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In groups, with your instructor’s supervision, conduct a small research project or a

small-scale opinion survey on ONE of the following topics (You may choose any topic
that intrigues your group). Present your findings to your classmates.

Topic 1: Vietnam in foreigners’ eyes

Interview foreigners who have been to Vietnam (for study or work) to find our their
perceptions and understanding of Vietnamese people and culture. What are they most
impressed by? What were the influential factors to their stereotypes of Vietnam before
they came to our country? Have their stereotypes changed after their stay in Vietnam?

Topic 2: Ethnocentrism vs Xenocentrism

Define “Ethnocentrism” and “Xenocentrism”. What are the differences between them?
Interview people around you about their consumer behavour (buying habits), linguistic
behaviour, preferred entertainment forms, educational choices, travel choices ... to find
out if they are more ethnocentric (prefer their own country’s culture) or xenocentric
(prefer another country’s culture) and what are the causes of this tendency.

Topic 3: Interracial/Interreligious relationships

Interview people who are having interracial or interreligious relationships (romance
and marriage) to find out Vietnamese people’s acceptance of and reactions to their
relationships. Apply the intercultural communication theories and concepts that you
have learned in the course to explain the findings of your survey

Topic 4: Film analysis

Watch the film CRASH (2004) (Director: Paul Haggis)
Link :
This film is “a picture of the complexity of race and ethnic relations in America ...
Crash illuminates the concept that prejudice is not limited to the ignorant and the cruel,
and that racists are often the victims of racism. It shows the multi-level nature of
prejudice. It shows that those who see themselves as free of prejudice can be cruel or
violent in a given moment based on racial or ethnic bias.”
Find out the incidents of prejudice based on race and ethnicity in the film. Analyze them
by applying the intercultural communication theories and concepts taught in the course
NOTE: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of
intercultural communication. You are NOT required to judge the effectiveness of
the film or explain what happens within it.

Topic 5: Reality television

Do you watch reality shows on TV? Most of them originated in another culture, then
were modified and remade for the Vietnamese audience. What is your favourite show?
Find out the background of this show. What do the changes in the show tell you about
cultural values and notions of identity in Vietnam? Is the show influential enough to
change your perceptions and/or behaviours? If so, how?

Topic 6: Social media

Access social network sites to find posts that either reflect negative stereotypes and/or
prejudiced attitudes or posts that take a social justice perspective on the topic (e.g., the
posts suggesting ways to combat these ingattitudes and beliefs)
Consider whether social media has increased, decreased, or has no overall effect on
stereotypic beliefs and prejudicial attitudes.


- Whatever topic you choose, you MUST submit a request for approval via email to
the instructor
- Consult your instructor for further instructions on the topic of your choice
- In order to collect data for your analysis, you can read publications and research
online. You can also conduct a small-scale survey by either interviewing or
surveying people within a small group
- Your analysis should employ intercultural communication theories and concepts
that you have learned in the course. Briefly review these concepts with proper
referencing before presenting your analysis.
- Discuss the implications of your findings in intercultural communication and
intercultural competence improvement
- Include the list of reference materials, using APA format
- Creativity in the way to organize and present information is encouraged
- Present the findings of your project in a video clip
- Fill in the attached Team Collaboration Report and submit it to the instructor
together with the Presentation performance kit

Note : Plagiarism will be severely punished.


After delivering your presentation, you’re required to submit a package of the following
materials to your lecturer :
1. Video presentation
2. Detailed outline (including sources of reference)
3. Video clips/audio files used for illustration (if any)
4. Team collaboration report

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