible it construction starts without necessary permits. * Contractor will secure the occupancy permit. Contractor will pay taxes pertinent to construction ofthe project. ‘© Cwner is responsible for establishment of boundaries made by a licensed surveyor, He may delegate the responsibilty o the contractor but the owner must pay for surveyors fees 4. Contractor shall verity all grades, lines and levels as indicated on drawings. 2. Contractor shall provide batter boards and maintain them. He shall establish grade marks at each floor line 3, Contractor shail layout exact location of partons. * Contractor shall pay the services of the surveyor when so required to confirm location of columns, piers, etc. required by the contract. Copy of certification shall be furnished by the architect and will fepresent as an independent verification ofthe layout. 1. Contractor shall furnish certifications from the surveyor that all parltions of work are in accordance with contract requirements. 2. Surveyor shall verify and certify to lines and levels of any portion of work any time deemed necessary by the architect Final verification shall be submitted upon completion of work before payment is made. ‘SECTION 3: EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ARTICLE 8: GENERAL ‘+ All materials and equipment must conform to all laws governing the project. * Contractor shall obtain necessary permits and pay fees covered within period of construction ‘* Contractor shall bear any and all damages by reason of any delay in work, ARTICLE 9: EQUIPMENT * Architect and engineer must refer to equipment by catalogue number and name. 1. Contractor shall furnish complete lists of substitutions Prior to signing of contract. 2. Contractor shall abide by architect and engineer's judgment when proposed items of equipment are judged to be acceptable. General contractor shall submit proposals for substitutions in writing 24 © Contractor shall furnish 3 copies of complete catalogue data for every item of equipment. 41. Submission shall be compiled by contractor. 2. Data sheet or catalogue shall be indexed according to specification, section and paragraph, Submission shall become part ofthe contract Catalogue data does not supercede contract documents. Itis contractors responsibilty that items be furnished fit the space available. Contractor's responsibilty to install equipment to operate properiy ARTICLE 10: MATERIALS, FIXTURES, APPLIANCES AND FITTINGS FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR © Names of proposed manufacturers, material men and dealers shall be submitted to the architect for approval 1. No manufacturer shall be approved unless he has 2 good reputation, capacity and adequate quality control. 2. Transactions shall be made through the contractor, 3. Contractor shall provide manufacturers with complete sets of specs and drawings. 4. Manufacturer shall have materials supplied by him properly coded or identified in accordance with existing standards. © Contractor shall furnish samples specified for approval. 1. 3 samples shall be submitted. 2. Samples shall be labeled, bearing material name and quality. 3. If specs require manufacturer's installation directions, directions shall accompany samples for approval 4. 3copies of letter of transmittal from contractor shall accompany all samples. 5. Transportation charges to architect's office must be prepaid. 6. No orders of materials are to be made without architect's approval No substitution for materials be made without architect's approval Samples for materials to be used for substitution shall be approved by architect, Contractor shall submit samples for testing to the architect, All costs for shipping, handiing and testing of samples are to be paid by the contractor. Quality of materials used shall be of best grade and new otherwise specified Contractor shall provide space for subcontractors’ storage and work force. All materials affected by moisture shall be stored and protected from the weather. Moving materials willbe done at the contractor's expense. Defective materials or materials not conforming to specs shall be used upon approval. The architect shall have the authority to remove or replace such deducting the cost from the contractor. Contractor shall pay for royalties and license fees on patented materials furnished by him. All materials shall be applied and installed following the manufacturers directions. 5 ‘SECTION 4: PREMISES AND TEMPORARY STRUCTURE. ARTICLE 14: USE OF PREMISES Contractor shall confine materials to limits indicated by law. * Contractor shail not load or permit any part of the structure to be loaded with a weight that will disregard the safety of others. ARTICLE 15: TEMPORARY STRUCTURES ‘+ OFFICE AND CONTRACTOR'S BUILDING — wooden floor raised above ground; room of approx. 12 sq.m. for the architect, + HOUSING FOR WORKERS - tents or protection on designated areas. * SANITARY FIXTURES AND 15" AID STATION - ample sanitary toilets and other conveniences including water connections. ‘+ TEMPORARY BARRICADES AND GUARD LIGHTS — necessary for proper prosecution and Completion of work. Lights located at false work tower to be provided by contractor * TEMPORARY WATER, POWER, AND TELEPHONE FACILITIES - provided by contractor through arrangements with local utility companies. All expenses paid by the contractor TEMPORARY SIGNS ~ no adverlisements to be displayed without architects approval TEMPORARY ROADWAYS — provide proper access TEMPORARY STAIRS, LADDERS, RAMPS, and RUNWAYS - such shall meet requirements of local laws. * TEMPORARY ELEVATORS AND HOISTS - install adequate number of elevators and hoists located bat sufficient distance from exterior walls, + TEMPORARY ENCLOSURES ~ exterior doors shall be equipped with self-closing hardware; windows equipped with removable sash frames, + TEMPORARY OR TRIAL USAGE ~ privilege of owner. * REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY STRUCTURES - contractor shall remove all temporary structures erected by him and shall clean premises as condition of completing the work SECTION 5: PROTECTION OF WORK AND OWNER’S PROPERTY ARTICLE 16: PROTECTION OF WORK AND OWNER'S PROPERTY * The contractor shall maintain and protect owners property from damage. 1. The contractor shall provide watchmen (competent enough for the architect) and provide all doorways with locks. I is the contractor who shall lock and close the doors after each day's work. 2. No smoking except on designated areas. No building of fires except with the consent ofthe architect 3. Contractor shall provide barrels of water and buckets for the main purpose of fre protection and should not be used for any other reason 4. Contractor shall provide adequate number offre extinguishers * Old materials of value shall be piled in areas designated by the owner or architect and are in the responsibilty ofthe contractor. * Existing trees and shrubs are fo be boxed and protected from damage. Cutting of trees in site must have consent ofthe architect. % 1. Plants needed to be transplanted within 60 meters must be done at the expense of the contractor. ‘* Damage to trees, etc shall be made good by the contractor at his own expense. ARTICLE 17: PROTECTION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY AND EXISTING UTILITIES * Contractor shall protect adjacent property and existing utilities as provided by law and contract documents at his own expense. He is liable and must pay for all damages by his acts and negligence or by his employees ARTICLE 18: PROTECTION OF LIFE, WORK AND PROPERTY DUE TO EMERGENCY '* In cases of emergency where a life is at stake, the contractor may have the power to act without Consultation. Any compensation claimed by the contractor shall be determined by agreement or arbitration SECTION 6: LABOR, WORK AND PAYMENTS ARTICLE 19: LABOR ‘* The contractor must employ competent and efficient workmen and must act, upon request of the architect, to discharge or remove any employee deemed incompetent. Should the contractor fail to do so, the architect may withhold payment or suspend work unti such orders are complied with * The supervisor must be a licensed engineer ot architect who will work personally and inspect at least once a week. © The contractor shall keep a competent projact engineer who will represent the contractor in his absence. His decisions are binding to the contractor and he has full authority o execute the orders or directions ofthe architect, ARTICLE 20: WORK * The contractor shall use methods and appliances necessary to complete the work within contract time. 1, The architect may order the contractor to increase efficiency or improve system of operation, Failure of the architect to demand such does not relieve contractor of his liability to the contract. 2. The contractor shail furnish approved full information and evidence of appliances used if required * Stakes, benchmarks placed by contractor shall be gradually preserved and maintained by the Contractor. if such are displaced or damage due to neglect, the contractor must replace them at his own expense. © The owner, architect and representatives shall have access to work for inspection. Contractor shall provide proper facilities for access and inspection. 41. The contractor shall give the architect and party a notice ofits readiness for inspection If work should be covered up without approval, the architect may uncover it for examination at contractor's expense. 2. Re-examination of work may be ordered by the architect and uncovered by the contractor. If work is found not in accordance with the contract, the contractor shall pay for the cost. a 3. Contractor shall furnish promptly without additional charge all facilities, labor, and materials necessary for safe inspection without delaying schedule of work 4. The architect may examine work already completed before final acceptance. If work is found defective due to contractor's fault, he shall defray all the expenses of such examination and satisfactory reconstruction. if work is found to be satisfactory, actual cost of labor and materials in examination plus 15% shall be allowed the contractor and granted extension time on account of additional work Contractor shall pertorm any work during an emergency. He may inform the architect and engineer of the emergency as soon as practicable. ‘Adjustment of drawings to suit field conditions may be necessary during construction. The contract recognizes the essence of this as long as resulting overruns and underruns do not exceed 5%, Discrepancies shall be submitted immediately to the architect before adjustments, The owner may at any time change or alter by adding or deducting from work without invalidating the contract by stating the changes to be made in writing {f sub-surface conditions that are different from that on the drawings are discovered, the architect must be informed immediately. He must investigate and make the necessary changes in the drawings and specs. If changes in work ma cause an increase or decrease in the amount due, the contract shall be modified in writing and the contractor shall funish proportionate additional performance bond Value of extra work shall be determined by the folowing 1. Estimate and acceptance in lump sum 2. Unit prices stipulated in contract provided that the extra does not exceed 20% of the original contract details. 3. Actual direct cost plus 15% for contractor's profit, overhead and contractor's tax. Contractor shall present a correct account of costs with vouchers. The architect will certify the 15% allowance for overhead and profit ofthe contractor. Claim of adjustment must be asserted within 15 days from date of the order of change unless architect will extend the time. Architect shall have the authority to make minor changes in the work not involving extra cost Owner reserves to right fo employ other persons to perform the extra work |¥ any instructions in drawings involve extra cost, the contractor wil inform the architect through written notice within 15 days after the receipt of such instruction. If delays incur in mobilization of work, the contractor must give the architect a written notice within 15 days after recognition of delay and proceed to claim the extra cost Contractor shall keep the premises free of waste materials from the accumulation of work, After the work is completed, he shall remove all his rubbish, scaffolding, surplus materials and turn over the work to the occupants with 41. Aldi, stain from floors, walls, ceiling, ete. removed 2. All woodwork, hardware and metalwork cleaned and polished. 3. All glazing, marble and tile work washed and polished. The owner has the right to use the completed portions of the work regardless of the time of completion of work Upon notice of completion of work from the contractor, the architect shall immediately inspect the project. Ifthe work is substantially complete (not less than 98% is finished), the architect shall issue a certificate of completion of work in respect to the work 28 + Prior to the issuance of the certification of completion, the contractor must execute a writen undertaking to finish any work during the period of Making Good of Known Defects or Faults (period of not more than 60 days). + The contractor shall execute at his own expense all work necessary for making good of known defects within the period of 60 days after the issuance of the certificate of completion or within 15 days after its expiration as a result of the inspection by the architec. If the owner is responsible for the defect, the value of work willbe regarded and paid for as additional work. ‘The contractor shall search for cause of any defects and faults in the project. If the cause of the defect is something the contractor is not liable for, the owner will pay forthe cost of work carried ‘out by the contractor. But if the cause binds the contractor liable, the cost of searching, repair, rectfication and make good of such defect shall be borne by him, ARTICLE 21: TIME OF COMPLETION OF WORK * Written notice to proceed work shall be given to the contractor following the execution of the contract agreement * Contractor shall complete all the work contracted in the time stated. Computation of the contract time shall commence on the 7 day from receipt of the notice to proceed. * Contractor shai! submit the schedule of work in CPM form or any form acceptable to the architect, indicating the approximate dates each item will be started and completed, for approval * Contractor willbe allowed an extension based on the following reasons: 1. Delay due to the employees of the owner and the owner himself, act of god or force majeure, delay by the architect pending arbitration, the contractor shall within 15 days from the occurrence of such delay file the necessary request of extension for the approval ofthe architect. No extension of time shall be granted for failure of owner to furnish materials unless they be required for proper execution of work or contractor shall have madé request for them 10 days before they are actually needed 2. Written consent of bondsmen must be attached to any request for extension and submitted to the owner. 3. If there is increase in work and the contract time is unreasonably short, the time allowance for extension and increases shall be agreed upon in writing 4, If no schedule or agreement stating upon which drawings shall be furnished is made, then no claim for delay shall be allowed on the account of failure to furnish drawings unt 2 weeks after demands for such drawings. 5. If work is interrupted for any reason, it must be resumed on the removal of the cause of delay 6. Contractor shall submit written notice to the architect at least 10 days prior to beginning, suspending or resuming the work to the end that the architect may make preparations for inspection without delaying the work. All delays resulting from failure of the contractor are the contractor's risk. All extra costs due to such delay will be deducted from the final payment. ‘If failure to complete work at the said contract time, the contractor will pay the owner the liquidated damages in the amount stipulated in the contract agreement. 29 ARTICLE 22: PAYMENTS ‘The contractor shall, within 15 days from receipt of notice to proceed, submit a complete breakdown of work and corresponding value for approval and will be used as basis forall requests for payment. The contractor shall submit a request for payment for work done, not more than once each month, Each request shall be computed from the work completed on all items listed in the breakdown of work, less 10% retention. When 50% of the contract has been accomplished, no retention shall be ma The contractor, at his own expense, shall fumish the architect progress photographs which shall be taken monthly. 1. Photograph size shall be 6” by 8”. Four exposures shall be taken (2 copies for each exposure = 8), a total of 8 prints to be delivered to the architect, and all negatives bearing the date of exposure and name of work 2. No partial payment may be considered for approval without the pictures accompanying request for payment, 18 days upon receipt of the request for payment, the architect shall either issue a certificate of Payment or withhold the request and inform the contractor in writing the reasons for withholding it The cerificale of payment shall include the value of work accomplished during the period of time covered by the certificate The architect may recommend withholding of payment on any of the following 4. Defective work not remedied, 2. Reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. 3. Fallure of contractor to make payments to sub-contractors or for material and labor. 4. Reasonable doubt thatthe contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid, 5. Damage to another contractor. The architect shall estimate the value of work using the breakdown of work and corresponding values as a basis. Estimates of the architect are considered final and conclusive evidence of the amount of work performed and shall be basis for the full measure of the compensation of the Contractor, but bear in mind that the estimates are approximate only Within 15 days from the date of approval of a request for payment and issuance of Certificate of payment, the owner shall pay the amount as certified, or such other amount he deems is due the contractor informing both the contractor and architect in writing his reasons for paying the amended amount. ‘The contractor shail pay promptly his workmen, materials and equipment used, taxes and remit all ‘amount withheld from salaries and wages of his employees. If required by the owner, the Contractor shall swear before an officer duly authorized to administer oath that all persons’ who have done work and all materials furnished have been paid for. No payments shall be made in excess of 65% of the contract price unless a notarized statement 's submitted by the contractor tothe effect that all ils for labor, other than current wages, and bills for materials have been paid The contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all work condemned by the architect as falling to conform to the contract. He shall replace and re-execute his own work in accordance {0 the contract documents at his own expense. The contractor shall submit the following before final payment is made: 4. Certificate of final building occupancy 2. Certificate of final inspection of uilities, 30 3. Original and 3 sets of prints of “as-buill-drawings” of electrical, sanitary, gas, telephone and mechanical works. 3 copies of directory of panel boards and lst of circuits 3 copies of instructions and manual for operating fixtures and equipment. 3 copies of keying schedule. Guarantee bond equivalent to 30% of the contract price covering a period of 1 year after the final acceptance ofthe work The architect shall proceed to verty the work, make final estimates, cerify the compietion of work and accept the same. 1, The owner shall then pay the contractor the remainder of the fee provided that the final Payment of the contract shall not be made until the contractor has submitted a swom statement showing that all taxes due from him, all materials and labor have been duly paid. 2. The making and acceptance of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the contractor. The final certificate of payment nor any provisions may relieve the contractor of responsibilty for faulty materials. He shall remedy defects and pay for the damage, which will appear within a year’s, period from date of acceptance of work by the owner. No provision may limit the contractor's liability to defects, The owner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable prompiness. Ali questions shall be decided by the architect whose decision shall be subject to arbitration. The amount retained by the owner shall be released 3 months after the date of the final payment. Nooe SECTION 7: CONTRACTOR-SEPARATE CONTRACTOR-SUB-CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP ARTICLE 23: SEPARATE CONTRACTS TO OTHER CONTRACTORS Owner reserves the right to let other contractors in connection to the work. ARTICLE 24: CONTRACTOR-SEPARATE CONTRACTORS RELATION The contractor shall provide other contractors the opportunity for introduction and storage of materials and shall properly connect and coordinate his work with theirs The contractor shail do the cutting, patching and fiting required of his work and must be fit to be received by work of other contractors. Any cost caused by defective work shall be bom by the party responsible. The contractor shall not endanger any work by cutting, etc, or cut and alter any work done by the sub-contractor without the architect's consent. The contractor shall promptly inform the architect of any defects done by the sub-contractors. His failure to inspect and report shall consttute an acceptance of proper execution of work by the sub- contractor. ‘Should the contractor cause any damage of the work done by the sub-contractors, both parties wil settle as such by an agreement and relieve the owner of any liability, which may arise there from. n ARTICLE 25: SUB-CONTRACTS * Atleast 15 days prior tothe date of bidding, the contractor shall seek the architect's clarification as ‘o which particular areas for which the competence of the sub-contractor shall be subject to evaluation by the architect where after, the contractor may submit a list of prospective sub- contractors for the architect’s approval. * The contractor is responsible for the acts of his sub-contractors and persons directly employed by them. ARTICLE 26: CONTRACTOR-SUB-CONTRACTORS RELATIONS * The contractor agrees: 1. To be bound to the sub-contractor by all the obligations assumed by the owner to the contractor under the contract documents. 2. To pay the sub-contractor, upon the payment of certificates. 3. To pay the sub-contractor, to such extent as may be provided by the contract documents 4. To pay the sub-contractor on demand for his work or materials as far as executed and fixed in place less the retained percentage at the time the certificate should be issued. 5. To pay the sub-contractor adjust share of any fire insurance money received by the contractor 6. To make no demand to the sub-contractor for liquidated damages or penalty for delay in any sum in excess of the amount stated in the sub-contract 7. To give the sub-contractor an opportunity to be present and to submit any evidence in any arbitration involving his rights. ‘© The sub-contractor agrees: 1, To be bound to the contractor by the terms of agreement in the contract documents and to assume toward him all obligations assumed to him by the owner. 2. To submit to the contractor application for payment in such reasonable time as to enable the contractor to apply for payment 3. To make all claims for extensions, extras, and for damages for delays to the contractor. * The contractor and sub-contractor agree that their rights and obligations and all procedure shall be analogous to those set forth in the contract ‘SECTION 8: SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT ARTICLE 27: CONTRACTOR'S RIGHTS TO SUSPEND WORK OR TERMINATE CONTRACT + The contractor may suspend or terminate work upon 15 days written notice to the owner and architect for the following: 1. Order of court or public authority caused the work to stop or suspension for 90 days through no act ofthe contractor and employees. 2. Ifarchitect fails to act upon request for payment within 15 days after presented. 3. Ifowner fails to act upon request for payment within 15 days after presented 4, If owner fils to pay the contractor within 30 days after its award by arbitration 32 ~ ARTICLE 28: OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT ‘+ The owner, upon certfcation ofthe architect justifying his action, may terminate the contract with the contractor within 15 days written notice and surety of the contractor if any and take possession of the premises, tools, material, etc. ‘©The owner shall terminate contract based on the following: 1, If contractor declares bankruptey or assign assets to creditors, 2. Disregard or violate provisions of the contract documents or fail to prosecute work according to schedule 3. Fail to provide qualified superintendents, workman, sub-contractors and materials. 4. Fail to make payments to sub-contractors, workmen and dealers. ARTICLE 29: OWNER'S RIGHT TO PROCEED AFTER WORK TAKEOVER FROM CONTRACTOR * The contractor, upon receipt of notice of termination, shall vacate position and work stated in the notice, All materials, equipment, etc. shall remain, at the option of the architect, for completion of work The owner shall take over the work and proceed in administration The architect will ascertain and fix the value of work completed by the contractor. 41. If expenditures of owner on completion of work including all charges prior to termination of the contract are not in excess of the contract price, the difference between total expenditures and contract price may be applied to settle claims, and the balance may be paid to the contractor. 2. No amount in excess of the combined value of completed work, retained percentage, and usable materials shall be paid 3. In case of suspension of work, all unpaid work and expenses incurred during suspension shall be evaluated by the architect and paid for by the owner. * The full extent of damage the contractor andior his sureties shall be liable shall be 41. Total daily liquidated damages until the date the owner takes over work 2, Excess cost incurred by owner in completion of the project over the contract price, which includes administrative services, supervision and inspection ‘SECTION 9: RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIABILITIES OF CONTRACTOR AND OF OWNER © ARTICLE 30: CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES, * The contractor shall take necessary precautions for the safety of employees. The contractor shall erect barriers, supports, braces, shoring, danger signs and necessary safeguards to protect workmen from any accident and damage in the consequence of his work. © The contractor shall designate a member of his organization whose duty shall be prevention of accidents and damage to the owner's property and adjoining property and his name and position will be reported to the architect. ‘* The owner shall not be responsible forthe following: 1. Death of disease contracted by contractor or employees 2. Contractor's plant or materials 3. Damages caused by the contractor to any property of the owner and adjoining property All damages are the contractor's responsibly 3 * The contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the owner against all losses and claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgment brought or recovered against him Claims for payment and repairs for damages shall be settled by the contractor at his own expense. ARTICLE 31: CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE AND BONDS * The contractor shall secure and maintain such insurance from a company acceptable to the owner He shall not commence work until he has obtained insurance and shall have filed the certificate of insurance or the certified copy ofthe insurance policy to the owner. The policy will not be cancelled prior to 10 days' written notice to the owner of intention to cancel * The contractor shall furnish a performance bond of equal to 15% of the contract amount and 15% payment bond covering payments and obligations arising from the contract, as form of sureties for the owner and will remain in effect until replaced by the guarantee bond. * The owner will release the performance and payment bonds after the expiration of 2 months from the final acceptance of work. Only after shal the contractor furnish a guarantee bond in the amount Cf 30% of the total contract cost and shall be for a period of 1 year commencing from the date of acceptance of work guaranteeing the quality of work and materials, * Contractor's guarantee-warranty: 1, The contractor shall secure warranties from sub-contractors and deliver copies to the owner upon completion of work 2. The contractor shall warrant all work performed by him where guarantee is required 3. The contractor shall warrant and guarantee for a period of 1 year or for longer periods 80 provided in the specs all materials and workmanship installed under the contract. 4. The contractor hereby agrees to make repairs to correct defective work within a period of 5 days after written notice at his own expense within the agreed period of warranty. 5. The owner may have the defective work done and charge the cost against the amount retained, if the work costs more than the retained amount, the contractor and his sureties will pay the remaining balance. ARTICLE 32: OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIABILITIES * The owner, although optional, shall be responsible and maintain such insurance to protect him {rom personal injury including disease and death of persons under his employment, etc * The owner and architect shall give a list of personnel assigned to the project who need to be covered by insurance and amount of coverage. ARTICLE 33: LIENS, DISPUTE AND ARBITRATION * Before release of the final payment and retained percentage, the contractor must deliver to the ‘owner a complete release ofall liens arising out ofthe contract, or receipts in full lieu * Assignment: 1. The contract shall not be assigned by the contractor without prior written consent of the ‘owner and such consent shall not relieve the contractor from responsibilty and lability of all terms and conditions of the contract. 2. The owner's consent of sub-etting of work shall; not be granted until the contractor furnishes the owner with evidence that the sub-contractor has ample insurance to the ‘same extent, 4 3. The contractor shall exonerate, indemnify and save harmless the owner form any loss and expense caused by sub-etting 4. In case of transfer without previous consent, the owner may refuse to camry out the contract, but rights to breach the contract is reserved to the owner and the contractor. ‘Claim for damages shall be made in writing to the party liable within a reasonable time and not later than the final payment and shall be adjusted by agreement or arbitration, © Disputes: 1. The architect shall make decisions on all claims of owner and contractor on all matters relating fo the progress and execution of work or interpretation of contract documents. 2. The architect, whose decision is final, will decide disputes, concerning questions of fact arising under the contract 3. if the architect fails to render a decision within 15 days after parties presented their evidence, either party may demand arbitration. * All disputes, claims, questions subject to arbitration shall be setted in accordance with the provisions ofthis UAP document 6 SUMMARY OF BUILDING CODE MINIMUM STANDARDS WINDOWS PD 1096 CODE THE NATIONAL BUILDING PD 957 BP 220 ‘Sum of Areas of Openings in any Storey Less than 50% of total area of the wall on that storey Less than 50% of total area | Less than 25% of total area of the wall on that storey | of the wall on that storey Atleast 10% of the Floor area Window Openings Atleast oe atthe Foor] Atteast "0% ot the Fear | satroom window of rat less than 1/20 of its floor atea Eaves over required Windows At least 750 mm, OCCUPANT LOADS AND EXITS To determine the Number of Exits: Occupant Load= Floor Area + Unit per Occupant User or Occupancy Unit Area per Occupant piled Min, No. of Exits (Sqm) Dwellings _ 28.0 10 2 Hotels 186 10 2 Apartments 186 10 2 Dormitories 186 10 2 Classrooms 18 50 2 Number means of egress from any Conference Rooms 14 50 2 balcony, mezzanine, storey, or Exhibit Rooms 14 50 2 portion thereof Shall not be less than Gymnasia 14 50 2 two (2) ‘School Shops 46 50 2 500- 1000 Occupant load= 3 exits Vocational Institutions 46 50 2 1000+ Occupant load 4 exits Laboratories 46 50 2 Hospitals, Sanitaria 84 5 2 Nursing Homes 74 5 2 Children's Homes 74 5 2 Homes for the Aged 74 5 2 Inst!, Sleeping Dept. 1.0 : 2 In- Patient 220 : 2 Nurseries for Children 32 2 36 DOORS PD 1096 RA9514 BP344 BP 220 Main door | Min. 0.80m Service! Exit oor | o,70m-1.20m | 0.71 m- 1.2m Min, 0.80 m Bedroom | Min. 0.70m Width fl Joor Bathroom Min. 0.60m LL. door Minimum 2.00m Door Height | 200m on ee 1.80 m for Mezzanine 7 STAIRWAYS PD 1096 RAQSI4 THE NATIONAL BUILDING | THE FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES. BP220 CODE New stars Existing Stairs Win width clearance | so Sccspantioag> 60 | OST, <5 occupants 0.90 m occupant load > 50 | 112m, < 2000 0.915 m 0.60m persons 0.75 m, private stairs of 1.42m, < 2000 occupant load < 10 persons ene 020m 0.10 m-0.18m 0.205 m 0.25 risers Min. number of risers Minimum width of an (Exclusive of nosing) eo Ce oo —_ Max. width of Nosing 3mm mm Max. height bet 360m 3.66 m 3.66 m 360m tandings | Maximum width 1.20 m: Must not be reduced between landings by 100mm when door is opened 38 CORRIDOR PD 1096 RAgSI4 8P220 Min, Corridor Width 1.40 m 915m 4.20m 600m 6.00m Turnabout spaces at or within Maximum Dead End 3.50m of eer dead end Projections | © Trims! ‘© Projections of | When a door is opened Handrails rot more than minimum corridor width aaaeeT t4mmata _ | SMould be maintained reduce the min maximum width by height of 965 200mm mm within the + Doors when means of ‘opened should egress on each not reduce the side shall be min, width by > permitted. 12 © Doors when opened shall not reduce the required width by 1/2 39 HEADROOM CLEARANCE. THE NATIONAL BULONG THEtRE CODE os BP 220 CODE OF THE ACCESSIBILITY LAW PHILIPPINES Minimum headroom 2.0m 2.00m 2.00m clearance 800mm — 900mm 760mm- 865mm —_ | 800mm Minimum © Stainways | (measured 25 mm © Stairwa | 800 mm-1.20 m 1.40mor | from the surface of ys © Stairways less in width | the tread) having hhaving less and stairways less than four ‘serving one than risers need individual four not have dwelling unit risers handrails Minimum in Group A or need height of B a Handrail occupancies have stalrways may have handrail one rail s + Stairways having less than four risers not have handrails 40 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS IN ARCHITECTURE LICENSURE EXAMINATIONS 1. Min dimension of a parking slot for the disabled- 3.70 m 2. Size of parking- 2.5x5.0m 3. Whatis the minimum dimension of a PWO toilet-1.70 m 4. Min. width for a hallway-1.20 m 5. Min. dimension of an elevator door width- 0.80m 6. Min. size of an elevator car-1.20 x 1.50 m 7. Min. size of an elevator shaf-1.40 x 1.70 m 8. Minimum Doorway width under BP 344-1.00 m 9. Minimum openings in a room-10% of floor 10. Preferable height of Doorknobs-0.90 m 11. A circle diameter that is suitable guide in wheelchair tuming spaces-1.50m 12, Maximum height fora star riser-200 mm 13, Min. foor area of toilet for handicapped-1.70 x 1.80 m 14, Habitable rooms-6sqm 18, Min. width of room-2,0m 16. Kitchen-1.50x2.0m 17. Toilet1.20sqm 18. Min. width of toilet.90m 18. Headroom clearance-2.00m 20. Dist. from entrance (BP 344)-30.00 m max a COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PD 957 & BP 220 PD 957 BP 220 | BP 220 PARAMETER OPEN MARKET ECONOMIC HOUSING / SOCIALIZED HOUSING | HOUSING _ _ _ 4. MAXIMUM ‘Above P150,000- P150,000 & Below SELLING PRICE 7 375,000 _| When suitable sites for |____housing & Same as PD 957 Same as PD 957 outside potential hazard | 2. PROJECT | prone & | | LOCATION [___ protection areas 3. LAND LOCATION | (Percentage of Gross Area one hectare & above) 70% Maximum | a. variable a. variable a Saleable Area 2.30% Minimum b. see open space ». see open space requirement b. Non-Saleable requirement as perb.1 | as per bt and b3 ‘Area and b3 Mandatory Allocation for Parks and Playgrounds Per Tabulations Below bl Areas. : i allocated for | Density | % of Gross Density % of Project Gross Area Parks & (No.of | Area (Oweling units per Playgrounds (1 | iots/ Allocated for | Hectare) Hectare & Dwelling | Parks & above) Units per | Playgrounds Hectare 3.5% 150 and below 3.5% 208 Below | 4.0% 150&Below 3.5% | 151-160 4.0% | 21-25 5.0% | 151-160 4.0% | 161-175 5.0% 26-35 | 60% 161-175 5.0% | 176-200 6.0% 36-50 7.0% 176-200 6.0% | 201-225 7.0% 51-65 9.0% 201-225 7.0% | Above 225 80% Above 65 | | Above 225 9.0% : I NOTE: In no case shal the Area be less than 100 square meters 42 L Mandatory Allocation for Parks and Playgrounds Per Tabulations Below | | Variable Density (No. of Lots 4% of Project Gross Area | andior Living Units per Hectare 180 & below 1.0% b2 Area 150 & below 151-225 1.5% allocated for 1.0% Above 225 2.0% Community 451-205 Facilities 11.5% | | | Above 225 | 20% | Observe Hierarchy of Observe Hierarchy of Roads Roads | Observe Hierarchy of | b.3 Circulation Roads System | 43 PD 957 BP 220 BP 220 PARAMETER OPEN MARKET ECONOMIC HOUSING | SOCIALIZED HOUSING HOUSING _ = 4, MINIMUM LOT | AREAS | 100 sq. meter / unit 72sq. meter / unit 72 sq, meter / unit Single Detached | | 75 sq. meter / unit 54 sq, meter / unit 54 5q, meter / unit Single Attached | Duplex / 5089. meter (House & —_|-35 sq. meter / unit 32.sq. meter / unit Semi-Detached | Lo’) Row house _ | | | NOTE: 1. Saleable ots designated as duplex and/or rowhouse lots, shall be provided with housing components | 2. Maintain a 60, 40 ratio for house and lot where 60% for the house and 40% for the lot (selling price for house lot = = ___| package) : | | 5. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE 5.1 SINGLE DETACHED 12m 10m 10m a. comerlot | 10m 8m | 8m | b.regulariot 6m 4m 4m ¢. itregular | lot 7.5m 6m 6m 5.2 DUPLEX/ SINGLE ATTACHED 3.5m 3.5m 3.6m 1SEMI DETACHED | 53 | | ROWHOUSE 6.LENGTH OF — | 6.a maximumlengthis | same as PD 957 same as PD 957 BLOCK 400m. (for subdivision projects with lot component oniy) | 6 blocks exceeding 250m. Shall provide alley NOTE: for ROWHOUSES, there shall be a maximum of 20 UNITS but in no case shall be more than 100m in length | T-ROADS RIGHT | ROW ROW | ROW — CARRIEGEWAY | OF WAY (ROW) | CARRIEGEWAY CARRIEGEWAY | | | 7.4 Major | 10m 6.0m | 7.2 Minor 12m 8.0m | 10m 6.0m 8.0m 6.0m | 7.3 Motor court | 10m 6.0m 8.0m 60m | 6.5m 5.0m | (Culde 6.0m 6.0m 5.0m 6.0m ‘sac, branch, loop, Tee 4.0m 3.0m | 3.0m 74 Alley 4.0m 3.0m 3.0m 7.5 Footpath | Pathwalk 3.0m 3.0m 3.0m 7.6 ROW of access to interior lot 45 + Right of way (ROW) of major roads shall be increased as project size increases, ROW shall not be lower than | ROW of public road. + Major Roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right of way. Tapering of road width shall not be allowed NOTE: 1, Interior subdivision project must secure right of way to the nearest public road 2. Subdivision projects with direct access to a main public road must provide sufficient setback to accommodate loading and unioading of passengers. 3. Subdivision project shall provide provision for future expansion (see tex!) 8. MAXIMUM SIZES OF PROJECT PER HI IERARCHY | ROADS Project Size Range 25 hectares and alley major road, minor road, motor court, same as above | same as above footpath same as above | same as above same as above major road, minor road, motor court, alley, below | same as above same as above same as above Above 25-5 hectares ‘Above 10- 1 | hectares: ‘Above 15 - 30 hectares: ‘Above 30 | hectares : PD 957 BP 220 BP 220 | PARAMETER OPEN MARKET ECONOMIC HOUSING | SOCIALIZED HOUSING I HOUSING 9. ROAD (PS) (sw) (PS) iw) (P8) (sw) | | ‘SPECIFICATIONS | | 944 Planting Strip (PS) 4.0m 1.0m 4.0m 1.0m 4.0m 4.0m Sidewalk 1.0m 1.0m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 05m (sw) a. Major Road (each side) 4 _ [~b. Minor Road 9.2 Road | Developed Under | Developed Under Pavement Area Area Developed Developed Area ‘Area Concrete / Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt Macadam, a. Major Road ConeretelAsphatt Stone Concrete / Asphalt Macadam Macadam Stone Macadam b. Minor Road Stone | Stone Concrete / Asphalt Conerete/Asphalt Macadam Stone Macadam ¢. Motor Court Macadam Stone Concrete / Asphalt Stone | Aggregates | d. Sidewalks | Concrete / Asphalt Asphalt Aggregates |e. Alley Macadam Aggregates | Stone | Aggregates | Asphalt | Aggregates Asphalt ‘Aggregates PD 957 BP 220 BP 220 | PARAMETER OPEN MARKET ECONOMIC HOUSING | SOCIALIZEDHOUSING | HOUSING + Under Developed Areas- Characterized by the predominant absence of utility systems or networks, especially water supply, roads & power + Developed Areas- Characterized by the predominant preserve of utlity systems or networks especially water supply, roads and power ar 10. WATER Developed Under | Developed Under SUPPLY Area Area Developed Developed | ‘Area Area Mandatory connection to IF public water LEVEL 1-1 @ppropriate public water | If public water LEVEL. | supply system communal system or -1 supply system community system if | communal | exists, faucet or avaiable, or mandatory communal connection. well | exists, faucet centralized water supply | or (LEVELIN) per 25 system. mandatory Dwelling communal Unit | connection. well | | | (LEVEL III) per 25 Dweling 40.4 Minimum 7 Unit Water NOTE: Each subdivision must have at least an operational deep well and pump sets with | Supply | sufficient capacity to provide ADO, provided a spare pump and motor setis reserved __| 150 liters per capita per | 1S0LCPD for 43LCPD | 1S0LCPD for 43LCPD | day for household household Hand household Hand pump 10.2 Fire connection pump connection Protection | connection Provision for Fire Protection shall comply with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Code (PD 1185) = 11. DRAINAGE Underground | Underground for Major | Lined Open Canal (sides of SYSTEM | Roads lined open canal (for | open canal shall be lined with other Roads) stone rip-rap) + The drainage system must conform with the natural drainage pattern of the subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate water bodies, public drainage system or natural outfall, 48 [ | 12, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Individual septic Tank | Individual / Communal Individual ! Communal Septic 12.1 Septic | conforming to standard | Septic Tank conforming to. | Tank conforming to standard Tank design of the Sanitation | standard design of the _| design of the Sanitation | Code. Sanitation Code Code. PD 957 BP 220 BP 220 | PARAMETER OPEN MARKET ECONOMIC HOUSING | SOCIALIZED HOUSING HOUSING | 12.2 Connection to | Whenever possible, connections shall be made to an approved public or community Comimunity | sewer system subject to the requirements and provisions of the Sanitation Code and other applicable rules and regulations with regards to materials and installation practices. 7 | 43. POWER Developed Areas Under Developed Areas SUPPLY | Mandatory Individual Mandatory Individual | Mandatory Individual household connections to | household connection of |_| household connection of Primary & Alternate services is availabe in the | services is available in the sources of power of locality locality, service is available in the | locality = | Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in accordance with the provision ofthe Electrical Code and local utility company. Provide sanitary and efficent refuse collection and disposal system whether 14, GARBAGE —_| independently or in conjunction with the local government garbage collection and DISPOSAL disposal services. = oS 49 15. SHELTER COMPONENT a. Minimum, | Floor ‘Area | Shall conform with the a.1 Single | National Building Code Detached (PD 1096) and focal Zoning Ordinance 2 Duplex a3 Row house | |b. Minimum Level of bl Complete House Completion | b.2 Complete House 6.3 Complete House a1 22sq. meters a2 22 sq. meters a3 22sq, meters a1 16sq. meters a2 18sq. meters a3 185q. meters b.1 Complete House b.2 Complete House b.3 Complete House NOTE: Minimum floor area shall be in one floor level | exclusive of mezzanine floor if any bt Shell House b.2 Shell House b.3 Shell House NOTE: Minimum floor area shall be in one floor level b.t Single- exclusive of mezzanine floor if any Detached bat Duplex b3 Row house | 1.50 meters 1.50 meters 20 meters 2.0 meters | 3.0 meters 20 meters 2.0 meters 2.0 meters 16. SETBACKS/ | 2.0 meters _ EASEMENTS | May be allowed per requirements of the National Building Code (PD 1096) a. FRONT b SIDE | c REAR | d. ABUTME NTS PD 1185 PD 1096 THE FIRE BU RAING cong | CODE OF THE PD 957 BP 220 PHILIPPINES Headroom Clearance de 2.00 200m, 2.0m Min, Ceiling | 2.40 m. ~ Artificial ~ Height for Ventilation ann 2.40 m. - Artificial Ventilation a Habitable | 2.70 m.- Natural M Rooms Ventilation 2.70 m.- Natural Ventlation 2.70-1% Storey Min. Ceiling | 2.40- 2” Storey 2.30 m. 200 om Height for [3.10 - Succeeding Buildings storeys 1.80 - Mezzanine 180m 780m 51 Latest Professional Practice Board Exam Trends: 1. She is the first women National President of the UAP. She is also the first lady-architect to be elected as Chairperson of the Architects Regional Council of Asia or ARCASIA composed of 17 member countries in Asia. a Yolanda B. Aquino, uap ©. Yolanda S. Bonifacioenp . Yolanda V. Tolentino, fuap, enp d, Yolanda D. Reyes, fuap, apec architect 2. After passing the board examination you want to build a corporation, which goverment body is responsible in registering your company? a. SEC .City hall b, DTI 4. PRC 3. Under the 2004 Revised IRR of the 1977 NBCP that took effect on 01 May 2005, whatis the number of the section and its subsection that provides for the signing and sealing of architectural documents? a. Section 302.2 «. Section 230.4 b. Section 302.3, d, Section 320.2 4. What is the date of the Writ of Preliminary Injunction (WPI) issued against Sections 302.3 and 302.4 of the 2004 Revised IRR of the 1977 NBCP? a. 22 May 2005 ©. 26 May 2004 b. 23 May 2005 d. 24 May 2005 ‘5. With what Republic Act (R.A.) was said section and subsection of the 2004 Revised IRR of the 1977 NBCP harmonized? a. Republic Act No, 9266 c. Republic Act No, 9622 . Republic Act No, 9184 d Republic Act No. 9285 6. Under Sec. 302.4 of the 2004 Revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP, otherwise known as Presidential Decree or P.D. No. 1096), which of the following is NOT considered an architectural plan! drawing? a. Structural Plan ©. Reflected Ceiling Plan ». Floor Plan 4. Schedule of Finishes 7. Which office issue certificate of height clearance for buildings located within approach and departure zones of airports which are mandated last 2008? . Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, Air Transportation Office b. Philippine Ports Authority d. Building Offciat's Office 8. Which is a reason or ground for non-issuance, suspension or revocation of a building permit? a. Failure to commence construction within six months: b. Non-payment of fees c. Incorrect assessments. 4, Errors found in plans and specifications 52A 9. Who is responsible in carrying out the provisions of the National Bui a. City planning and development officer ©, Building offcial b. City assessor 4. City engineer 410. Under Sec. 302.4 of the 2004 revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the 197 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP, otherwise known as Presidential Decree or P.D. No, 1098, which of the following is not considered an architectural interior drawing? ‘a. Architectural exterior perspective . Ceiling and wall pattems b. Space plan 4. Fumiture layout 11. Situation (11-14) You just passed the recent licensure examination and your friend, upon learning that you are now a Registered and Licensed Architect referred his Aunt to you who as faith ‘would have it was looking for an Architect to design her dream house. You are going to meet your friend's Aunt for the first time, what attire would you wear? a, Business Attire c. Rugged b. Clean and Presentable and Comfortable. Any 12. This is an “Alternative” start to a career in Architecture ‘a. Work as an employee in an architectural firm to gain more experience b. Take a risk and establish your own firm . Establish a firm with your friends 4. Go abroad 13. You want to be updated on the latest trends in building and construction. What would you do? a. Attend social activities of your Professional Organization b. Be an active member of your Professional Organization c. Attend with IAPOA continuing professional education d. Meet lots of suppliers 14, When is the Architect's Creed not recited? IAPOA meeting ¢. Induction to UAP b. Mass Oath taking d. None of the choices 15. Situation (15-18) : Owner A wants to build a Diplomatic Function Hall for at least 800 persons, He hires Architect B for the project. Architect B later inform Owner A that they will need to hire a professional event consultant since he has limited knowledge in function hall designs.Who should they hire? a ECE ¢. Events Planner b Acoustics Engineer d. Architect 16. Who should be responsible for the remuneration of the professional consultant? 2, Architect B, to be deducted from his Contract Price b, Owner A. to be paid directly by him c. The Contract Price will be divided equally between Architect B and the Professional 4. NOTA 17. Who will be the Prime Professional for the Project? a. Architect 8 ¢. Acoustics Engineer b. Events Planner d. Architect B and the Professional 528 18. For this project, how much will be the remuneration for an Acoustics Engineer's services? 10% of the Total Construction Cost ofthe scope of his service 'b: 5% of the Total Construction Cost of the scope of his service ©. 10% of the Total Contract Price . 15% of the Total Construction Cost Situation (19-22) After you passed the architecture licensure examination you and your three siblings decided to form your owm architectural firm. One is an Architect, another is an Civil Engineer, Electrical and the lastis an Interior Designer. How much should be the architectural ‘composition of the corporation? 2. 50% ©. 75% b. 60% 4.80% 20. What kind of business organization they will form? a. Single Proprietorship . Conglomeration . Corporation 4. Partnership 24. Where should they register their business? a. SEC . City Hall b.oT! 4.BIR 22. If they are to apply for a business permit, where should they go? a. SEC «. City Hall b. OT! a.BR 23. n 2004, an act to institutionalize the Use of an Alternative Dispute Resolution in the country took effect. Under this law, Construction Disputes will now go to Arbitration/Mediation instead of the regular courts. What is this Law? a. RA 9285 ©. RA 9858 b. RA 9262 d. RA 9255 24, Mayor A wants to build a new Health Care Facility for his constituents, He asks his Municipal Architect, Arch. B, to design this facility given a specific budget. Arch. B obliged but after completing his design, he found out that his design went over the specific budget allocated for the project. What should Arch B recommend to Mayor A? 1. Replan and find a better solution that may meet the required budget b. Start the structure phase-by-phase as itis a common place c. Remove less important space to meet the budgetary requirement d. Architect B can recommend 1 or all ofthe said options 25. After 3 years of your practice your professional license as architect is due to expire. How long ‘would it take to renew your PRC license? Within a month One year b. One week only 4d. Three days 26. Whatiis the scope of comprehensive architectural services based on SPP? a, SPP 201-205 . SPP 200-208 b. SPP 201-206, d. SPP 201-208 520 27. Which of the following is NOT the scope of specialized architectural services? a. Architectural Interiors (AI) ¢. Arch Lighting Layout and Design b. Acoustic Design 4. Architectural Programming 28. What is being stated in SPP document 203.1? 2, Architectural interiors (Al) «. Arch! Lighting Layout and Design b. Acoustic Design 4. Architectural Programming 29, Which is NOT part or scope of Architectural Interior (Al)? . Eaves . Wal partion .Celing 4. Lobby flooring 30. Which of the following is the main architect's responsibility to his colleagues? 8 Mediator . Designer b. Consuttant d. Engineer 34. Which of the following is NOT architect's responsibility to his subordinates? 2. Must get project with ow fees . Mentorship b. Fair remuneration 4d. Follow the standard of practice 33. n relation to manufacturers, dealers & agents, which of the following is NOT included in the architect's responsibilities? 2. Ask for sponsorship ©. Don't accept gits b. Don't accept referral remuneration 4. Ask for paid advertisement 34, How did the client choose an architect in design competition? a. Design concept c. Referral b, Fees d. Reputation 35. Being the topnotcher of your board exam, you are very thankful with your parents. After 6 ‘months, your dad instructed you to design their new 2 storey house located in a mountain view in Tagaytay. How much would you charge for your professional fee? 2, 10% of project cost c. 3% of project cost only b. 9% of project cost 4. No fee for humanitarian reason 36, Situation (36-37) As an Architect, you have been hired by a friend to a promotional studies for 20-hectare high end subdivision. What method of compensation should you use on this service? a. Lumpsum. c. Cost pus b. MDPE 4. Percentage of project cost 37. When are you going to bill the client on this project? ‘a. Upon signing of the contract c. During pre-design b. Upon submission of the studies d. Upon submission of const. drawings 38. As an architect, what would be your duties to God and yourself? a. Be honest and be fair to cient ¢. Got project with high fees and give to poor . Goto church every sunday 4. Be rich and donate to typhoon victims 520 Situation (39-41): An Architect you come-up with a furniture plan for a family, which migrated to USA. After two years, the family retumed but instructed you to help find a new lot. The task would involve much of your time. 39. What stage in the Architect's services will the Architect perform? a. Pre-design Services . Comprehensive Arch Services b. Regular Design Services d. Specialized Allied Services 40. What will be the ideal method of compensation that the Architect should use if he new site for the project? @, Percentage of Construction Cost c. MDPE b. Per diem plus reimbursable expenses 4. Lump sum fee to finda 50, How much is the compensation of the architect after he completed all plans and documents for construction? a. 85% 6. 90% b. 75% , 80% Situation (51-52): An Architect specifies a particular material for a project that will be sourced from a foreign supplier. Everything is going as scheduled until the Contractor reports to the Client that he will not be able to finish the project as scheduled since the material needed and to be supplied by the foreign supplier is still not at the jobsite and delivery has been apparently delayed, There is. ‘an upcoming event and the building will not be ready in time for the scheduled activity. It will have to be cancelled and the Client is unhappy due to the projected huge financial loss. 51. Whose fault is it? 2. The Architect for specifying a product thatis not availabe inthe local market. b. The Contractor for not informing the Client and Architect about the delay before it became critical ¢, The Event Organizer for scheduling events before the building was finished d. Nobody's fault, i's something nobody wanted 52. What would be the best move to remedy the problem? a. Change the product with lower cost b. Change the the product to equal quaity available locally ¢. Change the date of opening 4. Change the contractor Situation (53-55): A famous architect has a son who was bom in the Philippines but was raised and educated in New York. His son, John, is a licensed architect in New York, USA. Upon his father's prodding, Arch. John returned to the Philippines to be with his father. However, instead of joining his father's firm, he decided to set-up his ovm firm. 53. The son's firm submitted drawings to the OBO for bldg. permit but the drawings were rejected. What went wrong? 2, John's firm is not registered with the DTUSEC b. Arch. John is not allowed to practice Architecture in the Philippines: . John has no mayor's permit. d. John have not paid his taxes. 52E ‘54, What can be done to remedy the problem? ‘a Hire a local Architect to sign and seal for him b. Determine if a reciprocity agreement exist between the Phil c. Pass the local Licensure Examination for Architects. d. Ask help from the mayor. 55. Can John able to take the architecture board exam in the Philippines? a. Yes, he can submit his documents to PRC. b. No, he isnot qualified «. Yes, by paying PRC 4. Yes through his father. Situation (56-58): Architect A is the Principal Architect of an architectural firm. Architects B & C are Junior Partners and they are in charge of the Design Team. However, it is still Architects A who signs and seals all the drawings. Recently, they hired Architects D & E, both RLA's, to be in-charge of the Production Team. 56. Whats the position of Architects D & E? a. Draftsman ©. Junior Partner b. Junior Architect, d. Associate Director 57. Who Is the liable for the drawings under the law? a Arch. A c. Arch. A, B&C b. Arch. B&C d. The Company 58, Who owns majority of the shares in the company? a.Arch. A . The Inventors b. Arch. B&C 4. Stockholders 59. Mr. Yo Okano commissioned you for a restaurant project last year. Due to the success of the restaurant, he wants you to do a 2nd restaurant using the same design, what would be your fee? a, 60% of basic fee ©. 30% of basic fee b. 80% of basic fee 4. 40% of basic fee 60. Before submitting sketches to a client, what must the architect first do? a. Sign a service agreement «©. Ask for acceptance fee b. Discuss about image board for presentation 4, Discuss about design fee 64. After completion of contract drawings, specifications and other documents upon submission to client, what stage is this? ‘2. Contract document phase ¢. Design phase b. Construction phase 4. Post construction phase 62. Where does contract document fall in the architect's services? 2, Pre-design Services ¢, Design Phase b.Regular Services d. Construction Documentation Phase 63. Where does assessing the deeds of the client fall? a, Feashbitiy Study ¢, Post Construction phase b. Pre-design Services 4. Design Phase 52F 65. Who provides Continuing Professional Education (CPE)? alAPOA c. UAP b. PRC d. PIA 66. What is a successful Architect? 2. igh Profile ¢. Good workmanship and ethical b, Many project due to low fees . Good bank savings 87. Under RA 9265, can a registered and licensed architect perform interior design for small projects? aes «, Yes, Provided there is consent from PRBOA b.No d. Yes, if personal project 68. An Architect refuses to give the original plan to the Owner. Why? a, The Owneris entitled only tothe blueprint b. The Architects work is covered by intellectual property rightaw ¢. In order to prevent the owner from making duplicates andlor constructing without hi knowledge 4. Allof the above 69, Who is the RLP responsible for the Structural Design of a 3-Storey Residence? a. Structural Engineer ¢, Registered and Licensed Structural Engr. ». Civil Engineer 4d. Registered and Licensed Civil Engineer 70, Situation (70-72) Mr. Tan called Architect Cheng for a resort project located in Palawan. They both agreed that Architect Cheng will do a regular visit at Mr. Tan’s office every week to discuss the equirements and concepts about the project. Mr. Cheng and the architect have already conducted ‘wo site visits on hold due to project constraints. Mr. Tan informed Arch. Cheng that he will call once the budget will be okay to continue the project. What service did architect Cheng give to Mr. Tan? a. Predesign ©. Specialized allied b. Design 4, Post construction 71. When is the perfect time Arch. Cheng will present his billing statement? a During every visit on Mr. Tan's office b. Once MR.tan informs that the project will continue and the budget is ready ¢. After Arch. Cheng is notiied that the funds are ready. 4. None of the choices 72. When the architect changes his billing statement, what would he indicate for his regular visit in Mr. Tan's office? a. Consultation ©. Specialized Allied Services b. Pre-design 4. Post construction 526 73. Situation (73-75) Interior design (ID) is a practice concemed with anything that is found inside a space such as walls, windows, doors, finishes, textures, light, furnishings and furniture. All of these elements are used by interior designers to develop a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing space for a building's user. The work of an Interior designer draws upon many disciplines including environmental psychology, product design and traditional decoration aesthetics and cosmetics. They plan the spaces of almost every type of bullding including hotels, corporate, spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and airport terminals, Today, Interior designers must be attuned to architectural detailing including floor plans, home renovations, and construction codes. Can Registered and Licensed Architect (RLA) legally practice interior design? a.No b.Yes . Maybe ithe didn’t sign the ID drawings’. None of the above 74. Considering the statement above, Ana wants to build a rest house in her lot in Tagaytay. She talked with her friend, Archa (A), about the project. Ana's daughter also recommended Interior Designer (B) to her mom. However, while browsing a magazine, she learned about Architect (C), who also happens to be an Interior Designer at the same time. What is the best method for her to select the designers? a. Select Architect A, since a friend ¢. Design Competition b. Comparative Selection 4. Select who is cheap and good 75. Why is it best to select Architect C? 1, She can get a discount on ID services «. ts not best to choose Architect C since you b. She can best interpret the don'tknow her Architectural Drawings forthe ID 4. Itdoesn't matter as long as she can get the job done. 76. If Architect C is hired, how will she be compensated? a. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 15, ¢. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 12 for ID's for ID's regular rate discounted rate b. 10% for Architect's regular rate + 10 d. MDPE for ID's regular rate 7. Does interior designer who lawfully design the interiors of airport has legal liability over civil code of the Philippines? a.Yes b.No «. Yes, because he signed and seal d. Not among the choices 52H tuation (78-79): As per client's request, the architect made some revisions. Since time is of the essence, he decided not to coordinate with the engineering consultants. After pouring, he discovered that a beam is set lower than the required headroom clearance. 78. Whatis the lesson leamed? a. Always coordinate with consultants and project engineers ». Being the “Boss” other Alied practitioners should adjust their design to conform with yours. . Se vigilant d. Always check the actual site prior to pouring. 79, How would the architect charge if the client continuously made a revision? a. Lump sum b. Percentage of project cost ¢. MOPE d. No charge 80. After passing this board exam, what would you best do? a, Continue to work with your current company . Go abroad to eam more money ¢. Goand many d. Attend oath taking and practice 52d PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE & BUILDING LAWS Part | Past Board Exam Questions: 1. Who approves the subdivision plan? a, HLURB LGU b. NHA 4. HDCC 2.In Reciprocity agreement, the Filipino architects are allowed in other country to? a. Practice even without exam C. Be registered as professionals b. Practice the profession d. Allof the above 3. What is the Compensation for long term relation in a project? a. Lump Sum ¢. Project Cost b. MPDE d, Professional fee & expenses 4. What method of compensation having a continuing relationship with the architect?” a. MOPE ¢. Additional Expenses b. PCC d Fixed Fee 5, Minimum building footprint of interior lot? a, 1000 sq. m, ¢, 250sqm ». 301 sq. m. 4. 600 sq.m. 6, What are the scope of services that the architect in charge of construction liable for? a. Quality Control ©. Preparation of Daily Inspection Reports / Filing b.Evaluation of Construction of documents Work 4. Allof the above 7. Minimum air space per occupant for school? a. 300 cu, meters with 1,00 sq ©.3,00-cu. meters with 3.00 sq, meter of floor meter of floor area per person area per person . 4.00 cu, meters with 2.50 sq, d. 6.00 cu. meters with 3,00 sq. meter of floor meter of floor area per person atea per person 8, What is the standard height of Habitable Rooms, Kitchen, Utility room, etc? a. 280 meters ¢. 3.00 meters b. 240meters 4. 295 meters 9. In oneltwo-storey building, what is the height from floor to ceiling? 2.2.40 meters ©. 2.70 meters b. 2.00 meters 4. 3.00 meters 10. Minimum width of doorlentrance according to BP344? 2. 0.70 meters c.0.90 meters .0.80 meters 4. None of the above 52

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