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Journal of Language and Education




Yupi Yana Munthe

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan


Language skills can be obtained by mastering vocabulary first. With that, this study will
use the application as a medium for learning vocabulary. So that mastery can grow
optimally with learning methods like this. This is also related to the nature of the
environment which lacks insight into the media (smartphone) and also the limitations of
something that is always unconditional (economic). This study aims to make it easier for
students to improve vocabulary mastery so that it is easy to learn and understand. The
subjects of this study were students of class X- IPA 1 Tunas Bangsa Private High School,
the sample used was 32 students. The method used in this research is Classroom Action
which is carried out in two cycles. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.
Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In qualitative data obtained through
observation activities. Meanwhile, quantitative data were obtained through pre-test and
post- test. Based on quantitative data, the use of the Rosetta Stone application can
improve vocabulary mastery skills in students. This can be seen from the pre-test and
post-test results. In the pre-test, the percentage of student scores was at 59.65%. Then in
the first post-test, the percentage of student scores was at 67.84%. Whereas in the second
post-test the percentage of student scores was at 79.53%. From the data found, we can
see that the Rosetta Stone application is proven to be able to significantly improve
students' vocabulary mastery.
Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary, Rosetta Stone Application, Media.

Henry Sweet, an English phonetician and language scholar, stated that “Language is
the expression of ideas by means of speech-sounds combined into words. Words combined
into sentences, this combination answering to that of ideas into thought”. Language is

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succinctly defined in our Glossary as “human system of communication that uses arbitrary
signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols”. (Daulay, 2017)
English is the language used to communicate between one country and another,
therefore English needs to be learned. According to Ali, English is an important language
for human’s world communication, because English becomes one of the languages that
understood by the people from all of the world and it becomes all of the people can use to
communicate with no worry that the other people will don’t know it. (Purba, 2018) In
Indonesia, English becomes one of the subjects that is tested in the School National
Examination, the government makes English as one of the compulsory subjects in the
curriculum from elementary to tertiary level. (Rahayu, 2016) Because the National
Examination was no longer ideal as a benchmark for national education, the government
decided to replace the UN into a competition assessment and character survey with the
concept of PISA (international student assessment program). But studying English in
Indonesia is very important. because English is one of the most common subjects in
Indonesia which has been registered in the curriculum at elementary, junior high and
high school to university level as an international subject. (Rahayu, 2016)
In learning English four skills must be learned by the students, namely speaking,
writing, listening and reading that are prominent language skills in the language learning
process. (Harmer, 2001) Hence, to master these four things, students must learn and
master the most basic things. First, vocabulary. (Harmer, 1991) According to Palmer, as
quoted in Richards, vocabulary is one of the most important components in foreign
language learning. (Harmer, 1991) Mastering vocabulary will make students feel easier
to learn English. Because, when we listen to something in English, with a collection of
vocabulary that has been understood it will be easy to get the meaning of what is heard.
Likewise, speaking, when we will convey ideas or concepts, it will require a collection of
vocabulary that can be chosen to convey it. When writing, we can use a collection of
vocabulary to compose ideas that have been held. With a collection of vocabulary that has
been mastered, the reading process will be fun because it has understood every word
used. And by mastering vocabulary, it's also easier for us to use grammatical structures
and functions.
Based on the regulation of the Minister of National Education number 47 of 2010
which states that vocabulary is included in the scope of survival English which is the
standard competency of student graduates senior high school level. This competency

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requires students to be able to perform social functions in society by using sentence
structure and vocabulary. (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No.47, 2010) At the
high school level, vocabulary is also regulated in the 2013 Curriculum where students are
expected to express meaning and contextual ideas in the form of functional texts and short
essays. Vocabulary words are presented in the form of several types of texts. (Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013) In the competency-based curriculum, which requires
students to master a vocabulary of 1000-1500 words each year, so that senior high school
students in three years must be able to master at least 4000 words. (Nation, 1990)
However, the 2013 curriculum still found weaknesses in the application of class
problems that occur as follows, where they still have difficulty in using English even
though only in class. When researchers ask students' difficulties at Tunas Bangsa school
about learning English, they mostly do not understand and do not know how to speak
English. They also did not understand when the teacher explained using English. English
teachers who teach at Tunas Bangsa School assess that during their study hours students
do not enjoy learning, because they do not understand English. Most students are often
reluctant to answer when the teacher asks students to use English, especially between
written and spoken English is often different.
From the problems found above, the most possible way to solve the problems is by
utilizing technological advances. One of the current technologies that can be integrated
into teaching and learning English vocabulary is a smartphone. On smartphones, we can
find a variety of applications that can help us improve our vocabulary mastery like
Duolingo, cake application, Quizlite, rosetta stone and others.
On this occasion, researchers will discuss smartphone applications that can
improve student vocabulary, namely Rosetta Stone. This application is a lot of research
and is proven to improve students' ability in mastering vocabulary. According to Stephen,
Rosetta Stone is a foreign language learning software with the help of computers launched
by the company Rosetta Stone Inc. This software uses images, text, sound and video to
teach words and grammar with repeated spaces without translation. (Yudishtira, 2015)
However, this Rosetta Stones application can be downloaded via the PlayStore
service on smartphones. This application is also a highly recommended application for
beginners who want to learn English without having to pay a lot of money. This
application can be used without having to depend on the network. This application also
teaches vocabulary with pictures and accompanied by sound to make it easier for us to

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learn good and correct pronunciation. This application also not only teaches about
vocabulary, but wherewith this application we can also practice making sentences from
the vocabulary we learn, and also we can learn writing, speaking, grammar and listening.
And in the Rosetta Stone application also provides training for each field. Wherewith the
exercise we can test how far the lessons we understand. (
In previous studies, Nursaima’s research in using Rosetta Stone application
effective as a medium in teaching vocabulary mastery of seventh-grade students of SMPN
3 Padangsidimpuan with a mean score of 74,24. In Yusdistira's research in using the
Rosetta Stone application can show significant or successful differences in learning to
listen in French in one of the Bantul State Vocational Schools. In Hanif's research, he was
obsessed with using the Rosetta Stone application as a medium in teaching vocabulary to
students in one of North Aceh's elementary schools. Where in his research he said that the
application of Rosetta Stone was successful and was highly recommended as a medium
for learning. (Hanif, 2010)
Therefore, in this research, the researcher chooses Rosetta Stone application as a
medium to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at tenth- grade Swasta Tunas Bangsa
High School, because this media had never been used in the learning process. Where on
PT Salim Ivo Mas Pratama is still very behind with technological advancements, because
there are still many places that do not get internet network. Only in a few places can use
the internet network in the area of PTSalim Ivo Mas Pratama. According to the author's
experience when doing practical teaching (PPL), the author has made a little observation
of students' perceptions in learning English. Where the result of observation is students
are bored with the teaching methods of teachers who use media markers and
blackboards. Students also do not understand what the teacher says when the teacher
explains in English. When the author gives two choices to students where the choices are:
First, learning only by using a marker and whiteboard media, or can be called the lecture
method. Second, learn by using technology, be it in focus with videos, songs or
Smartphones. 90% of students choose the second choice.


The data was analyzed by quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data
were taken from the mean of student’s score at pre-test and post-test. The data were taken
from a class which consisted of 36 students. The qualitative data were taken from

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interview, observation sheet, diary note and documentation. This research was done in
two cycle. Every cycle consisted of four steps of action research (plan, action, observation
and reflection).
The cycle 1 encompassed pre- test carried out in three meetings, and the cycle 2
was undertaken in two meetings. The students were given a test every the end of cycle,
post-test 1 in the last cycle 1, and post-test 2 in the last cycle 2.
The total score of students test
Cycle I Cycle II
No Initial Names of The
Pre-test Post Test I Post Test II
1. Students AIS 78 85 92
2. AF 38 54 78
3. US 75 78 90
4. CS 58 68 83
5. CAS 51 67 79
6. DN 56 78 88
7. EM 50 73 87
8. FH 59 75 83
9. KN 32 48 72
10. LA 36 50 63
11. MR 45 58 86
12. MLN 76 80 88
13. MDH 38 42 58
14. MIS 51 75 86
15. NP 60 70 79
16. NDT 69 72 88
17. NY 39 45 65
18. NH 75 80 90
19. NS 62 75 89
20. NST 55 76 85
21. RW 45 70 70
22. RN 60 65 75

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23. RA 78 75 80
24. RP 67 85 80
25. SHE 54 60 83
26. SNP 49 58 65
29. SW 55 40 59
30. SUS 68 69 76
31. TS 70 73 79
32. WG 74 65 83
Total ƩX 190 217 254
The mean score 9
59,65 1
67,84 5

This research was conducted to determine the development of students' vocabulary

understanding through the Rosetta Stone application in class X SMA Swasta Tunas Bangsa
as a learning medium. Research conducted by researchers shows that the Rosetta Stone
application can develop students' understanding of vocabulary mastery. This can be seen
from the results of the pre-test and post-test. The research results can be seen in appendix
Interpretation of data from the pre-test, post-test I and post-test results II. The mean
score of students in the pre-test was 1,909 with the percentage of the class
being18.75%The number of students who passed the test and scored up to75 was 6
students. And the mean score of students in the post-test I is2.171 with class
percentage40.62%. The number of students who passed the test and scored up to 75 was
as many 13students. The mean score of students in the post-test II was2,545 with a class
percentage of 75%. The number of students who passed the test and scored up to 75 was
24 students.
Furthermore, the mean score on the post-test was 65.62%, indicating that there
was an increase in students' vocabulary understanding compared to the previous test
(pre- test), namely59.65.Meanwhile, from the test results, there is an increase in the
students' vocabulary mastery understanding ability. For more details, see the
attachments. In the post-test I test, the number of students who still need to be improved
is 19 students. The target of the success of class action in the first cycle of luck40.62%,
therefore the researcher decided to proceed to the second cycle.

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Then the total mean score of the students on the second post-test was 79.53. The
percentage of the total class is 2,545 where the results show that there are 24 students
who managed to score> 75. From the total number of students is 32 students. And there
were 8 students who did not succeed or get scores below 75. Then finally the classroom
action researcher was declared successful in the second cycle, where the achievement of
the average score could reach> 75. Then the cycle can also be stopped. Through the
Rosetta Stone application, you can improve the vocabulary mastery of class X IPA-1 SMA
Swasta Tunas Bangsa.
In this study, researchers used the Rosetta Stone application as a learning medium
that did not bore students while learning and could also improve students' vocabulary
mastery. By downloading the Rosetta Stone application on a smartphone and choosing
the vocabulary level you want to learn and apply, it also provides a good and correct
reading method and how to structure sentences properly. So that using the Rosetta Stone
application can improve student vocabulary mastery.
By using the Rosetta Stone application it can also attract students to learn with
this application because it is accompanied by interesting pictures and exercises.

After the classroom action research was applied to middle school students and
above. The researchers concluded that: first, the use of the Rosetta Stone application can
improve vocabulary mastery of IPA-1 class students of SMA Tunas Bangsa for the
2020/2021 academic year. Second, the increase in students' vocabulary understanding
was also seen during the lesson using the Rosetta Stone application media. This can be
seen from the results of the pre- test and post-test I and post-test II where each cycle
of class X IPA-1
Tunas Bangsa students continues to increase.
In analyzing students' understanding of vocabulary mastery using the Rosetta
Stone application. Researchers calculated from the results of the pre-test and post-test
the students got an increase in students' vocabulary understanding. The total mean
obtained by the students included: in the pre-test, the mean score was 59.65%, in the first
post test the students 'average score was 67.84% and in the second post test the students'
average score was 79.53%. Thus the researcher draws conclusions from the test results
obtained that there is an increase in students' vocabulary in each cycle. This means that

Bright Vision: Journal Language and Education Vol. 3 No. 1 Juni 2023 209
the use of the Rosetta Stone application is suitable for learning media for vocabulary
mastery for class X IPA-1 Tunas Bangsa students.
After conducting the research, several suggestions were given by researchers for
the heads and masters of Tunas Bangsa Private High School, English teachers, researchers
and other researchers.
1. For heads and masters to encourage teachers to apply the Rosetta Stone
Application in the teaching and learning process of English.
2. For teachers, the use of this application is very helpful for teachers to use the Rosetta
Stone application as another English medium for students, especially in teaching
vocabulary mastery understanding.
3. Researchers must develop students' Reading Comprehension through the Rosetta
Stone Application. This can be seen from the increase in students' vocabulary
mastery understanding after implementing this application.
4. For other researchers, this research can be useful as an addition and a reference
in conducting research related to the research that has been done.

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