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Name of the Students: Pillos, Lea Joy C.

Course: BEED GEN 4B

Subject: FS 1 Date : October 16, 2023
Professor: Mrs. Lolita Cruz

FIELD STUDY 1: Episode No. 2 - Learner Diversity:Developmental Characteristics, Needs and


Activity 2.1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, pls work on the following
1. Observe 1 group of learners from the given grade level to you
2. Describe each of the learners based on your observation
3. Validate your observation by interviewing the learners
4. Compare them in terms of their interests and needs.
Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to documents your observations.
1. Read the following statement carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
Learners’ Development Matrix
Record the data you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and needs in the
matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners’ at the different
levels. The item under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample
indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.

Elementary High School
Indicate age range of
Development Indicate age range of Indicate the age
children observed: 3
Domain children observed: 5 range of children
–7 observed
Physical I observed that they In this grade levels,
Gross-motor skills do not act this way, they are overly active
Fine- motor skills either because they and energetic,
Self-help skills are shy or because especially with things
Others they simply adhere to that are around
what is happening them.
around them. When it comes to
I also noticed that tasks, they already
while they are doing know how to come
their tasks or up with anything
activities, such as related to the topic
drawing, they ask assigned by their
their teacher for teacher, especially
assistance. Most of while doing group
the learners copy the activities. They can
drawing they saw on make their own
the picture, but there decisions,
are those who understand topics,
actually can't really and are willing to
recognize what they engage in all
are drawing. activities in class.

Social They are friendly, and In Elementary levels,

Interaction with they share with the Pupils communicate
teachers Interaction class literally every with their teachers
with little discovery they while providing
classmates/friend make. They also insights or
Interests share something, suggestions on the
such as food or topic that their
snacks, with their teacher is presenting.
classmates. When they
participate in group
activities, everyone
works together, and
when they have
questions or get
curious about
something, they ask
their teacher so that
they may know or
remove their doubts
in that matter, so that
in these grade levels,
they can ask
questions about what
they observe around
Emotional They are instantly As I observed in this
Moods and upset when grade level, students
temperament, something does not know how to express
expression of go as planned, but themselves,
feelings, Emotional they are cheerful and especially at the
Independence usually display good primary level, as well
Others emotion toward as explain their
others. However, problems to their
they cry easily when teachers. When they
they are injured or want anything, they
when someone has a let their teacher
harsh attitude know straight away,
towards them. and if they don't get
that immediately, it's
okay with them
because they have
patience and the will
to wait on such

Cognitive They imitate or They communicate

Communication Skills repeat what adults properly, and I've
Thinking skills do, especially when noticed that they are
Problem solving they think that an respectful when
Others activity is enjoyable communicating with
or awakens extreme someone older than
feelings in them. them, they are
always saying "po
and opo," "please,"
and "thank you."
These are some of
the words I always
hear from them, and
when they speak
with their classmates,
they call them by
their proper names,
and when it comes to
making decisions,
they are able to make
their own.
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these characteristics, think of implications for the teachers
Salient Characteristics Implications to the Teaching-
Observed Learning Process
Preschool *Preschoolers like to move *Therefore, the teacher should
Age range of learners around a lot remember to use music and
observed __3-4____ movements activities not just in PE
but in all subject areas.
Therefore, teachers should not
expect preschoolers to stay seated
for a long period of time.

Do it now :
Age range of learners
Elementary Elementary students are *Therefore, the teachers'
Age range of learners enthusiastic and perceptions of their ability to
observed: 5 - 11 hardworking, and they have a apply efficient instructional
desire to push themselves to strategies, classroom
their limitations. management, and engage
students in participation
could motivate pupils to
* As a result, teacher
motivation among students
plays an important role in
making educational tasks
extremely difficult.
High School
Age range of learners
Answer the following:
1. While you are observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were
their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you observed?
Ans: All of those actions that I observe in my pupils right now, I had as well when I was in
elementary school. I am the type of person who is joyful and sometimes simply remains silent
on the side yet participates in group activities, recitations, and so on. And what I noticed in
these kids is that they truly enjoy when they learn something new from their teacher, they are
extremely active in the classroom, and they are very friendly. Those are the similarities from
when I was in elementary school. I am very thankful because somehow it is easier to access
their lessons because of the new technology in this era. Because of this, they are more
motivated to study and focus on learning compared to us before. Yes, we learned a lot, but it is
not enough, especially in the instructional materials used by the teachers before.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she or he
help or not help you with your needs? (physical, emotional, social and cognitive)? How
did it affect you? I am grateful to my cooperating teacher because she welcomed me
with open arms and introduced me to all of her pupils as a future teacher, friend, and
second mother in school. It means a lot to me to remember the good things that my CT
did for me. I saw that she is very hands-on with her pupils, especially when they do
something wrong; she talks to them in a way that makes them realize their mistakes; she
is genuinely pleasant; and she treats each one as if they're her own children. I can't say
anything to her because she's working her job as a teacher and a mother.
3. Share your other insights here.
Ans: Working with a different group of students is a difficult task. As a future teacher, we must
recognize that these differences are part of what affects student performance. No matter what
their needs are, we, as teachers, must be able to respond to them. When working with a variety
of students, we must change our approaches and techniques. The most important thing,
though, is that we accept these differences and inspire other students to be confident in
themselves since they are unique.

Show your learning artifacts

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip
some readings about this theory and paste them here.
Ans: Learning is influenced by development. As we progress through life, our human skills and
abilities become stronger and more developed. These many stages will provide us with
developmental patterns that will allow our body and brain to complete a certain activity. Every
stage of development affects how we learn and respond to challenges. This is emphasized by
Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory. Piaget's theory basically states that we progress
through several phases of mental development. This is why our learning ability, comprehension,
and knowledge acquisition differs between childhood and adulthood. Our intelligence evolves
from infancy to adulthood. Using this tool to better understand pupils will help me realize that
differentiated and adjusted responses in terms of education and assessment are necessary.
Evaluation Rubrics
Name of FS Student :______________________________
Date Submitted:____________________________
Episode Number: __________
Learning Excellent (4) V S (3) S (2) NI (1)
All observation 1 to 2 3 observation 4 or more
questions/tasks observations/tasks questions/tasks not observation
completely not answered/accomplish questions/tasks not
answered/accomplish answered/accomplish ed answered/accomplish
ed ed ed
All questions were All questions were Questions were not 4 or more
answered completely answered completely; answered completely; observation questions
;answers are with answer are clearly answers are not were not answered;
depth and are connected to clearly connected to answer not
thoroughly grounded theories; grammar theories; 1 to 3 connected to
on theories; grammar and spelling are free grammatical/spelling theories; more than 4
and spelling are free from errors errors grammatical spelling
from error errors
Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what depth,\; supported by shallow/;somewhat rarely supported by
Reflection were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed
Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes. Complete, outcomes. Complete; learning outcomes. learning outcomes;
well organized, highly well organized, very Complete not not complete; not
relevant to the relevant to the organized, relevant to organized, not
learning outcome learning outcome the learning outcome relevant
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted 2 days or
Submission deadline deadline the deadline more after the

Over-all Score __________

Rating (Based on the transmutation) _________

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