Linear Optical Effects in Z-Scan Measurements of Thin Films

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Linear optical effects

in Z-scan measurements of thin films

Brian M. Patterson, W. Roc White, Todd A. Robbins, and Randall J. Knize

We show that it is possible, in Z-scan measurements of thin films, to obtain data that closely resemble
typical results for nonlinear optical materials, but which actually arise from linear optical effects caused
by sample damage. Z-scan measurements on a silica-based thin film yielded the expected peak–valley
signature of Z-scan data, but subsequent analysis and microscopic examination of the film indicated that
the data resulted from an ablation hole produced in the film when it was near the laser focus. The
resulting spatial variation of the linear refractive index of the film produced a lensing effect that
mimicked the typical Z-scan response. Scalar diffraction theory was used to model the effects of a
spatially varying refractive index and gave results that qualitatively agreed with the Z-scan measure-
ments. © 1998 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 310.6860, 190.4400.

The Z-scan technique, developed in 1989 by Sheik- silica substrate by use of a composite Cu:SiO2
Bahae and co-workers,1,2 is a simple single-beam sputtering target with 10% Cu atomic concentration.
method for characterizing the third-order response of A film thickness of 130~20! nm was determined by
a nonlinear optical material. Since that time, the profilometer measurements carried out at the edges
technique has been used to analyze a variety of ma- of the deposited film. Separate measurements indi-
terials. The Z-scan measurement provides informa- cated a linear optical absorption of approximately 1%
tion on both the sign and the magnitude of the at the 532-nm wavelength used in the subsequent
nonlinear refractive index n2 and offers the advan- Z-scan measurements. Although we did not carry
tages of simplicity and high sensitivity. Care must out a detailed microstructural analysis, the deposi-
be taken, however, to ensure that the laser-pulse en- tion technique used to prepare these films typically
ergy is below the damage threshold of the sample. produces fine metallic particles dispersed in an amor-
This is particularly important for thin films in which phous SiO2 matrix for low metal concentrations.4
the absorbing medium can be confined to a thickness For the case of nanometer-sized particles, these types
of less than a micrometer. In this paper we use the of granular materials are of current scientific interest
Z-scan technique to measure the optical response of a because of reported enhancements in their nonlinear
thin copper-doped silica film and obtain data that are optical properties.5–7 Our results, however, are in-
similar to those obtained from bulk nonlinear optical dependent of the exact nature of the microstructure
materials. We show that the Z-scan data from the and should apply to any thin film.
thin film actually arise from linear optical effects The Z-scan experimental setup is shown schemat-
caused by laser ablation and not from nonlinear op- ically in Fig. 1. For these measurements, we used a
tical effects. frequency-doubled Coherent Infinity Nd:YAG laser ~l
The film used in this study was prepared with a rf 5 532 nm! with 3-ns pulses operated at a 50-Hz
sputtering technique that has been described else- repetition rate. The laser had Gaussian temporal
where.3 Briefly, the film was deposited onto a fused- and spatial profiles. We produced a top-hat beam
profile by expanding the beam and passing it through
a 6-mm aperture ~not shown!. We focused the top-
hat beam to a 65-mm-diameter focal spot, correspond-
The authors are with the Laser and Optics Research Center,
Department of Physics, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado 80840. ing to the first Airy pattern minimum, using a 30-cm
Received 28 July 1997; revised manuscript received 4 November focal length lens. For the Z-scan measurements, the
1997. sample was translated along the optical axis of the
0003-6935y98y101854-04$15.00y0 beam, and the transmitted light intensity was re-
© 1998 Optical Society of America corded as a function of sample position z with use of

1854 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 10 y 1 April 1998

Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement for the Z-scan measurement.
The laser beam is focused with a lens of focal length f, and the
detector is located a distance zD away from the focus. The thin
film is moved a distance z relative to the lens focal point, and the
light transmitted through an aperture is measured.

an apertured detector in the far field. Measure-

ments were carried out over a pulse energy range of
5 to 50 mJ. The resulting maximum on-axis inten-
sities therefore varied from approximately 1.5 to 15 3
1012 Wm22 at the beam focus.
Because of self-focusing or self-defocusing effects in
a nonlinear sample, the transmitted light intensity
varies as the sample is moved relative to the focus.
The value of the nonlinear index can be extracted
from this variation in transmission. For our mea-
surements, we calculated the value of n2 using an Fig. 2. Normalized Z-scan data for ~a! the 1-mm cuvette of CS2
analysis developed by Zhao and Palffy-Muhoray for and ~b! the Cu:SiO2 thin film. The transmission was normalized
top-hat beam profiles.8 We determined the nonlin- with data obtained at large values of z. The error for the trans-
ear index in electrostatic units ~esu’s! from the Z-scan mission values is approximately twice the size of the data symbol.
data using2,8
n2 5 , (1) 2~b! for an incident laser-pulse energy of 30 mJ. The
80p2LeffI0 pattern is inverted relative to the CS2 data indicating
where n0 is the intensity-independent linear refrac- a negative nonlinearity. When the data were ana-
tive index, l is the laser wavelength, and I0 is the lyzed as described above, a value of 21.5 3 1027 esu
maximum on-axis intensity at the focus. The effec- was obtained for n2, in apparent agreement with re-
tive sample thickness Leff is defined in terms of the ports for similar granular materials.5 It is impor-
linear absorption coefficient a as Leff 5 ~eaL 2 1!ya, tant to note, however, that for measurements carried
where L is the actual sample thickness. We deter- out on a pristine region of the film, no Z-scan re-
mined the phase shift F0 introduced by the nonlinear sponse was observed for pulse energies less than a
sample using8 threshold of approximately 20 mJ. Subsequent

measurements at low pulse energies, carried out af-
Tpv ter exposure to energies greater than this threshold,
F0 5 2.7 tanh21 , (2) did show a response and suggested that the film had
2.8~1 2 S!1.14
been modified permanently by the laser interaction.
where Tpv is the transmittance difference between Further analysis, described below, indicated that the
the peak ~maximum! and valley ~minimum! of the transmittance variation observed in these Z-scan
Z-scan data ~see, for example, Fig. 2! and S is the measurements was not a nonlinear optical effect but
aperture linear transmittance. The aperture trans- resulted from a hole ablated into the film when the
mittance is the fraction of the incident power that is sample was near the beam focus. The resulting spa-
transmitted through the detector aperture with the tial dependence of the linear refractive index n0 pro-
sample removed. Results of a test run using a 1-mm duced an intensity variation that mimicked the third-
cuvette of CS2 are shown in Fig. 2~a!. We measured order nonlinear optical effect.
n2 for CS2 to be 11.2 ~0.4! 3 10211 esu, which agrees We carried out additional measurements for both
with the value of 11.2 3 10211 esu reported for the the CS2 and the Cu:SiO2 film using a range of laser
reorientational Kerr effect in CS2.2,8 The positive intensities. The results are summarized in Fig. 3.
nonlinearity is confirmed by the valley–peak config- Because n2 is a material parameter that does not
uration of the data. depend on laser intensity for low powers, each Z-scan
Z-scan data for the Cu:SiO2 film are shown in Fig. measurement should yield the same value for n2.

1 April 1998 y Vol. 37, No. 10 y APPLIED OPTICS 1855

Fig. 3. Intensity variation of the magnitude of the nonlinear re-
fractive index n2 calculated from the Z-scan data for CS2 ~filled
circles! and the Cu:SiO2 thin film ~open squares!. The dashed
curve represents an I21 dependence.

For CS2, the magnitude of n2 was independent of

laser intensity to within the precision of the measure-
ment. The film data, however, showed a strong de-
pendence on intensity and thus did not involve a
purely nonlinear optical response. The intensity de-
pendence of these data can be explained by an effec-
tive linear refractive-index change Dn0 resulting from
the presence of an ablation hole. The overall
refractive-index n 5 n0 1 ~n2y2! uEu2 can be written in
terms of Dn0 as Fig. 5. ~a! Incident field amplitude fa~r! for various positions ~z!

of the film plane. ~b! Calculated power received by the detector as
n2 Dn0 a function of sample position.
n 5 n0 1 1 uEu2. (3)
2 uEu2
The effective nonlinear index of refraction n2eff 5 film material. For the six ablation holes examined,
n2 1 2Dn0yuEu2 contains a true optical nonlinearity the hole diameter ranged from approximately 25 to
and a linear optical term that depends inversely on 80 mm, roughly the spot size of the focused laser
the intensity, which is in qualitative agreement with beam. The holes were all approximately 130 nm
the film data shown in Fig. 3. deep, suggesting that they extend through the entire
To confirm the presence of ablation holes, pro- thickness of the film.
filometer measurements were carried out on the film Ablation of the Cu:SiO2 film results in a lensing
surface in the areas used for the Z-scan measure- effect similar to a diverging lens, which can produce
ments. The results for one profilometer measure- a Z-scan signal similar to a material with a negative
ment are shown in Fig. 4. The figure clearly n2. This is shown with scalar diffraction theory9 to
indicates a hole in the film resulting from ablation of follow the propagation of the top-hat beam through
the experimental setup. Assuming azimuthal sym-
metry, the field amplitude fa~r, z! at the film plane
can be determined from the initial top-hat profile
c0~s! before the focusing lens:

k exp F ikr2
fa~r, z! 5
2~ f 1 z!
i~ f 1 z! * c0~s! L~s!

3 J0 k
2~ f 1 z!
sds, G (4)

where z is the position of the film relative to the focal

point and L~s! 5 exp~2iks2y2f ! is the phase shift
induced by the initial f 5 30-cm focal length converg-
Fig. 4. Profilometer scan showing a laser ablation hole in the ing lens. Figure 5~a! shows the resulting field am-
Cu:SiO2 thin film. plitude for various positions of the film plane

1856 APPLIED OPTICS y Vol. 37, No. 10 y 1 April 1998

determined from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG top- agreement with scalar diffraction calculations based
hat beam with a 6-mm diameter. The top-hat profile on the presence of an ablation hole. Other than the
produces several higher-order Fourier components, cautionary note for Z-scan measurements of thin
which explains the secondary maxima and minima. films, the creation of this type of microlens could
In the film plane, the wave undergoes a phase shift potentially be useful in data storage or optical pro-
with a radial dependence. For a film with thickness cessing applications. The difference between maxi-
d, the transmission function T~s! was represented as mum and minimum transmission in the actual data

is quite significant considering that it is due to a
1 s,a linear effect and is thus present even for low-incident
T~s! 5 , (5)
exp~iu! s $ a signal levels.
where u 5 ~n 2 1!kd and a is the radius of the hole in We gratefully acknowledge K. M. Unruh and I.
the ablated film. This acts similar to a negative lens Weerasekera of the University of Delaware for fabri-
because the index of refraction n ' 1.5 is higher for cation of the Cu:SiO2 thin film and the financial sup-
the film ~s . a! than for the ablated region ~s , a! port of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
where n 5 1. The wave propagation to the detector
plane yields the field amplitude fD: References

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